
Book Description

If you need a reliable tool for technical documentation, this clear and concise reference will help you take advantage of DocBook, the popular XML schema originally developed to document computer and hardware projects. DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide is the complete, official documentation of DocBook 5.0. You'll find everything you need to know to use DocBook's features, whether you're new to DocBook or an experienced user of previous versions.

Table of Contents

  1. DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide
    1. Preface
      1. Why Read This Book?
      2. This Book’s Audience
      3. Organization of This Book
      4. Conventions Used in This Book
      5. Using Code Examples
      6. Safari® Books Online
      7. How to Contact Us
      8. Acknowledgments
    2. I. Introduction
      1. 1. Getting Started with DocBook
        1. A Short DocBook History
          1. The HaL and O’Reilly Era
          2. The Davenport Era
          3. The OASIS Era
        2. DocBook V5.0
          1. What’s New in DocBook V5.0?
            1. Renamed and removed elements
            2. Linking and cross-referencing
            3. Uniform info elements
            4. Required title and version attributes
            5. Additional constraints
            6. Table of contents
            7. Constraint definitions using Schematron
            8. Accessibility
        3. Finally in a Namespace
        4. Relaxing with DocBook
        5. Why Switch to DocBook V5.0?
        6. Schema Jungle
          1. Where to Get the Schemas
          2. DocBook Documentation
        7. Backward Compatibility
      2. 2. Creating DocBook Documents
        1. Making an XML Document
          1. An XML Declaration
          2. A Document Type Declaration
          3. An Internal Subset
          4. The Document (or Root) Element
        2. Physical Divisions: Breaking a Document into Separate Files
        3. Logical Divisions: The Categories of Elements in DocBook
          1. Sets
          2. Books
          3. Components
          4. Sections
          5. Meta-Information
          6. Block Elements
            1. Block versus inline elements
            2. Lists
            3. Admonitions
            4. Line-specific environments
            5. Examples, figures, and tables
            6. Paragraphs
            7. Equations
            8. Graphics and media
            9. Questions and answers
            10. Procedures and tasks
            11. Synopses
            12. Miscellaneous block elements
          7. Inline Elements
            1. Traditional publishing inlines
            2. Cross-references
            3. Markup
            4. Mathematics
            5. User interfaces
            6. Programming languages and constructs
            7. Operating systems
            8. General purpose
        4. Roots: Starting Your DocBook Document
        5. Making a DocBook Book
        6. Making a Chapter
        7. Making an Article
        8. Making a Reference Page
        9. Making Front and Back Matter
          1. Making an Index
            1. Marking index terms
            2. Printing an index
          2. Making a Glossary
          3. Making a Bibliography
      3. 3. Validating DocBook Documents
        1. ID/IDREF Constraints and Validation
        2. Validating Your Documents
        3. Understanding Validation Errors
          1. Character Data Not Allowed Here
          2. Misspelled Start Tag
          3. Out-of-Context Start Tag
      4. 4. Publishing DocBook Documents
        1. A Survey of Stylesheet Languages
          1. Stylesheet Examples
            1. CSS stylesheet
            2. XSL stylesheet
            3. XQuery
        2. Using XSL to Publish DocBook Documents
      5. 5. Customizing DocBook
        1. Should You Do This?
        2. If You Change DocBook, It’s Not DocBook Anymore!
          1. Namespace and Version
          2. Public Identifiers
        3. Customization Layers
          1. RELAX NG Syntax
          2. DocBook Schema Structure
          3. The General Structure of Customization Layers
        4. Writing, Testing, and Using a Customization Layer
          1. Deciding What to Change
          2. Deciding How to Change a Customization Layer
          3. Using Your Customization Layer
          4. Testing Your Work
        5. Removing Elements
          1. Removing msgset
          2. Removing Computer Inlines
          3. Removing Synopsis Elements
          4. Removing Sectioning Elements
          5. Removing Admonitions from Table Entries
        6. Removing Attributes
          1. Subsetting the Common Attributes
        7. Adding Elements
        8. Adding Attributes
        9. Other Modifications
          1. Changing the Contents of the role Attribute
          2. Adding a Value to an Enumerated Attribute
    3. II. Reference
      1. I. DocBook Element Reference
        1. abbrev
        2. abstract
        3. accel
        4. acknowledgements
