
Book Description

If you like to tweak, disassemble, re-create, and invent cool new uses fortechnology, you'll love MAKE our new quarterly publication for theinquisitive do-it-yourselfer. Our third issue looks at how you can turn your car into a Wi-Fi blasting, computer-controlled, GPS-enabled, biodiesel monster. Key features show how to turn a VCR into a pet feeding robot, how to make a see-through potato cannon, create a remote-controlled haunted house for Holloween, and get you the skinny on cheap welding.

The third edition profiles Ed Storms, now retired, and formerly employed atthe Los Alamos National Laboratories. For more than a decade, Storms hasbeen working on low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR.) If LENRs exist and canbe harnessed, they will provide an alternative power source. Since theydon't emit chemical pollutants, they may even alleviate global warming.Visit MAKE's web site: make.oreilly.com.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Copyright
  3. Welcome
  4. Cory Doctorow
  5. Life Hacks: Sleep
  6. Tim O’Reilly
  7. Made on Earth
  8. Bruce Sterling
  9. Maker: Ed Storms
  10. Heirloom Technology
  11. Let There Be Speech
  12. 1+2+3: Blimp
  13. Bots Brewed Here
  14. Ultimate Tools
  15. Mod Your Rod
  16. Game Systems to Go
  17. Halloween Haunted House Controller
  18. VCR Cat Feeder
  19. Night Lighter 36
  20. Primer: Wire-Feed Welding
  21. HowToons
  22. Toolbox
  23. Retrocomputing
  24. Makezine.com Highlights
  25. Maker’s Corner
  26. Home
  27. Imaging
  28. Weird
  29. Design
  30. Mobile
  31. Workshop
  32. Gaming
  33. 1+2+3: Binary Sorting Stack
  34. MakeShift
  35. Astronomy Hacks
  36. Hack-O-Lanterns
  37. Reader Input
  38. eBay Metrics
  39. Homebrew