
- (dash), in command line options, 176

? (question mark), wildcard, 185

. (dot), in configuration folder names, 161

@ (at sign), in command-line username, 175

* (asterisk), wildcard, 185

***... (asterisks), password security, 61

&& (ampersands), conditional command execution, 186

| (vertical bar), pipe symbol, 168, 177

$ (dollar sign), UNIX shell symbol, 175, 210

~ (tilde), home directory indicator, 175, 180


Access for disabled users, 20

Accessibility plug-ins, 149150

addgroup command, 184

Adding. See also Creating.

groups, 184

packages, 8789

programs, 8789

search engines to Firefox, 74

to text files, 183

Additional tab, 144, 146

adduser command, 69, 183

Administrator privileges, 99

Adobe Flash, Firefox support, 75

Adobe Illustrator equivalent. See Inkscape.

Adobe InDesign equivalent. See Scribus.

Adobe Photoshop equivalent. See GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program).

Advocacy, community opportunities, 301302

Allocating drive space, 4347

Alternate install CD. See Minimal CD.

AMD64 support, 35

Ampersands (&&), conditional command execution, 186

Anagramarama, 132

Anagrams, 132

Appearance section, 147

Appearance tool, 141142

Applications. See also Programs.

closing, 65

finding, 6164. See also The Launcher.

minimizing/maximizing, 65

running, 6164, 73. See also The Launcher.

switching, 64

APT (Advanced Package Tool)

description, 106

sources for repositories, 207208

apt-cache utility, 210213

apt-get utility, 210213

aptitude utility, 216

Aquarius Ubuntu Edition

E4.5, 266

E5, 266

M10, 267

Array failures, 200

Array management. See LVM (Logical Volume Manager).

Artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, 269270, 286

Asterisk (*), wildcard, 185

Asterisks (***...), password security, 61

Astronomy, 129130

At sign (@), in command-line username, 175

Audio. See also Multimedia; Music.

playing CDs, 94

podcasts, 9394

Rhythmbox Music Player, 9294

ripping CDs, 94

Authentication, 260

Ayatana project, 67


Backing up your files, 9698

Backport repositories, 207

Bazaar, 29, 258259

/bin folder, 162

BIOS configuration problems, 40

Blinken, 131

Blog aggregator. See Planet Ubuntu.

Blueprint Tracker, 256258

Bochs, 226

Bookmarking Web sites, 74

Books and publications. See also Documentation; Linux Documentation Project.

The Official Ubuntu Server Book, 188, 231, 238

A Practical Guide to Linux..., 188189

Ubuntu Unleashed 2016, 189

/boot folder, 162

“Bootable flag” setting, 57


files and folders, 67

the Web. See Firefox.

Bug #1, 2426

Bug tracking

community opportunities, 303304

fixes in releases, 23

Launchpad Bugs, 255256

Bugs program, 255256

Bulletin board. See The Fridge.


installation DVDs, 3638

.iso files, 3638

Buying installation DVDs, 36

Byobu, 178, 186188


Calendar, 70

Canonical, Ltd. See also Community Council; Shuttleworth, Mark.

Bazaar, support and development, 29

founding of, 12, 2627

geographical location, 27

Launchpad, support and development, 29

service and support, 2729

Silber becomes CEO, 27

as a virtual company, 12

cat command, 176, 183. See also zcat command.

cd command, 179

CDs. See also DVDs.

copying. See DVDs, burning; Ripping CDs.

installation. See Desktop DVDs; Installation DVDs; Minimal CDs.

playing, 94

ripping, 94

chgrp command, 184

Chinese user community, 243244

chmod command, 180181

chown command, 181

Clock, 7071

Cloud computing

community opportunities, 293

Internet of Things, 271272

Microsoft support for, 26

overview, 227231

tools for, 228231. See also Ubuntu Cloud; Ubuntu One.

CoC (Code of Conduct)

goals of Ubuntu, 2022

maintenance of, 296

Mark Shuttleworth, 2122


Linux Mint, 250

multimedia, 9192

video, 9596

Command-line interface. See Terminal.

Commands. See Terminal commands; specific commands.

Commercial phones and tablets, 265268

Communication venues. See Ubuntu community, communication venues.

Community Council. See also Canonical, Ltd.

appointment of team councils, 292

appointments to, 297

definition, 276

dispute resolution, 292

overview, 295297

Shuttleworth’s position on, 292

Community of users. See Ubuntu community.

community-announce mailing list, 279

Compiz Config Settings Manager

accessibility plug-ins, 149150

desktop plug-ins, 149150

effects plug-ins, 151

extras plug-ins, 149

image loading plug-ins, 151152

installing, 147

launching, 147

online resources, 153

overview, 147153

plug-ins, 149153

search box, 147149

utility plug-ins, 151152

warning message, 147148

window management plug-ins, 151, 153

Computer name. See Hostname.

