
Healing the Akashic Past

In This Chapter

  • The dynamics of Akashic Record healing
  • Four steps to healing your past
  • Finding your core issues
  • Using intentions and affirmations

Many persistent problems can be healed through the Akashic Record. Understanding the cause and limiting beliefs that were imprinted in the Record provide the pathway to release. Shifting the energy provides personal growth and healing, allowing the entire Akashic Record to grow and evolve.

Healing in the Akasha

According to the Akashic Record, spiritual separation is the cause of disease, and healing is the process of becoming whole. Whenever harm or damage is corrected and there is greater wholeness, healing has occurred. The process of becoming whole requires accepting that the conditions in our life are not external events. We create them through our choices; in other words, through our karma.

Edgar Cayce revealed that the state of your health and the conditions of your life are reflections of your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs which we can call TABs. Your TABs are formed in your past lives, and present, from the events you’ve lived through and from your decisions, mistakes, and victories. Some of your TABs enhance growth; some restrict growth and cause physical and/or emotional suffering.

Healing requires identifying the limiting TABs that block your growth and then releasing them. Since TABs often develop from core imprints, or past events that color your perceptions, these need to be addressed as well. There are many different methods for identifying and releasing past events, and you may already use one or more. If not, try the steps outlined in this chapter. With whatever method you use, connect with the Akashic Record and allow the information in the Record to assist with your healing process.


Healing and curing are two different things. Curing is the elimination of the signs and symptoms of illness. Healing is becoming whole—removing the underlying cause of illness and identifying with our spiritual self. Healing may or may not occur with a change in symptoms, but it always occurs with an acceptance of self and newfound fulfillment.

The Akashic Record helps you approach healing from a new perspective. It helps you look at your issues not as something wrong within yourself but as a reflection of your desire for growth. Your limiting beliefs, unfulfilled potentials, and incomplete soul growth created both the need and the circumstances for your healing. There are no mistakes.

The Akashic Imprint

As you learned in Chapter 1, everything you’ve ever thought, said, or done is a vibrational imprint in the Akashic Record. Your level of health, the illness and pain you carry, as well as the immense resources you have are all physical manifestations of the vibrations of your past actions. If you’re ill or unhappy, you’re physically manifesting your internal beliefs. You can focus on your illness as an external process or consider that your inner wounds created the condition for the illness to take root.

Your akashic imprints direct what lessons you decide to work on in this life, and that creates your circumstances and conditions. Your life may reflect a decision to transmute past karma or to develop a new potential. You may have decided to make a sacrifice for the benefit of those around you. The only requirement from the Record is that eventually, you work on all your limiting TABs and develop all your potentials. The Record compels you to be your authentic self so that your unique perspective and gifts can promote the Record’s evolution.

Blocks to Growth

Everyone has blocks to their growth. These are specific beliefs that keep you separated from your spirit. They get in the way of finding the underlying cause of your problem and of living life to the fullest. Removing blocks allows you to realign with your higher spiritual truth and bring more positivity into your life. Akashic healing can highlight your blocks and restrictions, offering you the opportunity to release your limiting beliefs, emotional scars, past programming, and self-defeating patterns.


In Shamanic journeying, accepting that our illnesses are part of our undeveloped selves is called “owning your shadow.” Wholeness is achieved when the soul journeys outside the body and retrieves the disowned parts of self.

Removing your blocks also allows you to become more aware of the choices you make. Instead of your unconscious TABs deciding your life script, you can choose the life you want. Because developing awareness and love are the prime directives of soul evolution, removing your blocks goes a long way toward helping you live a more authentic and happy life. Becoming conscious of your choices leads to a life full of adventure as you write your script from your passions instead of your fears.

The End of “Bad” Karma

When you cause harm, your karma creates consequences that you must face in order to correct your path. The conditions may seem harsh, but that’s what’s required for your growth. If you hurt someone by lying about them and turning people against them, you could endure a similar fate unless you develop your conscience, choosing compassion over power. Undeveloped souls have no conscience.

