List of Figures

Figure 1.1. Stele of the Lady Taperet (Louvre museum)

Figure 1.2. Device and Newton’s rings

Figure 1.3. Emission and absorption of a photon

Figure 1.4. The International Congress of Physics, Solvay in Brussels (1927)

Figure 2.1. Aeneas the Tactician device

Figure 2.2. Roman telegraph station (low-relief of the Trojan column in Roma)

Figure 2.3. Robert Hooke’s telegraph

Figure 2.4. The Chappe’s system used high points (towers, bell towers, etc.)

Figure 2.5. Mechanism developed by Chappe: three articulated arms

Figure 2.6. The Chappe’s telegraph [JOI 96]

Figure 2.7. Signals used in the final code of Chappe’s telegraph

Figure 2.8. The Chappe’s code [Libois, unpublished]

Figure 2.9. An English heliograph

Figure 2.10. Lesuerre’s heliograph

Figure 2.11. Mangin’s telegraph

Figure 2.12. Using the optical telegraph of Colonel Mangin

Figure 2.13. The photophone

Figure 2.14. Marconi radio equipment

Figure 3.1. Communication history

Figure 3.2. Modules of an optical wireless device

Figure 3.3. Line of sight

Figure 3.4. (a) Multisectoral, (b) angular diversity, and (c) imaging reception

Figure 3.5. Wide line of sight

Figure 3.6. Diffusion

Figure 3.7. Controlled diffusion

Figure 3.8. Representation of the real components of the electric and magnetic fields along the direction of propagation

Figure 3.9. Free-space propagation with reflection

Figure 3.10. Local approximation of a wave surface by a plane wave

Figure 3.11. Electromagnetic spectrum

Figure 3.12. Spectral band

Figure 3.13. Curve of brightness of solar radiation

Figure 3.14. The optical spectrum of a tungsten filament lamp

Figure 3.15. Spectrum of quasi-monochromatic source (v0)

Figure 3.16. OSI model example

Figure 3.17. TCP/IP model

Figure 3.18. Communication between SPOT-4 and Artemis with Silex laser system (Source: ESA)

Figure 3.19. Visplan (Source: JVC)

Figure 3.20. Wireless optic ecosystem

Figure 4.1. General form of narrowband signal

Figure 4.2. Photo electrical detection and wavelength

Figure 4.3. Equivalent baseband model

Figure 4.4. Example of optical disruptors

Figure 4.5. Multipath

Figure 4.6. Example of overlapping symbols

Figure 4.7. Example of impulse response in confined environment

Figure 4.8. Example of impulse response h(t) for two FOV values

Figure 4.9. Experimental reflection patterns of a rough cement surface (before and after white painting)

Figure 4.10. Reflection patterns for a varnished wood surface

Figure 4.11. Schematic view of the modified Monte Carlo model

Figure 4.12. Subdivision of a 3D cube into patches

Figure 5.1. Transmittance of the atmosphere due to molecular absorption

Figure 5.2. Specific attenuation (dB/km) due to the rain

Figure 5.3. Wet snow: attenuation in function of snowfall

Figure 5.4. Dry snow: attenuation in function of snowfall

Figure 5.5. Influence of a large turbulent cell (deviation)

Figure 5.6. Influence of a small turbulent cell (widening of the beam)

Figure 5.7. Heterogeneities (scintillations)

Figure 5.8. Variation of the attenuation due to scintillation

Figure 5.9. Synoptic view of the experimental set-up

Figure 5.10. Light beam of the transmissometer and laser

Figure 5.11. Measurements and comparison with Kruse’s model

Figure 5.12. Measurements and comparison with Kim’s model

Figure 5.13. Measurements and comparison against Al Naboulsi’s model (advection)

Figure 5.14. Measurements and comparison against Al Naboulsi’s model (convection)

