
Book Description

AdobePhotoshop Elements 6.0 On Demand



• Get started quickly with the Welcome Screen

• Browse, organize, and process files using the Organizer

• Easily find and view just the photos and video clips you want to see

• Easily create photo books, calendars, collages, slide shows, scrapbook pages, greeting cards, and CD/DVD labels

• Use auto controls to quickly fix a photo

• Use Guided Edit to walk you step by step through the editing process

• Use more precise color correction to enhance a photo

• Easily brush away wrinkles and other unwanted photo results

• Use image trickery and special effects to change or enhance a photo

• Use themes and artwork to liven up your photo projects

• Create perfect group shots, seamless panoramas, and more

• Easily share your work using e-mail, online galleries, mobile phones,

On the Web

This book uses real world examples to give you a context in which to perform a task. This book also includes workshops to help you put together individual tasks into projects. The Photoshop example files that you need for project tasks are available at www.perspection.com.

Perspection has written and produced books on a variety of computer software, including Adobe Flash CS3 and 8, Adobe Photoshop CS3 and CS2, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Microsoft Office 2007 and 2003, Microsoft Windows Vista and XP, Microsoft Expression Web, and Apple Mac OS X Leopard. Perspection was founded in 1991, and is committed to providing information and training to help people use software more effectively. Perspection has written more than 80 computer books, and sold more than 5 million copies.


Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Acknowledgements
    1. Perspection, Inc.
    2. Acknowledgements
    3. About The Author
    4. We Want To Hear From You!
  3. Introduction
    1. How This Book Works
    2. What’s New
    3. Keyboard Shortcuts
    4. Step-by-Step Instructions
    5. Real World Examples
    6. Workshop
    7. Get More on the Web
      1. Transition Helpers
      2. Productivity Tools
      3. More Content
  4. 1. Getting Started with Photoshop Elements 6
    1. Introduction
    2. Installing Photoshop Elements
      1. Prepare to Install Photoshop Elements 6 for Windows
      2. Install Photoshop Elements 6 for Windows
    3. Launching Photoshop Elements
      1. Launch Photoshop Elements 6
    4. Using the Welcome Screen
      1. Use the Welcome Screen
    5. Viewing the Workspaces
      1. Organizer Workspace
      2. Editor Workspace
    6. Choosing Commands
      1. Choose a Command from a Menu
      2. Choose a Command from a Context Menu
    7. Switching Between the Organizer and Editor
      1. Switch Between the Organizer and Editor
    8. Working with the Task Pane in the Organizer
      1. Work with the Task Pane in the Organizer
    9. Working with Bins in the Editor
      1. Work with the Bins in the Editor
    10. Working with Palettes
      1. Show and Hide a Palette
      2. Collapse and Expand a Palette
      3. Use the Palette More Options Menu
    11. Moving Palettes
      1. Detach a Palette in the Editor
      2. Attach a Palette in the Editor
      3. Undock or Dock Properties Palette in the Organizer
    12. Working with Editor Tools
      1. Using the Options Bar
    13. Undoing and Redoing an Action
      1. Undo, Redo, or Cancel an Action
    14. Getting Online Information
      1. Get Online Information from Adobe
    15. Getting Help While You Work
      1. Get Program Help
      2. Get LiveDocs Help
    16. Checking for Updates and Patches
      1. Check for Updates Directly from the Internet
      2. Check for Updates from the Help Menu
    17. Exiting Photoshop Elements
      1. Exit Photoshop Elements
  5. 2. Customizing the Way You Work in the Organizer
    1. Introduction
    2. Setting General Photo Browser Preferences
      1. Set General Photo Browser Options
    3. Modifying Files Preferences
      1. Modify Files Options
    4. Setting Folder Location View Preferences
      1. Set Folder Location View Options
    5. Setting Editing Preferences
      1. Set Editing Options
    6. Setting Camera or Card Reader Preferences
      1. Set Camera or Card Reader Options
    7. Setting Scanner Preferences
      1. Set Scanner Options
    8. Setting Date View Preferences
      1. Set Date View Options
    9. Setting Keyword Tags and Albums Preferences
      1. Set Keyword Tags and Albums Options
    10. Setting Mobile Phone Preferences
      1. Set Mobile Phone Options
    11. Setting Adobe Partner Services Preferences
      1. Set Adobe Partner Services Options
    12. Setting E-mail Sharing Preferences
      1. Set E-mail Sharing Options
  6. 3. Importing Photos into the Organizer
    1. Introduction
    2. Specifying Watched Folders
      1. Add Folders to the Watched Folders List
      2. Remove Folders to the Watched Folders List
      3. Change Watch Folders Settings
    3. Importing Tags Attached to Photos
      1. Import Tags Attached to Photos
      2. Import Tags Attached to Photos Using Advanced Options
    4. Getting Photos from Files and Folders
      1. Import Photos from Files and Folders
      2. Add Photos from Specific Folders
    5. Getting Photos by Searching
      1. Search for Photos on Your Computer
    6. Getting Photos from a CD or DVD
      1. Import Photos from a CD or DVD
    7. Getting Photos from a Camera or Card Reader
      1. Import Photos from a Camera or Card Reader
    8. Getting Photos from a Scanner
      1. Import Photos from a Scanner
    9. Getting Photos from a Mobile Phone
      1. Import Photos from a Mobile Phone
    10. Getting Photos from a Video in the Editor
      1. Capture Frames from a Digital Video in the Editor
    11. Adding Photos to the Organizer from the Editor
      1. Add Photos to the Organizer from the Editor
    12. Creating and Opening a Catalog
      1. Create a New Catalog
      2. Open a Catalog
    13. Managing Catalogs
      1. Manage Catalogs
    14. Moving Files in a Catalog
      1. Move Files in a Catalog
    15. Deleting Files from a Catalog
      1. Delete Files from a Catalog
    16. Backing Up a Catalog
      1. Back Up a Catalog
    17. Restoring a Catalog Backup
      1. Restore a Catalog Backup
  7. 4. Viewing Photos in the Organizer
    1. Introduction
    2. Viewing Photos in the Photo Browser
      1. View Photos in the Photo Browser
      2. Change the View in the Photo Browser
