

3D Rotation tool, 50–52

3D Translation tool, 50–52


AC_RunActiveContent, 204

ActionScript, 217–246

Actions panel in, 220–221

animation converting to, 237–238

Debugger in, 245–246

for event-handling scripts, 228–230

external files of, 239–240

formatting scripts of, 241–242

for frame scripts, 224–225

interactivity in, 231–233


programming in, 226–227

overview of, 217

Script Assist in, 222–223

for scripts controlling movie clips, 234–235

testing interactive movies in, 243–244

validating scripts in, 241–242

versions of, 218–219

Activation screen, 2

Add a Hit frame, 78–79

Add Anchor Point tool, 40

Additional Rotation control for motion tweens, 120


AIR, 4, 213–215

Creative Suite. see Creative Suite

Exchange, 248–249

Fireworks, 146–148

Illustrator, 140–143

Media Encoder, 191–192

Photoshop, 140–145

ADPCM Sound Properties option, 169

Advanced option in Color Effect, 73–74

AIFF audio file format, 158

AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime), 4, 213–215

Alpha blending mode, 102–105

Alpha slider in Color Effect, 73 anchor points

Pen tool for, 39

reducing number of, 55

selecting, 46–47

Selection tool vs., 20–22

Angle in filters, 130

animations. see also motion

blending modes for, 101–105

converting to ActionScript, 237–238

editing in timeline, 94–95

frame by frame creation of, 90–91

frame rates of, 88–89

masking in, 99–100

onion skinning of, 92–93

overview of, 85

scenes and, 106–107

in symbols, 97–98

synchronizing sounds to, 166–167

testing, 96

timeline of, 86–87

anti-aliasing, 57–58

applications, standalone, 212–215

Apply Recommended Import

Settings option, 140–141

arguments vs. parameters, 222

armatures, 133–136

artwork, importing, 137–156

autotracing bitmaps after, 155–156

using bitmap properties

after, 150–152

breaking apart bitmaps

after, 153–154

Bridge file-manager viewer

and, 138–139

DXF files, 149

file formats, miscellaneous, 149

from Fireworks, 146–148

Free Hand 7 through 11, 149

from Illustrator, 140–143

overview of, 137

from Photoshop, 140–143

audio. see sound

audio codec for encoding

videos, 194

Audio Event setting in Flash

Player, 200

Audio Stream setting in Flash

Player, 200

Auto Format in ActionScript, 241–242

autotracing bitmaps, 155–156

axes in transforming objects, 50–52



color of, 10–11

in editing objects, 61

in HTML movie file

settings, 202

base colors, 101

Bézier curves, 40

Bind tool, 134–135

Bitmap Text, 58


autotracing, 155–156

breaking apart, 153–154

in digital video files, 176

in graphics, 19

properties of, in imported

artwork, 150–152

bit-rate setting in Sound

Properties, 170

black screens, 118

blank keyframes, 87

blending modes

for animations, 101–105

in imported artwork, 144

Blur X, 130

Blur Y, 130

BMP files, 149

Bone tool, 133–136

breadcrumb trails

in editing-in-place mode, 70

in group-editing mode, 54

Break Apart text tool, 59–60

breaking apart bitmaps, 153–154

breakpoints, 245–246

Bridge file-manager viewer, 138–139

brightness slider, 72

Bring to Front for multiple

layers, 61

broken tweens, 128

Brush tool, 38


adding sounds to, 173

animation of, 98

in library, 76–79

naming symbols, 66


calculations in blending-mode

formulas, 102

Cap and Join menus, 33

cells in animations, 86

certification of AIR

applications, 214

check box components, 257–259

checkerboard backgrounds, 145

Chun, Russell, 217

classes in ActionScript, 226

classic tweens

overview of, 117

tweened animations, 124–126

clips in movies, 186–188

closed paths, 20

codec (compressor/decompressor), 176–177

collapsed panels, 5–6


of backgrounds, 10–11

base, 101

finding and replacing, 31

mode for imported

artwork, 144

panel, 28–30

RGB color mode. see RGB

(red, green, blue) color

threshold in bitmaps, 155

in vector graphics, 27–29

Color Effects

Advanced option in, 73–74

with instances, 69

in library, 72–74