Computer option, 67

Configuration files, 161

Configuring. See also Customizing; Installing.

BIOS, 40

keyboards, 4950

system settings, 71

translation and localization, 8081

Connect to Server option, 67

Containerization, 226


definition, 263

overview, 262263

Ubuntu desktop, 272273

Unity desktop, 263

Convergence, Internet of Things

artificial intelligence, 269270

the cloud, 271272

drones, 269

overview, 268269

refrigerators, 269270

robots, 270271

Snap packages, 268269

Convergence, Ubuntu devices

Aquarius E4.5 Ubuntu Edition, 266

Aquarius E5 Ubuntu Edition, 266

Aquarius M10 Ubuntu Edition, 267

commercial phones and tablets, 265268

crowdfunding, 265

Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition, 266

Meizu Pro 5 Ubuntu Edition, 267

online resources, 268

smart phones, 264268

tablets, 264268

Ubuntu Edge, 265

Ubuntu Insiders, 266


CDs. See Burning, installation DVDs; Ripping CDs.

files and folders, 67, 180

installation DVDs, 37

Core, 248

cp command, 180

CPU information, displaying, 181182

Creating. See also Adding.

bootable USB sticks, 3839

folders, 180

passwords, 50, 54

pipelines, 176177

Creating, user accounts

adding new users, 6869, 183

hostnames, 4950

during installation, 4951, 5354

passwords, 50, 54, 6869, 183184

user name, 5354

Crowdfunding, convergence, 265

Customizing. See also Configuring.

the Launcher, on Unity desktop, 143

system settings, 71

Ubuntu look and feel, 9899

Unity desktop. See Compiz Config Settings Manager; Unity desktop, customizing.


The Dash

illustration, 139

keyboard shortcuts, 164, 165

Language Support option, 8081

overview, 6264

searches, 153154. See also Lenses.

System Settings option, 156160

Dash (-), in command line options, 176

Data replication, 197198

DB2 database, Ubuntu support, 28

Debian distribution, 1517

Debian package management, 208209

Debs, 208209

Degraded RAID mode, 200


files and folders, 64, 67, 180. See also Trash.

groups, 184

packages, 8789, 105, 108109, 212

programs, 8789

user accounts, 69, 183184

delgroup command, 184

deluser command, 69, 184

Dependencies, definition, 106

Derivatives. See Flavors.

Desktop computers, commitment to, 2324

Desktop DVDs. See also Installing Ubuntu from desktop DVD.

booting from, 4041

description, 34

Desktop folder, 6667

Desktop icons, customizing, 147

Desktop plug-ins, 149150

Desktop publishing, 120125

Desktops. See also specific desktops.

Edubuntu, 237238

Kubuntu, 236237

Lubuntu, 238239

Mythbuntu, 242243

Ubuntu. See Unity.

Ubuntu GNOME, 244

Ubuntu Kylin, 243244

Ubuntu Studio, 241242

Xubuntu, 240241

/dev folder, 162

Developer Membership Board, 299

Development tools. See Launchpad.

df command, 181182

Directories vs. folders, 160. See also Folders.

Disabled users, access for, 20

Disk replication, 227

Disk space usage, displaying, 181182

Disk storage. See LVM (Logical Volume Manager).

Displays (monitors)

locking, 71

screen corners, 67

Dispute arbitration, 296

Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD), 227

Distribution management, 252253

Distributions. See also Editions; Flavors; specific distributions.

Andalusian government, 249250

currently active, 1416

Edubuntu, 237238

for educational use, 237238

Guadalinex, 249250

for the KDE desktop, 35, 236237

Kubuntu, 35, 236237

managing, 252253. See also Soyuz program.

for older hardware, 36, 240241

overview, 1314

propagating changes upstream, 1516

for servers. See Ubuntu Server.

Ubuntu Server, 35

Xubuntu, 36, 240241

Distros. See Distributions.

Distrowatch database, 14

DJI (drone platform), 269

Documentation. See also Books and publications; Linux Documentation Project.

community opportunities, 302303

community-produced, 283284

Linux, online, 189

Ubuntu community, 302303

wikis, 283284

Documentation Project, 206

Documents, creating with LibreOffice, 7578

Documents folder, 6667

Dollar sign ($), UNIX shell symbol, 175, 210

do-release-upgrade tool, 213215

Dot (.), in configuration folder names, 161


installation DVDs, 3536

packages, 210213

Downloads folder, 6667

dpkg command, 208209

dpkg-deb utility, 208209

DRBD (Distributed Replicated Block Device), 227

Drive space, allocating, 4347

Drivers, printers, 8384

Drones, Internet of Things, 269

Dropbox equivalent. See Ubuntu One.

Dual-booting, 43

DVDs (installation). See also CDs.

burning, 3638

images. See .iso files.

for installing Ubuntu. See Installation DVDs.