Figure 5.15. Distribution in France of the number of days with fog per year

Figure 5.16. RVR variations observed on the site of La Turbie

Figure 5.17. Direct beam transmissometer

Figure 5.18. Reflected beam transmissometer

Figure 5.19. Emission part of a transmissometer installed on the site of La Turbie

Figure 5.20. Schematic representation of the visibility measurement by backscatter

Figure 5.21. Schematic representation of the measurement of forward scatter visibility

Figure 5.22. Example of a scatterometer implemented on a motorway area

Figure 5.23. Input data acquisition screen

Figure 5.24. Results presentation screen

Figure 5.25. Screen showing the wave front propagation

Figure 6.1. Distance as a function of the divergence

Figure 6.2. Schematization of the elements of calculation of the optical power

Figure 6.3. Emission diagram and half-power angle

Figure 6.4. Example of emission diagram

Figure 6.5. Example of emission (Tx) and reception (Rx) devices

Figure 6.6. Principle of retroreflexion

Figure 6.7. Diagram of radiation of the emitted and retroreflected beam

Figure 6.8. Emitter–receptor link

Figure 6.9. Profile of the impulse response for case 4 (LOS + DIF)

Figure 7.1. Schematic cross section of an eye

Figure 7.2. Low size and wide sources

Figure 7.3. Configuration of measurement

Figure 7.4. Allowed radiation intensity class 1 [WOL 08]

Figure 8.1. Diagram of an optical wireless transmitter

Figure 8.2. Diagram of an optical wireless receiver

Figure 8.3. Band diagram of a crystal of semiconductor material

Figure 8.4. LED spontaneous emission structures

Figure 8.5. Lambert’s law: (a) I(θ) = I(0).cosθ and (b) I(θ) = I(0).(cosθ)n

Figure 8.6. Multi-chip LED spectra

Figure 8.7. Phosphor-coated LED spectra

Figure 8.8. Laser structure: thin epitaxial layers, stripe and Fabry–Perot resonator

Figure 8.9. Fabry–Perot and DFB lasers

Figure 8.10. Photovoltaic cell

Figure 8.11. Responsivity versus wavelength

Figure 8.12. Optical emission

Figure 8.13. Cassegrain telescope

Figure 8.14. Example of optical transmitter

Figure 8.15. Example of aspherical lens (a) and Fresnel (b)

Figure 8.16. Fisheye lens [ALH 06]

Figure 8.17. Example of optical high-pass filtering

Figure 9.1. The different modulation techniques

Figure 9.2. The different input–output techniques

Figure 9.3. BER of an NRZ-OOK modulation associated with a BCH code (t = 1)

Figure 9.4. BER of an NRZ-OOK modulation associated with an RS code

Figure 9.5. Schematization of a convolutional encoder with performance Rc = k/n

Figure 9.6. Example of a schematic diagram of the convolutional encoder CC (7.5)

Figure 9.7. Schematic example of error probability of an NRZ-OOK modulation

Figure 10.1. 802.11 IR frame

Figure 10.2. OWMAC layer

Figure 10.3. OWMAC frame

Figure 11.1. FSO between X and Y sites

Figure 11.2. FSO equipment example [BOU 04]

Figure 11.3. FSO implementation: potential problems to avoid

Figure 11.4. Data site and equipment example for Paris

Figure 11.5. Example of results for Paris

Figure 11.6. Example of equipment profile for Paris

Figure 11.7. Example of architecture of a wireless radio system like WiFi

Figure 11.8. Example of architecture of a wireless optical system

Figure 11.9. Simulation in a reference room

Figure 11.10. Example of a furnished room

Figure 11.11. “A” configuration example

Figure 11.12. “B” configuration example

Figure 11.13. “C” configuration example

Figure A1.1. Snell–Descartes’ laws

Figure A1.2. Real object – real image

Figure A1.3. Real object – virtual image

Figure A1.4. Solid angle

Figure A1.5. Pulsed mode

Figure A1.6. Luminance of the source

Figure A1.7. Geometrical extent of a light beam

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