of erors, 242

overview of, 219

components, 247–259

categories of, 248–249

downloading additional, 248–249

Inspector, 187–188, 252–253

instances, customizing, 250–251

instances, setting

parameters of, 252–253

labels, formatting text in, 254–256

overview of, 83, 247

user interfaces, scripting, 257–259


bitmaps, 150–152

digital video files, 176–177

sounds, 158–159

compressor/decompressor (codec), 176–177


anchor points, 41

animations to ActionScript, 237–238

layers to menu, 142

shapes with Selection

tool, 35

stereo sounds to mono, 169

videos with Media

Encoder, 191–192

copy-and-paste techniques, 140

copyrights, 158–159

Corner anchor points, 40

Corner Radius values, 34–36

Corner Threshold in Bitmap

setting, 156

Creative Suite

Bridge in, 138–139

downloading accessories

for, 248–249

Fireworks in, 148

Media Encoder in, 191

Soundbooth in, 157

curly braces {}, 229

Curve Fit in Bitmap setting, 156

customizing component

instances, 250–251


dashed lines in tweens, 127–128

data typing in ActionScript, 230

Debugger in ActionScript, 245–246

Deco tool, 42–44

decompressors in codec, 176–177

Default Sound Properties, 168

Delete Anchor Point tool, 41

dependent vs. independent

instances, 80

deploying video files, 180–181

depth levels, 61–63

detection in publishing

movies, 205–207

digital video files, 176–177. see also video files


HTML movie files, menu

for, 201

overview of, 10

distortion, 49

distribution formats, 196–197

docked panels, 5–8

Document Properties, 10–11

domino effect in symbol

changes, 71

dot syntax, 235

downloading video files, 179

downsampling sounds, 159

drawing tools. see artwork,

importing; vector graphics

Dreamweaver, 148

DXF files, 149



in Motion Editor, 123

in motion tween

Properties, 119


components, 250–251

objects. see editing objects

in place, 70

in Rectangle tools, 35

sounds, 171–172

editing objects, 45–63. see also transforming objects

group-editing mode, 53–54

multiple layers and, 61–63

overview of, 45

simplifying for, 55–56

text, 57–58

text blocks, 57–58

effects in sound editing, 172

elements in ActionScript

toolbox, 220–221

Embed FLV in SWF and Play in

Timeline option, 180


fonts in component labels, 255–256

video files, 182–183

enabled parameter of

components, 252

encoding video files, 193–194

envelopes in sound editing, 172

Erase blending mode, 102–105

error handling

Compiler Errors for, 242

Debugger for, 245–246

testing interactive movies

for, 243

in tweens, 127–128

event handling

in ActionScript, 228–230

code for, 232

event listeners

overview of, 228

in user interface

components, 258–259

event vs. streaming sounds, 160–161

Exchange home page, 248–249

Expand Timeline if Needed

option for embedding

videos, 183

expanded panels, 5–6

exporting Flash movies. see also publishing Flash


overview of, 195

QuickTime movies for, 210–211

standalone applications

and, 210–215

still images for, 208–209

external ActionScript files, 239–240

Eyedropper tool, 29


F5, 87

F6, 87

F7, 87

file organization in interfaces, 15–17

Fill Color control, 30


converting to, 154

in vector graphics, 23–26


for encoding videos, 194

for tweened animations, 129–131

Find and Replace Color

feature, 31

Fireworks, 146–148

FLA files, 15–18

Flash Alignment for HTML

movies, 202

Flash CS4 Professional

Advanced for Windows and

Macintosh: Visual QuickPro

Guide, 217

Flash detection, 205–207

Flash Lite, 181

Flash Media Server, 179

Flash Player, 199–200

Flash Video (FLV) files, 176–177

flexibility in Rectangle tools, 35

floating windows, 6–7

FLVPlayback component, 184


in component labels, 255–256

symbols for, 82

for text, 57–58


for encoding videos, 194

for publishing Flash

movies, 196–197

for scripts, 241–242

forward kinematics, 132

fps (frames per second), 89

frame labels, 232–233

frame rates

of animations, 88–89

