Contents at a Glance


About the Authors



PART I: packetC Background

images CHAPTER 1: Origins of packetC

images CHAPTER 2: Introduction to the packetC Language

images CHAPTER 3: Style Guidelines for packetC Programs

images CHAPTER 4: Construction of a packetC Program

images CHAPTER 5: Variables: Identifiers, Basic Scalar Data Types, and Literals

PART II: Language Reference

images CHAPTER 6: Data Initialization and Mathematical Expressions

images CHAPTER 7: Functions

images CHAPTER 8: packetC Data Type Fundamentals

images CHAPTER 9: C-Style Data Types

images CHAPTER 10: Basic Packet Interaction and Operations

images CHAPTER 11: Selection Statements

images CHAPTER 12: Loops and Flow Control

images CHAPTER 13: Exception Handling

images CHAPTER 14: packetC Database Types and Operations

images CHAPTER 15: packetC Search Set Types and Operations

images CHAPTER 16: Reference Type and Operations

images CHAPTER 17: Semaphores in packetC

images CHAPTER 18: Packet Information Block and System Packet Operations

images CHAPTER 19: Descriptor Type and Operations

PART III: Developing Applications

images CHAPTER 20: Control Plane and System Interaction

images CHAPTER 21: packetC Pre-Processor

images CHAPTER 22: Pragmas and Other Key Compiler Directives

images CHAPTER 23: Developing Large Applications in packetC

images CHAPTER 24: Construction of a packetC Executable

images CHAPTER 25: packetC Standard Networking Descriptors

images CHAPTER 26: Developing for Performance

images CHAPTER 27: Standard Libraries

PART IV: Industry Reprints

images REPRINT 1: packetC Language for High Performance Packet Processing

images REPRINT 2: A Paradigm for Processing Network Protocols in Parallel

images REPRINT 3: Dynamically Accessing Packet Header Fields at High-speed

images REPRINT 4: packetC Language and Parallel Processing of Masked Databases

images REPRINT 5: Packet Content Matching with packetC Searchsets

images REPRINT 6: References for Run-time Aggregate Selection with Strong Typing

images REPRINT 7: Portable Bit Fields in packetC

images REPRINT 8: packet Field and Bitfield Allocation Order

images REPRINT 9: Managing Heterogeneous Architectures for High-speed Packet Processing

images APPENDIX A: Reference Tables

images APPENDIX B: Open Systems Vendors for packetC

images APPENDIX C: Glossary


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