Karma is between you and your higher self, or the Akashic Record, and you can transmute it at any time. All you have to do is demonstrate that you have learned the necessary lesson. The first step is acknowledging your choices and accepting the consequences. The next step is changing your behavior. Like Scrooge in the classic story A Christmas Carol, accepting his transgressions was not enough. His enlightenment wasn’t complete until he changed his behavior. Accepting the consequences of your past actions is the opportunity to live a life of love, compassion, and service. This is the foundation for healing.

Finding Core Imprints

Core imprints are the underlying causes of our problems that can be expressed through health, career, relationships, or any other part of our life. The Akashic Record can assist your healing by revealing your core imprints so that you can clear them. Most of the time imprints reveal old trauma or transgressions. Other times, however, core imprints push you to challenge your limits and explore new directions—maybe one you’ve resisted. Edgar Cayce’s life is an excellent example of the latter type of healing.

Edgar Cayce was one of the most prolific Akashic Record readers in history and directly helped thousands of people. Before he could begin his work, however, he had to heal himself.


An Akashic Record reading can help you identify core issues. To find a reader in your area, go to

In 1901, when Cayce was 24, he was working as a salesman for an insurance company when he contracted laryngitis. His inability to speak meant he couldn’t work. Doctors told him he would never completely recover his voice. A local stage hypnotist offered to try and heal him on stage, and in desperation, Cayce agreed. While hypnotized, he could speak perfectly well; out of the trance, his voice was once again gone. A second hypnotherapist, Al Layne, put Cayce in a trance and asked him to describe the cause of his illness and heal it. Cayce did.

Although Cayce diagnosed a physical problem and prescribed a physical cure, his real healing involved uncovering his talent. Discovering he was able to diagnose and prescribe successfully in trance showed him his path and purpose. He had contracted in this life to use his voice to help people by providing Akashic readings and healing remedies. His laryngitis pushed him to fulfill his contract.

The Healing Process

The potential for healing within the Akashic Record is unlimited. The key is commitment and intent. It’s not always easy and we can be blind to our own issues. Fortunately, the Record Keepers and your guides are available to help, but healing is not an event, it’s a process. Your free will dictates the direction, amount of healing, and speed. Nothing is ever forced on you; you are in control of the process.

One way you can use the Akashic Record is through the following four-step process. When you’re using this process, ask your guides or the Record Keepers to help. Often people feel uncomfortable asking guides for help, either because they feel silly or feel they have to solve their own problems. In some cases people are afraid to admit they have a problem—which means it can’t be healed at all. Connecting with the Record Keepers and asking for help in seeing, shifting, and healing your imprints and TABs can change your life.


Many of the problems you have can be healed with your own intentions. However, if you have feelings of not wanting to be alive, please seek professional help. Don’t wait! You deserve a happy, fulfilling life.

The four steps to releasing an unhealed pattern may be familiar to you. They are:

1. Identify the issue you need to work on.

2. Find the cause or core imprint through the Akashic Record.

3. Expand your perspective and see the bigger picture by connecting to a higher spiritual truth.

4. Shift the energy of the past.

Once this is accomplished, the body’s natural processes can go to work.

In the next sections, you’ll see examples of how these steps work. It’s always a good idea to start any healing process by creating sacred space. You can do this simply by going to a comfortable area free of distractions, putting on soft music, and envisioning the space filled with light. Ask your guides and guardians to be present and available. Envision the highest and best good as your outcome.

Identify the Issue

The first step in the process of healing is to identify the issue. Think of a problem in your life that you’ve worked to resolve but can’t. Maybe this is a repeating pattern for you, a type of relationship you have over and over again, or back pain that keeps returning. Speak the problem out loud or write it down in a journal. Some people feel self-conscious in this process. Don’t worry—no one will see or hear your story other than you and your helpers. The truth is that you can’t receive help until you acknowledge where you need it, and stating the issue is an important step in the process.

Address all aspects of the issue. When did it start? Who is involved? How do you experience it? Speaking the story out loud or writing it in a journal is an important method for seeing it more objectively. Start at the beginning of the story, and be specific.

Once you’ve let your deeper feelings out, you may already be clearer. It’s amazing how helpful letting something completely out can be. Even though you feel better, continue the rest of the process anyway. There are always deeper levels you can access.


