
Book Description

JMP 11 Basic Analysis covers the initial types of analyses that you often perform in JMP, such as univariate, bivariate, and oneway analyses. Creating tables of summary statistics with the Tabulate platform is included along with approximating sampling distributions using bootstrapping.

Table of Contents

  1. Contents
  2. Learn about JMP
    1. Documentation and Additional Resources
    2. Formatting Conventions
    3. JMP Documentation
      1. JMP Documentation Library
      2. JMP Help
    4. Additional Resources for Learning JMP
      1. Tutorials
      2. Sample Data Tables
      3. Learn about Statistical and JSL Terms
      4. Learn JMP Tips and Tricks
      5. Tooltips
      6. JMP User Community
      7. JMPer Cable
      8. JMP Books by Users
      9. The JMP Starter Window
  3. Introduction to Basic Analysis
    1. Overview of Fundamental Analysis Methods
  4. Distributions
    1. Using the Distribution Platform
    2. Overview of the Distribution Platform
      1. Categorical Variables
      2. Continuous Variables
    3. Example of the Distribution Platform
    4. Launch the Distribution Platform
    5. The Distribution Report
      1. Histograms
        1. Resize Histogram Bars for Continuous Variables
        2. Highlight Bars and Select Rows
        3. Specify Your Selection in Multiple Histograms
      2. The Frequencies Report
      3. The Quantiles Report
      4. The Summary Statistics Report
        1. Summary Statistics Options
    6. Distribution Platform Options
    7. Options for Categorical Variables
    8. Options for Continuous Variables
      1. Normal Quantile Plot
      2. Outlier Box Plot
      3. Quantile Box Plot
      4. Stem and Leaf
      5. CDF Plot
      6. Test Mean
      7. Test Std Dev
      8. Confidence Intervals for Continuous Variables
      9. Save Commands for Continuous Variables
      10. Prediction Intervals
      11. Tolerance Intervals
      12. Capability Analysis
        1. Capability Analysis Descriptions
    9. Fit Distributions
      1. Continuous Fit
        1. Comparing All Distributions
      2. Discrete Fit
      3. Fit Distribution Options
        1. Diagnostic Plot
        2. Goodness of Fit
        3. Spec Limits
    10. Additional Examples of the Distribution Platform
      1. Example of Selecting Data in Multiple Histograms
      2. Examples of the Test Probabilities Option
      3. Example of Prediction Intervals
      4. Example of Tolerance Intervals
      5. Example of Capability Analysis
    11. Statistical Details for the Distribution Platform
      1. Statistical Details for Standard Error Bars
      2. Statistical Details for Quantiles
      3. Statistical Details for Summary Statistics
        1. Mean
        2. Std Dev
        3. Std Err Mean
        4. Skewness
        5. Kurtosis
      4. Statistical Details for the Normal Quantile Plot
      5. Statistical Details for the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
      6. Statistical Details for the Standard Deviation Test
      7. Statistical Details for Normal Quantiles
      8. Statistical Details for Saving Standardized Data
      9. Statistical Details for Prediction Intervals
      10. Statistical Details for Tolerance Intervals
        1. One-Sided Interval
        2. Two-Sided Interval
      11. Statistical Details for Capability Analysis
      12. Statistical Details for Continuous Fit Distributions
        1. Normal
        2. LogNormal
        3. Weibull, Weibull with Threshold, and Extreme Value
        4. Exponential
        5. Gamma
        6. Beta
        7. Normal Mixtures
        8. Smooth Curve
        9. Johnson Su, Johnson Sb, Johnson Sl
        10. Generalized Log (Glog)
        11. All
      13. Statistical Details for Discrete Fit Distributions
        1. Poisson
        2. Gamma Poisson
        3. Binomial
        4. Beta Binomial
        5. Comparing All Distributions
      14. Statistical Details for Fitted Quantiles
      15. Statistical Details for Fit Distribution Options
        1. Goodness of Fit
        2. Spec Limits
        3. Set Spec Limits for K Sigma
  5. Introduction to Fit Y by X
    1. Examine Relationships Between Two Variables
    2. Overview of the Fit Y by X Platform
    3. Launch the Fit Y by X Platform
      1. Launch Specific Analyses from the JMP Starter Window
  6. Bivariate Analysis
