
The Akashic Realms

In This Chapter

  • Levels of the akasha
  • Our perceptions of reality
  • Intelligent life in the universe
  • Our place in the cosmos

The Akashic Record is said to contain all knowledge. Not limited to human experience, it is the knowledge base of all eras of time, all regions of space, and all dimensions of reality. The Record also contains descriptions of other forms of consciousness, including alien intelligence. This chapter looks at some of the information of the inner dimensions of the Record.

Within the Akashic Record

The Akashic Record is described as an energy field resonating with diverse energetic imprints. Although it was often viewed as nothing but a reference source, or library, current understanding accepts that it’s more—that it’s also the substance of universal consciousness. It has awareness. It changes, grows, and evolves with consciousness throughout the universe.

The akashic field of consciousness is the matrix that creates interconnection between all things. We’ve learned that it influences reality as much as it records it. What we can see of the Akashic Record is limited to what we can perceive. Consequently, our idea of the Akashic Record and what it contains has changed over time and is still evolving.

Ancient texts reveal the Record contains different planes, or dimensions, of reality. Traditionally, the dimensions have been represented as levels on a transcending ladder of awareness and mastery. With quantum physics, we understand the levels are interconnected and equally important aspects of reality. One level is not better than the next; they all have purpose and function within the whole.

Each plane in the akashic energy field vibrates at a specific rate that maintains that dimension. Hindu philosophy tells us that we’re not distinct and separate from these planes; they actually relate to our own energy field, called the aura. Each of us has an aura, which—like the akashic dimensions—has seven layers. Through our aura, we connect with the different levels of reality. Each layer of the aura has a corresponding chakra, or energy center (see Chapter 11). Chakras link the aura to the body. As we grow in awareness, we receive information from more levels of the aura—interacting with additional dimensions of reality. As you can see, we are woven into the structure of the universe.

Our aura is our own personal energy field that maintains our physical form and dimensional awareness. It exists in seven layers, or levels of awareness.

Traditional Planes of Reality

According to ancient Hindu texts, there are seven dimensions existing in the same space but at different vibrations. The rates of vibration relate to the seven musical tones, the colors of the rainbow, levels of awareness, and so on. It’s important to remember that we co-create reality. As we grow and evolve, so does our ability to perceive and understand; consequently, descriptions of the dimensions have changed through time. Today, psychics see additional levels that exist in higher frequencies. We’ve grown, and reality has grown with us. Here’s an overview of the traditional Hindu designation:

  • 1st—physical plane: the realm of minerals and the consciousness of crystals
  • 2nd—etheric plane: the realm of plants and the consciousness of nature spirits, elementals, and devas.
  • 3rd—mental plane: the animal realm and the consciousness of humans, aliens, and animal totems
  • 4th—akashic plane (or astral plane): the realm of angels and ascended masters; universal consciousness. It’s the central realm of all seven levels—the hub that allows the interaction between them all. Although the Akashic Record is the oneness behind all dimensions, access to the Record resides in this realm.
  • 5th—template plane: the higher angelic realm and that of spiritual consciousness
  • 6th—celestial plane: the realm of the archangels and that of enlightened consciousness
  • 7th—causal plane: the realm of pure awareness, pure energy, or the god force; divine consciousness


This universe, composed of seven zones … is everywhere swarming with living creatures, large or small … so that there is not the eighth part of an inch in which they do not abound.

Vishnu Purana, ancient Hindu text

The planes of existence represent different formulas, or mixtures, of energy and matter. The lower planes express more of the material aspect while the higher planes express more of the energetic/spiritual aspects. This doesn’t mean the consciousness existing within the physical realms is less spiritual than the consciousness of other realms, however. Consciousness connects to its source. Each realm has a connection to universal consciousness through the Akashic Record. The trick isn’t to climb the staircase of awareness; it’s to maintain awareness on all levels simultaneously.

The Multiverse

Quantum physics has opened the door to new realities. As we discussed in Chapter 15, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, not to mention Schrödinger’s cat, have elicited new thinking on the nature of reality. The cat in Schrödinger’s box simply can’t be both dead and alive at the same time.

In 1957, scientist Hugh Everett proposed the solution: the multiverse, or multiple possible parallel universes. Each possible observation, he thought, created another universe. The multiverse theory is also called the Many Worlds Theory (MWT), which more accurately states that our single universe contains many worlds. New worlds split off the one we’re in as alternate choices are made. Instead of one world line, we have a many-branched tree with every possible quantum outcome. While this theory boggles the mind, it also provides fuel for the development of string theory, which supports the multiverse model of reality.

