

* (asterisk), 79, 269

: (colon), 23, 33

{ } (curly braces), 33

= (equal sign), 23, 43

= =, 43

( ) (parentheses), 33

+ (plus sign), 42, 47

++ characters, 23

+=, 53

“ “ (quotation marks), 27

“/n/n”, 306

../, 190

/* and */ tags, 184

//, 184


about this book, 1–2, 3–4

access modifiers, about, 72

Actions panel, 16–18

ActionScript. See also external ActionScript files; third-party ActionScript libraries; writing ActionScript

ActionScript cue points, 244–246, 260

adding toggle functionality, 161–164

AIR-specific classes in, 322–323

case sensitivity of, 33

casting data for, 241

changes in version 3.0, 11–12

class creation for, 68–70

coding custom menus for AIR, 330

comments in, 19–20, 184

concatenating text in, 42, 47

controlling movie clip instances with, 124–126, 148

creating variables, 22–23

easing classes, 58, 59–62

empty lines between code sections, 40

evolution of Flash and, 9–10

external code files for, 13, 36, 66, 68

files in, 68

generating cue points automatically, 247

hexadecimal color and, 74

hints for debugging, 62

ID3 tag compatibility with, 196

learning version 3.0, 10

listening to and responding to events, 32–34

locating XML elements in, 214, 227

managing FLVPlayback properties in, 236–238

manipulating IK systems from, 264, 265

naming rules in, 33

placing in Timeline frames, 13, 16–17

playing back files for Flash and, 12

preventing runtime errors with, 312–313, 318

runtime IK in, 266

sending variables to PHP script, 304–305

setting FLVPlayback source property, 242

streaming video using classes in, 367–374, 376

TLF formatting with, 152

tweens for animation, 57–58

using third-party libraries with, 344

working with live camera feeds, 277–282

writing for CLICK events, 34–39

XML support in, 206

ActionScript for Adobe Flash CS5 Classroom in a Book CD, 2

ActionScript Virtual Machine 1 (AVM1), 11

addChild() method, 75, 298, 299, 317, 318

addEventListener() method, 32, 200

addPage() method, 309, 317, 318


Community Help, 5–7

training and certification, 7

updating software, 4

Adobe CS Live, 8

Adobe Flash. See Flash CS5

Adobe Integrated Runtime. See AIR applications

Adobe Media Encoder, 243

Adobe Updater, 4

AIR applications, 320–341

about, 322

ActionScript classes for, 322–323, 341

coding custom menus for, 330

creating, 328–330

digital signature for, 326–328, 341

drag-and-drop functionality for, 333–340

Flash publish settings for, 324–328, 341

icons for, 325–326, 341

looping through file-type arrays, 336–339

printing from, 332–333

reviewing lesson file for, 330–332

using, 12

working with clipboard, 334

album information, 197–199

alternate video scripts, 281, 284

animation, 48–65. See also cube animation; Fruit Basket game; IK

ActionScript tweens for, 57–62

activating cube animation with spacebar, 358–361

authortime and runtime IK for, 266

ENTER_FRAME event for, 53–54

falling fruit at random speeds, 130–131

looping, 21–22

modifying text fields in, 41–42

moving joints in IK armature, 270–275

restart button for, 40–41

rotating 3D cube, 360, 361–363

sound added to armature, 275–277

storing clip references in variables, 54–56

triggering armature, 271–275

tweens and easing classes, 58, 59–62

appendText() method, 203

Application & Installer Settings dialog box, 326, 327


about IK, 264–265, 298

moving joints in, 270–275

sound effects for animation, 275–277

triggering animation of, 271–275

working with multiple, 269

array notation, 227


about, 127

adding elements to, 132, 149

adding songs to playlist, 185

creating and referring to, 127–128

index values of, 128, 149

reviewing lesson file for, 122–123

searching file types with for loops, 336–339

splicing elements from, 140

storing in variable, 149

artist information

formatting, 197–199

modifying for XML playlist, 216–218

.as files. See external ActionScript files

asterisk (*), 79, 269

audio. See sound; music player

authortime IK, 266


Bandwidth Profiler tool, 103–105, 119

base class, 125

BasicView class

