
Book Description

The universal consciousness is an open book to those willing to explore it.

The Complete Idiot's Guide® to the Akashic leads readers on a journey into their personal past, present, and future, learning the fundamentals of the Akasha - a Hindu word variously translated as sky or space - and howto use the Record to explore their hidden past, heal old wounds, live an authentic life in the present and affect the future.

- Explores cutting edge aspects of Body/Mind/Spirit -universal consciousness, synchronicity, energy fields, and more

- How to decode the Akashic Record through meditation, visualization, and lucid dreaming techniques that anyone can learn

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents
  6. Introduction
  7. Part 1: Cosmic Record Keeping
    1. 1 The Etheric Library
      1. What, How, and Where?
        1. What: Defining Akasha
        2. How: Imprinting Memory
        3. Where: No Single Place
      2. Akashic Purpose
        1. Wisdom of the Ages
        2. Personal Soul Record
        3. Universal Consciousness
      3. Legends of the Records
        1. Ancient Civilizations
        2. Hindu Philosophy
        3. Theosophy
        4. Modern Mystics
        5. Method and Means
      4. Why Consult the Record?
        1. Clues to Your Path and Purpose
        2. Have You Lived Before?
        3. Karmic Lessons and Rewards
        4. Understanding Relationships
      5. Science and the Akashic Record
        1. Energy Fields and Frequency
        2. Morphic Fields
        3. Quantum Holography
    2. 2 We Are the Librarians
      1. Readers of the Record
        1. Madame Blavatsky
        2. Edgar Cayce
        3. Dion Fortune
      2. Accessing the Records
        1. Intuition
        2. Meditation
        3. Channeling
        4. Astral Projection
        5. Remote Viewing
        6. Trusting Your Messages
      3. At the Gates
        1. Attuning to the Gateway
        2. Record Keepers
        3. Open Sesame
      4. Guiding Soul Evolution
        1. Increasing the Capacity for Love
        2. Accepting Spiritual Identity
        3. Stewards of the Earth
    3. 3 Written in the Record
      1. The Journey
        1. The Path of Consciousness
        2. The Path of the Soul
        3. Your Unique Purpose, Path, and Destiny
      2. Reincarnation
        1. Theory and Principles
        2. Historical Perspective
        3. Misconceptions About Reincarnation
      3. Karma and the Akashic Record
        1. Creating Karma
        2. Karmic Score Card
        3. People Karma
        4. Transmuting Karma
        5. The Karmic Shadow
      4. Out of the Mouths of Babes
        1. Dr. Ian Stevenson
        2. Shanti Devi
        3. The Story of James Leininger
        4. Erin’s Story
      5. Future Journeys
    4. 4 Akashic Contracts
      1. Akashic Relationships
        1. The Purpose of People
        2. Key Issues
        3. Moving On
      2. Love Links
        1. Soul Mates
        2. Twin Souls
        3. Unrequited Love
        4. Difficult Relationships
        5. Lack of Relationship
      3. Family Ties
        1. Parents
        2. Siblings
        3. Children
      4. Spiritual Contracts
        1. Guidance from Above
        2. Working for the Higher Good
        3. Clearing Mass Karma
      5. Strangers and Journeymen
        1. Boss and Employee
        2. Petty Tyrants
    5. 5 Destiny, Fate, and Free Will
      1. Group Karma
        1. Soul Groups
        2. Friends and Company
        3. Pacts
        4. Vows
        5. Nations
      2. Timing Is Everything
      3. The Challenges of Today
        1. World Economy
        2. Ecological Challenges
        3. Changing Paradigms
        4. Living in the Quantum Paradigm
      4. Possibility and Probability: Looking at the Future
        1. Dean Radin
        2. Web Bot Project
        3. Princeton Global Consciousness Project
      5. Free Will vs. Fate
        1. Areas of Control
        2. Power of Choice
  8. Part 2: Pieces of the Akashic Puzzle
    1. 6 The Unknown Past
      1. Legendary Lands
        1. Atlantis
        2. Lemuria
        3. Reconciling Past History
      2. Ancient Monuments and Societies
        1. Egyptian Pyramids
        2. Egyptian Sphinx
        3. Mayans
        4. Additional Mysteries
      3. Spiritual Beings in the Record