Using this process is another great way to use a journal. If you’re still unsure about how to journal, here’s a great site:

Find the Cause

The next part of the process is to find out where the issue you’re working on originated. When was the imprint made? Did it start in this life, or is it residue from a previous life? Is it a karmic debt, an old pact, or some other agreement you’ve made?

To retrieve past information, you need to quiet your mind. Sit in a comfortable, quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Make a connection to your spiritual helpers or the Record Keepers. You can do this by simply acknowledging them and thanking them for their help. If you want to, you can envision a bubble of light around yourself and invite your helpers inside. This is a safe and comfortable technique. Allow images to float past your mind’s eye. Don’t try to control them; let them come and go as they wish.

Ask yourself: “If this issue came from a past life, what might the event have been?” Suspend your logical mind and accept whatever comes. Let a story form in your mind. You’ll know whether it has legs by how it makes you feel. You may feel goose bumps, tingles, or warm rushes through your body. You may feel you want to cry. These are good indications you’ve hit the mark. This step takes a little trust on your part. You have to allow the possibility that the images you see in your mind’s eye could be real.

Once you have an image of an event, identify the attitudes and beliefs that you formed at this time. You can do this by noticing how you feel and what you think as you witness the story. Ask for help seeing where these beliefs are present in your current situation. If you feel stuck, write the question down in your journal and make yourself give 10 answers, no matter how silly they may seem. Then just write everything you feel about your answers. Eventually you’ll strip away the resistance and get to something important.

If you still feel stuck, you might want to have a past-life regression or speak to a reader of the Akashic Record. To understand the difference between the two types of work, feel free to jump ahead to Chapter 19.

Expand Your Perspective

The third step is to understand the larger picture and find forgiveness. It’s easy to judge ourselves, other people, or the situations we’ve been in. In truth, everyone is doing their best to grow—including you! The situation, however hard it is, offers an opportunity to grow.


I don’t feel that we have any choice but to see the Love and the Light that exists within every person.

—Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., clairvoyant psychotherapist

Open yourself to insight into the soul growth underway. Shift to the bigger picture. If you can see the self you were in your past life, dialogue with that person. Ask him or her what is needed and whether there is anything you can do to help. If you want, ask your guides to help clarify. When you feel complete, thank yourself and everyone involved, forgive yourself and all others, and release everyone from the karmic cycle. Thank your guides and the Record Keepers.

Shift Your Energy

The final step in the process is to cleanse your energy field. The human energy field consists of an aura and chakras and is a magnet to energetic forces. Having completed the first three steps, your vibration has shifted. Finalize the shift by cleansing your field of old patterns and making room for new ones. This will help you in changing your old behavior to create the life you want.

You can cleanse your field by imagining flows of energy in the form of light and/or color washing over and through you. Breathe light in with your inhalations, and breathe the old out with your exhalations. You can also physically clean your energy field by such things as taking an Epsom salt bath. Use a process you’re familiar with—and enjoy yourself!


If you’re not familiar with aura cleansing, an excellent book is Exploring Auras: Cleansing and Strengthening Your Energy Field by Susan G. Shumsky and Dannion Brinkley (see Appendix B).

Willingness to Grow

The success of your Akashic Record healing relies on two things: your trust in the process and your willingness to grow. Trusting the process can be difficult, and if this is an issue, you may want to work with a professional energy healer or bodyworker to see what magic can happen. After one or two sessions, you should be able to clear problems and issues on your own.

Being willing to grow is evidenced by making concrete changes in your life. Gaining information for the sake of information doesn’t promote change. If you don’t put in practice what you’ve learned, everything stays the same. Working with the Akashic Record gives you all the tools. How you use them is your choice. No one but you is judging, and you are the one who benefits.

Truthfully, this work can be very freeing. Inhibitions, restrictions, and fears that have plagued you can be shifted. The separation and isolation you may have felt in your relationships can be healed. You can experience more joy and greater inner peace. Most important is the ability to live in the present moment, making clear and conscious choices rather than being directed by your past.

Walking the Healing Path

The patterns of your life are a direct result of your limitations of imagination. You don’t have a more fulfilling life because you can’t imagine yourself in one. Or you may be able to imagine a better life, but you can’t see yourself living it. If you could, you would. What stops your imagination are the limits you placed on yourself with your underlying TABs.