DVDs (video)

codecs required, 9596

playing, 9596


Edge, 265


files, 182183

text, 182183

videos, 125126

Editions (of Ubuntu), 246248. See also Distributions; Flavors; specific editions.


nano, 183

Stream EDitor, 182

Edubuntu, 237238

Educational activities. See also Games.

astronomy, 129130

Blinken, 131

flash cards, 131

games, 128129

GCompris, 132

globe of the world, 130

Marble, 130

Parley, 131

physics simulator, 131

planetarium, 129130

Stellarium, 129130

Step, 131

Tux Paint, 132

world atlas, 130

Educational distributions. See Edubuntu.

Effects plug-ins, 151

E-mail, Thunderbird program, 7980

Empathy, 280

Emptying the trash, 64

Encryption, 55, 204205, 44

Erle Robotics, 269

Erle Spider, 270271

/etc folder, 162

Events, Ubuntu community. See Ubuntu community, communication venues and events.

Extensions, Firefox, 7475

Extras plug-ins, 149, 151


Facebook, 286

Fault tolerance

LVM (Logical Volume Manager), 204

RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disks), 197, 201, 204

Feature tracking, 256258


community opportunities, 302

about Ubuntu Server, 224

File manager, 6667

Files. See also Folders; specific files.

adding text to, 183

browsing, 67

configuration files, 161

copying, 67

deleting, 64, 67, 180. See also Trash.

editing, 182183

listing, 168, 180

owned by packages, listing, 216

ownership, changing, 181182

package owner, listing, 216

package provider, listing, 217

permissions, changing, 181

remote, listing and copying, 67

searching, 182183

storing and organizing, 160163

viewing contents of, 176, 183

Windows, accessing, 162163

Filesystems, security, 219220


adding search engines, 74

Adobe Flash, 75

bookmarking sites, 74

extensions, 7475

launching, 72

live bookmarks, 73

navigating the Internet, 73

searches, 74

Firewall tables, 223

Flash cards, 131

Flash drives. See USB sticks.

Flavors, 3031, 234235. See also Distributions; Editions; specific flavors.

Folders. See also Files; specific folders.

browsing, 67

changing, 179

copying, 67

creating, 180

current, identifying, 179

deleting, 64, 67. See also Trash.

vs. directories, 160

Linux, list of, 162

listing contents of, 175176, 180

remote, listing and copying, 67

“Format the partition” setting, 57

Free, definition of, 6

free command, 181

Free (no cost) software, 106

Free (open) software

characteristics of, 4

definition, 4

definition of “free,” 6

freedoms, 4

GNU, 45

goals of Ubuntu, 1819

open source, 57

FREE SPACE line, 56

Freedoms of free software, 4

Freehand equivalent. See Inkscape.

Frequency of releases, 2223

Freyja Development Team, 143

The Fridge, 284286

fstab file, 163

Full virtualization, 226

Funding, donations to Ubuntu Foundation, 2930


Games. See also Educational activities.

Anagramarama, 132

anagrams, 132

educational, 128129

learning vocabulary, 132

Simon Says, 131

Steam, 126128

GCompris, 132

Gear menu, 71

Geographic location, specifying, 47, 52

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), 110116. See also Inkscape.

Globe of the world, 130

GNOME. See Ubuntu GNOME.

GNOME 2 desktop, 244246

GNOME Software Center. See also Packages; PPAs (personal package archives).

free (no cost) software, 106

launching, 102

overview, 8586

reviews and ratings, 105

searching, 103

sorting, 103

GNOME Software Center icon, 64

GNU (GNU’s Not UNIX), 45

Goals of Ubuntu

access for disabled users, 20

code of conduct, 2022. See also CoC (Code of Conduct).

easy translation, 1920

free software, 1819

open source, 19

philosophical, 1720

technical, 2224

Google+, 286

Governance. See Ubuntu community, governance.

Graphics packages

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), 110116

Inkscape, 116120

Tux Paint, 132

grep command, 182. See also zgrep command.


adding and deleting, 184

changing, 68

ownership, changing, 184

Guadalinex, 249250

Guided partitions, 5455

Guided—Use Entire Disk... options, 55


HAL (hardware abstraction layer), 182

Hard disks. See LVM (Logical Volume Manager).


detecting, 53

emulating, 226

listing, 182

HBD (Here Be Dragons), founding of, 9

head command, 183

Helmke, Matthew, 189

Help. See also Technical support.

from the command line, 184185

man pages, 178179, 184185

Ubuntu Help option, 71

-help command, 184185

Hexchat, 280281

Hill, Benjamin Mako, 188

History of Ubuntu, 23. See also Shuttleworth, Mark.

/home folder, 162

Home folder contents, 6667

Home Folder icon, 64

/home partition, 195

Home theater. See Mythbuntu.

