
trademark — A trademark


trademark ::= (text | phrase db._phrase | replaceable | Graphic inlines | Indexing inlines | Linking inlines | Ubiquitous inlines)*

Attribute synopsis

Common attributes and common linking attributes.

Additional attributes:

  • class (enumeration) = “copyright” | “registered” | “service” | “trade”


A trademark identifies a legal trademark.

One of the values of the class attribute on trademark is Copyright. DocBook also has a copyright element, but it is confined to meta-information. A copyright in running text is best represented as <trademark class=copyright>.

Processing expectations

Formatted inline.

In addition to trademark, two of the values of the class attribute on productname make assertions about trademarks; presumably the same markup is intended for both trademark and productname when they make assertions about trademarks.


Common attributes and common linking attributes.


Identifies the class of trademark

Enumerated values:

A copyright


A registered copyright


A service


A trademark

See Also

copyright, legalnotice, productname


<article xmlns=''>
<title>Example trademark</title>

<para><trademark class='registered'>Nutshell Handbook</trademark> is a
registered trademark of O'Reilly Media, Inc.

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