
Book Description

Incompetent, lazy, spotlight-hogging, whiny, backstabbing, avoidant—there’s no end to the personality challenges that impede workplace relationships. But interacting effectively with employees, colleagues, and bosses is essential for success. With Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People, anyone can confront problems head-on, before they fester and spread. Practical and easy to use, the book helps you identify button-pushing situations and deploy simple phrases to regain control and resolve conflicts—no matter who you’re dealing with. Helpful features include: • Thirty common personality traits, behaviors, and workplace scenarios along with the phrases that work best with each • Nonverbal communication skills to back up your words • Sample dialogues that demonstrate how phrasing improves interactions • A five-step process for moving from conflict to resolution • “Why This Works” sections that provide detailed explanations Like it or not, the bulk of our waking hours are spent with people at work. This book’s pithy, powerful communication tips will make those hours far more harmonious and productive.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. Introduction
  7. Part 1: Powerful Phrases + Actions = Successful Work Relationships
    1. 1 - Communicating Powerful Phrases
      1. Resolving Conflict: The Wrong Way
      2. Why this doesn't Work
      3. Begin with “I” Phrases
      4. Phrases of Understanding
      5. Phrases of Apology
      6. Phrases of Compromise
      7. Phrases of Resolution
      8. Phrases of Reconciliation
      9. Resolving Conflict: The Right Way
      10. Why this Works
    2. 2 - Actions that Enhance Powerful Phrases
      1. Resolving Conflict: The Wrong Way
      2. Why this doesn't Work
      3. Body Language
      4. Facial Expressions
      5. Tone of Voice
      6. Assertiveness
      7. Resolving Conflict: The Right Way
      8. Why this Works
  8. Part 2: Effective Conflict Resolution = Strengthened Work Relationships
    1. 3 - Five Steps to Effective Conflict Resolution
      1. Resolving Conflict: The Wrong Way
      2. Why this doesn't Work
      3. Step 1: Think First
      4. Step 2: Gain a Better Understanding
      5. Step 3: Define the Problem
      6. Step 4: Offer your Best Solution
      7. Step 5: Agree on the Resolution
      8. Resolving Conflict: The Right Way
      9. Why this Works
    2. 4 - Powerful Phrases for Challenging Coworker Situations
      1. Basic Rules when Confronting a Coworker
      2. How to Deal with a Backstabber
      3. How to Deal with a Brownnoser
      4. How to Deal with a Bully
      5. How to Deal with a Credit Taker
      6. How to Deal with a Criticizer
      7. How to Deal with an Ethics Violator
      8. How to Deal with an Excessive Emailer
      9. How to Deal with a Gossipmonger
      10. How to Deal with a Know-It-All
      11. How to Deal with a Late-Nick
      12. How to Deal with a Loudmouth
      13. How to Deal with a Meeting Monopolizer
      14. How to Deal with a Mistake Maker
      15. How to Deal with a Negative Nelly
      16. How to Deal with a Personal Hygiene Offender
      17. How to Deal with a Personal Space Invader
      18. How to Deal with a Slacker
      19. How to Deal with a TMI'er
      20. How to Deal with a Whiner
      21. How to Deal with a Wimp
    3. 5 - Powerful Phrases for Challenging Situations with Your Boss
      1. Basic Rules when Confronting your Boss
      2. How to Deal with an Abusive Boss
      3. How to Deal with a Controlling Boss
      4. How to Deal with an Egotistical Boss
      5. How to Deal with an Incompetent Boss
      6. How to Deal with an Inconsistent Boss
      7. How to Deal with a Micromanaging Boss
      8. How to Deal with a Noncommunicative Boss
      9. How to Deal with a Passive Boss
      10. How to Deal with a Reactive Boss
      11. How to Deal with an Unethical Boss
    4. 6 - Powerful Phrases for Situations you Cause
      1. Resolving Conflict: The Wrong Way
      2. Why this doesn't Work
      3. Step 1: Think First
      4. Step 2: Gain a Better Understanding
      5. Step 3: Define the Problem
      6. Step 4: Offer your Best Solution
      7. Step 5: Agree on the Resolution
      8. Resolving Conflict: The Right Way
      9. Why this Works
  9. About the Author