extending, 351–352

making instances interactive, 353–354

onRenderTick() function of, 358–361

BitMap class, 282–284

bitmap graphics

classes for, 282

creating in ActionScript, 299

placing on 3D cube, 355–358, 376

storing image in variable, 282–284

BitMapData class, 282–284, 299

BitmapFileMaterial instance, 355–356

Boolean data type, 161, 174


adding event listeners to song, 189

changing movie clip properties with, 56–57

changing variable value with, 42–45

event-handling functions for, 32–34

restart, 40–41

Take A Snapshot, 271

triggering navigation with, 34–39

updating song labels on, 224–225

URL navigation with, 17–18

XML playlist, 223–225


calling functions, 37

camel case, 33

Camera class, 277, 278

cameras. See live camera feeds

casting data, 241

Caurina Transitions library

about, 344

testing installation of, 346–347

Tweener class of, 361–363, 376

certification programs, 7

CHANGE event

adding to List, 89, 99

associated with ColorPicker, 239, 240

changeHandler() function, 240, 241

changeVid() function, 253–256

chooseSong() function, 189–190, 219–221

class files

adding new instances of, 59, 74, 76–77

assigning for external libraries, 349

constructor functions and, 71, 82, 353–354

creating, 68–70

easing, 58, 59–62

functions and variables in, 69

naming, 33, 82

structure of, 70–73

classes. See also class files; and specific classes

access modifiers for, 72

adding instance to Flash Stage, 126

AIR-specific ActionScript, 322–323, 341

dynamic, 131, 306

extending, 71, 125

importing IK, 268–269

importing to Flash, 182, 350

inheritance and base, 125

methods and properties of, 69

MovieClip and Object, 131

overriding functions from parent, 359–360

Papervision3D animation, 351–352

used by ActionScript for streaming video, 367, 376

working with sound, 178, 183, 203

CLICK events

adding event listeners for, 52–53

adding to nested movie clips, 365–366

changing movie clip properties with, 56–57

responding to MOUSE_DOWN and MOUSE_UP events, 133

using in interactive 3D events, 356–357

writing ActionScript for, 34–39

client property, 367

ClipboardFormat feature, 334

code completion in Flash, 26

code snippets, 16–20

adding to button instance, 36–37

applying, 18–19

comments for, 19–20

creating navigation with, 34–39

creating tween with, 63

defined, 17

modifying, 19–20, 38–39

navigating to URL with, 17–18

Code Snippets panel, 17

collision detection, 137–140

colon (:), 23, 33


adjusting skin, 234–235

formatting text, 166–167

generating random, 79–81, 83

hexadecimal, 74, 241

ColorPicker component, 154, 239–240


about code snippet, 19–20

accessing XML, 207

adding to ActionScript, 184


about, 227

acknowledging completed loading with, 94–96, 99

completeHandler() function for, 109, 111–112

PROGRESS vs., 109, 119

timing of FLVPlayback component, 252, 260

URLLoader response to, 211–212

completeHandler() function, 109, 111–112

Component Inspector, 18

Component Parameters list, 233, 234, 236

concatenating text, 42, 47, 306

conditional statements, 25–28

about, 27

adding, 25–26

checking key presses with, 162–164

determining game outcome with, 141–143, 148

switch statements, 189–190

updating home frame text, 26

constructor functions

about, 71, 82

creating for Cube3D class, 353–354

copying lesson files, 2–3

count variables, 22–25

CS Live services, 8

cube animation. See also Cube3D class

about cube surfaces, 355

activating zooming with, 358–362

coding as interactive 3D event, 356–357

completed version of, 347

creating and modifying 3D cube, 354, 355–357

Cube3D constructor function, 353–354

displaying movie clips on cube, 363–367, 376

elements needed for, 351

extending BasicView class, 351–352

including streaming video, 366–374, 376

lesson files provided for, 348–349

navigating to URL from movie link, 365–366

placing cube on Flash Stage, 357–358

rotating cube, 360, 361–363

showing new cube face on click, 362–363

variables for Cube3D, 352

Cube3D class

constructor function for, 353–354

