
Book Description

The free Ubuntu operating system has won the hearts and minds of millions of users worldwide. It combines a strong technical platform, impressive quality, and an enthusiastic global community of users who relentlessly support, document, and test it.

The Official Ubuntu Book, Ninth Edition, has been extensively updated with a single goal: to make running today’s Ubuntu even more pleasant and productive for you. It’s the ideal one-stop knowledge source for Ubuntu novices, those upgrading from older versions or other Linux distributions, and anyone moving toward power-user status.

Its expert authors focus on what you need to know most about installation, applications, media, administration, software applications, and much more. You’ll discover powerful Unity desktop improvements that make Ubuntu even friendlier and more convenient. You’ll also connect with the amazing Ubuntu community and the incredible resources it offers you.

Learn how to

  • Reliably install, customize, and update Ubuntu for any home, business, school, or government environment

  • Get up and running quickly, and then explore Ubuntu and download powerful free software

  • Customize Ubuntu for performance, accessibility, and fun

  • Get comfortable with the highly efficient Ubuntu command line

  • Install, administer, and secure Ubuntu Server, including advanced features such as LVM and RAID

  • Get involved with related Ubuntu projects

  • Help build, promote, distribute, support, document, or translate Ubuntu

  • Get up-to-the-minute help and troubleshooting advice from Ubuntu users worldwide