overview of, 10–11

frame scripts, 224–225

frame-by-frame animation

creation, 90–91


in animation timeline, 87

defined, 86

frames per second (fps), 89

Free Hand 7 through 11, 149

Free Transform tool

for customizing

component instances, 250

with instances, 69

for objects, 48–49

free-floating windows, 6–7

FTP for encoding videos, 194

function keys

commonly used, 87

as interface element, 12

functions in ActionScript, 230


Gap Size menu, 38

GIF files

importing, 149

as movie distribution

format, 196–197

still images, exporting, 208

gotoAndPlay, 225

Gradient Bevel filter, 130

Gradient Glow filter, 130

Gradient Transform tool, 31

gradients in vector graphics, 29–31

graphic symbols vs. movie

clips, 80–81

graphics. see vector graphics

Grid Fill, 43

Grid Translation option, 44

group-editing mode, 53–54


in imported artwork, 141

instances vs., 69

of objects, 53

symbols vs., 67


handles in Free Transform

tool, 48–49

Help, 13

Hit keyframes, 173

hits in rollover effects, 78–79

HSB (hue, saturation, and brightness) controls, 29

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) files

alignment settings for

movies in, 202

as movie distribution

format, 196–197

publishing Flash movies

as, 204

publishing movies in, 201–202

hue, saturation, and

brightness (HSB) controls, 29


Ignore Stage Color setting in

QuickTime, 210

Illustrator, 140–143

image compression, 177

Import As a Single Bitmap

Image, 143

Import As a Single Flattened

Bitmap, 146

Import as Mobile Device Video

Bundled in SWF, 181

Import Unused Symbols

option, 143

Import[Page#] option, 146


artwork. see artwork,


audio files, 158–159

video files, 178–179

Include Audio for Embedding

videos, 183

incompatibilities in imported

artwork, 140–141

independent vs. dependent

instances, 80

Ink in Pencil tool, 37–38

InkBottle tool, 24

Insert Layer, 62

Insert Target Path in

ActionScript, 228–229, 236

Inspector, Component, 252


breaking apart, 75

customizing component, 250–251

groups vs., 69

names in ActionScript, 227–230, 253

overview of, 68–69

troubleshooting, 244

interactive vs. passive

instances, 81

interactivity in ActionScript, 231–233

interface elements, 1–18

Document Properties,

setting, 10–11

file organization and, 15–17

function keys as, 12

keyboard shortcuts, 12–14

managing workspaces

with, 5–9

overview of, 1

starting Flash with, 2–4

Into option, 146

inverse kinematics, 132–136


JPEG compression, 150–152

JPEG files, 149

as movie distribution

format, 197

Quality slider in Flash

Player, 200

still images, exporting, 208


keyboard shortcuts, 12–14


in ActionScript, 224–225

in adding sounds to

buttons, 173

in classic tweens, 124–125

editing in timeline and, 94–95

in frame-by-frame

animations, 91

for interactivity, 232–233

in inverse kinematics, 133–136

in Motion Editor, 122–123

in motion tweens, 116–118

in onion skinning, 92–93

in putting sounds in

timelines, 162–163

in shape hints, 113–115

in shape tweens, 110–112

synchronizing to

animation, 167

in timeline, 86–87

kinematics, 132–136

Knockout in filters, 131


label parameter of

components, 252

label-free buttons, 77

labels, formatting text in, 254–256

Lasso tool, 46, 153


in imported artwork, 141–142, 144–145

motion tweens in, 117–118

library, 65–84

button symbols in, 76–79

Color Effects and, 72–74

converting objects to

symbols in, 66–67

editing objects in, 70–71

graphic symbols vs. movie

clips in, 80–81

importing sounds to, 158–161

instances in, 68–69, 75

managing symbols with, 82–84

overview of, 65

Sound Properties in, 168

linear gradients, 29–30

linking SWF files to HTML files, 198

Load External Video with

Playback Component, 180

load factors, 89

locking mask layers, 99

looping movies, 96

looping sounds

managing, 164–165

in timeline, 160–161

lossless compression, 150–152


Macintosh projector files, 197, 212–213