    3. Viewing Photos by Folder Location
      1. View Photos by Folder Location
    4. Viewing Specific Files in the Photo Browser
      1. View Photos in the Photo Browser
      2. Mark Photos as Hidden or Visible
    5. Viewing Video Clips in the Photo Browser
      1. View Video Clips in the Photo Browser
    6. Selecting Photos in the Photo Browser
      1. Select and Deselect Photos in the Photo Browser
    7. Viewing Photos in Full Screen View
      1. View Photos in Full Screen View
      2. Set Options in the Full Screen View Options Dialog Box
    8. Viewing Photos in Side by Side View
      1. View Photos in Side by Side View
    9. Using the Control Bar
    10. Viewing and Finding Photos in Date View
      1. View and Find Photos in Date View
      2. Add a Note or Caption in Date View
      3. Add an Event in Date View
    11. Viewing Photos in Map View
      1. Add Photos to Map View
      2. Work with Photos in Map View
  8. 5. Finding Photos in the Organizer
    1. Introduction
    2. Using the Keyword Tags Palette
      1. Use the Keyword Tags Palette
    3. Creating a Keyword Tag
      1. Create a Keyword Tag
    4. Working with Categories or Sub-Categories
      1. Create a Keyword Tag Category or Sub-Category
      2. Create a Keyword Tag Sub-Category
      3. Edit a Category or Sub-Category
    5. Finding Faces for Keyword Tagging
      1. Find Faces for Keyword Tagging
    6. Attaching Keyword Tags to Photos
      1. Attach Keyword Tags to Photos
    7. Attaching Keyword Tags Using Folder Names
      1. Create and Attach Keyword Tags Using Folder Names
    8. Removing Keyword Tags from Photos
      1. Remove a Keyword Tag from a Photo
    9. Searching for Photos by Keyword Tags
      1. Search for Photos by Keyword Tags
    10. Searching for Photos Using the Find Bar
      1. Search for Photos Using the Find Bar
    11. Finding Photos Using the Find Menu
      1. Find Photos Using the Find Menu
    12. Finding Photos by Metadata Details
      1. Find Photos by Metadata Details
      2. Modify Search Criteria
    13. Finding Photos Using the Timeline
      1. View and Find Photos Using the Timeline
    14. Finding Photos with Star Ratings
      1. Find Photos with Star Ratings
  9. 6. Working with Photos in the Organizer
    1. Introduction
    2. Using the Albums Palette
      1. Use the Albums Palette
    3. Creating an Album
      1. Create an Album
    4. Creating an Album Group
      1. Create an Album Group
    5. Adding Photos to an Album
      1. Add Photos to an Album or Album Group
    6. Creating and Editing a Smart Album
      1. Create a Smart Album
      2. Edit a Smart Album
    7. Working with Albums and Album Groups
      1. Display Photos in an Album
      2. Sort Photos in an Album
      3. Change the Order of Photos in an Album
    8. Fixing Photos Using Auto Smart Fix
      1. Make Adjustments Using Auto Smart Fix
    9. Correcting Color in Photos with Auto Color
      1. Correct Color in Photos with Auto Color
    10. Correcting Exposures with Auto Levels
      1. Correct Photo Exposures with Auto Levels
    11. Improving Contrast with Auto Contrast
      1. Improve Contrast with Auto Contrast
    12. Sharpening Photos with Auto Sharpen
      1. Sharpen Photo with Auto Sharpen
    13. Removing Red Eye with Auto Red Eye Fix
      1. Remove Red Eye with Auto Red Eye Fix
    14. Cropping Photos
      1. Crop Photos
    15. Rotating Photos
      1. Rotate Photos 90 Degrees Left or Right
    16. Stacking and Unstacking Photos
      1. Stack or Unstack Photos
      2. Stack Visually Similar Photos Automatically
    17. Working with Stacks
      1. View All Photos in a Stack
      2. Remove Photos from a Stack
    18. Working with Version Sets
      1. View All Photos in a Version Set
      2. Remove Photos from a Version Set
    19. Changing the Date and Time of Files
      1. Change the Date and Time of Files
    20. Reconnecting to Missing Files
      1. Reconnect to Missing Files
  10. 7. Working with Photos in the Editor
    1. Introduction
    2. Creating a New File
      1. Create a New File
    3. Selecting Color Modes and Resolution
      1. Selecting a Color Mode
      2. Selecting Image Resolution
    4. Creating a New File Using Presets
      1. Create a New File Using Presets
    5. Opening a File
      1. Open a Document or Image File
    6. Opening a PDF File
      1. Open a PDF File
    7. Inserting Images in a File
      1. Insert an Image in a File Using the Place Command
    8. Opening Raw Files from a Digital Camera
      1. Open a Camera Raw File
    9. Working with Open Files
      1. Use the Project Bin to Work with Open Files
    10. Processing Multiple Files
      1. Process Multiple Files
    11. Changing Image Size and Resolution