        5. acronym
        6. address
        7. affiliation
        8. alt
        9. anchor
        10. annotation
        11. answer
        12. appendix
        13. application
        14. arc
        15. area (db.area.inareaset)
        16. area (db.area)
        17. areaset
        18. areaspec
        19. arg
        20. article
        21. artpagenums
        22. attribution
        23. audiodata
        24. audioobject
        25. author
        26. authorgroup
        27. authorinitials
        28. bibliocoverage
        29. bibliodiv
        30. biblioentry
        31. bibliography
        32. biblioid
        33. bibliolist
        34. bibliomisc
        35. bibliomixed
        36. bibliomset
        37. biblioref
        38. bibliorelation
        39. biblioset
        40. bibliosource
        41. blockquote
        42. book
        43. bridgehead
        44. callout
        45. calloutlist
        46. caption (db.caption)
        47. caption (db.html.caption)
        48. caution
        49. chapter
        50. citation
        51. citebiblioid
        52. citerefentry
        53. citetitle
        54. city
        55. classname
        56. classsynopsis
        57. classsynopsisinfo
        58. cmdsynopsis
        59. co
        60. code
        61. col
        62. colgroup
        63. collab
        64. colophon
        65. colspec
        66. command
        67. computeroutput
        68. confdates
        69. confgroup
        70. confnum
        71. confsponsor
        72. conftitle
        73. constant
        74. constraint
        75. constraintdef
        76. constructorsynopsis
        77. contractnum
        78. contractsponsor
        79. contrib
        80. copyright
        81. coref
        82. country
        83. cover
        84. database
        85. date
        86. dedication
        87. destructorsynopsis
        88. edition
        89. editor
        90. email
        91. emphasis (db._emphasis)
        92. emphasis (db.emphasis)
        93. entry
        94. entrytbl
        95. envar
        96. epigraph
        97. equation
        98. errorcode
        99. errorname
        100. errortext
        101. errortype
        102. example
        103. exceptionname
        104. extendedlink
        105. fax
        106. fieldsynopsis
        107. figure
        108. filename
        109. firstname
        110. firstterm
        111. footnote
        112. footnoteref
        113. foreignphrase
        114. formalpara
        115. funcdef
        116. funcparams
        117. funcprototype
        118. funcsynopsis
        119. funcsynopsisinfo
        120. function
        121. glossary
        122. glossdef
        123. glossdiv
        124. glossentry
        125. glosslist
        126. glosssee
        127. glossseealso
        128. glossterm
        129. group
        130. guibutton
        131. guiicon
        132. guilabel
        133. guimenu
        134. guimenuitem
        135. guisubmenu
        136. hardware
        137. holder
        138. honorific
        139. imagedata (db.imagedata.mathml)
        140. imagedata (db.imagedata.svg)
        141. imagedata (db.imagedata)
        142. imageobject
        143. imageobjectco
        144. important
        145. index
        146. indexdiv
        147. indexentry
        148. indexterm (db.indexterm.endofrange)
        149. indexterm (db.indexterm.singular)
        150. indexterm (db.indexterm.startofrange)
        151. info (db.info)
        152. info (db.titleforbidden.info)
        153. info (db.titleonly.info)
        154. info (db.titleonlyreq.info)
        155. info (db.titlereq.info)
        156. informalequation
        157. informalexample
        158. informalfigure
        159. informaltable (db.cals.informaltable)
        160. informaltable (db.html.informaltable)
        161. initializer
        162. inlineequation
        163. inlinemediaobject
        164. interfacename
        165. issuenum
        166. itemizedlist
        167. itermset
        168. jobtitle
        169. keycap
        170. keycode
        171. keycombo
        172. keysym
        173. keyword
        174. keywordset
        175. label
        176. legalnotice
        177. lhs
        178. lineage
        179. lineannotation
        180. link
        181. listitem
        182. literal
        183. literallayout
        184. locator
        185. manvolnum
        186. markup
        187. mathphrase
        188. mediaobject
        189. member
        190. menuchoice
        191. methodname
        192. methodparam
        193. methodsynopsis
        194. modifier
        195. mousebutton
        196. msg
        197. msgaud
        198. msgentry
        199. msgexplan
        200. msginfo
        201. msglevel
        202. msgmain
        203. msgorig
        204. msgrel
        205. msgset
        206. msgsub
        207. msgtext
        208. nonterminal
        209. note
        210. olink
        211. ooclass
        212. ooexception