extending BasicView class, 351–352

variables for, 352 file, 350–351

cue points, 242–246

ActionScript, 244–246, 260

defined, 242–243

Event, 244, 260

generating automatically, 247

Navigation, 244, 260

types of, 244, 260

uses for, 246

CUE_POINT event, 245

curly braces ({ }), 33


Date class, 310

digital signatures, 326–328, 341

display list, 75, 83

display objects

about, 75

adding to display list, 83

using as Papervision3D material, 363

video instance as, 279

DisplayObject class, 367

dot notation, 214, 227


estimating time for, 103–105

external libraries, 344–345

simulating, 105–106, 119

drag-and-drop functionality

adding to formatClip panel, 165–166

making draggable objects, 132–134

setting up AIR applications, 333–340

draw() method, 282, 283

dynamic classes, 131, 306


easing classes, 58, 59–62


accessing data from XML, 214

defined, 207, 227

parent and child tags, 207–208

ellipses. See trail of ellipses

email, 300–318

creating pages to print, 311–312, 318

examining lesson files for, 302

linking to external email applications, 302–304

mailto: syntax for, 303

printing, 309–317, 318

sending to external URL, 305

user-activated variables for sending, 306–308

using date and time on, 310


animating movie clip with, 53–54

catching fruit with, 134–135

triggering armature animation with, 271–275

equal sign (=), 23, 43

errorHandler function, 212


checking for loading, 191

improved checking and feedback for, 12

IO_ERROR events, 211–212, 227

preventing ActionScript runtime, 312–313, 318

reviewing during testing, 147

Event cue points, 244, 260

event-handling functions, 32, 33

event listeners

adding restart button with, 40–41

adding to thumbnails gallery, 91–93

button instance with, 36–37

CHANGE, 89, 240

CLICK events with, 52–53

ID3 tag, 195–196

including in mouse events, 32–33

keyboard, 161–164, 174

removing, 78–79

responding to completed loading, 94–96, 99

song button, 189

triggering with snapshot, 271

using PROGRESS and COMPLETE with loading, 109, 119

events. See also CLICK events; event listeners; keyboard events; mouse events

animation using ENTER_FRAME, 53–54

creating interactive 3D, 356–357

listening for FLVPlayback COMPLETE, 252

listening to and responding to, 32–34

MouseEvent, 32–33

naming conventions for, 32–33

PROGRESS, 119, 212

responding to MOUSE_DOWN and MOUSE_UP, 133

syntax for, 32

THUMB_DRAG, 293–296, 299

URLLoader response to COMPLETE and IO_ERROR, 211–212

working with, 32

extending classes, 71, 125

extends keyword, 71

external ActionScript files, 66–83

class file structure, 70–73

confirming loading of, 94–96

creating class file instances, 74, 76–77

creating custom classes, 68–70

importing classes to Flash, 182

loading to TLF text fields, 158–159

overriding instance parameters, 77–78

randomizing ellipse color, 79–81, 83

required vs. optional parameters, 73

text loading from, 93–94

using, 13, 36, 66, 68

workflow with, 349

external libraries. See third-party ActionScript libraries


F4V files, 231, 260

feeds. See live camera feeds

File class, 335, 341

files. See also class files; external ActionScript files; MP3 files; SWF files

ActionScript .as, 70–73

connecting Timed Text to FLVPlaybackCaptioning, 248–249

creating AIR, 328–330

downloading external library, 344–345

dragging and dropping in AIR applications, 335–336

F4V, 231, 260

FLA, 231, 260, 324–325

lesson, 2–3, 5

loading SWF with UILoader component, 89–90

loading thumbnail, 91–96, 288–289

PHP, 304–305, 307, 308

PNG, 325

SVN, 344-345

SWC, 345

XML, 206–208

ZIP, 344-345

FileStream class, 336–339, 341

filter_btn instance, 291–293


adding live filtering, 289–296

applying from Pixel Bender, 285–287

changing parameters with slider, 293–296, 299

creating PBFilter class interactively, 291–293

reviewing file, 288–289

testing Pixel Bender, 285

FLA files, 231, 260, 324–325

Flash Builder 4, 12–13

Flash CS5. See also display objects; Flash Stage; Flash Timeline; and specific components