The four-step healing process you just learned can change your life. You can use it to release physical and emotional problems, create healthy, loving relationships, and let go of things that don’t serve you. You can change situations and create better opportunities. As the following stories demonstrate, change happens in ways we don’t always anticipate.

Physical Healing

Healing on the physical level is often more challenging than healing on the emotional level, simply because matter is dense and more difficult to change. Fortunately, your body has all the mechanisms necessary to heal. If there are past-life blocks toward healing, removing them frees the natural processes of the body to restore health. If a condition has degenerated beyond a certain point, restoring physical health may not be possible. However, astonishing benefits have been realized using this method.

Remember the woman in Chapter 8 who was trampled by a horse in a previous life? She died in a state of shame and guilt for not standing up for the innocent people being slaughtered. She realized this was the root of her belief that she didn’t deserve happiness. Next, she looked for the higher meaning. She accepted that each person there was learning something they had signed up for. She acknowledged that the lesson for her was not to follow the pack but to be her authentic self in all situations. She looked at her life and saw that at work she was not taking a stand she believed in because she thought it would stop her advancement in the company. She also realized there were many times in her life when she had not stood up for what she knew was right.

After clearly seeing her situation, she acknowledged the lesson, thanked and forgave herself and all involved, cleansed her energy, and released everyone from the karmic contracts. Shortly after her inner healing, she found physical healing as well. Learning of a new manual therapy for correcting some types of scoliosis, she signed up for treatment—something she would not have pursued prior to her process work. She responded well and now no longer suffers back pain. Additionally, she changed her life to better express her ideals. She began to voice her views in board meetings and in corporate decisions. Not surprisingly, upon doing this she obtained the promotion she expected to be denied!


Don’t make the mistake of assuming you can heal your illnesses with spiritual healing alone. Your illness exists in both realms—spiritual and physical—and needs to be addressed in both realms for the most effective and safest result.

Sometimes the process of healing happens in stages or has gone so far into the physical it can’t be easily reversed. For example, Janice suffers terrible pain in her feet. Although doctors can’t find any reason for it, Janice’s feet are so sensitive she has trouble walking, can’t tolerate certain shoes, and can’t bear having her feet touched. She feels crippled.

Through the Akashic Record, it was revealed that the pain in her feet originated in a past life as a Revolutionary War soldier at Valley Forge. Her frozen, gangrened feet were crammed into boots that were too small and she was forced to march miles in excruciating pain. Finding the originating event, however, did not cure Janice’s foot pain. This may have been because the process was still incomplete. Maybe the underlying TABs had not been found or a higher perspective had not been attained. Perhaps this event was only the first layer in a situation that evolved over many lifetimes. Until more work has been done, the past-life story will not have the power to change Janice’s foot pain. Even after completing the process, her feet may still hurt, but she will find inner peace and acceptance and know that healing has occurred.

Situational Healing

As you know, the situations in your life are also representations of your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs. According to a spiritual teaching called the Course in Miracles, all emotions can be reduced to either love or fear. Healing from the Akashic Record can help you let go of fear-based attitudes and realize that people and events aren’t the cause of your conflict and distress. It’s your attitudes about the people and events that cause your stress.

In fact, you can change the people and events in your life and then recreate the same situations elsewhere, with the next set of people and events. This is because you draw the situations that reflect your inner beliefs that you are here to work on. Until you change your inner beliefs, you cannot change your life.

You can use the four-step process to work on situations, too. Meet Fiona, who is a very talented artist. Her work is exceptional, and everyone can see it—including Fiona. Unfortunately, she finds it difficult to accept money for her work. She repeatedly under-prices it and puts her pieces in shows that draw a clientele who can’t pay what its worth. Her continual refrain is, “If only …” It might be, “If only I can sell this art piece, I can get what I need.” Or she may say, “If only I had a relationship, I would be happy.” Unfortunately, Fiona is blocked in her ability to create her life.

In an Akashic Record healing session, Fiona found that in a past life she gave up her spiritual center for wealth and physical comfort. She was a merchant in the industrial revolution in England. She used child labor and hurt many people, including her spouse, to become rich regardless of the expense. In this past life, she was unable to see the beauty in the world and sold her soul for material gain. In this life, she is producing great beauty and is unable to make any money on it.