Hostname, setting, 4950, 53

Hot swapping RAID devices, 200

HUD (Heads Up Display), 137140, 144


i386 support, 35


running DB2 database under Ubuntu, 28

virtualization, 225226

Ideas and feedback

community opportunities, 302

about Ubuntu Server, 224

ifconfig command, 182

Illustrator equivalent. See Inkscape.

Image loading plug-ins, 151152

InDesign equivalent. See Scribus.

Inkscape, 116120. See also GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program).

Installation DVDs. See also .iso files.

burning, 3638

buying, 36

desktop, 34. See also Installing Ubuntu from desktop DVD.

downloading, 3536

Minimal CDs, 3435. See also Installing Ubuntu from Minimal CD.

Installing. See also Configuring.

Compiz Config Settings Manager, 147

Ubuntu Server, 194195. See also LVM (Logical Volume Manager).

Installing packages

with apt-get, 212

from GNOME Software Center, 103105

manually, 209210

with Synaptic, 108

Ubuntu Server, 194195

updates, 8789

Installing software from

PPAs, 169171

source code, 171172

Installing Ubuntu

bootable USB sticks, creating, 3839

computer types supported, 34

as a trial version, 3940

Installing Ubuntu from desktop DVD

allocating drive space, 4347

BIOS configuration problems, 40

dual-booting, 43

DVDs for. See Installation DVDs.

geographic location, specifying, 4748

hostname, setting, 4950

partitioning the hard disk, 4347

passwords, creating, 50

preparation for, 4142

user accounts, creating, 4951

Installing Ubuntu from Minimal CD

geographic location, specifying, 52

getting started, 52

hardware detection, 53

hostname, setting, 53

installing a server, 52

partitioning the hard disk, 5458

time zone, setting, 5354

user accounts, creating, 5354

Internet, browsing. See Firefox.

Internet of Things

artificial intelligence, 269270

the cloud, 271272

convergence. See Convergence, Internet of Things.

drones, 269

overview, 268269

refrigerators, 269270

robots, 270271

Snap packages, 268269

Ubuntu Core, 248

iPods, 94

iptables command, 223

IRC (Internet Relay Chat), 280282

IRC Council, 298299

Irissi, 280

Isle of Man, 27

.iso files, 3637. See also Installation DVDs.

iwconfig command, 182


Juju, 228231


KDE desktop, 35, 236237. See also Kubuntu.

Kernel, definition, 5

Keyboard shortcuts, 144, 164167. See also specific keys.

Keyboards, configuring, 4950

Kubuntu, 35, 236237. See also KDE desktop.

Kubuntu Council, 236

KVM, 226


l10n (localization), 254. See also Translation and localization.

“Label” setting, 57

Language selection. See also Translation and localization.

changing, 8081

during installation, 41

setting as default, 81

Language Support option, 8081

The Launcher

customizing, on Unity desktop, 143

finding applications, 6164

GNOME Software Center icon, 64

Home Folder icon, 64

keyboard shortcuts, 164, 165

running applications, 6164

Trash icon, 64

Unity desktop, customizing, 143

Launcher tab, 143


Blueprint Tracker, 256258

Canonical, Ltd., support and development, 29

components of, 29. See also specific components.

distribution management, 252253

feature tracking, 256258

overview, 250252

Rosetta program, 253254

Soyuz program, 252253

specifications, writing and tracking, 256258

support and development, 29

translation and localization, 253254

Launchpad Bugs program, 255256

Lenses, 6264, 153154

less command, 183. See also zless command.

Letters, writing. See LibreOffice.

/lib folder, 162

Libraries, Synaptic, 107

LibreOffice, 7578

Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE), 238239


history of, 5

technical definition, 5

Linux Documentation Project, 189, 206. See also Books and publications; Documentation.

Linux-VServer projects, 226


folder contents, 175176, 180

folders, remote, 67

hardware, 182

network cards, 182

package owners, 216

package providers, 217

packages, 103105, 209, 216. See also Package management.

PCI buses and devices, 182

sound cards, 182

USB buses and devices, 182

Listing, files

in current directory, 180

ls command, 168, 180

remote, 67

Live bookmarks, 74

LoCo Council, 299

LoCos (local community teams), 293294

Log files. See System log files.

Log Out option, 71

Logging out, 71

Logs, separating from spools, 195

Look and feel, customizing, 9899

ls command, 168, 175176, 180

lsb_release -a command, 181

lshal command, 182

lspci command, 182

lsusb command, 182

LTS (long-term support), 3

Lubuntu, 238239

LVM (Logical Volume Manager)

fault tolerance, 204

LVs (logical volumes), 201202

managing partitions, 201202

overview, 200202

partitioning into physical volumes, 201202

PEs (physical extents), 202

PVs (physical volumes), 201202

setting up, 202204

setting up during installation, 44

VGs (volume groups), 201

LVs (logical volumes), 201202

LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment), 238239


MAAS (Metal As A Service), 228231

Macromedia Freehand equivalent. See Inkscape.