about import statements, 182, 350

ActionScript class for, 68–70

adding email link to projects in, 302–304

adding FLVPlayback component, 231–232

animation features of, 48

assigning class file for external libraries, 349

automatic insertion of import statements, 54, 350

Bandwidth Profiler tool, 103–105, 119

class file instances in, 74, 76–77

code completion feature, 26

creating AIR applications with, 322, 324–328, 341

cue points, 242–246

display objects and display list, 75

elements needed for Papervision3D projects in, 351

evolution of ActionScript and, 9–10

F4V files, 231, 260

FLA files, 231, 260, 324–325

hardware requirements for, 2

installing and optimizing, 2

live camera access in, 277, 281

opening XML files in, 206

playing back ActionScript files for, 12

ProgressBar component, 107, 110, 113

sending email from, 304–308

setting FLVPlayback properties, 233–235

setting preferences for external libraries, 345–346

Simulate Download tool, 105–106, 119

streaming video using ActionScript classes, 367–374

text in, 50, 150, 152

tools for inverse kinematics, 264

updating, 4

using ActionScript version 3.0 with, 11–12

using movie clips from library, 123–125

working with List component, 86–88

Flash Player. See also live camera feeds

camera access to, 281

version used, 5

Flash Stage

adding class instance to, 126

adding UILoader instance to, 88

measurements of, 51

placing external library objects on, 357–358

width of, 54

Flash Timeline

ActionScript in frames vs. external files, 13, 36

adding ActionScript to frames on, 13, 16–17

animating with IK, 266

controlling, 25–28

keyframe labels on, 20–21

placing code on, 20–26

scrubbing through, 16

testing code snippets from, 19, 20

Flex Builder, 12

FLV files, 231, 260

FLVPlayback component

about, 260

adding instance of, 231–232

bypassing with Papervision3D materials, 366–367

controlling properties with ActionScript, 236–238

enabling full-screen viewing, 256–258

listening for COMPLETE event, 252, 260

property settings for, 233–235

setting skin color and transparency, 234–235

skin property for, 234

source property of, 242

FLVPlaybackCaptioning component, 247–249, 260

font formatting, 155, 166–167

for loops

about, 129

creating, 130–131

searching dragged file name suffixes with, 336–339

syntax for, 129, 148

using trace statements in, 130

formatClip panel

creating instance of Formatter movie clip for, 160–161

making draggable, 165–166

responding to user’s keyboard events, 161–164, 174

text formatting with, 166–168

Formatter movie clip

about, 153

creating instance of, 160–161

responding to user’s keyboard events, 161–164, 174


artist and album properties, 198–199

fonts, 155, 166–167


adding ActionScript to Timeline, 13, 16–17

adding labels to, 20–21

tying to loading progress, 114–118

Fruit Basket game

adding class instance to Stage, 126

adding fruits to, 132

adding visual feedback to, 143–147

catching fruit with ENTER_FRAME event, 134–135

collision detection in, 137–140, 149

creating for loops for, 130–131

detecting when fruit hits basket, 136–137

determining game outcome, 141–143, 148

dragging and dropping basket, 132–133

keeping score in, 127, 128

layers in Basket clip, 122–123

listing fruit movie clips as arrays, 127–128

splicing elements from arrays, 140

tracking clips leaving Stage, 136–140

functions. See also specific functions and methods

calling, 37

constructor, 71, 82, 353–354

defined, 33

event-handling, 32–34

naming, 33

overriding, 359–360

parameters in, 71–73, 82

syntax for writing, 33–34


getCamera() method, 278, 298

gotoAndPlay() method, 21, 22

gotoAndStop() method, 22

graphics. See also bitmap graphics; IK; trail of ellipses

ActionScript bitmap, 299

bitmap classes, 282

creating impression snapshot taken, 271–275

icons for AIR applications, 325–326, 341

IK, 264–266

placing on 3D cube, 355–358, 376

storing in variable, 282–284

vector, 72–73


hardware requirements for Flash, 2

help resources, 5–7

hexadecimal color, 74, 241


interface elements when filtering snapshots, 290–291

movie clips, 56–57

sliders, 188–189

hitTestObject() method, 137–140, 149

home frame

adding conditional statement to, 25–26

updating text for, 26–28


icons for AIR applications, 325–326, 341

ID3 tags

adding listener for, 195, 197

checking and setting in iTunes, 196

compatible versions of, 196

using artist and album information from, 197–198

id3Handler() function, 195, 197

if...else statements. See conditional statements

ignoreComments() method, 207

IK (inverse kinematics). See also armature

about, 264

adding moveDown() function, 271–274, 276–277

armature in, 265, 269, 298

authortime and runtime, 266

coding moveUp() function, 274–275, 276, 277

connecting graphics in, 264–265

importing classes for, 268–269

moving joint in armature, 270–275

reviewing files for, 266–268

sound effects for, 275–277

IKArmature class, 269–270

IKManager class, 269, 270

IKMover class, 270–271

import statements

about, 182, 350

automatic insertion of, 54, 350


external ActionScript classes to Flash, 182, 350

IK classes, 268–269

Tween class, 59–62

index values of arrays, 128, 149

inheritance, 125

installing third-party ActionScript libraries, 344–345

instances. See also specific instances

adding new ActionScript class, 59, 75

checking for existing Sound class, 191

creating class file, 74, 76–77

naming, 33, 36

syntax for new tween, 58

working with Sound, SoundChannel, and SoundTransform, 183–184, 191–193

interactive content, controlling user-activated tweens, 362–363

interactive features. See also cube animation; Fruit Basket game; trail of ellipses