  • Table of Contents

    1. About This E-Book
    2. Title Page
    3. Copyright Page
    4. Praise for Previous Editions of The Official Ubuntu Book
    5. Dedication Page
    6. Contents at a Glance
    7. Contents
    8. Foreword to the Sixth Edition
    9. Foreword to the First Edition
    10. Preface
    11. Acknowledgments
    12. About the Authors
    13. Introduction
      1. About This Book
        1. The Scope of the Book
        2. The Menu
    14. Chapter 1. The Ubuntu Story
      1. The Vision
      2. Free Software, Open Source, and GNU/Linux
        1. Free Software and GNU
        2. Linux
        3. Open Source
      3. How the Vision Became Ubuntu
        1. Mark Shuttleworth
        2. The Warthogs
        3. What Does Ubuntu Mean?
        4. Beyond the Vision
      4. What Is Ubuntu?
        1. What Is a Distribution?
        2. An Ecosystem of Distributions
        3. The Debian Project and the Free Software Universe
        4. The Ubuntu Community
      5. Ubuntu Promises and Goals
        1. Philosophical Goals
        2. Conduct Goals and Code of Conduct
        3. Technical Goals
        4. Bug #1
      6. Sustaining the Vision: Canonical and the Ubuntu Foundation
        1. Canonical, Ltd
        2. Canonical’s Service and Support
        3. Bazaar and Launchpad
        4. The Ubuntu Foundation
      7. Beyond the Vision: Ubuntu Subprojects, Flavors, and Spin-Offs
      8. Summary
    15. Chapter 2. Installing Ubuntu
      1. Choosing Your Ubuntu Version
        1. Other Ubuntu Flavors
        2. Is It Still Ubuntu?
      2. Getting Ubuntu
        1. Burning a DVD
        2. Creating a Bootable USB Stick
      3. Booting and Installing
        1. Language
        2. Preparing to Install Ubuntu
        3. Allocate Drive Space
        4. Installation Begins
        5. Configuring Your Keyboard
        6. Identification
        7. Finishing Up
      4. Installing from the Minimal CD
        1. Choosing Your Spot in the World
        2. Hardware
        3. Setting the Hostname and Time Zone
        4. Configuring a User
        5. Time Zone
        6. Creating Partitions
        7. Finishing Up
      5. Summary
    16. Chapter 3. Getting Started with Ubuntu
      1. Getting Acquainted with Unity
        1. Finding and Running Applications with the Launcher
        2. Other Icons in the Launcher
        3. Using Applications
        4. Managing Files and Folders
        5. Adding Additional Users
        6. The Notification Area
      2. Using Applications
        1. Browsing the Web with Firefox
        2. Creating Documents with LibreOffice
        3. Managing Your E-Mail with Thunderbird
      3. Using Ubuntu in Your Language
      4. Configuring a Printer
        1. Gathering Information
        2. Launching the Wizard
        3. Mission Accomplished!
        4. Remote Printing
      5. Keeping Your Computer Updated
        1. Using the GNOME Software Center
      6. Adding and Removing Programs and Packages
        1. Installing Updates
        2. Learning about What Was Updated
        3. Installing an Application That Is Not in the Repositories
      7. Upgrading to the Next Ubuntu Release
        1. Doing the Actual Upgrade
      8. Ubuntu and Multimedia
        1. Installing Codecs
        2. Listening to Audio Files
        3. Playing and Ripping CDs
        4. Interacting with Photos
        5. Watching Videos
      9. Backing Up
      10. Customizing Ubuntu’s Look and Feel
      11. Unity in Other Devices
      12. Summary
    17. Chapter 4. Finding and Installing Ubuntu Applications
      1. Using the GNOME Software Center
        1. Sorting
        2. Searching
        3. Learning More about a Package and Installing It
        4. Removing a Package from the GNOME Software Center
        5. No-Cost Software
      2. Learning Terminology and Foundations
      3. Using Synaptic
        1. Installing a Package
        2. Removing a Package
        3. Finding That Package
      4. Useful Software Packages to Explore
        1. Creating Graphics with GIMP and Inkscape
        2. Desktop Publishing with Scribus
        3. Editing Videos with OpenShot
        4. Play Games with Steam
      5. Playing to Learn with Educational Programs
        1. Stellarium
        2. Marble
        3. Parley
        4. Step
        5. Blinken
        6. Other Applications Not on the Education Menu
      6. Summary
    18. Chapter 5. Customizing Ubuntu for Performance, Accessibility, and Fun
      1. Unity Terminology
      2. Appearance Tool
      3. Unity Tweak Tool
        1. Unity
        2. Window Manager
        3. Appearance
        4. System
      4. Compiz Config Settings Manager
      5. Unity Lenses and Scopes
      6. Additional Resources
      7. Summary
    19. Chapter 6. Becoming an Ubuntu Power User
      1. Administering System and User Settings
        1. User Settings
        2. Security & Privacy Settings
        3. Default Settings
      2. Understanding How Linux Stores and Organizes Files
        1. Using Windows Files on Another Partition
      3. Learning Unity Keyboard Shortcuts
        1. Launcher
        2. Dash
        3. Switching
        4. Windows
        5. Workspaces
        6. Other
      4. Using the Terminal
      5. Working with Windows Programs
      6. Installing Software from PPAs
      7. Compiling Software from Source
      8. Summary
    20. Chapter 7. Welcome to the Command Line
      1. Starting Up the Terminal
      2. Getting Started
      3. Building Pipelines
      4. Running Commands as Superuser
      5. Finding Help
      6. Moving around the Filesystem
      7. Manipulating Files and Folders
      8. System Information Commands
      9. Searching and Editing Text Files
      10. Dealing with Users and Groups
      11. Getting Help on the Command Line
      12. Searching for Man Files
      13. Using Wildcards
      14. Executing Multiple Commands
        1. Running Sequentially
        2. Using Byobu to Manage Your Terminal
        3. Using Byobu by Default in GNOME Terminal
      15. Moving to More Advanced Uses of the Command Line
      16. Summary
    21. Chapter 8. The Ubuntu Server
      1. What Is Ubuntu Server?
      2. Installing Ubuntu Server
        1. A Couple of Installer Tricks
        2. Partitioning Your Ubuntu Server
        3. The Story of RAID
        4. Setting Up RAID
        5. The Story of the Logical Volume Manager
        6. Setting Up LVM
        7. Encrypted Home and Software Selection
        8. You’re Done: Now Watch Out for Root!
      3. Ubuntu Package Management
        1. The Ubuntu Archive
        2. APT Sources and Repositories
        3. dpkg
        4. Installing a Package Manually
        5. apt-get and apt-cache
        6. Running a Distribution Upgrade
        7. aptitude
        8. Tips and Tricks
      4. Ubuntu Server Security
        1. User Account Administration
        2. Filesystem Security
        3. System Resource Limits
        4. System Log Files
        5. A Sprinkling of Network Security
        6. Final Words on Security
      5. Advanced Topics
        1. Virtualization
        2. Disk Replication
        3. Cloud Computing
      6. Summary
    22. Chapter 9. Ubuntu-Related Projects and Derivatives
      1. Recognized Flavors
        1. Kubuntu
        2. Edubuntu
        3. Lubuntu
        4. Xubuntu
        5. Ubuntu Studio
        6. Mythbuntu
        7. Ubuntu Kylin
        8. Ubuntu GNOME
        9. Ubuntu MATE
      2. Editions
        1. Ubuntu Server
        2. Ubuntu Phone
        3. Ubuntu Core
      3. Other Distributions
        1. Guadalinex
        2. Linux Mint
      4. Launchpad
        1. Soyuz
        2. Launchpad Translations
        3. Launchpad Bugs
        4. Launchpad Blueprint Tracker
        5. Other Functionality
      5. Bazaar
      6. Ubuntu One
      7. Summary
    23. Chapter 10. Ubuntu, Convergence, and Devices of the Future
      1. The Convergence Vision
      2. Unity
      3. Ubuntu Devices
        1. The First Ubuntu Phones and Tablets
        2. The Ubuntu Edge
        3. Commercial Phone and Tablet
      4. The Internet of Things and Beyond
        1. Major Devices
        2. The Cloud
      5. The Future of the Ubuntu Desktop
      6. Summary
    24. Chapter 11. The Ubuntu Community
      1. Venues and Events
        1. Ubuntu Community Web Site
        2. Mailing Lists
        3. Internet Relay Chat
        4. Web Forums
        5. Wikis
        6. The Fridge
        7. AskUbuntu.com
        8. Social Media
        9. Online Summits and Sprints
        10. UbuCons
        11. Planet Ubuntu
      2. Teams, Processes, and Community Governance
        1. Teams
        2. The Ubuntu Community Team at Canonical
        3. Local Community Teams
        4. MOTUs
        5. The Community Council
        6. The Technical Board
        7. Other Councils and Boards
        8. The SABDFL
        9. Ubuntu Members
      3. Getting Involved
        1. Ubuntu Online Events
        2. Advocacy
        3. Support
        4. Ideas and Feedback
        5. Documentation
        6. Translation and Localization
        7. Quality Assurance and Bugs
        8. Programming and Packaging
      4. Summary
    25. Index
    26. DVD-ROM Warranty
    27. Code Snippets