Mailing lists, 278280

Mailman program, 279

Main repositories, 206

man command, 178179, 184185

man intro command, 185

man -k foo command, 185

man man command, 184

Man pages, 178179, 184185. See also Help.

Manifold (drone platform), 269

Manual option, 5557

Manual partitioning, 4447, 5557

Marble, 130

Master package archive, 206207

Masters of the Universe (MOTUs), 294295

MATE, 244246

Math programs, 131

Mauelshagen, Heinz, 201

/media folder, 162

Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition, 266

Meizu Pro 5 Ubuntu Edition, 267

Members of the Ubuntu project, 300301

Membership Approval Board, 299

Memory, displaying, 181

Metal As A Service (MAAS), 228231


as Bug #1, 2426

support for cloud computing, 26

Minimal CDs, 3435

Minimizing/maximizing applications, 65

mkdir command, 180

/mnt folder, 162

Monitors. See Displays (monitors).

MOTUs (Masters of the Universe), 294295

Mount options, security, 219220

“Mount options” setting, 57

“Mount point” setting, 57

Mount points for Windows partitions, 163

Mounting/unmounting devices, folder for, 162

Movie Player program, 96

Multimedia. See also specific media.

home theater. See Mythbuntu.

installing codecs, 9192

Ogg Theora, 92

Ogg Vorbis, 92

production tools. See Ubuntu Studio.

Multiverse repositories, 207

Multiverse repository, 89

Music. See also Audio; Multimedia.

iPods, 94

playing CDs, 94

Rhythmbox Music Player, 9294

ripping CDs, 94

Music folder, 66

mv command, 180

Mycroft, 270271

Mythbuntu, 242243

MythTV, 242243


nano command, 183

nano text editor, 183

Network cards, listing, 182

Network interface information, displaying, 182

Network Manager, 70

Network security, 222223

New Printer wizard, 8284

noatime option, 220

nodev option, 219

noexec option, 220

nosuid option, 219220

Notification area, 6971


Office suites

LibreOffice, 7578, 76

StarOffice, 75

The Official Ubuntu Server Book, 188, 231, 238

Ogg Theora, 92

Ogg Vorbis, 92

Older hardware, installing Ubuntu

from Minimal CD, 52

from Xubuntu, 36, 240241

Online resources, 286

BIOS manual, 40

blog aggregator, 290

Compiz Config Settings Manager, 153

convergence of Ubuntu devices, 268

The Fridge, 284286

IRC (Internet Relay Chat), 280282

IRC channel list, 282

Lenses, 154

Linux commands, 189

Linux Documentation Project, 189, 206

mailing lists, 278280

phone convergence, 268

Planet Ubuntu, 74, 290

PPAs (personal package archives), 89

social media, 286

tablet convergence, 268

Ubuntu Community Website, 278

Unity on other devices, 99

Web forums, 282283

wikis, 283284

Wine, 168169

Open source

free software, 57

goals of Ubuntu, 19

Open Source Initiative, 6, 76

OpenShot, 125126

OpenVZ, 226

Opportunities to work with Ubuntu community. See Ubuntu community, opportunities.

/opt folder, 162

OS virtualization, 225226

Ownership, changing

files, 181

groups, 184


Package management. See also MOTUs (Masters of the Universe); Synaptic; Technical Board.

APT sources, 207208

building from source, 214215

Debian packages, 208209

deleting, 212

downloading, 210213

fetching from CD, 210213

file owner, listing, 216

file provider, listing, 217

installing packages. See Installing packages.

listing, 209

master archive, 206207. See also Repositories.

owned files, listing, 216

searching for, 211212

showing package information, 211212

system upgrades, 213

virus protection, 209210

Packages. See also GNOME Software Center; PPAs (personal package archives).

adding/deleting, 8789

deleting, 105, 108109

description, 106

finding, 109

getting information about, 103105

installing. See Installing packages.

libraries of, 107

listings, 103105

overview, 106109

reviews and ratings, 105

Packaging, community opportunities, 304

Panel tab, 144145

Paravirtualization, 225226

Parity drives, 198

Parley, 131

Partitioning disks

“Bootable flag” setting, 57

desktop DVD, 4347

encryption, 44, 55

“Format the partition” setting, 57

FREE SPACE line, 56

guided partitions, 5455

Guided—Use Entire Disk... options, 55

“Label” setting, 57

LVM (Logical Volume Manager), 201202

Manual option, 5557

manually, 4447, 5557

Minimal CD, 5458

“Mount options” setting, 57

“Mount point” setting, 57

“Reserved blocks” setting, 57

security, 195

settings, 57

“Typical usage” setting, 57

Ubuntu Server, 195196

“Use as” setting, 57

passwd command, 183184


administrator privileges, 99

appearing as asterisks, 61

changing groups or user accounts, 6869, 183184

creating, 50, 54

guidelines for, 54

for user accounts, setting, 69

PCI buses and devices, listing, 182

PDF files, saving documents as, 77

Perens, Bruce, 6

Permissions, changing, 181

Personal package archives (PPAs). See PPAs (personal package archives).

