

AC (acceptance criteria), 161163

accountability, 382, 384

Ackoff, Russell L. 321

active listening, 379380

adjourning phase, 386

adoption strategies, 353, 418422

apprentice stage of, 355359

beachhead teams, 419422

characteristics of successful, 369370

journeyman stage of, 359367

master stage of, 367369

overview of, 353354

affinity mapping, 379


advantages of, 2427, 513

challenges of, 37

characteristics of successful, 38

combining with Lean, 23

compared to Lean, 16, 24

myths in, 315316

change as bad, 319

double standard, 318

endless meetings, 320321

fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD), 316318

silver bullet myths, 316

successful adoption of, 329330

values of, 2730

customer collaboration, 2930

in distributed development, 465466

individuals and interactions, 2729

response to change, 30

working software, 29

Agile Project Management with Kanban (Brechner), 492

Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great (Derby and Larsen), 92

agreements, working, 382

AI spawn optimization, 267

alpha, 20, 266

analogy, estimating story size with, 189

Anderson, David, 111

Angel Studios, 247, 275

Apocrypha, 449452

Apollo program, 253

apprentice stage of transformation, 355359

adjustment to Sprint pacing in, 355

characteristics of, 355

Daily Scrum challenges, 356359

DoDs (Definitions of Done), 355356

arcade games, history of

hit-or-miss publishing model, 8

iterative approach, 56

waterfall-style methodologies, 68

architecture, costs of, 257258

ARPDAU (average revenue from daily active users), 477

art and audio

art debt, 138

art knowledge, creation of, 277278

audio designers, 280

audio mixing, 268

budgets and, 279280

characteristics of successful, 281

concerns about Agile and Scrum in, 273

creative tension with, 275276

Kanban and, 281

leadership in, 274275

“not done yet” syndrome, 278

problems with, 271272

QA (quality assurance) and, 276277

assembly line, 43

asset size, 229230

asset validation, 245

Asteroids, 56

Atari, 5, 6

attention deficit Product Owners, 146147

audio. See art and audio

automated play-throughs, 245

autonomous underwater vehicle development, 238

autonomy, 396, 412. See also self-organization

average revenue from daily active users (ARPDAU), 477


A/B testing, 10

backlogs. See Product Backlog; Sprint Backlog

batch size, 117, 230231, 485486

Battlefield, 169171

BDUF (Big Designs Up Front), 20

beachhead teams, 419422

advantages of, 419420

cross-team coaching, 421422

split-and-reform strategy, 420421

split-and-seed method, 420

Beck, Brandon, 473

beta, 20

BHAGs (big hairy audacious goals), 184, 449

Big Designs Up Front (BDUF), 20

big hairy audacious goals (BHAGs), 184, 449

Birchler, James, 487

black-box testing, 299

Blanchard, Ken, 386

Bleszinski, Cliff, 61

Blinn, Scott, 29

Blue-Green Deployment, 493


Kanban, 112113

task, 8284, 218219

bottlenecks, 118119

Bourne Conspiracy, 143, 149, 288290

branching, 265

Broadmore, Greg, 507

Brooks, Fred, 431

Brütal Legend, 322


art, 279280

optimization within, 267268

static geometry, 267

buffering, 115, 119

bug databases, 266, 304305

build iterations, 242249

commits, 242243

configurations, 245

definition of, 242243, 459

failure notification, 246247

iteration cycles in, 242243

motivational tools, 247

revision control, 250

stability of, 248249

team focus on, 249

testing, 244246

built-in quality, 3031

burndown charts, 7980, 81

burndown trends, 8082


canary deployments, 489


index, 163

Kanban, 112113

task, 7879

Cargo Cult Scrum, 324326

CCP Games, 150, 449452

Certified Product Owner (CPO), 423

Certified Scrum Master (CSM), 423

Challenger space shuttle disaster, 319


allowing for, 128129

challenges of, 255

late, 256

myths about, 319

responding to, 30

chaos engineering, 493494

Chaos Monkey, 493

chartering a vision, 6061, 184186

charts, burndown, 7980, 81

chickens (Scrum), 64

CIS (continuous integration server), 259260

clients, definition of, 376

cliques, in teams, 106

coaching teams

advantages of, 373374

characteristics of successful, 373374, 393

coaching skills, 374

coaching stance, 375377

cross-team, 421422

definition of, 386

group facilitation, 377379

affinity mapping, 379

Diamond of Participatory Decision-Making, 377378

planning poker, 378

rank ordering/sizing, 132, 194195, 379

path to, 374375

personal and team motivational factors, 381384

Scrum Masters as coaches, 375

studio coaches, 415416

team maturity models, 384387

Five Dysfunctions of a Team, 384

situational leadership, 386387

Tuckman model, 385386

tool and practices for, 379381, 387393

