
We Are the Librarians

In This Chapter

  • Who are the readers of the Akashic Record?
  • Developing your ability to read the Record
  • Accessing the different levels
  • Your guardians and guides
  • Steps in soul evolution

Many people have dreams of the Akashic Record and being shown the book of their life. Some describe reading about difficult moments in their past from an enlightened perspective that helps them understand its importance to their soul growth. Some see a past life unfold as if watching a movie. All who come in contact with the Record report a similar message: that each of us is responsible for and to our own record and that our personal record will be protected by guides until we are spiritually ready to use the information we find. Our individual record is the greatest tool we have for personal development.

Readers of the Record

People are often as curious about those who can read the Record as they are about what is contained within. There is no mystique, however; the readers are essentially the same as you and me. The difference is that they have developed their intuitive skills and applied them in this area. Some work hard to develop the necessary skills; some discover their ability through some type of trauma or incident of self-discovery; and others are born with these abilities intact from a past life.

In the early nineteenth century, a lot of interest was generated in the Akashic Record. With new metaphysical ideas flourishing in both Europe and America, a number of people entertained the ability to read the Record. They revealed remarkably similar information about the history of the planet and the spiritual development of the soul.

Three people—Madame Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce, and Dion Fortune—were leading lights in metaphysics from about 1870 to 1950. They disseminated tremendous amounts of metaphysical and spiritual information that became the basis of the New Age movement. Their lives reflect different methods of reading the Record and different means of attaining the necessary skill. Today, there are hundreds of people who claim to have the ability—but none has revealed more information for individuals and humanity than these three.


To find an Akashic Record consultant today, do an online search for the key words “akashic readers” or look in local publications that deal with natural health, metaphysics, or New Age philosophy. You can find more information on finding a reader in Chapter 19.

While working with the Akashic Record, both Madame Blavatsky and Dion Fortune claimed to be in direct communication with higher beings who provided information and guided their paths. In contrast, Edgar Cayce was a channel who allowed higher beings, including his own higher self, to speak through him. (A person’s higher self is his or her spiritual essence that resides in higher realms and has awareness beyond the physical.) Afterward, Cayce remembered nothing of the information he provided.

Madame Blavatsky

Madame Helena Blavatsky was born in Russia in 1831 and from an early age had a strong desire to understand spiritual truth. She spent many years traveling around the world studying religious teachings in many different cultures. She died in England in 1891 after introducing the Western world to Eastern mysticism. According to legend, Blavatsky was initiated in Eastern philosophy in Tibet where she spent two years receiving training by Tibetan masters.

Madame Blavatsky is considered the pioneer of current metaphysical thought. She cofounded the Theosophical Society in 1875 in New York City to spread her teachings of spiritual law, which included the doctrine of reincarnation and karma, the power of thought, the presence of ascended masters, and of course the existence of the Akashic Record. The word “theosophy” means “knowledge of the divine” and is claimed to be part of ancient wisdom teachings.

Madame Blavatsky developed her ability through meditation and breathing practices. She delved into the Akashic Record to find deeper levels of metaphysical wisdom and knowledge. She wrote many books on universal spiritual laws, the human energy system (chakras and auras), the history of past civilizations, and the development of the soul. Rudolf Steiner, founder of the Waldorf school system, was one of her students and was an accomplished Akashic Record reader. Many of his theories on biodynamic farming, education, and architecture came from the Akashic Record.


Madame Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce, Dion Fortune, and Rudolf Steiner all founded educational institutions that are still in existence today. You can contact them through the following websites:

Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce was born on a farm in Kentucky in 1877 and died in 1945. He showed unusual abilities throughout his childhood, such as talking to spirits and displaying telepathic abilities. He studied for exams at school by placing books under his pillow at night. In the morning, it’s claimed he knew all the information in the book!

Cayce didn’t discover the extent of his abilities until 1901, when he developed a severe and long-lasting case of laryngitis. In desperation, he agreed to be put into a hypnotic trance to affect a cure. While in the trance, he uncovered his ability to heal by accessing the Akashic Record. Cayce was raised as a Christian and was devout in his religious beliefs. Initially, it was very hard for him to accept the information revealed through his readings—especially information such as reincarnation that contradicted Bible teachings.