      1. Change Image Size
      2. Change Image Resolution
      3. Change Canvas Size
    12. Using Full and Quick Edit
      1. Use Full Edit
      2. Use Quick Edit
    13. Using Guided Edit
      1. Use Guided Edit
    14. Attaching Information to a File
      1. Attach Information to a File
    15. Saving a File
      1. Save a Document or Image File
    16. Reverting to the Last Saved Version
      1. Revert to the Last Saved Version
    17. Understanding File Formats
    18. Understanding File Compression
    19. Closing a File
      1. Close a File
  11. 8. Navigating and Using the Editor
    1. Introduction
    2. Changing the View Size with the Navigator Palette
      1. Change the View Size with the Navigator Palette
    3. Changing the View Area with the Navigator Palette
      1. Change the View Area with the Navigator Palette
    4. Changing the Color of the Navigator Palette View Box
      1. Change the View Box Color
    5. Changing the View
      1. Change the View
    6. Changing the View with the Zoom Tool
      1. Zoom In the View of an Image
      2. Zoom Out the View of an Image
    7. Increasing or Decreasing Magnification
      1. Increase the Magnification of an Image
    8. Moving Images in the Document Window
      1. Move an Image in the Document Window
    9. Working with One Image in Multiple Windows
      1. Create Two Views of One Image
      2. Arrange and Match Multiple Windows
    10. Moving Layers Between Two Open Documents
      1. Move Layers Between Documents
    11. Working with the Info Palette
      1. Create a Specific Size Object
    12. Changing How the Info Palette Measures Color
      1. Change How the Info Palette Measures Color
    13. Working with Rulers
      1. Show and Hide Rulers
    14. Examining the Undo History Palette
    15. Using the Undo History Palette
      1. Use the Undo History Palette
    16. Undoing and Redoing with the Undo History Palette
      1. Undo Actions with the Undo History Palette
      2. Redo Actions with the Undo History Palette
    17. Clearing Memory and the Undo History Palette
      1. Clear Memory and the Undo History Palette
    18. Using the Status Bar
      1. Use the Status Bar
    19. Working with Guides
      1. Use Guides from a Photoshop File
    20. Viewing Notes
      1. View a Note from a Photoshop File
    21. Listen to an Audio Annotation
      1. Listen to an Audio Annotation from a Photoshop File
  12. 9. Mastering the Art of Selection
    1. Introduction
    2. Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool
      1. Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool
    3. Using the Elliptical Marquee Tool
      1. Use the Elliptical Marquee Tool
    4. Using the Lasso Marquee Tool
      1. Use the Lasso Marquee Tool
      2. Use the Lasso Marquee Tool with the Polygonal Lasso Tool
    5. Using the Magnetic Lasso Tool
      1. Use the Magnetic Lasso Tool
    6. Using the Polygonal Lasso Tool
      1. Use the Polygonal Lasso Tool
    7. Using the Quick Selection Tool
      1. Use the Quick Selection Tool
    8. Using the Magic Wand Tool
      1. Use the Magic Wand Tool
    9. Using the Selection Brush Tool
      1. Use the Selection Brush Tool
    10. Using the Magic Extractor
      1. Use the Magic Extractor
    11. Refining a Selection Edge
      1. Use the Refine Edge Tool
    12. Modifying an Existing Selection
      1. Modify an Existing Selection
    13. Changing an Existing Selection
      1. Expand or Contract a Selection
      2. Frame a Selection with a New Selection Border
      3. Remove Pixels from a Color Selection
      4. Add Similar Color to a Selection
    14. Adding, Subtracting, and Cropping a Selection
      1. Add to an Existing Selection
      2. Subtract from an Existing Selection
      3. Crop an Image
    15. Saving Selections
      1. Save a New Selection
      2. Modify a Saved Selection
    16. Loading and Deleting Saved Selections
      1. Load a Saved Selection
      2. Delete a Saved Selection
      3. Modify a New Selection with a Saved Selection
    17. Copying and Pasting Selections
      1. Copy a Selection with the Move Tool
      2. Copy and Paste a Selection with Menu Commands
      3. Paste a Selection into Another
    18. Moving Selections
      1. Move a Selection
  13. 10. Working with Layers
    1. Introduction
    2. Understanding the Layers Palette
    3. Defining Layer Designations and Attributes
    4. Creating a New Layer
      1. Add Layers to an Active Document
      2. Add Layers and Select Options
    5. Selecting Layers
      1. Select Layers
    6. Creating a Selection from a Layer
      1. Create a Selection from a Layer
    7. Creating a Layer from a Selection
      1. Create a Layer from a Selection
    8. Simplifying a Layer
      1. Convert a Layer to an Image Layer
