
Image Purpose: To challenge participants to think creatively.

Image Time Required: 15 minutes.

Image Size of Group: Unlimited.

Image Materials Required: A large supply of toothpicks.

Image The Exercise in Action: Participants are challenged to think creatively, and also to make “true confessions” during this opener recommended by Lori Preston, training specialist at Electronic Data Systems.

Start by giving each participant 10 toothpicks or other counters. Then ask the first participant to talk about something they have never done, for example, “I’ve never jaywalked.” After the statement, anyone in the group who has jaywalked has to forfeit a toothpick to the kitty. Then the next person shares one thing he or she has never done, and again anyone who has done it loses a toothpick. The disclosures continue around the room until someone has lost all 10 toothpicks. It’s an entertaining way for people to get to know one another both by the things they have done, and the things they have not done.

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