PEs (physical extents), 202

Philosophical goals of Ubuntu, 1720

Phone versions of Ubuntu, 248. See also Convergence.

Photographs, managing, 95

Photoshop equivalent. See GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program).

Physics simulator, 131

Pictures folder, 66


creating, 176177

definition, 168

Planet Ubuntu, 74, 290

Planetarium, 129130

Plug-ins, Compiz Config Settings Manager, 149153

Podcasts, 9394

PPAs (personal package archives)

installing software from, 169171

online resources, 89

A Practical Guide to Linux..., 188189

Predictable release schedule, 2223

Presentations. See LibreOffice.


configuring, 8185

drivers, 8384

New Printer wizard, 8284


remotely, 8485

system information, 181

Privacy, system settings, 157159

Process information, displaying, 181

Processes, displaying, 182

/proc/sys folder, 162

Programming, community opportunities, 304

Programming tools. See Launchpad.

Programs, adding/deleting, 8789. See also Applications.

ps command, 182

Public folder, 67

PVs (physical volumes), 201202

pwd command, 179

Python programming language, 24


q command, 183184

QEMU, 226

Quality assurance, community opportunities, 303304

Question mark (?), wildcard, 185


RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disks)

array failures, 200

choosing a mode, 198

data replication, 197198

degraded mode, 200

fault tolerance, 197198, 201, 204

hot swapping, 200

modes, 197198

overview, 196198

parity drives, 198

setting up, 198200

spare devices, 200

striped sets, 197

RAID 0, 197

RAID 1, 197

RAID 5, 197

RAM information, displaying, 181

Rankin, Kyle, 188

Raymond, Eric S., 6

Red Hat distribution vs. Debian, 15

Refrigerators, Internet of Things, 269270


bug fixes, 23

frequency, 2223

predictable schedule, 2223

support for, 23

technical goals for, 2223

Remote printing, 8485

Removing. See Deleting.


APT sources, 207208

backports, 207

main, 206

multiverse, 89, 207

official vs. unofficial, 106

PPAs (personal package archives), 89

restricted, 206

security updates, 206207

universe, 89, 207

updating software from, 89

“Reserved blocks” setting, 57

Restricted repositories, 206

Revision control, 258259

Rhythmbox Music Player, 9294

Ripping CDs, 94

rm command, 180

Robots, Internet of Things, 270271

Rodríguez, Fabián, 302

Root account, enabling, 206

/root folder, 162

Rosetta program, 253254

“Rough consensus, running code,” 291292


SABDFL (self-appointed benevolent dictator for life), 299300

/sbin folder, 162

Scopes, 153154

Screens. See Displays (monitors).

Scribus, 120125

Scrolling options, Unity desktop, 147

Search box, Compiz Config Settings Manager, 147149

Search engines, adding to Firefox, 74

Search tab, 144


the Dash, 153154

files, 182183

Firefox, 74

man files, 185

for packages, 211212

system log files, 222

Unity desktop, customizing, 144

wildcards, 185186


repositories, updating, 206207

separating logs and spools, 195

Security, Ubuntu Server

filesystems, 219220

firewall tables, 223

mount options, 219220

networks, 222223

overview, 217

system log files, 221222

system resource limits, 220221

user account administration, 218219

Security & Privacy menu, 157159

sed command, 182

Self-appointed benevolent dictator for life (SABDFL), 299300

Semicolon (;), sequential command execution, 186

Server support, commitment to, 2324

Servers. See also Ubuntu Server.

distributions for, 35

installing, 52

Shifter tab, 144, 145

Shutting down your computer, 71

Shuttleworth, Mark. See also Canonical, Ltd.

appointments to the Community Council, 297

appointments to the Technical Board, 298

Bug #1, 2426

certificate authority, founding of, 8

civilian cosmonaut, 8

CoC (Code of Conduct), 2122

on community governance, 291

HBD (Here Be Dragons), founding of, 9

history of Ubuntu, 79

naming Ubuntu, 1011

position on the Community Council, 292

SABDFL (self-appointed benevolent dictator for life), 299300

self-appointed benevolent dictator for life, 299300

Thawte, founding of, 8

TSF (The Shuttleworth Foundation), founding of, 89

Ubuntu Foundation, founding of, 2930

The Shuttleworth Foundation (TSF), founding of, 89

Silber, Jane, 27

Simon Says game, 131

Slackware, 14

SLS (Softlanding Linux System), 14

Smart phones, convergence, 264268

Snap packages, Internet of Things, 268269

Sobell, Mark G., 188

Social media, 286

Software center. See GNOME Software Center.

