
Image Purpose: To demonstrate to participants just how preconditioned the human animal tends to be.

Image Time Required: 15 to 30 minutes.

Image Size of Group: Unlimited, but only nine participants can play at one time.

Image Materials Required: A long nylon rope; nine blindfolds; a good-sized room, free of obstacles.

Image The Exercise in Action: Marilyn Russell, a nurse educator at the Dallas Medical Resource in Dallas, uses the “rope game” in team-building sessions:

Up to nine participants can play the game. A good-sized room with all floor obstacles removed is needed. Participants are first asked to be blindfolded; if someone refuses, he or she can assume an “observer” role in the game. Then a long nylon rope is tied end-to-end to make a continuous circle. Blindfolded participants are led to the rope and asked to grab it. The trainer then instructs the group to form a triangle with the nylon rope, or some other simple geometric figure. It’s important that the trainer provide no other instructions.

The group must then move together in a way that forms the geometric shape. Natural leaders and followers emerge as the group communicates and configures itself. When the group feels it has made the shape, participants remove their blindfolds to see how well they have done as a group.

Next, blindfolds go back on as participants are instructed to make another shape. Those emerging as leaders in the first interaction are discreetly pulled aside by the trainer and told not to speak. Typically, that silence forces some of those who acted as followers in the first session to assume leadership roles.

Russell then debriefs, stressing that it is only the use of highly effective communication and cooperation that makes forming the shapes possible. “Any team’s success depends on how well each member uses his or her strengths and weaknesses to balance out the team’s assets,” she says. “A good team-building atmosphere stresses the importance of each member and increases everyone’s self-esteem.”

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