The multiverse is multiple possible universes (including ours) that together comprise all reality as described by quantum physics. The different universes within the multiverse are sometimes called parallel universes or alternate universes. The term “multiverse” was coined in 1895 by psychologist William James.

The multiverse solution to quantum mechanics energized new mathematics that provided models of reality with 11 dimensions. Scientists such as Lisa Randall at Harvard University and Raman Sundrum at John’s Hopkins University suggest that our visible world of four dimensions is embedded in a higher-dimensional universe. Professor Stephen Hawking, one of the most brilliant scientific minds since Albert Einstein, has stated that “these other dimensions of the multiverse do in fact exist and are as real as the one in which we are experiencing right now.”

In fact, hidden dimensions seem to make up more of the world than the physical parts we see and measure. Although science doesn’t know what these other dimensions might be like, it seems the ancient texts weren’t so far off in their description of multiple dimensions of reality.

Perceptions of Reality

The multiverse theory has consequences that are difficult to grasp. Essentially, each of us lives in our own reality. We decide which universe we inhabit and with whom. This creates unlimited confusion! For example, the people in your life may make different decisions than you—and your decisions place you in one world, while theirs are in another. Yet they’re still here, in your world. Or does a version of them continue in your world line while another version exists in another world line? Do we have multiplicity of selves? It’s enough to make you crazy! The difficulties become insurmountable and beg direct understanding.

When we stop thinking of the Akashic Record and different levels of awareness as being independent of us, we no longer have to speculate. We can experience them directly. According to Ken Wilbur, author of The Theory of Everything (see Appendix B), we can access information in three ways:

  • Through our senses (standard science)
  • Through our minds (mathematics and logic)
  • Through spirit (direct experience)

We’re finding that our minds and senses, although extraordinary tools, contain their own biases and set of limitations. Only direct experience can take us to the heart of the universe to know the Akashic Record. The layers of our aura connect us to the information we seek.


To learn more about string theory, check out The Complete Idiot’s Guide to String Theory by George Musser (Alpha Books, 2008).

Karl Pribram, neurophysiologist at Stanford University, has a new understanding of how the brain stores memory. It’s not stored in specific locations but in patterns of neural energy, the same way patterns are encoded on holographic film. In other worlds, our brains are holographic. Through the holographic nature of reality, we have access to all other parts—including direct experience of the akashic realms. We simply have to tune in to the layers of our own aura for direct experience.

Experiencing the Record

Edgar Cayce channeled his own higher self, who read the Record directly. Dion Fortune astral projected into the Akashic Record and interacted with different akashic dimensions. Rudolph Steiner had direct awareness of akashic realms. A considerable amount of information about the Record has come from channeling, including information from ancient Hindu texts that were channeled by various gods. All of these are forms of direct experience.

Direct access requires inducing an altered state of consciousness because our daily awareness keeps us focused in the physical and blocks out contact with other realms. Altered states, on the other hand, are trances with various levels of mental alertness that allow connection to other realities.

Altered States of Consciousness

Changes in consciousness correspond to changes in brain wave activity. Electrical transmission in the brain emits frequencies, or brain waves, that can be measured by an electroencephalograph (EEG). As we mentioned in Chapter 2, there are four basic brain states—beta, alpha, theta, and delta—that we all experience every day. When you’re in an alpha brain state, your body is deeply relaxed yet your brain maintains a sharp and focused awareness. Alpha is the doorway to the slower theta brain state, which produces an even deeper state of awareness.

Normally, each side of the brain produces a different brain wave. In meditation and altered mind states, the left and right sides of the brain synchronize—and the greater the synchronization, the deeper the trance. In a trance, you may experience mental relaxation; clarity; insight; inner vision; the ability to access the akasha, uncovering hidden potentials; and the ability to contact guides, angels, and other realms.

Although we aim to induce altered states with different practices, they can also be induced by fever, illness, and drugs. You may have experienced altered states when you were very sick, perhaps hallucinating or actually entering other realms. Hallucinogenic drugs have been used by shamans and ancient cave dwellers to access different planes of existence.


There is no one reality. Each of us lives in a separate universe. That’s not speaking metaphorically. This is the hypothesis of the stark nature of reality suggested by recent developments in quantum physics. Reality in a dynamic universe is non-objective. Consciousness is the only reality.

—M.R. Franks, author and life member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

Multidimensional Awareness

Humankind is opening to the ability to perceive other dimensions as part of everyday reality. As the Record evolves, an entire range of dormant human abilities is coming to the forefront. It’s part of our collective soul plan to express our true spiritual nature, inspiring higher states of consciousness and pushing us beyond old paradigms.