        213. oointerface
        214. option
        215. optional
        216. orderedlist
        217. org
        218. orgdiv
        219. orgname
        220. otheraddr
        221. othercredit
        222. othername
        223. package
        224. pagenums
        225. para
        226. paramdef
        227. parameter
        228. part
        229. partintro
        230. person
        231. personblurb
        232. personname
        233. phone
        234. phrase (db._phrase)
        235. phrase (db.phrase)
        236. pob
        237. postcode
        238. preface
        239. primary
        240. primaryie
        241. printhistory
        242. procedure
        243. production
        244. productionrecap
        245. productionset
        246. productname
        247. productnumber
        248. programlisting
        249. programlistingco
        250. prompt
        251. property
        252. pubdate
        253. publisher
        254. publishername
        255. qandadiv
        256. qandaentry
        257. qandaset
        258. question
        259. quote
        260. refclass
        261. refdescriptor
        262. refentry
        263. refentrytitle
        264. reference
        265. refmeta
        266. refmiscinfo
        267. refname
        268. refnamediv
        269. refpurpose
        270. refsect1
        271. refsect2
        272. refsect3
        273. refsection
        274. refsynopsisdiv
        275. releaseinfo
        276. remark
        277. replaceable
        278. returnvalue
        279. revdescription
        280. revhistory
        281. revision
        282. revnumber
        283. revremark
        284. rhs
        285. row (db.entrytbl.row)
        286. row (db.row)
        287. sbr
        288. screen
        289. screenco
        290. screenshot
        291. secondary
        292. secondaryie
        293. sect1
        294. sect2
        295. sect3
        296. sect4
        297. sect5
        298. section
        299. see
        300. seealso
        301. seealsoie
        302. seeie
        303. seg
        304. seglistitem
        305. segmentedlist
        306. segtitle
        307. seriesvolnums
        308. set
        309. setindex
        310. shortaffil
        311. shortcut
        312. sidebar
        313. simpara
        314. simplelist
        315. simplemsgentry
        316. simplesect
        317. spanspec
        318. state
        319. step
        320. stepalternatives
        321. street
        322. subject
        323. subjectset
        324. subjectterm
        325. subscript
        326. substeps
        327. subtitle
        328. superscript
        329. surname
        330. symbol
        331. synopfragment
        332. synopfragmentref
        333. synopsis
        334. systemitem
        335. table (db.cals.table)
        336. table (db.html.table)
        337. tag
        338. task
        339. taskprerequisites
        340. taskrelated
        341. tasksummary
        342. tbody (db.cals.entrytbl.tbody)
        343. tbody (db.cals.tbody)
        344. tbody (db.html.tbody)
        345. td
        346. term
        347. termdef
        348. tertiary
        349. tertiaryie
        350. textdata
        351. textobject
        352. tfoot (db.cals.tfoot)
        353. tfoot (db.html.tfoot)
        354. tgroup
        355. th
        356. thead (db.cals.entrytbl.thead)
        357. thead (db.cals.thead)
        358. thead (db.html.thead)
        359. tip
        360. title
        361. titleabbrev
        362. toc
        363. tocdiv
        364. tocentry
        365. token
        366. tr
        367. trademark
        368. type
        369. uri
        370. userinput
        371. varargs
        372. variablelist
        373. varlistentry
        374. varname
        375. videodata
        376. videoobject
        377. void
        378. volumenum
        379. warning
        380. wordasword
        381. xref
        382. year
        383. mml:*
        384. svg:*
        385. *:*
    4. III. Appendixes
      1. A. Installation
        1. Installing DocBook
          1. Installing the DocBook Schemas
          2. XML Catalogs and DocBook
            1. Installing and setting up the DocBook XML catalog
            2. Getting the ISO entity sets
          3. Installing the DocBook Stylesheets
      2. B. DocBook Variants and Future Directions
        1. DocBook Variants
        2. Future Directions
          1. DocBook Assembly Mechanism
      3. C. Resources
        1. Latest Versions of DocBook Schemas
        2. DocBook and XML Resources on the Web
        3. Introductory Material on the Web
        4. References and Technical Notes on the Web
        5. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Recommendations
        6. Related Standards
        7. Internet RFCs
        8. Books and Printed Resources
        9. XML Tools
      4. D. Interchanging DocBook Documents
      5. E. GNU Free Documentation License
    5. Glossary
    6. Index
    7. Colophon