    9. Converting a Background into a Layer
      1. Convert a Background
      2. Convert a Multi-Layered Document into a Background
    10. Working with Layers Using the Layers Palette
      1. Work with Layers Using the Layers Palette
    11. Stacking and Moving Layers
      1. Change Layer Stacking Order
      2. Move the Content in a Layer
    12. Moving Layers Between Documents
      1. Move Layers Between Documents
    13. Using Merge Layer Options
      1. Merge Down
      2. Merge Visible
    14. Linking and Unlinking Layers
      1. Link Layers
      2. Unlink Layers
    15. Deleting Layers
      1. Delete Layers
      2. Delete Linked Layers
    16. Duplicating a Layer
      1. Duplicate a Layer
    17. Working with Layer Blending Modes
      1. Mix Layer Information with Blending Modes
    18. Creating a Clipping Layer Group
      1. Group and Ungroup Layers in a Clipping Group
    19. Using Adjustment and Fill Layers
    20. Creating an Adjustment Layer
      1. Create an Adjustment Layer
    21. Creating a Fill Layer
      1. Create a Fill Layer
    22. Changing Fill or Adjustment Layer Content
      1. Change Fill or Adjustment Layer Content
    23. Modifying a Fill or Adjustment Layer
      1. Modify a Fill or Adjustment Layer
    24. Deleting a Fill or Adjustment Layer
      1. Delete a Fill or Adjustment Layer
    25. Using Blending Modes with Fill or Adjustment Layers
      1. Use Blending Modes with Fill and Adjustment Layers
      2. Control Through Opacity
    26. Merging Fill or Adjustment Layers
      1. Merge Fill or Adjustments Layers
    27. Creating a Temporary Composite Image
      1. Create a Temporary Composite Image
    28. Using Masks with Adjustment Layers
      1. Paint on an Adjustment Mask
    29. Creating Masks with Selection
      1. Create Masks with Selection
    30. Setting Layers Palette Options
      1. Set Layers Palette Options
  14. 11. Adjusting and Correcting Color
    1. Introduction
    2. Working with Color Modes and Depth
      1. Switching Between Color Modes
      2. Working with Color Depth
    3. Understanding the RGB Color Mode
      1. Convert an Image to RGB Color
    4. Understanding the Grayscale Color Mode
      1. Convert an Image to Grayscale
    5. Understanding the Bitmap Color Mode
      1. Convert an Image to Bitmap
    6. Understanding the Indexed Color Mode
      1. Convert an Image to Indexed Color
    7. Using the Color Swatches Palette
      1. Choose a Color Swatch in the Color Swatches Palette
      2. Choose Colors on the Color Swatches Palette
      3. Change the Color Swatches Palette Display
    8. Creating Custom Color Swatches
      1. Add Colors to the Color Swatches Palette
      2. Save a Customized Color Swatches Palette
      3. Load a Customized Color Swatches Palette
    9. Working with Strokes and Fills
      1. Create a Stroke
      2. Create a Fill
    10. Using Automatic Lighting and Color Commands
      1. Use Automatic Lighting and Color Commands
    11. Working with the Histogram Palette
      1. Work with the Histogram Palette
    12. Controlling Tonal Range with Levels
      1. Control Tonal Range with Levels
    13. Using the Shadows/Highlights Adjustment
      1. Use the Shadows/Highlights Adjustment
    14. Using the Brightness/Contrast Adjustment
      1. Use the Brightness/Contrast Adjustment
    15. Using the Color Curves Adjustment
      1. Use the Color Curves Adjustment
    16. Using the Hue/Saturation Adjustment
      1. Use the Hue/Saturation Adjustment
    17. Using the Replace Color Adjustment
      1. Use the Replace Color Adjustment
    18. Using the Color Variations Adjustment
      1. Use the Color Variations Adjustment
    19. Using the Remove Color Cast Adjustment
      1. Use the Remove Color Cast Adjustment
    20. Adjusting Color for Skin Tone
      1. Adjust Color for Skin Tone
    21. Using the Gradient Map Adjustment
      1. Use the Gradient Map Adjustment
    22. Using the Photo Filter Adjustment
      1. Use the Photo Filter Adjustment
    23. Using the Invert and Equalize Commands
      1. Use the Invert Command
      2. Use the Equalize Command
    24. Using the Threshold and Posterize Adjustments
      1. Use the Threshold Adjustment
      2. Use the Posterize Adjustment
    25. Using the Black and White Adjustment
      1. Convert an Image to Black and White
  15. 12. Using Transformation and Retouching Tools
    1. Introduction
    2. Using Free Transform and Transform
      1. Use the Free Transform Command
      2. Use the Transform Command
    3. Using 3D Transform
      1. Use the 3D Transform Filter
    4. Resizing an Image to Scale
      1. Use the Scale Commands
    5. Using the Cookie Cutter Tool
      1. Use the Cookie Cutter Tool
    6. Using Straighten and Crop