Software development tools. See Launchpad.

Software Updater, 9091

Sound cards, listing, 182

Source code

building packages from, 214215

installing software from, 171172

Soyuz program, 252253

Specifications, writing and tracking. See Blueprint Tracker.

Spools, separating from logs, 195

Spreadsheets. See LibreOffice.

Sprints, online, 287288

Stallman, Richard M.

GNU (GNU’s Not UNIX), 45

Linux, 5

StarOffice, 75

Steam, 126128

Stellarium, 129130

Step, 131

Stream EDitor, 182

Streaming video, 9596

Striped RAID sets, 197

sudo command, 178179

Summits, online, 287288

Super key, 164167


running Terminal commands, 177178

software folder, 162

Suspend option, 71

Suspending a session, 71

Swap usage information, displaying, 181


applications, 64

keyboard shortcuts, 164, 165


deleting packages, 108109

finding packages, 109

installing packages, 108

libraries, 107

name derivation, 107

System information, displaying or printing, 181

System log files, 221222

System resource limits, 220221

System section, 147

System settings. See also Compiz Config Settings Manager.

configuring, 71, 99

default, 159160

privacy, 157159

user, 157

System Settings option, 71, 156160

System upgrades, packages, 213


Tablet versions of Ubuntu, 248. See also Convergence.

Tablets, convergence, 264268

tail utility, 183, 222

Teams. See also Ubuntu community.

at Canonical, 292293

local community (LoCos), 293294

MOTUs (Masters of the Universe), 294295

overview, 292

Technical Board, 297298

Technical goals of Ubuntu, 2224

Technical support. See also Help; IRC (Internet Relay Chat); Mailing lists; Ubuntu community, communication venues and events., 286

BIOS manual, 40

community opportunities, 302

The Fridge, 284286

Linux Documentation Project, 189, 206

mailing lists, 278280

Planet Ubuntu, 74, 290

tracking, 258259

Web forums, 282283

wikis, 283284

Templates folder, 67


launching, 174175

managing, 186188

overview, 167168

recommended resources, 188189

Terminal commands

running as superuser, 177178

running sequentially, 186

stringing together, 168

Text editors

nano, 183

Stream EDitor, 182


founding of, 8

sale to Verisign, 8

Thunderbird program, 7980

Tilde (~), home directory indicator, 175, 180

Time zone, setting, 5354

/tmp partition, 195196

top command, 181

Torvalds, Linus, 5

Translation and localization. See also Language selection.

community opportunities, 303

configuring, 8081

goals of Ubuntu, 1920

l10n (localization), 254

Language Support option, 8081

Launchpad, 253254

Rosetta program, 253254

Transparency, 143

Trash folder, 67

Trash icon, 64

Troubleshooting BIOS configuration problems, 40

TSF (The Shuttleworth Foundation), founding of, 89

Tutu, Desmond, 11

Tux Paint, 132

Tweak Tool

Additional tab, 144, 146

Appearance section, 147

description, 137138

illustration, 137

Launcher tab, 143

Panel tab, 144145

Search tab, 144

Shifter tab, 144, 145

System section, 147

Web Apps tab, 144, 146

Window Manager, 144

Twitter, 286

“Typical usage” setting, 57



development organization. See Canonical, Ltd.

flavors, 3031. See also specific flavors.

name origin, 1011

programming language, 24

spin-offs, 3032. See also specific spin-offs.

subprojects, 3032. See also specific subprojects.

#ubuntu channel, 282

Ubuntu Cloud, 247248. See also Cloud computing.

Ubuntu community

Chinese users, 243244

ease of access to, 24

Ubuntu community, communication venues and events. See also Technical support., 286

Facebook, 286

The Fridge, 284286

Google, 286

IRC (Internet Relay Chat), 280282

mailing lists, 278280

online events, 301

online summits and sprints, 287288

overview, 277

Planet Ubuntu, 290

social media, 286

sprints, 287288

summits, 287288

Twitter, 286

Ubucons, 288290

user conferences, 288290

Web forums, 282283

wikis, 283284

Ubuntu community, governance. See also Teams.

Community Council, 295297

Developer Membership Board, 299

dispute arbitration, 296

Forum Council, 298

goals of, 291

IRC Council, 298299

LoCo Council, 299

meetings, 297

Membership Approval Boards, 299

overview, 291292

SABDFL (self-appointed benevolent dictator for life), 299300

structures and processes, 297

Technical Board, 297298

Ubuntu community, opportunities

advocacy, 301302

application developers, 293

bug tracking, 303304

cloud community, 293

documentation, 302303

ideas and feedback, 302

packaging, 304

programming, 304

quality assurance, 303304

supporting others, 302

translation and localization, 303

Ubuntu developers, 293

Ubuntu Community Website, 278

Ubuntu Core, 248

Ubuntu desktop. See Unity.