During the process, Fiona had a flash of insight. She realized she was as focused in this life on material well-being as she was in that life. She recognized that underlying fears of security and safety ruled her thinking. Once Fiona accepted that her situation was the result of losing her connection to her authentic self, she made a commitment to change her life. She was able to forgive herself and began to look for ways to make the world a better place. She donated her artwork to children’s hospitals and taught handicapped children how to access their creativity. In no time, her artwork was selling and her material situation improved—although it no longer had the importance it originally had.


Here are a few of the tenets from “The Twelve Principles of Attitudinal Healing,” as taught by psychiatrist Dr. Jerry Jampolsky, founder of the International Center for Attitudinal Healing in 1975:

  • The essence of being is love.
  • Health is inner peace.
  • Giving and receiving are the same.
  • We can let go of the past and the future.
  • Now is the only time there is.
  • We learn to love ourselves and others by forgiving rather than judging.
  • We can become love finders rather than fault finders.
  • We can be peaceful inside regardless of what is happening outside.
  • We are students and teachers to each other.

You can find more on his website at

Healing Relationships

Relationships offer the greatest opportunity for your growth and can provide the deepest levels of satisfaction on this plane. However, relationships can also be notoriously difficult. Our fears cripple the depth of connection we seek. Relationship fears challenge our need for intimacy versus independence. They challenge our self-worth, empowerment, and compassion. If we meet the challenge, the rewards are plenty—but too often we’re trapped in relationships that can’t grow. But for some reason, we can’t leave.

As we explained in Chapter 4, people repeatedly attract the same unfulfilling relationships until they complete the growth they have contracted in this life. It’s important to keep in mind that you choose the circumstances and conditions in your life. However, your only requirement is to show up. After that, you don’t owe the situation anything beyond growth. What direction growth takes is up to you. You don’t have to stay in bad relationships, but until you clear the underlying imprint, you probably will.

Here’s what happened to Cathy. Cathy was raised in a strict family with a psychologically abusive father. Her self-esteem was poor, and as a teenager she avoided dating. Her adult relationships were characterized by her taking care of men who didn’t contribute. She tried to earn her self-worth by doing all the work in the relationship herself. She despaired of ever finding a fulfilling partnership.

Everything changed for Cathy after she underwent an Akashic Record healing. In the process, she saw a past life as a man who took huge risks and failed. He died leaving his family holding the bag for the risks he took and the inability to carry them off. Cathy brought tremendous guilt into this life and also an underlying belief that she was incapable of taking care of herself. She had a fear of failure and set up her life conditions to prove she could survive under any circumstance.

Once she saw the pattern, she was free. She acknowledged that she had proven in this life she could take care of herself and everyone else. She thanked everyone involved in the past and present life for her teaching, forgave herself, and called the contracts complete. In her description, “I turned a corner in my mind and the landscape in my life completely changed.” In a matter of months, she met her soul mate and the relationship brought all the joy she had every dreamed of.

Changing Patterns

Once you’ve found the underlying cause of your troubles and reconnected with your spiritual center, your life will start to shift. However, you will still need to take active steps. Old patterns and behaviors are hard to break—especially when they’re engrained in your friendships and social life.

Changing patterns may require letting go of people and activities that don’t serve your new, healthy self. Maybe that will mean never seeing certain people again, or maybe it just means not being trapped in the roles you play with each other. Either way, as your behaviors change you will be tested and enticed to go back to old ways. At this point, keeping yourself connected to the higher picture is essential.

Most importantly, changing old patterns requires changing how you think. Your mind is the most powerful tool you have. As we’ve seen, changing your attitudes and beliefs changes how you think and behave. You can consciously support these changes through the use of creative thinking, intentions, and affirmations.


As your thoughts are, so is your life.

—Edgar Cayce

Creative Thinking

Your thoughts are the creative force you use to craft your life. They are alive and attract life force. Your habitual thoughts, the ones you think several times a day, determine the quality of your life. People who think critical thoughts, who spend their time looking for things to criticize in the people around them, have unhappy relationships. They draw to themselves people with enough things to criticize to keep them busy. On the other hand, people who always look for the silver linings tend to have more of them. They also live longer, as medical studies prove. How you think influences your actions and reactions and creates your life.