      1. Use the Divide Scanned Photos Command
      2. Use the Straighten and Crop Commands
      3. Use the Crop Tool
    7. Using Rotate and Flip
      1. Use the Rotate Commands
      2. Use the Flip Commands
    8. Correcting Camera Distortion
      1. Use the Lens Correction Filter
    9. Using the Adjust Sharpness Filter
      1. Use the Adjust Sharpness Filter
    10. Using the Sharpen Tool
      1. Use the Sharpen Tool
    11. Using the Unsharp Mask Filter
      1. Use the Unsharp Mask Filter
    12. Using the Blur Tool
      1. Use the Blur Tool
    13. Using the Clone Stamp Tool
      1. Use the Clone Stamp Tool
    14. Using the Dodge and Burn Tools
      1. Use the Dodge and Burn Tools
    15. Using the Sponge Tool
      1. Use the Sponge Tool
    16. Using the Healing Brush Tool
      1. Use the Healing Brush Tool
    17. Working with the Spot Healing Brush
      1. Use the Spot Healing Brush
    18. Working with the Red Eye Tool
      1. Use the Red Eye Tool
  16. 13. Using the Paint, Shape Drawing, and Eraser Tools
    1. Introduction
    2. Understanding Foreground and Background Colors
      1. Change the Active Foreground and Background Colors
      2. Default and Switch the Foreground and Background Colors
    3. Viewing the Brushes Palette
      1. View the Brushes Palette
    4. Changing the Brushes Palette View
      1. Change the Brushes Palette View
    5. Selecting Brush Tips
      1. Select a Brush Tip
    6. Creating Custom Brush Tips
      1. Create a New Brush Tip
    7. Modifying or Deleting Brush Tips
      1. Modify an Existing Brush Tip
      2. Delete an Existing Brush Tip
    8. Creating Custom Brush Tip Sets
      1. Save a Customized Brush Set
      2. Load a Customized Brush Set
    9. Working with the Brush and Airbrush Tools
      1. Work with the Brush and Airbrush Tools
    10. Setting Dynamic Brush Options
      1. Set Dynamic Brush Options
    11. Working with the Pencil Tool
      1. Work with the Pencil Tool
    12. Working with Auto Erase
      1. Work with Auto Erase
    13. Working with the Impressionist and Smudge Tools
      1. Work with the Impressionist Brush Tool
      2. Work with the Smudge Tool
    14. Using the Paint Bucket Tool
      1. Use the Paint Bucket Tool
    15. Using the Pattern Stamp Tool
      1. Use the Pattern Stamp Tool
    16. Working with the Eraser Tools
      1. Use the Basic Eraser Tool
      2. Use the Background Eraser Tool
    17. Working with the Magic Eraser Tool
      1. Work with the Magic Eraser Tool
    18. Creating and Applying Gradients
      1. Create a Standard Gradient
    19. Creating Custom Gradients
      1. Create and Save a Customized Gradient
    20. Using the Color Replacement Tool
      1. Use the Color Replacement Tool
    21. Creating Shapes in a Layer
      1. Create Shapes in a Layer
    22. Selecting and Moving Shapes
      1. Select and Move Shapes on a Layer
    23. Working with the Line Tool
      1. Work with the Line Tool
    24. Using the Standard Shape Tool
      1. Work with the Standard Shape Tool
    25. Working with the Custom Shape Tool
      1. Work with the Custom Shape Tool
  17. 14. Working with Layer Styles and Photo Effects
    1. Introduction
    2. Exploring Layer Styles
    3. Applying Layer Styles
      1. Apply a Layer Style
    4. Working with Layer Styles
      1. Modify an Existing Layer Style
      2. Change the Scale of a Layer Style
      3. Copy Layer Style Settings Between Layers
    5. Changing Drop Shadow Style Settings
      1. Change Drop Shadow Style Settings
    6. Changing Bevel Style Settings
      1. Change Bevel Style Settings
    7. Changing Inner and Outer Glow Style Settings
      1. Change Inner and Outer Glow Style Settings
    8. Changing Stroke Style Settings
      1. Change Stroke Style Settings
    9. Exploring Photo Effects
    10. Applying Photo Effects
      1. Apply a Photo Effect
    11. Using the Content Palette
    12. Adding Stylized Shapes or Graphics
      1. Add Stylized Shapes or Graphics to an Image
      2. Add Stylized Background to an Image
    13. Adding a Stylized Frame or Theme
      1. Add a Stylized Frame or Theme to an Image
    14. Adding Stylized Text
      1. Add Stylized Text to an Image
    15. Adding Styles and Effects to Favorites
      1. Add Styles and Effects to the Favorites List
  18. 15. Manipulating Images with Filters
    1. Introduction
    2. Working with the Filter Gallery
      1. Work with the Filter Gallery
    3. Applying Multiple Filters to an Image
      1. Apply Multiple Filters to an Image
    4. Controlling Filters Using a Selection
      1. Control Filters Using a Selection
    5. Blending Modes and Filter Effects
      1. Work with Blending Modes and Filters Effects
    6. Using the Color Halftone Pixelate Filter
