Chapter 10  
Approximate the Distribution of a Statistic through Resampling
About Bootstrapping
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Bootstrapping is a re-sampling method for approximating the sampling distribution of a statistic. The data is re-sampled with replacement and the statistic is computed. This process is repeated to produce a distribution of values for the statistic.
Bootstrapping is useful when estimating properties of a statistic (mean, standard error, and so on) and performing inference, in the following situations:
The theoretical distribution of the statistic is complicated or unknown.
The sample size is too small for regular statistical inference.
Inference using parametric methods is not possible due to violations of assumptions.
JMP provides bootstrapping for statistical platforms that support Frequency columns in which the rows are assumed to be independent.
The Bootstrap option is on the right-click menu, separate from standard platform commands.
Figure 10.1 Example of the Distribution for Bootstrapping Results
Example of the Distribution for Bootstrapping Results
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