Multidimensional awareness is the ability to be aware on more than one plane or in more than one place simultaneously. In this state, people have interacted with other beings—both from this and other dimensions. The range of information retrieved has been dramatic. Encounters with other realities and intelligences have resulted in an expanded view of the universe and human capabilities. They have impacted religion, psychology, and philosophy. They have produced tangible results, inspiring new technologies and scientific breakthroughs (see Chapter 7). In fact, many stories from religious texts, such as the adventures of Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita or Ezekiel in the Old Testament, describe receiving information through multidimensional awareness.

Alien Intelligence

Are there other sentient beings in the universe? Can we interact with them? According to the Akashic Record, there are many sentient beings interacting with humans—including aliens. The existence of off-planet intelligence is not disputed (at least, not scientifically). What is disputed is whether they are advanced, whether they visit Earth, and whether there is alien-human interaction.


Our sun is one of a hundred billion stars in our galaxy. Our galaxy is one of billions of galaxies populating the universe. It would be the height of presumption to think that we are the only living thing in that enormous immensity.

—Wernher von Braun, rocket physicist and astronautics engineer

The subject of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) has been part of the underground media since the late 1940s. Some say this corresponds with the beginning of a change in paradigm. Prior to breakthroughs in nuclear physics, the idea of space flight was impossible. The advent of hydrogen-powered rockets opened the door for space exploration, and once it was possible for us, why not for space beings?

As we began to conceive of other worlds, the collective imagination of the planet provided UFOs as the next boogie man. There was an explosion of science fiction stories, movies, and comic strips focusing on aliens and spacecraft. At the same time, ordinary people began reporting lights in the sky, strange encounters, and eventually alien abductions. Was this, as some say, the impact of a changing paradigm on collective imagination? Or is there evidence of interaction?

Ancient Astronauts

There is a prevalent belief that humans did not evolve naturally on this planet but were genetically seeded. It’s believed off-planet intelligence has visited the planet extensively through the years, leaving behind relics and influencing genetics, cultures, and technology. Proof is seen in images that have been recorded in cave drawings, biblical records, and ancient monuments. Here are some examples:

  • A series of caves in what is now the desert region of Iran display prehistoric paintings depicting circles of fire in the sky that look like modern-day UFOs.
  • Sumerian petroglyphs show rockets traveling through the sky, which Sumerian expert and author Zachariah Sitchin deciphers as “gods” coming from other planets in flying machines.
  • In the Old Testament, Jacob witnesses an aerial object which he called a sky ladder, and Ezekiel saw four flying objects looking like “a wheel within a wheel.” Ezekiel was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire.
  • Egyptians described gods that arrived in flying boats and disks of many colors.
  • Aztec and Mayan murals depict rockets flying across the sky and men in garments that look like today’s space suits.
  • Native cultures throughout North and South America refer to “Star” nations from where they originated.

Ancient cultures add to the mystery by exhibiting advanced mathematics and astronomy and by unexplained technological accomplishment in building the pyramids of Egypt, Japan, and Guatemala. Readers of the Akashic Record have said that many of these skills came from Atlantis and Lemuria, but the Record also confirms that alien intelligence exists and interacts with Earth.

Close Encounters

We’ve all heard the claims of alien encounters and UFO abductions. Maybe you’ve even seen lights in the sky that clearly didn’t belong to planes. Since the 1950s, sightings and claims of close encounters have been increasing. They began to draw serious public attention in the 1980s with the publication of Bud Hopkins’s book Missing Time (see Appendix B). Hopkins is an artist who saw a UFO in the 1960s. His sighting created an avid interest that led him to research the claims of UFO abductions. Using hypnosis, he recovered details of abduction experiences that have fascinated many. Hopkins was the most prominent researcher in the field until joined by the late Dr. John Mack in the 1990s.

Dr. Mack of the Harvard School of Medicine began studying abductees in the late 1980s. Initially believing abductees were mentally ill, he simply gathered data and observed. Eventually, he became convinced that there was a genuine phenomenon happening to mentally healthy individuals. He wrote the book Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens (see Appendix B) on his findings, risking professional censure and ridicule.

People have three typical experiences. In the first, the abductee is suddenly woken from a sound sleep and is aware but unable to move. They’re caught in some type of force field and float out of the room and into a UFO. They describe seeing the classic extra-terrestrial—a small stature with a large, egg-shaped head and huge, almond-shaped, emotionless eyes. Abductees typically say they saw babies that represent a hybrid of alien and human genetic material.

Another common encounter starts with people traveling in a car and seeing a UFO. They experience electrical failure and suddenly find themselves several miles away with two or more hours of missing time. They have no memory of what happened during the missing time or how they came to be at a new location.