For more than 40 years, Cayce gave readings to thousands of people. He diagnosed and treated illnesses, provided past life readings and future prophecy, described the human energy structures, detailed the history of past civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria, and discerned spiritual law. His information was strikingly similar to Blavatsky and Steiner, including information on the existence of the Akashic Record itself. He often called the Record “God’s Book of Remembrance,” and he claimed it holds the answers to the nature of the universe and each individual’s past, mission, and purpose.

Cayce read the Akashic Record by lying down and meditating. He immediately went into a sleeping trance. While in the trance, he channeled higher beings who answered any question put to them on any topic. Upon waking, he had no memory of what transpired, earning him the title “Sleeping Prophet.” Other titles he has been given include “Father of Holistic Medicine” and “Father of the New Age.” Cayce is without a doubt the most prolific and studied psychic ever.

Dion Fortune

Born in England, Dion Fortune (1890–1946) was a natural intuitive, possessing clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities at the early age of five. Dion read the Akashic Record in a manner similar to that of Edgar Cayce. Unlike Cayce, however, she did not undergo any trauma that set off her abilities but had access to them at a young age. Also unlike Cayce, she maintained conscious awareness when she accessed the Record and claims to have consciously negotiated the etheric planes. Her technique for reading the Record consisted of willfully projecting her consciousness into the etheric realms, a process known as astral projection.

Clairvoyance, or inner vision, is the ability to see information through visions or seeing the realms of divine energy. Clairaudience, or inner listening, is the ability to hear messages from the spirit realms or inner self.

Accessing the Records

Each of us has access to the Record because we participate in creating it. Realistically, very few of us develop the ability to read the Record. This may be due to the fact that it takes more than skill; it requires a certain degree of spiritual discernment.

The Akashic Record goes beyond theories of energy and matter to a quantum world of vibrational holography and provides the mechanism for extra-sensory perception (ESP) such as telepathy. Reading minds or knowing what is about to happen is possible because we can tune in to the field of vibration within the akasha. In developing the ability to access the Record, people generally develop their psychic skills first, but the Record has more to offer than enhanced abilities. In addition, the akasha can reveal your soul’s path, purpose, mission, and destiny. Reading the Record provides intensely significant and life-changing information.


Not everyone who claims to read the Akashic Record is on the level. Watch out for people who say they will solve your problems or direct your decisions. Also, watch out for those who require additional sums of money for every question you have. Always test the information you receive against your own gut feelings. If it feels wrong, it probably is.

Contacting the Record requires engaging your intuition and paying attention to your felt senses through quieting the mind. You can then develop different techniques to connect with the Record. Methods for connecting with the Akashic Record include channeling, astral projection, and remote viewing. After reading about each of these, you may have an idea of which one will work best for you. Before looking at the methods, let’s look more closely at understanding intuition and meditation.


Intuition is often called the sixth sense. According to astronaut Edgar Mitchell, one of a handful of people who has walked on the moon and seen Earth from space, intuition is actually our first sense. At its most essential level, intuition is the gut feeling that guides our perceptions—the basic nature within us all. It’s the hunches and insight we gain not from information but from the feel of a situation.

Intuition is our direct access to the Akashic Record. It comes from a place deep inside that is connected to our own super-consciousness. Our super-consciousness is a small part of universal consciousness. Accessing the Record is possible simply by quieting your mind and going deep inside. By maintaining a focused, receptive, non-judging state of mind, any of us can link to the Record.


Meditation is a practice of quieting the mind and shifting from our normal state of awareness to a more focused and internal state of awareness. Changing levels of awareness corresponds to changing brain wave frequencies, or brain states. There are four basic brain states, which we all experience every day:

  • Beta is the brain state we’re in during our typical daily activity.
  • Alpha is the state that occurs when our body is deeply relaxed yet our brain maintains a sharp and focused awareness. Alpha is the first state induced in meditation practices.
  • Theta states are deeper, more relaxed states where we lose our sense of being in a physical body and our brain produces visions that seem as if we’re living them. We naturally experience theta every day just before falling asleep and just before waking from sleep. With practice, we can induce theta states through meditation. Theta is the most productive state of awareness for accessing the Record.
  • Delta is our typical sleep state and often the accidental result of meditation.