class parameters detecting interactivity, 353

creating PBFilter class interactively, 291–293

live camera feeds, 277–282

live tracking of filter values, 293–296, 299

sound and, 176

using user-activated cue points in video, 242–246

internal access modifier, 72

inverse kinematics. See IK

IO_ERROR events

about, 227

URLLoader response to, 211–212


checking and setting ID3 tags, 196

linking songs to, 209, 221–223


joints in IK armature, 270–275


keyboard events

animating 3D cube with spacebar, 347, 358–362

formatting text with user’s key presses, 161–164, 174

keyCheck function, 162

KEY_DOWN event, 161, 162, 354

keyframes. See frames

KEY_UP event, 161, 354



adding to keyframes, 20–21

adding to XML playlist, 213, 215

updating song, 224–225

languages, 42–45

lesson files

copying, 2–3

Flash Player version used with, 5

using, 3

libraries. See also third-party ActionScript libraries

about third-party ActionScript, 344

Flash CS5, 124–126


adding email, 302–304

linking songs to iTunes, 209, 221–223

mailto: syntax for email, 303

setting movie clip properties, 124–125

List component

about, 86

adding CHANGE event listener to, 89

setting parameters for, 86–88

live camera feeds, 277–282

checking for online cameras, 278–282

displaying, 298

filtering snapshots from, 289–296

Flash access for, 281

single camera access only in Flash, 277

taking snapshots from, 282–284

load() method, 227

loading content, 84–99. See also preloaders

adding external text to text field, 158–159

adding SWF files into UILoader, 89–90

checking for loading errors, 191

completing loading, 111–112

confirming loading of external content, 94–96, 99

loading text from external files, 93–94

monitoring loading progress, 109–112

preloaders and, 102

reviewing and uploading thumbnail files, 91–96

showing loading progress, 113–118

tracking loading progress, 108–112

loops. See also conditional statements; for loops

conditional statements controlling, 25–28

counting number of, 22–25

creating animation, 21–22

modifying text fields dynamically, 41–42

reviewing lesson file for, 122–123


makeCube() method

making cube with, 354, 355–357

using streaming video instances within, 367–370

materials. See 3D materials

menus in AIR, 330

methods. See also functions

defining parameters for, 72–73

microphone access, 281

moreSongs() function, 224

mouse events

adding green ellipses in trail, 77–78

creating graphic trail with, 74, 76–77

including event listeners in, 32–33


MOUSE_MOVE event, 76

navigating to URL from 3D material with, 365, 370, 373

providing random color for trail, 79–81

removing event listeners with, 78–79

MOUSE_DOWN and MOUSE_UP events, 133

MOUSE_MOVE event, 76

moveDown() function, 271–274, 276–277

moveUp() function, 274–275, 276, 277

movie clips

adding CLICK event to nested, 365–366

buttons for changing properties, 56–57

changing properties of, 50–51

checking for collisions of, 137–140, 149

connecting for IK, 264–265

controlling instances with ActionScript, 124–126, 148

games with visual feedback, 143–147

hiding/showing, 56–57

making draggable object, 132–134

playing animation while new content loads, 114–118

setting linkage properties of, 124–125

storing references in variable, 54–56

tracking clips leaving Stage, 136–137

triggering by loading process, 113–114

using with 3D object, 355, 363–367, 376

MovieAssetMaterial class

adding CLICK events to movie in, 365–366

adding 3D materials with, 363–365

parameters of, 364

using symbol from Flash library in, 363

MovieClip class, 69, 131

MP3 files

adding sound effects, 275

ID3 tags in, 195–198

reading text data in, 183

removing file suffix from title, 187–188

music player. See also playlists

adding artist and album data in, 197–198

adding sliders to, 180–181

controlling song volume and panning, 200–201

creating playlist array, 185

declaring variables for current songs, 185

displaying song titles, 185–187

hiding sliders, 188–189

illustrated, 177

removing file suffix from title, 187–188

reviewing files for, 178–180

selecting songs with buttons, 189–193

stopping current and starting new song, 191


/n tag, 198


class files, 33, 82

constructor functions, 71, 82, 353

events, 32–33

functions and classes, 33

instances, 33, 36

variables, 23, 33

NATIVE_DRAG_DROP event, 333–334, 341

NATIVE_DRAG_ENTER event, 333–334, 341

NativeDragEvent class, 333, 341


buttons on XML playlist, 223–225

labels and, 20–21

using cue points for, 243

Navigation cue points, 244, 260

NetConnection class, 367–374

NetStream class, 367–374, 376

new keyword, 59, 75

NumericStepper component, 154


Object class, 131