        1. Angels, Archangels, and Guardian Angels
        2. Guides
        3. Ascended Masters
        4. Demons
      4. Myths and Elemental Beings
    2. 7 Akashic Inspiration
      1. The Place of Visions
        1. Accessing Inspiration
        2. Morphic Resonance
      2. Inspired Inventions
        1. Simultaneous Inventions
        2. Dream It, Create It
      3. Scientific and Medical Breakthroughs
        1. Thought Experiments
        2. Dreaming the Nobel Prize
        3. Developing Your Mind
      4. Inspiration and the Arts
        1. Music of the Muses
        2. Akashic Art
        3. Library Literature
      5. People Who Changed History
        1. Gandhi
        2. The Hitler Factor
      6. Evolutionary Advancement
        1. Advanced Souls
        2. Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Kids
    3. 8 Clues to Your Akashic Past
      1. The Living Past
        1. Benefits
        2. Unintended Consequences
        3. Keeping Notes
      2. Examining Your Preferences
        1. Time Gates
        2. Geography: Land of Imagination
        3. Historical Figures
        4. Art and Architecture
        5. Fashion Sense
      3. Activities and Inclinations
        1. Child’s Play
        2. Career and Hobbies
        3. Personality Types
        4. The Abilities You Were Born With
      4. Emotional and Physical Terrain
        1. Goose Bumps and Butterflies
        2. Spiders in the Closets
        3. Instant Likes and Dislikes
        4. Passionate Bliss
      5. Recurring Patterns
        1. Have You Experienced This Before?
        2. Instant Recognition
        3. Dreaming Clues
      6. Putting the Pieces Together
        1. A Case in the Civil War
        2. Desert Destruction
        3. Your Story
    4. 9 Healing the Akashic Past
      1. Healing in the Akasha
        1. The Akashic Imprint
        2. Blocks to Growth
        3. The End of “Bad” Karma
        4. Finding Core Imprints
      2. The Healing Process
        1. Identify the Issue
        2. Find the Cause
        3. Expand Your Perspective
        4. Shift Your Energy
        5. Willingness to Grow
      3. Walking the Healing Path
        1. Physical Healing
        2. Situational Healing
        3. Healing Relationships
      4. Changing Patterns
        1. Creative Thinking
        2. Intentional Thinking
        3. Affirmations
  9. Part 3: The Akashic Present
    1. 10 Discovering Your Path and Purpose
      1. Connecting to Your Purpose
        1. Meaning
        2. Effectiveness
        3. Direction
        4. Motivation
        5. Support
      2. Detecting Your Purpose
        1. Key Questions
        2. Major Life Events
        3. Knacks, Talents, and Strengths
        4. What Intrigues You?
      3. Purposeful Exercises
        1. Simple Access to Your Purpose
        2. Purposeful Puzzling
        3. Write a Mission Statement
      4. Staying on the Path
        1. Synchronicity
        2. Being “in the Flow”
        3. What Resistance May Be Telling You
        4. Learning the Language
      5. Manifesting Purpose
    2. 11 Choosing Your Life Circumstances
      1. Akashic Preparation: Your Life Plan
        1. Guidance and Planning
        2. Not What You Do, but How You Do It
      2. Assessing Your Success
        1. Internal Measure
        2. External Measure
      3. Childhood and Family
        1. Desert Destruction, Continued
        2. Leper’s Soul
        3. Learning from Your Family
      4. The Greatest Gifts
        1. Major Life Events
        2. Gifts and Abilities
    3. 12 Past Loves, Future Partners
      1. The Growth of Love
        1. Finding Wholeness
        2. Spiritual Mastery
        3. Progression of Relationships
      2. Karmic Relationships
        1. Characteristics of the Karmic Partnership
        2. Karmic Example
        3. Evolving Relationships
      3. Soul-Mate Reunions
        1. Soul-Mate Timing
        2. The Perfect Fit?
        3. The Ultimate Betrayal
        4. Attracting Your Soul Mate
        5. Recognizing Your Soul Mate
      4. Twin Flame Soul Mates
        1. Recognizing Your Twin Soul
        2. Potholes Along the Road
      5. Animal Partnerships
        1. Animal Reincarnation
        2. Animal Soul Mates
    4. 13 Akashic Challenges
      1. Understanding Challenges
        1. The Path of Rebalancing
