
Book Description

Information Technology: An Introduction for Today’s Digital World introduces undergraduate students to a wide variety of concepts they will encounter throughout their IT studies and careers. The book covers computer organization and hardware, Windows and Linux operating systems, system administration duties, scripting, computer networks, regular expressions, binary numbers, the Bash shell in Linux, DOS, managing processes and services, and computer security. It also gives students insight on IT-related careers, such as network and web administration, computer forensics, web development, and software engineering.

Suitable for any introductory IT course, this classroom-tested text presents many of the topics recommended by the ACM Special Interest Group on IT Education (SIGITE). It offers a far more detailed examination of the computer than current computer literacy texts, focusing on concepts essential to all IT professionals—from operating systems and hardware to information security and computer ethics. The book highlights Windows/DOS and Linux with numerous examples of issuing commands and controlling the operating systems. It also provides details on hardware, programming, and computer networks.

Ancillary Resources
The book includes laboratory exercises and some of the figures from the text online. PowerPoint lecture slides, answers to exercises, and a test bank are also available for instructors.

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
  2. How to Use This Textbook
  3. Acknowledgments and Contributions
  4. Author
  5. Chapter 1 - Introduction to Information Technology
    2. Who Studies IT?
    3. IT Infrastructure
      1. Computers
      2. Software
      3. Users
      4. Our View Today
    4. Further Reading
    5. Review Terms
  6. Chapter 2 - Computer Organization and Hardware
    1. Structure of a Computer
    2. A Program
    3. Executing the Program
    4. Role of CPU
    5. Role of Memory
    6. Role of Input and Output
    7. Computer Hardware and Computer Assembly (Installation)
      1. CPU
      2. Memory
      3. System Unit
      4. Motherboard
      5. Hard Disk Drive
    8. Further Reading
    9. Review Terms
  7. Chapter 3 - Binary Numbering System
    1. Numbering Systems
    2. Binary Numbering System
    3. Negative Numbers and Fractions
    4. Character Representations
    5. Binary Operations
    6. Examples of Using Binary Numbers
      1. Network Addresses and Netmasks
      2. Image Files
      3. Error Detection and Correction
    7. Further Reading
    8. Review Terms
  8. Chapter 4 - Introduction to Operating System Concepts
    1. What Is an Operating System?
    2. Some Useful Terms
      1. Hardware
      2. Software
      3. Computer System
      4. Kernel
      5. Device Drivers
      6. Shell
      7. Utility Programs
    3. OS Tasks
      1. User Interface
      2. Process Management
      3. Scheduling
      4. Memory Management
      5. Resource Management
      6. File System Management
      7. Protection and Security
    4. Forms of Process Management
    5. Booting and System Initialization
    6. Administrator Account
    7. Installing an OS
      1. Installing Windows
      2. Installing Linux
    8. Further Reading
    9. Review Terms
  9. Chapter 5 - Files, Directories, and the File System
    1. Files and Directories
    2. File Systems and Disks
    3. Linux File System
      1. Linux File Space
      2. Linux Partitions
      3. Linux Inodes
    4. Windows File System
    5. Moving around the File System
      1. Linux
      2. DOS
    6. File System and System Administration Tasks
    7. Further Reading
    8. Review Terms
  10. Chapter 6 - Users, Groups, and Permissions
    1. Users
    2. Setting Up User Accounts
      1. Linux
      2. Windows
    3. Role of a Group
    4. Permissions
      1. Linux
      2. Windows
    5. Miscellaneous User Account Topics
    6. Further Reading
    7. Review Terms
  11. Chapter 7 - History of Computers
    1. Evolution of Computer Hardware
      1. Before the Generations
      2. First Generation
      3. Second and Third Generations
      4. Fourth Generation
    2. Evolution of Computer Software
    3. Evolution of the Computer User
    4. Impact on Society
    5. Further Reading
    6. Review terms
  12. Chapter 8 - Operating Systems History
    1. Before Linux and Windows
    2. A History of Unix
    3. A History of Linux
    4. Differences and Distributions
    5. Open Source Movement
    6. A History of Windows
    7. Further Reading
    8. Review Terms
  13. Chapter 9 - Bash Shell and Editing
    1. Shells
    2. Bash Shell Editing Features
    3. Exploring the Bash Interpreter
    4. Personalizing Your Bash Shell
    5. Text Editors
      1. The vi Editor
      2. The Emacs Editor
    6. Further Reading
    7. Review Terms
  14. Chapter 10 - Regular Expressions
    1. Metacharacters
    2. Bash and Wildcards
    3. The grep Program
    4. Other Uses of Regular Expressions
    5. Further Reading
    6. Review terms
  15. Chapter 11 - Processes and Services
    1. Starting a Process
    2. Process Execution
    3. Process Status
    4. Scheduling Processes
    5. Terminating Processes
    6. Services
    7. Configuring Services
    8. Establishing Services at Boot Time
    9. Further Reading
    10. Review Terms
  16. Chapter 12 - Networks, Network Software, and the Internet
    1. Networks at a Hardware Level
    2. Networks at a Logical Level
    3. Network Protocols
    4. Network Software
    5. The Internet
      1. How the Internet Works
      2. Brief History of the Internet
      3. Future of the Internet
    6. Further Reading
    7. Review Terms
  17. Chapter 13 - Software
    1. Types of Software
    2. Software-Related Terminology
    3. Software Management
    4. Services and Servers
      1. Web Server
      2. Proxy Server
      3. Database Server
      4. FTP Server
      5. File Server
      6. E-mail Server
      7. Domain Name System
    5. Further Reading
    6. Review terms
  18. Chapter 14 - Programming
    1. Types of Languages
    2. A Brief Examination of High Level Programming Languages
    3. Types of Instructions
      1. Input and Output Instructions
      2. Assignment Statements
      3. Selection Statements
      4. Iteration Statements
      5. Subroutines and Subroutine Calls
      6. Special Purpose Instructions
    4. Scripting Languages
      1. Types of Instructions
      2. Bash Shell Language
      3. MS-DOS
    5. Further Reading
    6. Review Terms
  19. Chapter 15 - Information
    1. What Is Information?
    2. Data and Databases
    3. Information Assurance and Security
    4. Threats and Solutions
    5. Cryptography
    6. Laws
    7. Further Reading
    8. Review terms
  20. Chapter 16 - Careers in Information Technology
    1. IT Careers
      1. Network Administration
      2. Systems Administration
      3. Web Administration
      4. Database Administration
      5. Computer Support Specialist
      6. IT Management
    2. Related Careers
      1. Computer Forensics
      2. Web Development
      3. Programming/Software Engineer
      4. Information Systems
      5. Computer Technician
    3. IT Ethics
    4. Other Social Considerations
    5. Continuing Education
    6. Further Reading
    7. Review Terms
  21. Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
  22. Appendix B: Linux and DOS Information
    1. Linux Commands
    2. Linux Files and Directories of Note
    3. DOS Commands of Note