about Papervision3D, 355, 356

placing external library objects on Flash Stage, 357–358

onClick() function, 362–363

onDragDrop() function, 335, 336

online resources, 8

onRenderTick() method, 358–361

onSnapshot() function, 271

operating system

communicating printing capabilities of, 309

using clipboard for AIR applications, 334

optional parameters, 73

overriding functions, 359–361


package keyword, 70, 71, 182

pageSprite instance, 313–315

panChange() function, 200–201


controlling current song’s, 200–201

creating slider for, 180–181

displaying sliders for, 193–194

hiding slider for, 188–189

setting values for, 192

SoundTransform instances and, 180–181, 192

paper width and height, 312–313


about, 344

activating animation with spacebar, 347, 358–361

adding movies to 3D object, 363–367, 376

bypassing FLVPlayback component with, 366–367

classes for, 351–352

creating 3D cube with, 355–357

extending BasicView class, 351–352

materials in, 344, 355, 376

objects in, 355, 356

testing installation of, 346–347


defined, 33

including in functions, 71–73, 82

MovieAssetMaterial class, 364

overriding instance, 77–78

replace() method’s, 187

required vs. optional, 73

setting Cube3D class constructor function, 353–354

setting List component, 86–88

startDrag() m, 134

parent and child tags, 207–208

parentheses ( ), 33 file, 288–289

PHP files

confirming received email, 307, 308

sending ActionScript values using URLVariables class, 305

using ActionScript variables in, 304–305

Pixel Bender Toolkit 2

about, 285, 299

adding live filtering to snapshots, 289–296

applying filters from, 285–287

examining file, 288–289

playlists. See also XML playlist

adding songs to, 185

removing file suffix from titles in, 187–188

replacing songList array with XML instance, 209–210

plus sign (+), 42, 47

PNG format, 325

Preferences dialog box, 345

preloaders, 100–119

completing loading, 111–112

defined, 102

Flash troubleshooting tools, 102–106

monitoring loading progress, 109–112

progress bars and text field for, 106–107

reflecting loading progress, 113–118

tracking progress of UILoader component, 108–112

previewing Flash projects, 19, 20

print_btn button, 309

printing, 309–317

about PrintJob class, 309, 311, 332–333

adding date and time to email, 310

from AIR applications, 332–333

preventing runtime errors when, 312–313, 318

sending jobs to printer, 313–317

starting and adding pages to, 311–312, 318

PrintJob class

AIR-only properties for, 332–333

using with Flash-based emails, 309, 311

private access modifier, 72

progress bars, 106–107, 110, 113

PROGRESS event, 109, 119, 212, 227

progressHandler() function, 109–112


ActionScript control of FLVPlayback, 236–238

buttons changing movie clip, 56–57

changing movie clip, 50–53

changing values for, 51–52

ENTER_FRAME event animation for movie clip, 53–54

formatting with TextFormat class, 159–160, 174

setting FLVPlayback, 233–235

setting TLFTextField, 157, 174

Properties panel, 87

Property Inspector

about, 18

Component Parameters list, 233, 234, 236

protected access modifier, 72

public access modifier, 72

Publish Settings dialog box, 257

publish settings for AIR applications, 324–328, 341

push() method, 132, 149


quotation marks (“ “), 27


random color, 79–81, 83

removeEventListener() method, 78

removing event listeners, 78–79

replace() method, 187–188, 203

required parameters, 73


help, 5–7

online, 8

rotating 3D cube, 360, 361–363

rotation, 51, 56

runtime. See also AIR applications

formatting text at, 160–161

preventing printing errors at, 312–313, 318

runtime IK, 266


scroll bar

adding for text fields, 97–98, 168

showing/hiding, 169–172

scrubbing through Flash Timeline, 16

Select Skin dialog box, 235

send() method, 309, 313, 314, 318

sending email from Flash, 304–308

servers, confirming loading from, 95

setLanguage() function, 43–44

setSongs() function, 213, 215, 218–219

Shader classes, 285

Simulate Download tool, 105–106, 119

skin. See video skin

skin property, 234


adding to music player, 180–181

adjusting video transparency, 236–238

controlling song volume and panning, 200–201

displaying, 193–194

hiding, 188–189

live tracking of filter values with, 293–296, 299


hiding interface elements when filtering, 290–291

initiating animation with, 271

live filtering of, 289–296

sound effects triggered by, 276–277

taking from video feed, 282–284

triggering graphic and animation with, 271–275

songList array, 185, 209–210


accessing title and artist data, 216

adding event listeners to buttons for, 189

controlling volume and panning of, 200–201

creating songList array for, 185