Ubuntu devices, convergence. See Convergence, Ubuntu devices.

Ubuntu Edge, 265

Ubuntu Foundation, 2930

Ubuntu GNOME, 244

Ubuntu Help option, 71

Ubuntu Insiders, 266

Ubuntu Kylin, 243244

Ubuntu MATE, 244246

Ubuntu members, 300301

Ubuntu One, 260. See also Cloud computing.

Ubuntu Phone, 248

Ubuntu Server

cloud computing, 227231

description, 35

disk replication, 227

DRBD (Distributed Replicated Block Device), 227

encrypting the home directory, 204205

/home partition, 195196

installing, 194195

overview, 192194, 246248

partitioning, 195196. See also RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disks).

/tmp partition, 195196

user feedback, 224

/var partition, 195196

virtualization, 224226

Ubuntu Server, security

filesystems, 219220

firewall tables, 223

mount options, 219220

networks, 222223

overview, 217

system log files, 221222

system resource limits, 220221

user account administration, 218219

Ubuntu Software Center. See GNOME Software Center.

Ubuntu Studio, 241242

Ubuntu Unleashed 2016, 189

ubuntu-announce mailing list, 279

ubuntu-devel mailing list, 280

ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list, 279280

ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list, 280

uname -a command, 181

Unity desktop. See also The Dash.

buttons, 65

calendar, 70

clock, 7071

closing applications, 65

convergence, 263, 272273

files and folders, 6667

finding applications, 6164

Gear menu, 71

GNOME Software Center icon, 64

home folder contents, 6667

Home Folder icon, 64

HUD (Heads Up Display), 137140

illustrations, 6263, 139

keyboard shortcuts, 164167

the Launcher, 6164

Lenses, 6264, 153154

Log Out option, 71

minimizing/maximizing applications, 65

Network Manager, 70

notification area, 6971

on other devices, 99

Restart option, 71

running applications, 6264

Scopes, 153154

screen corners, 67

Shut Down option, 71

Suspend option, 71

switching applications, 64

System Settings option, 71

About This Computer option, 71

Trash icon, 64

Ubuntu Help option, 71

usability, 67

user accounts, 6869

user interface terms, 138

Unity desktop, customizing. See also Compiz Config Settings Manager.

appearance, 147

Appearance tool, 141142

application switcher settings, 144

default settings, 147

desktop icons, 147

keyboard shortcuts, 144

the Launcher, 143

panel settings, 144145

Panel tab, 144145

scrolling options, 147

searches, 144

security, 147

transparency, 143

Tweak Tool, 137138, 143147

Web apps, 144, 146

window management, 144

Universe repository, 89, 207

Updating software

adding/deleting programs and packages, 8789

GNOME Software Center, 8586

installing updates, 8789

to a new Ubuntu release, 9091

from outside the repositories, 89

propagating changes upstream, 1516

from repositories, 89

reviewing updates, 8789

Software Updater, 9091

Usability, 67

USB buses and devices, listing, 182

USB sticks, making bootable, 3839

“Use as” setting, 57

User accounts

adding, 183184

adding and deleting, 4951, 5354, 6869, 183

administration security, 218219

administrator privileges, 99

configuring, 5354

deleting, 183184

logging out of, 71

passwords, setting, 69

User conferences, 289290

User settings, 157

Users logged on, displaying, 184

/usr folder, 162

Utility plug-ins, 151152


/var folder, 162

/var partition, 195196

Vendor lock-in, 78

Verisign, purchase of Thawte, 8

Version, choosing for installation, 3536

Version control, tools for. See Bazaar.

Version information, printing, 181

Versions of Ubuntu. See Distributions; Editions; Flavors.

Vertical bar (|), pipe symbol, 168, 177

VGs (volume groups), 201

Video. See also Multimedia.

codecs required, 9596

DVDs, 9596

editing, 125126

Movie Player program, 96

streaming, 9596

Videos folder, 67

VirtualBox, 226

Virtualization, 224226

Virus protection, 209210

VMware, 224226

Vocabulary learning, 132

Volkerding, Patrick, 14

Volume groups (VGs), 201


Warthogs, 2, 910

Warty Warthog, 2

Web Apps tab, 144, 146

Web browsing. See Firefox.

Web forums, 282283

who command, 184

Wikis, 283284

Wildcards, 185186

Window management, plug-ins, 151

Window Manager, 144

Windows key, 164

Windows management, keyboard shortcuts, 164, 166

Windows partitions, mounting, 163

Wine Windows emulator, 168169

Wireless network information, displaying, 182

Word processing. See LibreOffice.

Workspace management, keyboard shortcuts, 164, 167

World atlas, 130


Xen, 226

Xfce window management system, 240241

Xubuntu, 36, 240241


zcat command, 222. See also cat command.

zgrep command, 222. See also grep command.

zless command, 222. See also less command.

Zoning, 226

z/VM, 226

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