    1. Examine Relationships between Two Continuous Variables
    2. Example of Bivariate Analysis
    3. Launch the Bivariate Platform
    4. The Bivariate Plot
    5. Fitting Commands and General Options
      1. Fitting Command Categories
      2. Fit the Same Command Multiple Times
    6. Fit Mean
      1. Fit Mean Report
    7. Fit Line and Fit Polynomial
      1. Linear Fit and Polynomial Fit Reports
        1. Summary of Fit Report
        2. Lack of Fit Report
        3. Analysis of Variance Report
        4. Parameter Estimates Report
    8. Fit Special
      1. Fit Special Reports and Menus
        1. Transformed Fit Report
    9. Fit Spline
      1. Smoothing Spline Fit Report
    10. Kernel Smoother
      1. Local Smoother Report
    11. Fit Each Value
      1. Fit Each Value Report
    12. Fit Orthogonal
      1. Fit Orthogonal Options
      2. Orthogonal Regression Report
    13. Density Ellipse
      1. Correlation Report
    14. Nonpar Density
      1. Nonparametric Bivariate Density Report
    15. Fit Robust
    16. Histogram Borders
    17. Group By
    18. Fitting Menus
      1. Fitting Menu Options
      2. Diagnostics Plots
    19. Additional Examples of the Bivariate Platform
      1. Example of the Fit Special Command
      2. Example Using the Fit Orthogonal Command
      3. Example Using the Fit Robust Command
      4. Example of Group By Using Density Ellipses
      5. Example of Group By Using Regression Lines
    20. Statistical Details for the Bivariate Platform
      1. Statistical Details for Fit Line
      2. Statistical Details for Fit Spline
      3. Statistical Details for Fit Orthogonal
      4. Statistical Details for the Summary of Fit Report
      5. Statistical Details for the Lack of Fit Report
      6. Statistical Details for the Parameter Estimates Report
      7. Statistical Details for the Smoothing Fit Reports
      8. Statistical Details for the Correlation Report
  7. Oneway Analysis
    1. Examine Relationships between a Continuous Y and a Categorical X Variable
    2. Overview of Oneway Analysis
    3. Example of Oneway Analysis
    4. Launch the Oneway Platform
    5. The Oneway Plot
    6. Oneway Platform Options
      1. Display Options
    7. Quantiles
      1. Outlier Box Plots
    8. Means/Anova and Means/Anova/Pooled t
      1. The Summary of Fit Report
      2. The t-test Report
      3. The Analysis of Variance Report
      4. The Means for Oneway Anova Report
      5. The Block Means Report
      6. Mean Diamonds and X-Axis Proportional
      7. Mean Lines, Error Bars, and Standard Deviation Lines
    9. Analysis of Means Methods
      1. Compare Means
      2. Compare Standard Deviations (or Variances)
      3. Analysis of Means Charts
      4. Analysis of Means Options
    10. Compare Means
      1. Using Comparison Circles
      2. Each Pair, Student’s t
      3. All Pairs, Tukey HSD
      4. With Best, Hsu MCB
      5. With Control, Dunnett’s
      6. Compare Means Options
    11. Nonparametric
      1. Nonparametric Report Descriptions
    12. Unequal Variances
      1. Tests That the Variances Are Equal Report
    13. Equivalence Test
    14. Robust Fit
    15. Power
      1. Power Details Window and Reports
    16. Normal Quantile Plot
    17. CDF Plot
    18. Densities
    19. Matching Column
    20. Additional Examples of the Oneway Platform
      1. Example of an Analysis of Means Chart
      2. Example of an Analysis of Means for Variances Chart
      3. Example of the Each Pair, Student’s t Test
      4. Example of the All Pairs, Tukey HSD Test
      5. Example of the With Best, Hsu MCB Test
      6. Example of the With Control, Dunnett’s Test
      7. Example Contrasting All of the Compare Means Tests
      8. Example of the Unequal Variances Option
      9. Example of an Equivalence Test
      10. Example of the Robust Fit Option
      11. Example of the Power Option
      12. Example of a Normal Quantile Plot
      13. Example of a CDF Plot
      14. Example of the Densities Options
      15. Example of the Matching Column Option
    21. Statistical Details for the Oneway Platform
      1. Statistical Details for Comparison Circles
      2. Statistical Details for Power
      3. Statistical Details for the Summary of Fit Report
      4. Statistical Details for the Tests That the Variances Are Equal Report
  8. Contingency Analysis