declaring variables for current, 185

displaying titles in music player, 185–187

formatting artist and album data, 198–199

functions for selecting, 189–190

linking to iTunes, 209, 221–223

removing file suffix from title, 187–188

selecting more, 224

setting title and artist fields in XML, 216–218

setting title with for loop, 185–187

stopping and starting, 191

sound. See also songs

about, 176

adding to animation, 275–277

classes working with, 178, 183–185, 203

declaring variables for current songs, 185

loading to Sound instance, 191

working with Sound, SoundChannel, and SoundTransform classes, 183–184, 191–193

Sound class

about, 178, 183, 203

creating armature sound effects, 275–277

creating instances of, 183–185, 191

loading sound to instance, 191

SoundChannel class

about, 178, 183, 203

creating armature sound effects, 275–277

creating instances of, 183–185, 191–193

SoundTransform class

about, 178, 183, 203

creating instance for, 191–193

creating instances of, 183–185

source property, 233, 242

spacebar key press, 347, 358–362

speed property, 131, 134

splice() method, 138, 140

Sprite instance, 311, 312

Stage. See Flash Stage

start() method, 309

startDrag() method, 132–134

startRendering() method, 354

stopDrag() method, 132–133

streaming video, 366–374, 376


casting data as, 241

concatenating, 42, 47

recasting text fields to, 25

subtitles, 247

SVN files, 344–345

SWC files, 345

SWF files

AIR applications capabilities vs., 322, 323, 333

loading, 89–90

publishing as AIR project, 324–325

skin files as, 235

viewing in browsers, 320

switch statement, 189–190, 191

Symbol Properties dialog box, 124, 125

symbols in IK systems, 264–265


array, 127

changing movie clip properties, 51

describing Stage width, 54

event, 32

for loop, 129, 148

improved ActionScript 3.0, 11

loading files into UILoader, 89

trace statement, 130

tween variable, 58

writing functions, 33–34



/* and */, 184

ID3, 195–198

XML, 207–208

Take A Snapshot button

adding event listener for, 271

triggering sound effects with, 276–277


about, 102

Bandwidth Profiler tool for, 103–105, 119

code snippets from Timeline, 19, 20

Flash tools for, 102–106

hints for debugging and, 62

installed external libraries, 346–347

looping animation, 21

Pixel Bender filters, 285

reviewing errors during, 147

Simulate Download tool for, 105–106, 119

text. See also text fields

about Flash, 152

concatenating, 42, 47, 306

displaying scroll bar based on display of, 169–172

formatting with formatClip panel, 166–168

keyboard events formatting, 161–164, 174

loading from external files, 93–94

reviewing lesson file for, 152–156

runtime formatting of, 160–161

TLF and Classic, 50, 150

text fields

adding scroll bar for, 97–98, 168

adding video player title’s, 244

concatenating text in, 306

creating TLF, 156–157

cue points triggering changes in, 243–246

determining language of, 42–45

displaying count variables in, 24–25

formatting with TextFormat class, 159–160, 174

linking email to, 318

loading files to generated, 158–159

modifying dynamically, 41–42

preloader, 106–107

recasting as strings, 25

replace() method modifying, 187–188

replacing text in, 187–188

showing/hiding scroll bar, 169–172

Text Layout Framework. See TLF

TextFormat class, 159–160, 174

textLoaded() function, 158

third-party ActionScript libraries

about, 344

animating cube with spacebar, 358–362

assigning class file for, 349

constructor function for Cube3D class, 353–354

creating 3D cube from Papervision3D, 355–357

downloading and installing, 344–345

examining ending lesson files for, 347

extending Papervision3D BasicView class, 351–352

including streaming video using, 366–374, 376

inspecting class file, 350–351

placing external library objects on Stage, 357–358

reviewing starting files for, 348–349

rotating cube with Caurina Tweener, 361–363

setting Flash preferences to, 345–346

testing installed libraries, 346–347

variables for Cube3D class, 352

this keyword, 186

3D materials. See also cube animation

adding with MovieAssetMaterial class, 363–365

placing bitmap graphics as, 355–358, 376

setting interactive property for, 356

streaming video, 355, 366–374, 376

using Papervision3D, 344, 355, 376

THUMB_DRAG event, 293–296, 299


adding event listeners to loading, 91–93

examining, 91

time printed on emails, 310

Timed Text format

about, 247–248, 260

connecting files to FLVPlaybackCaptioning component, 248–249

illustrated, 247


accessing from XML data, 216

adding text field for video player, 244

displaying, 185–187

modifying for XML playlist, 216–218

removing MP3 suffix from, 187–188

TLF (Text Layout Framework)