When you have a thought, your body has an immediate reaction. If you hear a sound and think someone is in the basement, chemicals cascade through your system whether anyone is really there or not. When you expect unhappiness, unhappy chemicals rule your system. Your unhappiness is reflected all around you in the unfulfilling relationships you create and the unsatisfying job you have.

On the other hand, the power of the mind is unlimited. It’s creative and playful. You can keep the momentum of your Akashic Record healing by using the power of your mind to think life-enhancing thoughts. Mind power is second only to the power of spirit. When your thoughts are in alignment with the creative power of the Akashic Record and reflect higher consciousness, there isn’t anything that can’t be accomplished.

Intentional Thinking

One of the best ways to use your mind power is to form intentions. Intentions aim you toward a goal. Without an intention, you can’t manifest your purpose. You know the story—if you don’t know where you want to go, you’ll end up where you’re heading. The problem is that most of us don’t have a clear idea of what we want. We have vague thoughts, such as, “I want more money” or “I want more happiness.” Obviously, these thoughts live in the delusion that what you want is outside yourself. It’s not! You just need to add intention into your thinking.

Here’s an easy and quick method for forming intentions. First, get clear about what you want. It’s not enough to want money. How will having money make you feel? What will it give you that you don’t have now (besides more money!)? If you want money in order to feel free, secure, or capable, then freedom, security, or ability must be part of your intention. If happiness will make you feel alive, then vitality must be part of your intention.

To manifest your intention, let yourself get into a clear, meditative state of mind. Then focus on your intention as if it already exists. See it, feel it, and experience it. Imagine yourself free. What are you doing? Where do you live? Who are your friends? Invest your intention with the power of your emotions. Feel the joy of your intention. If your intention doesn’t bring you joy, it’s not a productive intention. If you can’t generate positive emotion, then you don’t have a powerful desire for it.


While light travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second, thoughts virtually travel in no time.

—Sri Swami Sivananda, yogi

Powerfully hold your intentions every day. Act as if your intention is manifest. Apply for the job you want, go back to school, or write your book. Make your choices as if you already are free, safe, and capable. Be the person, be the change, and be the attributes you want your intention to create.


While you’re living out your intentions and changing your behaviors, you may find that your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs occasionally slip back into old patterns. Don’t get upset when this happens; old habits are hard to break! Just remember they’re only habits, and they can be changed. All it takes is mental discipline.

Every time your thoughts slip into the old negative beliefs and attitudes, replace them with an affirmation. An affirmation states the presence of the underlying reality. If your intention is to be free, then when you find yourself feeling constrained, replace your limiting thought with an affirmation. In this case, you might choose, “I am a free spiritual being” or “The Akashic Record supports my path and purpose.”


If you’re having trouble making affirmations, here’s a great site for instruction:

Affirmations are directions to your subconscious mind. With an affirmation, you’re telling your subconscious what you want to manifest. Your subconscious mind then begins to create your affirmation—what you think you will become. Every time you find yourself thinking a disempowering thought, counter it with an affirmation. Then when you get a chance, spend 60 seconds visualizing your intention in your mind’s eye.

Choosing an affirmation that will work for you can be tricky. Here are a few guidelines:

  • Use present tense. Instead of saying, “I am going to have a loving relationship,” say, “Loving relationships are all around me.”
  • Always make positive statements. Rather than, “I am no longer lonely,” say, “I am fulfilled and surrounded by love.”
  • Be short and concise. Long affirmations confuse the purpose.
  • Be focused on yourself and your actions. Rather than, “I deserve for Mark to love me,” say, “I deserve and receive love.” You can’t change someone else, but you can open yourself to being more lovable.

The Least You Need to Know

  • Healing starts with finding the underlying cause of the problem.
  • Your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs (TABs) create your life.
  • To heal, identify the issue, find the root cause, expand your perspective to see the bigger picture, and shift the energy of the past.
  • Changing old patterns requires changing how you think. Use intentions to guide your subconscious mind and affirmations to counter old thinking patterns.
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