        2. The Path of Duty
        3. The Path of Awareness and Healing
        4. The Path of Sacrifice
        5. The Path of Service
      2. Health Tests
        1. Transmuting Health Karma
        2. Illness and Disease
        3. Childhood Illness
        4. Terminal Illness
      3. Personal Crises
        1. Financial Ruin
        2. Addiction
        3. Natural Disaster, War, and Mass Murder
      4. Akashic Planning
  10. Part 4: Akashic Imprints
    1. 14 Afterlife in the Akashic Field
      1. Into the Spirit World
        1. Readings from the Record
        2. Hypnotic Regression
        3. Electronic Phenomenon
      2. Near-Death Experiences and Resuscitation
        1. Akashic Record Life Review
        2. Visions of the Future
      3. Life Before Rebirth
        1. Guides
        2. Homecoming
      4. Input for Life Planning
    2. 15 The Physics of the Future
      1. Shifting Futures
        1. Personal Precognition
        2. Divination
        3. Changing the Future
      2. Akashic Mechanics
        1. The Mystery of Particles and Waves
        2. Probability and Intention
        3. Schrödinger’s Cat
        4. Holographic Access
      3. Akashic Predictions
        1. Trusting the Future
        2. Cayce’s Predictions
      4. Reading Your Future
    3. 16 Future Passages
      1. These Are the Times
        1. Battle of the Souls
        2. New Frequency
      2. What the Future May Hold
        1. Mayan Prophecy
        2. The Predictions of Nostradamus
        3. Remote Viewers
      3. Alternate Futures
        1. Predictions of Destruction
        2. Intercession
        3. Transformation
        4. Empowerment
      4. Creating the Future
        1. The Power of Intention
        2. Intentional Visioning
        3. Positive Action
        4. Aligning to Your Highest Ideal
    4. 17 The Akashic Realms
      1. Within the Akashic Record
        1. Traditional Planes of Reality
        2. The Multiverse
      2. Perceptions of Reality
        1. Experiencing the Record
        2. Altered States of Consciousness
        3. Multidimensional Awareness
      3. Alien Intelligence
        1. Ancient Astronauts
        2. Close Encounters
        3. A Different Explanation
        4. Government Disclosure
      4. Our Place in the Universe
  11. Part 5: Keys to the Library
    1. 18 Tapping Your Psychic Abilities
      1. Science of the Mind
        1. Psi and Quantum Physics
        2. Non-Locality Within the Akashic Field
        3. Entanglement and ESP
      2. Learning to Access the Akasha
        1. The Qualities of a Good Reader
        2. Starting Your Approach
      3. Remotely Sensing the Akasha
        1. How to Remote View
        2. Establishing Targets
        3. Finding the Target
        4. Viewing the Record
      4. Tuning Your Channel
        1. Pros and Cons of Channeling
        2. How to Channel
      5. Lucid Dreams
        1. Preparing to Dream
        2. Inducing a Lucid Dream
        3. The Benefits of Lucid Dreaming
    2. 19 Accessing Your Record
      1. Appointment with the Akasha
        1. Who Can Benefit?
        2. Why Have a Reading?
        3. Verifying Truth
      2. Past-Life Regression
        1. The PLR Session
        2. Your PLR Experience
        3. Professional Training in PLR
        4. Pros and Cons of PLR
        5. Choosing a Therapist
      3. Akashic Record Readings
        1. Experiencing an Akashic Reading
        2. Professional Training for Readers
        3. Pros and Cons of Intuitive Sessions
        4. Finding Your Intuitive
      4. Akashic Additions
        1. Access Through the Body
        2. Future “Regressions”
        3. Dimensional Access
    3. 20 Evolution of the Record
      1. Directions to the New Reality
        1. The Ancient Ones
        2. Meditating on the New Reality
        3. Interspecies Communication
      2. The Human Design
        1. Synchronous Dimensions
        2. Faster Than Time
        3. Opening Perceptions to Higher Realms
        4. Psi Awakening
        5. Connecting with the Divine
      3. Surviving Change
        1. The Growth of Love
        2. A Path with Heart
      4. Road Map to the New Paradigm
        1. Dimensional Consciousness
        2. The Singularity Consciousness
  12. Appendixes
    1. A Glossary
    2. B Resources