There are many cool devices that can train you to shift your brain states and level of awareness at will. The Wild Divine is an affordable home computer program that easily teaches you to change your awareness using guided imagery programs combined with biofeedback. This product is highly recommended for the serious beginner! Learn more at

Generating different brain states is a common practice. For example, stress- and anger-management techniques teach people how to induce alpha states. People are trained to induce delta states for insomnia, and theta states are often induced prior to intuitive work.

There are many practices that allow us to quiet and focus the mind, such as breathing techniques, yoga, meditation, and self-hypnosis. A prerequisite to any technique is attitude and belief. You must be able to set aside your self-critic and allow yourself to be a witness rather than a judge. Allow images and feelings to arise, and follow them rather than judging them.

The following techniques are frequently used to access the Record and all require you to shift your awareness for success.


Channeling is the process of allowing a higher intelligence to communicate information through you. People channel ascended masters, angels, their own higher selves, alien intelligence, and spirits who have died—and of course, all exist within the Akashic Record.

The benefit of channeling is that you separate your conscious mind from the information being downloaded, reducing the possible inflection of your own bias. A person can be a conscious channel and be aware of what he or she is saying without control of it, or a trance channel such as Edgar Cayce with no awareness of the information he or she is speaking and no memory of it afterward.

Astral Projection

Astral projection relies on the belief that we are more than a physical body negotiating material reality. We also have subtle energy bodies we use to travel in the world of spirit. The astral body is one of the subtle energy bodies capable of traveling in the astral, or etheric, energy plane.

When you’re astral projecting, your awareness leaves your physical body. You may look back and see yourself lying on your bed. The view is often looking down from the ceiling or some other height. Your astral body and your physical body stay connected through a silver cord that is anchored at the umbilicus. Most people see the silver cord, and it gives them a sense of safety—knowing they will never get lost from their body. This out-of-body experience allows your awareness to travel anywhere, including the Akashic Record, to retrieve information. Dion Fortune used astral projection extensively in her work with the Record.


Astral travel can be challenging to learn on your own. An excellent place to receive training is The Monroe Institute in Virginia. They offer safe, guided expertise either as onsite training or through audio programs. You can reach them online at

Many people believe that we all astral project at night in our dreams. Clues that you have been out of your body include feeling paralyzed, hearing a buzzing sound, or feeling vibrations throughout your body. These are signs that you are either getting ready to leave or have just returned. For some people, leaving their body is scary. If you find this to be true for you, remote viewing may be a better choice.

Remote Viewing

Another method for reading the Akashic Record and witnessing events of the past, present, or future is remote viewing. This technique was developed at the Stanford Research Institute and has been used in CIA intelligence-gathering programs. Actually, it’s a form of clairvoyance that is induced through a simple protocol.

This is an easy and safe technique. It doesn’t require leaving your body or giving another being the use of your body to transmit information. Instead, it relies on connecting with your holographic nature. In a hologram, all the information in the whole exists in each part. You have inside yourself all the information about everything in the universe. Accessing it is a technique. Although some people are better at it than others, with practice anyone can become proficient. You can learn a basic technique in Chapter 18, although professional training programs can help you maximize your skill.

Remote viewing allows you to extend your awareness to other places and times by going deeply inside yourself. On a screen in your mind, you can watch events unfold, ask questions, and receive insight into intentions and motivations.


There are many places you can go to learn remote viewing techniques. One of our favorite programs is through Dr. Simeon Hein and Ron Russell. You can see their training schedule at

Trusting Your Messages

Whatever method you use, it takes time to develop discernment with the information you get. In general, your first hit on something will be the most accurate. Try to trust your first impression and not overthink your answer. When you start to doubt and think about the “right” result, your outcome will more likely reflect your own bias.

This is true even when receiving a reading from a professional. Everyone deciphers information through their personal filters, and to some degree what they see reflects their belief system. This is especially important if the reader is deciphering glyphs and symbols. Typically, a reader will see the symbols and feel their meaning or hear an interpretation. There’s a lot of room for their own bias to be projected onto the information. Always test the information you receive against your own gut reaction. We’ll talk more about this in Chapter 19.