about, 50, 150

creating TLF text fields, 156–157

formatting with ActionScript, 152

loading external files to TLF text fields, 158–159

TLFTextField class

importing and creating instance of, 156–157

properties of, 157, 174

toggle functionality, 161–164

trace statements, 130, 310

trail of ellipses

creating class file for, 70–73

creating multiple ellipse instances, 74, 76–77

overriding color of, 77–78

randomizing color of, 79–81, 83

stopping when mouse released, 78–79

training and certification programs, 7


adjusting values for, 52

skin, 234–235

slide adjusting video, 236–238

try/catch statements, 312–313, 318

Tweener class, 350, 361–363, 376

tweens, 57–62

about, 57–58

adding, 59–62

controlling user-activated, 362–363

creating with code snippet, 63

easing classes, 58, 59–62

new instances of, 59

rotating 3D cube with, 361–363


UILoader component

adding instance to Stage, 88

loading SWF files into, 89–90

PROGRESS event for, 119

review of, 99

tracking percent loaded, 110

tracking progress of, 108–112

UIScrollBar component, 97, 168


Adobe software, 4

chooseSong() function, 219–221

count variables, 23

home frame text, 26

song labels on buttons, 224–225

URLLoader class

acknowledging completed loading, 94–96, 99

creating for and loading XML playlist, 210–211

creating instance of, 93–94

load() method of, 227

loading text to generated text files, 158–159

responding to COMPLETE and IO_ERROR events, 211–212

using COMPLETE event with, 99


navigating from nested movie clip to, 365–366

omitting spaces between names and values in, 303

sending email to server’s, 304–308

URLVariables class, 305–308, 318


additional resources for, 5–7

formatting text at runtime, 160–161

score in Fruit Basket game, 127, 128



Boolean data, 161, 174

changing movie clip property, 51–52

sending using URLVariables class, 305–308

setting volume and pan, 192

spaces between ActionScript names and, 303

working with true, 164

Values dialog box, 87, 88

var keyword, 23


arrays, 127–129, 149

bitmap image stored in, 282–284

Boolean data type, 161, 174

comparing values of, 43, 47

creating count, 22–23

Cube3D class, 352

declaring for current songs, 185

determining language of text with, 42–45

displaying count, 24

naming, 23, 33

sending email using URLVariables class, 306–308

storing movie clip references in, 54–56

syntax for tween, 58

tracking user’s score with, 128

using wildcards as, 278

vector graphics, 72–73. See also trail of ellipses


streaming to 3D object, 366–374, 376

using as 3D object material, 355, 376

video cameras. See live camera feeds

Video class, 367, 376

video player, 228–260

adding instance of FLVPlayback component, 231–232

adding title text field, 244

full-screen view for, 256–258

identifying next video in playlist, 253–256

loading next video on playlist in, 252–253

playing videos from playlist, 250–256

reviewing folder for, 230

setting source property of FLVPlayback component, 242

skin background color for, 240–242

storing captions in XML file, 247–249

viewing code in vidlist.xml file, 250–251

video skin

about skin files, 235

background color of, 240–242

color and transparency settings for, 234–235

VideoAssetMaterial class, 366–367, 372

videos. See also video player

selecting from XML playlist, 250–256

using cue points, 242–246

viewing full-screen, 256–258

VideoStreamMaterial class, 367, 369–370, 372

vidlist.xml file

using xmlLoaded() function with, 252–253

viewing code in, 250–251


controlling song, 200–201

creating slider for, 180–181

displaying sliders for, 193–194

hiding slider for, 188–189

values for, 192

volumeChange() function, 200–201


webcams. See live camera feeds

wildcard (*), 269, 278

writing ActionScript. See also external ActionScript files; naming

calling functions, 37

case sensitivity in, 33

casting data, 241

changes in version 3.0, 11–12

creating new instances, 59, 75

dot and array notation in, 214, 227

empty lines and, 40

learning version 3.0, 10

modifying code snippets, 19–20, 38–39

organizing addEventListener() calls together, 200

spaces between names and values, 303


XML. See also XML class; XML playlist

about, 206

accessing comments via ActionScript, 207

accessing data from elements, 214

elements for, 207, 227

file structure of, 206–208

storing captions in, 247–249

XML class

about, 227

creating instances of, 210–211

ignoreComments() method of, 207

XML playlist, 204–227

accessing title and artist from XML data, 216

adding call to setSongs() function, 218–219

creating XML and URLLoader class instances, 210–211

identifying next video in, 253–256

illustrated, 205

labeling onstage song clips, 213, 215

linking songs to iTunes, 209, 221–223

loading, 211

moving event listeners to xmlLoaded() function, 213

navigating through, 223–225

providing multiple video files in, 250–256

replacing songList array with XML instance, 209–210

reviewing starting file for, 208–209

selecting more songs, 224

setting title and artist fields in XML, 216–218

updating chooseSong() function for, 219–221

updating song buttons, 224–225

xmlLoaded() function, 212, 213, 252–253


ZIP files, 344, 345

zooming variable, 352, 360, 361

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