Macromedia, 148

Magic Wand tool, 153–154

Maintain Layers option, 141

masking, 99–100

mathematics of blending

mode formulas, 102

Media Encoder, 191–192

methods in ActionScript, 227

Minimum Area in Bitmap, 155

monitors, 58

morphing, 110

motion. see also animations

natural looking, 132

paths, 117

in rollover effects, 78

Motion Editor

filters in, 130

for tweened animations, 122–123

motion tweens

converting to ActionScript, 237–238

creating, 116–118

editing, 122–123

properties of, 119–121

Mouseevent objects, 229–230

mouseResponse function, 258–259

movie clips

graphic symbols vs., 80–81

naming symbols, 66

scripts controlling, 234–235

moviePause, 230


exporting. see exporting

Flash movies

files for, 1–3

in HTML, 198, 201–202

looping, 96

publishing. see publishing

Flash movies

testing interactive, 243–244

MP3 audio file format, 158

MP3 Sound Properties, 169

MSN Video, 175

multimedia assets, 83

multiple layers, 61–63

Multiply blending mode, 102


naming symbols, 66

natural movements, 132

nested symbols

editing, 71

overview of, 65

Netstream.Play, 179

New Folder icon in library, 82

New Symbol icon in library, 82


Object Drawing icon, 26

object-oriented programming (OOP), 226–227


in ActionScript, 226–227

breaking apart text, 59

in classic tweens, 124–125

converting to symbols, 66–67

editing. see editing objects

in shape tweens, 112

transforming. see transforming objects

in tweened layers, 118

Objects option, 146

onion skinning, 92–93

OOP (object-oriented programming), 226–227

open paths, 20

optimizing paths, 56

Orient to Path control for

motion tweens, 120

Outer/Inner in filters, 131

Output for encoding videos, 193

Oval Primitive tool, 35

Override Sound Settings in

Flash Player, 200


padlocks, 63

Paint Bucket tool, 24

Paintbrush tool, 154

panels, 5

parameters vs. arguments, 222

parentheses (), 225

passive vs. interactive

instances, 81

pasting techniques, 140

Path control for motion

tweens, 120


Break Apart command

and, 75

selecting, 46–47

in vector graphics, 20–22

pattern tools, 42–44

Pen tool, 39–41

Pencil tool

armature with, 134

in vector graphics, 37–38

photo compression, 150–152

Photoshop, importing from, 140–143

Place Instance on Stage

option for embedding

videos, 182

Place Objects at Original

Position option, 142

Playback options for HTML

movies, 201

Player, Flash, 199–200

playheads, 86

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files

in imported artwork, 146–149

as movie distribution

format, 197

publishing movies as, 203

still images, exporting, 208

Portable Network Graphics

(PNG). see PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files

pose layer, 134

Preprocessing sound

properties, 169

presets for video files, 192

previewing Flash movies, 203–204

primitive shape tools, 34–36

programming vs. scripting, 219

Project panel, 17

projectors, 212–213


in ActionScript, 227

Library icon for, 82–83

of sounds, 168–170

Properties panel

for customizing

component instances, 250

options area vs., 25

options controls in, 32

overview of, 5–6

sliding in, 9

property keyframes, 116–118

PSD files

importing, 144–145

round-trip editing of, 146–148

publishing Flash movies, 195–215. see also exporting

Flash movies

detection in, 205–207

formats for, 196–197

HTML settings for, 201–202

overview of, 195

previewing and, 203–204

QuickTime movies, 210–211

settings for, 199–200

standalone applications in, 210–215

still images in, 208–209

SWF files, linking to HTML

files, 198


Quality settings

in filters, 130

for HTML movie files, 201–202

for JPEG files, 200

in Sound Properties, 170


exporting Flash movies

with, 210–211

playing digital videos with, 176–177


radial gradients, 29–31

RadioButton, 251–253

raster graphics, 19

Raw sound option, 169

Rectangle tools, 34–35

red, green, blue (RGB) sliders.