At the Gates

Are you wondering what it’s like to arrive at the Hall of Records or how you’ll get inside? Although everyone’s experience is unique, there are some hallmark descriptions.


Colin is an excellent remote viewer. After the Beltway sniper attacks in the Baltimore-Washington-Virginia area in October 2002, Colin remotely viewed the situation. He saw the face of one of the snipers and drew a sketch of the person. Days later, two men were caught. Colin’s sketch matched the face of the young teenager, Lee Boyd Malvo, with remarkable detail.

First, let’s make a distinction between different levels of access. The Record is an imprint on a holographic field. Every time we follow our intuition, we are essentially “reading” the akasha. This level of access is available to everyone all the time. The only thing that’s required is that we pay attention to our gut feelings, perceptions, and senses.

Witnessing events from the past, present, or future is an intermediate level of access. Usually, people require some sort of procedure or protocol—although many simply have a talent.

The deepest level of access to the Record allows us to read past lives, soul purpose, and future destiny. You will not be able to access this depth of information unless you are attuned to spiritual principle. Reading the Record at this depth requires training and practice, although you may have natural ability that you have retained from an earlier life. You may also receive guidance in how to do this from ascended masters or spiritual guides. To gain access to the Record at this level requires internal congruency and spiritual integrity.

Attuning to the Gateway

People describe approaching the Record and being met by the Keepers of the Record. You may see them as beings or feel them as a presence. People say they hear a message or simply just know that they can have access to the Record only if they are responsible with the information they receive. This is important. Information we’re not ready for can destroy us or others.

The Keepers of the Record ensure that others do not gain access to your record without your permission. No one can read your private thoughts and intentions except you, unless you ask someone to. Your development is your private journey, and privacy in the Record is respected.


I dreamed I was walking along a path in a dark forest following a tall, radiant being with long white hair and robes. We entered a clearing where 12 other light-beings stood in a circle. They bowed and parted to open the circle, allowing us to pass inside. A podium stood in the center holding a large book opened to a specific page. Light poured out of the book. My guide gestured that I should look inside. The page was covered in glyphs that were scribed in ink made of light. I knew this was my page and each glyph represented an event in my past, and my future, too. I was told I would understand the glyphs when I knew how to use the information.

—Synthia, author

There is a key to entering the library. You must be attuned to the information you seek. Attunement happens through resonance. If you’re not in resonance, or alignment, with the information you seek, you won’t be able to receive it.

There are two ways someone other than yourself can access your record. First, ask someone whether they can tune in to your frequency and find you in the Record. The level of access they have will depend on their level of spiritual awareness and the questions you’re asking. Second, the parts of your life story that are “public record” and interweave with other people’s stories can be read as a chain of historical events. These parts will not include your private thoughts and feelings.

Record Keepers

The guardians of the Record are often called the Record Keepers or simply the Guides. They are said to be twelve timeless beings who have taken on the task of guarding the sacred Hall. They not only guide people to their own record and ensure that no one trespasses on another’s record, but they also interpret information.

The Keepers are typically described as tall with long flowing robes, hair, and beards. They emanate wisdom and love. They guide, protect, and maintain the Record. Because the Record is essentially cosmic consciousness, or the field of creation, the task is awesome indeed! These beings have been described as the Twelve Pillars that maintain reality.

In addition to guiding you to your part of the record, the Keepers can help you translate the information you receive. Events are imprinted as they happen, and discerning what they mean requires skill. The wisdom and guidance of the Keepers can offer an enlightened understanding of events that were confusing and overwhelming when they occurred.

Open Sesame

There is only one way to enter the Hall of Records, and that is through the vibration of compassion and love. It is only through compassion that we can attune to and understand higher levels of truth.

When we approach the Keepers with humility, the earnest desire for truth, and compassion in the face of all the lessons we have learned, they show us how to obtain the record we seek. The records are reportedly written in a language of light—also called sacred geometry, that also contains a corresponding sound. You may intuitively understand the language of light and sound, or it may be translated for you. Many people see images as if watching a movie. However you receive the information, you will only see that which can be helpful to you at this time. You won’t see the entire record of your soul’s journey unless it’s useful information for you.


Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.

—His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

It’s important to understand that your individual soul record is a record of your actions, your thoughts, your emotions, your intentions, and your perceptions. It does not represent ultimate truth; rather, it represents your experience. Finding the higher meaning is part of your soul journey.

Guiding Soul Evolution

According to the Record, the purpose of life is soul evolution and the purpose of the Record is to guide this process. The Akashic Record creates the playing field of matter. Without matter, we as souls cannot learn and without a record of what we’ve learned, we cannot grow and evolve. People such as Edgar Cayce and Madame Blavatsky have written volumes on soul evolution in the Akashic Record. What they say is essentially the same as that of every religion and spiritual teaching: we fell from the garden of Eden, and we are spending a lot of time trying to get back!

Edgar Cayce describes individual souls as points of light that separate from their source. Although souls are part of a larger whole, they decide to separate into individual identities in order to gain experience. Complete separation, however, is a fantasy. We are always connected. What souls learn along this path is that power for the sake of power is an illusion. Material gain for the sake of material comfort does not bring joy. Knowledge without love is meaningless. Souls learn that true fulfillment does not come at another’s expense because we are, in fact, one.


Many religious books, such as parts of the Bible, describe an altered state of consciousness where the writer was shown truths they later reveal in scripture.

Increasing the Capacity for Love

Every teaching from every culture emphasizes love as the most important force in the universe. Love is more than the sentimental attachments we have. It’s the energy or force that binds things together. It has been called the glue of the universe. With love, everything has value; without it, nothing matters. It’s the one guiding principle in all religious philosophy, often forgotten by today’s religious extremists from every tradition.

Experiments done at the Noetic Sciences Institute in San Francisco, California, indicate that the presence of love is the difference between healing prayer that works and healing prayer that doesn’t.

Compassion is the key to increasing our capacity to love. Our ability to feel for the well-being of another is paramount to spiritual development. Until we love each other as ourselves—until we see another’s pain as our own—we are stuck in the illusion of separation. Reading the Akashic Record offers us the ability to see the connections between us. It allows us to experience what His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama expresses, that “through compassion we realize that we are all the same.”

War, hatred, revenge, and jealousy cannot exist in an environment of love and compassion. We cannot hate and love at the same time. It’s a choice, and how we choose determines the development of our soul. By reading our personal record, we can see where we have failed and where we have excelled. We can see where we need to grow.


I have found the paradox; that if you love until it hurts there can be no more hurt, only more love.

—Mother Teresa, Roman Catholic nun and humanitarian

Accepting Spiritual Identity

Through love and compassion, we arrive at the next great pinnacle: discovering our spiritual identity. The question becomes, “What do you identify with?” Are you a material being seeking a spiritual experience, or are you a spiritual being having a material experience? The next stage in soul evolution is accepting that you are a spiritual being.

The holographic nature of the Record gives a new perspective on what spiritual identity is. As a hologram, each person’s experience becomes part of the matrix of the whole. The holographic Record itself evolves as we add our experiences. As we mentioned in Chapter 1, this implies that the universe is an evolving consciousness made up of its individual parts.

This means that our decision to separate from the whole and become individualized was for the growth of the whole. Each of our experiences uses our own unique set of perceptions and becomes our unique contribution. Accepting our spiritual identity is our gift to the evolution of universal consciousness—our gift to the Akashic Record.

Stewards of the Earth

The final step in soul evolution is to become responsible for what we create. It’s a three-step process. First we love, then we identify ourselves with spiritual reality, then we create that reality out of love. This is the ultimate goal: to return to the source as a fully awake individual participating in creation.

The Least You Need to Know

  • Each of us is designed to read the Akashic Record.
  • The Akashic Record became popular with the influx of Eastern mysticism at the turn of the nineteenth century.
  • Accessing the Record requires developing your intuition and the ability to quiet and focus the mind.
  • No one other than you can read the deeper levels of your record without your permission.
  • Compassion and love are prerequisites for opening the Akashic Record.
  • Soul evolution consists of developing love, accepting spiritual identity, and responsibly co-creating your own reality.
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