      1. Use the Color Halftone Pixelate Filter
    7. Modifying Images with the Liquify Filter
      1. Modify Images with the Liquify Filter
    8. Working with Liquify Filter Options
      1. Work with Liquify Filter Options
    9. Using the Lighting Effects Filter
      1. Use the Lighting Effects Filter
    10. Using Blur Filters
      1. Use the Smart Blur Filter
      2. Use the Radial Blur Filter
      3. Use the Motion Blur Filter
    11. Using the Gaussian Blur Filter
      1. Use the Gaussian Blur Filter
    12. Using the Despeckle Noise Filter
      1. Use the Despeckle Noise Filter
    13. Using the Add Noise Filter
      1. Use the Add Noise Filter
    14. Using the Reduce Noise Filter
      1. Use the Reduce Noise Filter
    15. Viewing Various Filter Effects
      1. Various Filter Effects
  19. 16. Getting Creative with Type
    1. Introduction
    2. Using Standard Type Tools
      1. Use Standard Type Tools
    3. Editing Type
      1. Edit Type in a Text Layer
    4. Working with Asian Type
      1. Show Asian Type Options
    5. Working with Type Options
      1. Work with Type Options
    6. Using the Warp Text Option
      1. Use Warp Text
    7. Setting the Anti-Aliasing Type Option
      1. Set the Anti-Aliasing Type Option
    8. Creating a Type Mask
      1. Create a Type Mask
    9. Isolating Image Pixels Using a Type Mask
      1. Isolate Image Pixels
    10. Creating Chiseled Type with a Type Mask
      1. Create Chiseled Type
    11. Applying a Gradient Fill to Text
      1. Apply a Gradient Fill to Text
  20. 17. Saving Photos for the Web and Other Devices
    1. Introduction
    2. Saving for the Web
      1. Save for the Web
    3. Working with Save for Web Options
      1. Work with Save for Web Options
      2. Change Image Size Settings with Save for Web Options
    4. Working with Transparency and Mattes
      1. Preserve Transparency
      2. Create a Matted Image
    5. Working with Dithering
      1. Adjust Dither in Images
      2. Preview Dither in Photoshop Elements
    6. Working with Web File Formats
      1. Work with Web File Formats
    7. Optimizing a JPEG Document
      1. Optimize a JPEG Document
    8. Optimizing a GIF Document
      1. Optimize a GIF Document
    9. Optimizing a PNG-8 Document
      1. Optimize a PNG-8 Document
    10. Optimizing a PNG-24 Document
      1. Optimize a PNG-24 Document
    11. Optimizing an Image to File Size
      1. Optimize an Image to File Size
    12. Creating an Animated GIF
      1. Create an Animated GIF from Scratch
    13. Previewing an Image in a Web Browser
      1. Preview an Image or Animated GIF in a Web Browser
      2. Preview on Different Color Monitors
    14. Preparing Clipart for the Web
      1. Prepare Clipart for the Web
    15. Preparing a Photo for the Web
      1. Prepare a Photograph for the Web
    16. Preparing an Image for the Inkjet or Laser Printer
      1. Prepare an Image for the Inkjet or Laser Printer
    17. Understanding Monitor, Image, and Device Resolution
  21. 18. Making Speciality Projects
    1. Introduction
    2. Finding and Opening Projects
      1. Find and Open Projects
    3. Saving a Project
      1. Save a Project
    4. Making a Photo Book
      1. Make a Photo Book
      2. Modify a Photo Book
    5. Making a Photo Calendar
      1. Make a Photo Calendar
    6. Making a Photo Collage
      1. Make a Photo Collage
    7. Creating Labels and Jackets
      1. Create Labels and Jackets
    8. Creating Greeting Cards
      1. Create Greeting Cards
    9. Creating an Online Gallery
      1. Create an Online Gallery
    10. Creating an Animated or Interactive Gallery
      1. Create an Animated or Interactive Gallery
    11. Creating a Flipbook
      1. Create a Flipbook
    12. Creating a Slide Show
      1. Create a Slide Show
    13. Setting Slide Show Preferences
      1. Set Slide Show Preferences
    14. Working with Content in a Slide Show
      1. Work with Slide Show Content
    15. Editing a Slide Show
      1. Edit a Slide Show
    16. Adding Effects to a Slide Show
      1. Work with Transitions
      2. Set Pan and Zoom
    17. Adding Extras to a Slide Show
      1. Add Clip Art to a Slide Show
      2. Add Text to a Slide Show
    18. Publishing a Slide Show
      1. Publish a Slide Show as a File
      2. Publish a Slide Show as a CD or DVD Disc
    19. Creating a VCD with a Menu of Slide Shows
      1. Create a VCD with a Menu of Slide Shows
    20. Using Photomerge Faces
      1. Use Photomerge Faces
    21. Using Photomerge Group Shot
      1. Use Photomerge Group Shot
    22. Using Photomerge Panorama
      1. Use Photomerge Panorama
    23. Keeping Proper Perspective with Vanishing Point
      1. Use the Vanishing Point Tool
    24. Resizing and Rotating Project Photos