see RGB (red, green, blue)


registration points, 66–67

regular frames, 87

remapping function keys, 12–14

Render Width and Render

Height setting in

QuickTime, 210

repairing tweened animations, 127–128

RGB (red, green, blue) color

mode in imported artwork, 144

sliders in vector drawings, 28

rollover effects, 76–78


with Free Transform tool, 49

in motion tween

Properties, 119–120

Ruler Units, 10–11

runtime environments, 219



with Free Transform tool, 48

for HTML movies, 202

of imported artwork, 144

scenes in animations, 106–107

Script Assist, 222–223

Script menu in Flash Player, 200

Script Navigator, 221


component user

interfaces, 257–259

components and. see components

programming vs., 219

symbols and, 65

scripts.see ActionScript scrubbing, 91

selected parameter of

components, 252

Selection tool

in breaking apart bitmaps, 153

for fills, 23

for grouping objects, 53

motion paths with, 117

for paths, 20–22

Smooth icon in, 56

for strokes, 23

Set Stage Size to Same Size as

Illustrator Artboard option, 143

setup screens, 2

shape hints, 113–115

shape tools, 34–36

shape tweening, 110–112

Shockwave Flash Files, 16

simplifying objects, 55–56

skewing with Free Transform

tool, 49


onion, 92–93

for playing video files, 184–185

sliding, 8–9

Smooth Curve points in Pen

tool, 39–40

Smoothing control in


for freehand drawing, 33

Pencil tool and, 37

for simplifying objects, 55–56

snap to objects, 33

snapping in Motion Editor, 125

Software Setup screen, 2

Sorenson Spark, 194

sound, 157–173

buttons, adding to, 173

editing, 171–172

event vs. streaming, 160–161

importing audio files, 158–159

looping, 164–165

overview of, 157

properties of, 168–170

in rollover effects, 78

synchronizing to

animation, 166–167

in timeline, 162–163

Source setting for encoding

videos, 193

span-based selection, 95

Speech setting in Sound

Properties, 169

Spray Brush tool, 42–44

stage panels, 5

standalone applications, 210–215

standard anchor points, 39

standard shape tools, 34

starting Flash, 2–4

Static Text option, 57

stereo sounds, 158–159

still images, 208–209

Stop Exporting setting in

QuickTime, 210

Store Temp Data setting in

QuickTime, 211

Straighten option in Pencil

tool, 37

streaming videos, 179

streaming vs. event sounds, 160–161

Strength control in filters, 130

string expressions, 243–244

Stroke Color control

linear and radial gradients

in, 30

overview of, 27

Stroke Hinting check box, 33

Stroke Style menu, 32

Stroke Weight controls, 32

strokes in vector graphics, 23–26

Subselection tool

with anchor points, 46

for paths in vector

drawing, 20–21

Smooth Curve points with, 40

Swatches panel, 7

SWF files

as movie distribution

format, 196–197

music loops and, 165

overview of, 15–18

publishing movies as, 204

synchronizing to

animation, 166

videos and, 177, 180–181

Symbol Type for Embedding

videos, 182

symbol-editing mode

animations and, 97–98

color in, 72

for customizing

component instances, 250

overview of, 70–71

symboloids, 82

symbols, 65–84

advantages of, 65

in animations, 97–98

bitmaps converting to, 153

breaking apart instances

of, 75

button, 76–79

Color Effects for, 72–74

components as. see components

converting objects to, 66–67

creating new, 67

editing objects, 70–71

graphic symbols vs. movie

clips, 80–81

groups vs., 67

instances of, 68–69

managing with library, 82–84

movie-clip, 234–236

Symmetry Brush, 43–44

Sync Graphic Symbols option, 121

synchronizing sounds to

animation, 166–167