    1. Examine Relationships between Two Categorical Variables
    2. Example of Contingency Analysis
    3. Launch the Contingency Platform
    4. The Contingency Report
    5. Contingency Platform Options
    6. Mosaic Plot
      1. Context Menu
    7. Contingency Table
    8. Tests
      1. Fisher’s Exact Test
    9. Analysis of Means for Proportions
    10. Correspondence Analysis
      1. Understanding Correspondence Analysis Plots
      2. Correspondence Analysis Options
      3. The Details Report
    11. Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test
    12. Agreement Statistic
    13. Relative Risk
    14. Two Sample Test for Proportions
    15. Measures of Association
    16. Cochran Armitage Trend Test
    17. Exact Test
    18. Additional Examples of the Contingency Platform
      1. Example of Analysis of Means for Proportions
      2. Example of Correspondence Analysis
        1. Additional Example of Correspondence Analysis
      3. Example of a Cochran Mantel Haenszel Test
      4. Example of the Agreement Statistic Option
      5. Example of the Relative Risk Option
      6. Example of a Two Sample Test for Proportions
      7. Example of the Measures of Association Option
      8. Example of the Cochran Armitage Trend Test
    19. Statistical Details for the Contingency Platform
      1. Statistical Details for the Agreement Statistic Option
      2. Statistical Details for the Odds Ratio Option
      3. Statistical Details for the Tests Report
      4. Statistical Details for the Details Report
  9. Logistic Analysis
    1. Examine Relationships between a Categorical Y and a Continuous X Variable
    2. Overview of Logistic Regression
      1. Nominal Logistic Regression
      2. Ordinal Logistic Regression
    3. Example of Nominal Logistic Regression
    4. Launch the Logistic Platform
    5. The Logistic Report
      1. Logistic Plot
      2. Iterations
      3. Whole Model Test
      4. Parameter Estimates
        1. Covariance of Estimates
    6. Logistic Platform Options
      1. ROC Curves
      2. Save Probability Formula
      3. Inverse Prediction
    7. Additional Examples of Logistic Regression
      1. Example of Ordinal Logistic Regression
      2. Additional Example of a Logistic Plot
      3. Example of ROC Curves
      4. Example of Inverse Prediction Using the Crosshair Tool
      5. Example of Inverse Prediction Using the Inverse Prediction Option
    8. Statistical Details for the Logistic Platform
      1. Statistical Details for the Whole Model Test Report
  10. Matched Pairs Analysis
    1. Compare Measurements on the Same Subject
    2. Overview of the Matched Pairs Platform
    3. Example of Comparing Matched Pairs
    4. Launch the Matched Pairs Platform
      1. Multiple Y Columns
    5. The Matched Pairs Report
      1. Difference Plot and Report
      2. Across Groups
    6. Matched Pairs Platform Options
    7. Example Comparing Matched Pairs across Groups
    8. Statistical Details for the Matched Pairs Platform
      1. Graphics for Matched Pairs
      2. Correlation of Responses
  11. Bootstrapping
    1. Approximate the Distribution of a Statistic through Resampling
    2. Example of Bootstrapping
    3. Perform a Bootstrap Analysis
    4. Bootstrap Window Options
    5. Stacked Results Table
    6. Unstacked Results Table
    7. Analysis of Bootstrap Results
  12. Tabulate
    1. Create Summary Tables Interactively
    2. Example of the Tabulate Platform
    3. Launch the Tabulate Platform
      1. Use the Dialog
      2. Add Statistics
        1. Change Numeric Formats
    4. The Tabulate Output
      1. Analysis Columns
      2. Grouping Columns
      3. Column and Row Tables
      4. Edit Tables
        1. Delete Items
        2. Remove Column Labels
        3. Edit Statistical Key Words and Labels
    5. Tabulate Platform Options
      1. Show Test Build Panel
      2. Right-Click Menu for Columns
    6. Additional Examples of the Tabulate Platform
      1. Example of Combining Columns into a Single Table
      2. Example Using a Page Column
  13. References
  14. Index
    1. Basic Analysis
    2. Numerics
    3. A
    4. B
    5. C
    6. D
    7. E
    8. F
    9. G
    10. H
    11. I
    12. J
    13. K
    14. L
    15. M
    16. N
    17. O
    18. P
    19. Q
    20. R
    21. S
    22. T
    23. U
    24. V
    25. W-Z