The third type of encounter happens in an altered state, where the experiencer is taught different types of information. They are often taught healing techniques, given scientific breakthroughs, or provided with technological instruction. People enjoy these encounters and seek them out. The beings they interact with are described as taller and more interested in the human condition than their smaller counterparts.


The term “crop circles” was coined by Colin in the 1980s to describe swirled plants in crop fields that form intricate patterns. His research of 30 years shows that many crop circles are made by people; however, a higher mind seems to be guiding the process. People who make crop circles report feeling compelled to, they experience interactions with strange lights in the sky while making them, and are inspired to create particular designs. Is it possible they are being directed by and interact with intelligence that is extra-terrestrial in nature? If so, what is the message? Could it be an intervention to awaken us to a reality outside our current way of thinking? Colin believes we need to remain open to all possibilities.

Whether these encounters are real or not, the experiences are vivid, extraordinarily similar, and seem to be describing objective reality.

A Different Explanation

Consciousness researcher Graham Hancock, author of Supernatural: Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind (see Appendix B), sheds a different light. According to Hancock, today’s UFO enthusiasts are looking for a nuts-and-bolts explanation for alien-human interactions when they should be looking at consciousness.

Hancock explains that the images found in cave drawings, such as the renditions of spaceship-like objects and images of faces that look remarkably like the extra-terrestrial descriptions of modern abductees, are a reflection of altered consciousness. Ancient man and shamans used hallucinogenic drugs to induce altered states and explore the “boundaries of reality.” The images they drew, says Hancock, are the visions they saw of different dimensions while in altered states, dimensions UFO experiencers are entering as well. What makes Hancock’s theory different is that he believes the visions represent objective experience of alternate realities. In these trances, often referred to as dreaming or visioning, a guide is present who takes the seeker through a series of experiences. What is remarkable is the similarity of what people in trances see and experience. They typically meet the same guide and see the same places in their visions, indicating an underlying coherent and reproducible reality to the realms they visited.

Government Disclosure

Not surprisingly, governments have conducted their own investigations into the claims of UFOs and alien encounters—the most famous being the crash at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. Initially announced as a UFO crash, the U.S. military immediately retracted its statement and announced the crash was a weather balloon. Colin is a friend of the son of the Army officer, Jesse Marcel, who was part of the first response team at the Roswell crash site. Jesse Marcel Jr. adamantly disagrees that what his father saw was a weather balloon.

Unfortunately, the reports on this and other UFO investigations have not been available to the public. Withheld as a threat to national security, governments worldwide downplayed both the existence of an alien presence and their interest in it. The Akashic Record might suggest that the time was not right for a full discussion of the topic. Timing in the akashic field is based on a larger picture.

No government or person has the right to control the growth of consciousness, and the picture has begun to change. Governments worldwide are releasing their UFO investigations under a disclosure agreement. The following countries have opened their secret files:

Our world is changing before our eyes—and with it our perceptions of reality. Government files are showing that we’re not alone. If we accept the concept of right timing, then we have to accept that growth in the akashic field of consciousness has resulted in the timing of this release of records. Curiously, the United States is resisting disclosure despite mounting public pressure.

Soon, we will undoubtedly have collective experiences—and a new reality will be born which will encompass an extra-terrestrial presence.

Our Place in the Universe

Paradigm change happens in slow increments over time until a tipping point is reached, after which nothing is the same. Many think we’ve been involved in a paradigm shift since the time of Einstein’s equation E=MC2. The advent of quantum mechanics and space travel has brought us to within seconds of the point of no return.

Dr. James Hurtak of the Academy for Future Science (AFFS) experienced a mystical encounter with “Higher Superluminal Intelligence” in 1974. His encounter resulted in writing The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch (see Appendix B). The Keys provide a blueprint for the evolution of humankind into higher states of consciousness.

We’re on the verge of knowing that we are not alone in the universe and that we are, and always have been, part of a larger galactic collective. Hurtak declares that humankind is on the threshold of becoming a conscious and responsible part of this collective. The evolution of the Record requires that we expand our consciousness and move into other realms of existence. Hurtak sees a difficult passage ahead, but the outcome is assured. We will change paradigms no matter how difficult the birthing is.

The Least You Need to Know

  • The Akashic Record describes many levels or dimensions of reality.
  • Ancient texts and quantum physics agree that there are more dimensions than the four we can measure.
  • We can learn to change our brain states and alter our consciousness to access other realms.
  • Off-planet intelligent beings have interacted with the planet since the beginning of life on Earth.
  • The paradigm shift underway will take us into conscious interaction with other life in the universe and with other dimensions of reality.
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