
Book Description

Care about content? Better copy isn't enough. As devices and channels multiply—and as users expect to relate, share, and shift information quickly—we need content that can go more places, more easily. Content Everywhere will help you stop creating fixed, single-purpose content and start making it more future-ready, flexible, reusable, manageable, and meaningful wherever it needs to go.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
    1. Who Should Read This Book?
    2. What’s in This Book?
    3. What Comes with This Book?
    1. What do you mean by “content everywhere”?
    2. What do you mean by structured content, and why is it so important?
    3. But don’t I need different, simpler content for mobile?
    4. Who should be doing this work?
    5. I’m a content person. Do I really need to understand the technical parts?
    6. Is this just about mobile?
  10. PART I The Case for Content Everywhere
    1. CHAPTER 1 Framing the New Content Challenge
      1. More Content, More Work
      2. Making Content Work Harder
      3. Getting Unstuck
      4. Thinking Beyond the Page
      5. Connecting the Dots
      6. Thinking Beyond the Website
      7. Learning from Web Standards
      8. You Can Start Today
    2. CHAPTER 2 Building a Way Forward
      1. Tracing Our Lineage
        1. Content Strategy
        2. Technical Communications
        3. Information Architecture
        4. Content Management
      2. Putting the Pieces Together
      3. Progress, Not Perfection
  11. PART II The Elements of Content
    1. CHAPTER 3 Breaking Content Down
      1. Deconstructing to Construct
      2. First Meaning, Then Modeling
      3. A Tale of Two Content Models
      4. Enter, Content Strategy
      5. Common Content Types
      6. Turning Types into Elements
      7. Not Just for Big Publishers
      8. Structure Follows Substance
      9. Coming Up for Air
    2. CHAPTER 4 Creating Content Models
      1. Documenting a Content Model
        1. A Moment for Metadata
      2. Considerations and Compromises
        1. Gains and Losses
          1. Will this element be used for searching or sorting?
          2. Will it be used to relate this content to other content?
          3. Does it need to be extracted and displayed alongside other content?
          4. Does it need to shift, resize, or be removed altogether for some displays?
      3. CMS Capabilities and Trade-offs
      4. Authors and Workflows
        1. Content Modeling at Work
      5. Turning Models into Ecosystems
    3. CHAPTER 5 Designing Content Systems
      1. What Are Rules?
        1. Rules Create Systems
        2. Rules Are Intrinsic
      2. Why Rules Matter
        1. Related and Contextual Content
        2. Content Rules for Responsive Designs
        3. Many Ways to Make a Whole
      3. A Framework for Rule-Making
        1. Meaning
        2. Priority
        3. Relationships
          1. Meaning
          2. Priority
          3. Relationships
        4. Implementing the Rules
    4. CHAPTER 6 Understanding Markup
      1. Markup Matters
      2. Many Meanings, Many Markups
        1. Presentational
        2. Semantic
      3. What’s Your CMS Got to Do with It?
      4. The Semantics of...“Semantic”
        1. HTML Markup
          1. Microformats
          2. HTML5 Microdata
          3. Schema.org
        2. Structural Markup
          1. XML
          2. RDF
          3. OWL
          4. DITA
          5. JSON
        3. What About the Semantic Web?
      5. The Lowdown on Markdown
      6. Many Ways to Get to Markup
      7. The Secret to Markup
    5. CHAPTER 7 Making Sense of Content APIs
      1. What Is a Content API?
      2. Content APIs in Practice
        1. Major Media
        2. Products and Shopping
        3. Government and Education
      3. Why API?
      4. API Approaches
        1. Public Versus Private
        2. Read Versus Write
        3. What About RSS?
      5. Scoot Up to the API Table
      6. Putting It All Together
  12. PART III Putting Structured Content to Work
    1. CHAPTER 8 Findable Content
      1. More Structured, More Findable
      2. Search Engine Findability
        1. Keyword-Rich Content Attributes
        2. Content Hubs
      3. Site Search Findability
      4. Smarter Faceted Search
      5. Related and Contextually Discoverable Content
      6. Curation: The Other C-Word
      7. Finding Soul in Findability
    2. CHAPTER 9 Adaptable Content
      1. Looking Beyond Layout
      2. Intermixing Content
      3. Content Layering
      4. Removing Content
      5. Making Content Lightweight
      6. Simplicity from the Start
      7. Adding Content
      8. Responsibly Responsive
    3. CHAPTER 10 Reusable Content
      1. Revisiting Content Reuse
      2. Building a Central Content Store
      3. Content Across Products
      4. Personalized Content
      5. A Reuse Imperative
      6. And Now for Something Completely Different
      7. Chasing Perfection
      8. Making Reuse Meaningful
    4. CHAPTER 11 Transportable Content
      1. The Great Content Shift
      2. What’s in It for You?
      3. Taking Advantage of Content Shifting
      4. More Portability, More Problems
        1. Attribution
        2. Copyright
        3. Compensation
      5. What You Can Do
        1. Be Part of the Experiment
        2. Improve the Reading Experience
      6. Letting Go
  13. PART IV Enduring Content
    1. CHAPTER 12 Content and Change
      1. Why You? Why Now?
      2. Rethinking Content, Revealing Fracture
      3. Making Change Stick
        1. Clear Vision
        2. Customer Focus
        3. Collaboration
      4. Building a Team
      5. Being on the Outside
      6. Dealing with Fear
      7. Putting People First
    2. CHAPTER 13 Towards a New (Information) Architecture
      1. Designing for Change
      2. Architecture from Within
      3. The Problem with Mass Production
      4. Content in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
      5. Keeping the Aura Intact
      6. Content for Humans
      7. The Road Ahead
  14. Index
  17. Footnotes
    1. Chapter 1
    2. Chapter 2
    3. Chapter 3
    4. Chapter 4
    5. Chapter 5
    6. Chapter 6
    7. Chapter 9
    8. Chapter 10
    9. Chapter 11
    10. Chapter 12