      1. Resize and Rotate Photos in a Photo Project
    25. Editing Photo Projects in Photoshop CS3
      1. Edit Photo Projects in Photoshop CS3
  22. 19. Printing and Sharing Photos
    1. Introduction
    2. Working with Page Setup
      1. Work with Page Setup
    3. Setting Measurement Units for Printing
      1. Set Measurement Units for Printing
    4. Printing in the Organizer
      1. Print in the Organizer
    5. Using More Print Options in the Organizer
      1. Use More Print Options in the Organizer
      2. Select More Individual Print Options in the Organizer
    6. Printing in the Editor
      1. Print in the Editor
    7. Setting Print Output Options
      1. Set Print Output Options in the Editor
    8. Choosing Color Settings
      1. Choose Color Settings
    9. Setting Print Color Management Options
      1. Set Print Color Management Options in the Editor
    10. Printing a Document
      1. Print a Document
    11. Printing Multiple Layers
      1. Print Multiple Layers
    12. Using the Sharing Center
      1. Use the Sharing Center
    13. Sending Files in E-Mail
      1. Send Files in E-mail
    14. Sending Files in Photo Mail
      1. Send Files in Photo Mail
    15. Sending Files to a Mobile Phone
      1. Send Files to a Mobile Phone
    16. Using the Contact Book
      1. Add an Entry to the Contact Book
      2. Edit an Entry to the Contact Book
      3. Create a New Group in the Contact Book
    17. Making a CD or DVD with Files
      1. Make a CD or DVD with Files
    18. Making a PDF Slide Show
      1. Make a PDF Slide Show
    19. Exporting Files
      1. Export Files
    20. Copying or Moving Files to a Disk
      1. Copy or Move Files to a Removable Disk
    21. Using Photos as Desktop Wallpaper
      1. Use Photos as Desktop Wallpaper
  23. 20. Customizing the Way You Work in the Editor
    1. Introduction
    2. Optimizing Photoshop Elements
      1. History States
      2. Scratch Disk
      3. Memory & Image Cache
    3. Setting General Preferences
      1. Set General Options
    4. Modifying Saving Files Preferences
      1. Modify Saving Files Options
    5. Setting File Associations
      1. Set File Associations
    6. Selecting Scratch Disks
      1. Set Scratch Disks Options
    7. Allocating Memory & Image Cache
      1. Allocate Memory & Image Cache Options
    8. Setting Undo History Preferences
      1. Set Number of History States
      2. Change the Undo/Redo Keyboard Shortcut Command
    9. Setting Display & Cursors Preferences
      1. Set Display Options
      2. Set Cursors Options
    10. Setting Units & Rulers Preferences
      1. Set Units & Rulers Options
    11. Working with the Grid
      1. Set Grid Options
      2. Use the Grid Along with the Snap To Option
    12. Controlling Transparency Preferences
      1. Control Transparency Options
    13. Setting Type Preferences
      1. Set Type Options
    14. Selecting Plug-Ins
      1. Set Plug-Ins Options
      2. Find Out About a Plug-In
    15. Managing Libraries with the Preset Manager
      1. Create a New Preset
      2. Reset or Replace a Preset
    16. Using Drawing Tablets
  24. Workshop
    1. Introduction
      1. Getting and Using the Project Files
    2. Project 1: Creating a Sketch from Scratch
      1. Skills and Tools: Multiple Layers, Gaussian Blur, and Blending Modes
      2. The Project
      3. The Process
      4. The Results
      5. Tweaking the Image
    3. Project 2: Creating a Sharper Image
      1. Skills and Tools: Multiple Layers, Blending Modes, Layer Opacity, and Paint Brush
      2. The Project
      3. The Process
      4. The Results
      5. Tweaking the Image
    4. Project 3: Restoring Life to Heirloom Images
      1. Skills and Tools: Levels Adjustment Layer
      2. The Project
      3. The Process
      4. The Results
      5. Tweaking the Image
    5. Project 4: Colorizing a Grayscale Image
      1. Skills and Tools: Multiple Layers, Blending Modes, Layer Opacity, and Paintbrush
      2. The Project
      3. The Process
      4. The Results
      5. Tweaking the Image
    6. Project 5: Getting Creative with Adjustment Layers
      1. Skills and Tools: Adjustment Layers, Layer Masks, and Paintbrush
      2. The Project
      3. The Process
      4. The Results
      5. Tweaking the Image
    7. Project 6: Creating the Illusion of Depth
      1. Skills and Tools: Multiple Documents, Selection, Adjustment Layers, and Blur Filters
      2. The Project
      3. The Process
      4. The Results
      5. Tweaking the Image
    8. Want More Projects
      1. Get Everything on DVD
  25. New! Features
    1. Adobe Photoshop Elements 6
    2. Only New Features
    3. What’s New
    4. Photoshop Elements 6
  26. Keyboard Shortcuts
    1. Adobe Photoshop Elements 6