Overview of the Fit Y by X Platform
The Fit Y by X platform is a collection of four specific platforms (or types of analyses).
Specific Platform
Modeling Types
Continuous Y by continuous X
Analyzes the relationship between two continuous variables
Continuous Y by nominal or ordinal X
Analyzes how the distribution of a continuous Y variable differs across groups defined by a categorical X variable
Nominal or ordinal Y by continuous X
Fits the probabilities for response categories to a continuous X predictor
Nominal or ordinal Y by nominal or ordinal X
Analyzes the distribution of a categorical response variable Y as conditioned by the values of a categorical X factor
Launch the Fit Y by X Platform
Launch the Fit Y by X platform by selecting Analyze > Fit Y by X.
Figure 4.2 The Fit Y by X Launch Window
The Fit Y by X Launch Window
Table 4.1 Description of the Fit Y by X Launch Window 
Bivariate, Oneway, Logistic, Contingency
This grid shows which analysis results from the different combinations of data types. Once you have assigned your columns, the applicable platform appears as a label above the grid.
(Optional, for Oneway and Contingency only):
For the Oneway platform, identifies a second factor, which forms a two-way analysis without interaction. The data should be balanced and have equal counts in each block by group cell. If you specify a Block variable, the data should be balanced and have equal counts in each block by group cell.
For the Contingency platform, identifies a second factor and performs a Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test.
For more information about launch windows, see Using JMP.
Launch Specific Analyses from the JMP Starter Window
From the JMP Starter window, you can launch a specific analysis (Bivariate, Oneway, Logistic, or Contingency). If you select this option, specify the correct modeling types (Y and X variables) for the analysis. See Table 4.2.
To launch a specific analysis from the JMP Starter Window, proceed as follows:
1. Click on the Basic category.
2. Click on the specific analysis that you want to launch.
Most of the platform launch options are the same. However, the naming for some of the Y and X platform buttons is tailored for the specific analysis that you are performing.
Table 4.2 Platforms and Buttons 
Platform or Analysis
Y Button
X Button
Fit Y by X
Y, Response
X, Factor
Y, Response
X, Regressor
Y, Response
X, Grouping
Y, Categorical Response
X, Continuous Regressor
Y, Response Category
X, Grouping Category
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