syntax in ActionScript

in component parameters, 253

curly braces {}, 229

dot, 235

formatting for, 241–242

parentheses (), 225


tame shape tweens, 111–112

Target Path icon in

ActionScript, 228–229

targeting, 199–200

Template menu for HTML

movies, 201

temporal compression, 177


animations, 96

interactive movies, 243–244


in component labels,

formatting, 254–256

importing from Fireworks, 146

objects, breaking apart, 59

working with, 57–58

TGA files, 149

TIFF files, 149

time scales in sound editing, 172


animations and, 86–87, 94–95

in button symbol editing, 77

frame rates in, 88

interactivity and, 231–233

layers in, 61–62

mask layers in, 100

Motion Editor in, 122

motion tweens in, 117–118

overview of, 5

sound in, 160–161, 162–163

and symbols generally, 65

symbol-specific, 97–98

in synchronizing sound to

animation, 167

user interface components

on, 257–259

videos and, 180

tint controls, 72

Tint slider, 73

Tools panel

Fill Color control, 27

Object Drawing icon, 26

options area in, 25, 32

overview of, 5

Pencil tool in, 37

Rectangle tools in, 34–35

Selection tool, 20–22

Stroke Color control, 27

Subselection tool, 20–21

trace command in

ActionScript, 243

Transform panel, 7, 9

transforming instances, 69

transforming objects, 45–64.

see also editing objects

in 3D space, 50–52

with Free Transform tool.

see Free Transform tool overview of, 45

transparent backgrounds, 194

Transparent Windowless

HTML setting, 202

TV, video formats for, 211

tweened animations, 109–136

classic tweens as, 124–126

creating motion tweens, 116–118

filters for, 129–131

inverse kinematics in, 132–136

motion editor for, 122–123

overview of, 109

properties of motion

tweens in, 119–121

repairing, 127–128

shape hints in, 113–115

shape tweening for, 110–112

tweening, 90


Up keyframes, 173

Update option for images, 151

updating video files, 189–190

Use Count feature in library, 84

user feedback, 98

user interfaces, 257–259


validating scripts, 241–242

value expression, 244

values of components, 252

vector formats, 137, 138

vector graphics, 19–44

color in, 27–29

Deco tool for, 42–44

fills in, 23–26

gradients in, 29–31

options for, 32–33

overview of, 19

paths in, 20–22

pattern tools in, 42–44

Pen tool in, 39–41

Pencil tool in, 37–38

shape tools, 34–36

Spray Brush tool for, 42–44

strokes in, 23–26

vector paths

importing from Fireworks, 146

importing from Illustrator, 140–141

importing from

Photoshop, 144–145

vectorizing bitmap images, 155

version numbers in Preset

menu, 194

video files, 175–194

as clips in movies, 186–188

converting with Media

Encoder, 191–192

deploying, 180–181

digital, basics of, 176–177

embedding, 182–183

encoding, 193–194

importing, 178–179

overview of, 175

playing, skins for, 184–185

updating, 189–190

Video Import wizard, 178–185

Vine Fill, 43

visible parameter of

components, 252


Walt Disney animation studio, 90

Warner Brothers animation

studio, 90

WAV audio file format, 158


in editing sounds, 171

in sounds generally, 158

in synchronizing sound to

animation, 167

Web searching, 58

Web-based Help systems, 13

Welcome screen, 2–4

wild shape tweens, 111–112

Window Mode menu for

HTML movies, 202

Windows projector

creating standalone

applications with, 212–213

as standalone, executable

movie files, 197

workspaces, 8–9


X axis, 50–52

X Translation, 135


Y axis, 50–52

Y Translation, 135

YouTube, 175


Z axis, 50–52

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