Cohn, Mike, 177, 318

collaboration, 48, 334335, 467

collection of user stories, 171174

co-location of teams, 361363

Columbia space shuttle disaster, 319

commitment, 7778

deferral of, 3132

ideal of, 47

lack of, 384

commits, 242243

committees, Product Owner, 144145

common goals, 382


in coaching, 379381

facilitation of, 57

of stability, 248

team, 431432, 435

communities of practice, 444445

compassion, 377

component teams, 439

concept green lights, 348350

concept stage, 212

confession, group, 391392

conflict, fear of, 384

consistency, 325326

constraints, theory of, 118

continual improvement, 116, 227232

asset size, 229230

batch size, 230231

cycle time, 228229

empowerment through, 232

facilitation of, 57

status quo versus, 323324

waste reduction, 230232

continual planning, 128129

continuous build tests, 246

continuous delivery, 488490

continuous improvement, 367

continuous integration, 265

continuous integration server (CIS), 259260

contract negotiation, 2930

contracts, 207208, 342344

convergent zone, 377378

Conway, Melvin, 435436

Conway’s Law, 435436


of development, 2425

ordering Product Backlog by, 127, 132

courage, 47

CPO (Certified Product Owner), 423

creative tension, 275276

cross-discipline teams, artists on. See art and audio

cross-team coaching, 421422

crunch periods, 3, 327329

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 413

CSM (Certified Scrum Master), 423

culture change, Scrum as tool for, 321322

Cunningham, Ward, 137


collaboration with, 2930

definition of, 60

Scrum, 6263

cycle time, 114, 226227, 228229


daily build tests, 246

Daily Scrum, 46, 8487, 320321, 356359

Darkwatch, 293

databases, bug, 304305

deadlines, fixed, 208209, 344

Agile development with, 182

stakeholder relationships and, 345348


definition of, 216

example of, 138

management of, 138139

measurement of, 216218

types of, 137138

debugging, 265266

Defender, 56

Definitions of Done. See DoDs (Definitions of Done)

delegating, 386

delivery time, 32

on-demand planning, 116

Deming, William Edwards, 43

demos, marketing, 198


management of, 463464

scaling, 461

splitting user stories along, 175


definition of, 21

full-scale, 422425

live game development, 487494

design (Scrum)

characteristics of successful, 296

design debt, 138

documentation, 285, 286287

iteration cycles in, 291

knowledge creation and, 284285

lead designer role in, 295296

learning by failing in, 294

point-based, 293

problems with, 284285

Product Backlog and, 288290

role of, 283

set-based, 288290

Dev Ops Handbook (Kim, et al.), 473474

development DoDs (Definitions of Done), 140

development stages, 211215

description of, 212213

with live games, 214215

managing with releases, 214215

mixing, 213

need for, 211212

Development Teams, 54

deviance, normalization of, 319

DevOps, 473474

Diamond of Participatory Decision-Making, 377378

directing, 386

director roles, 406

discipline leadership, 405406

disc-streaming optimization, 267

dispersed development, 467469

distant Product Owners, 149150

distributed development, 464467

divergent zone, 377378


in Agile development, 29

design, 285, 286287

stakeholder demand for, 131

DoDs (Definitions of Done)

bad examples of, 137

development, 140

“done done” column, 305

examples of, 137, 268

minimum, 198

QA (quality assurance) and, 140

scaling and, 461

sets of, 141142

stakeholder, 140

workflow management and, 115

Donkey Kong, 331

double standard, myth of, 318

Doulin, Alistair, 258

Dr. Grordbort’s Invaders, 507

Drive (Pink), 396, 411

Drucker, Peter, 193

Duke Nukem Forever, 147

Dunbar, Robin, 432


E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) demos, 25

Edmondson, Amy, 381

Eisenhower, Dwight D. 181

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) demo, 25

elevator statements, 184185

Eliot, T. S. 275

embedded QA (quality assurance), 303

emergence, 48

emergency swim lanes, 491492

emergent Agile practices

characteristics of successful, 510511

feature boards, 498500

indie game development, 508510

launch title development, 505

new platforms, development for, 504

parallel development, 506507

story mapping, 501504

emergent requirements. See feature creep

empiricism, 47

encouragement, notes of, 389

endless development, myth of, 317

epics, 128, 160

Esmurdoc, Caroline, 322

estimation, 183

of feature size, 186195

accuracy of, 188

effort spent on, 187188

lack of, 195

rank ordering/sizing, 132, 194195

story points, 189193

story workshops, 188189

T-shirt sizing, 194

velocity, 186187, 193

in user stories, 167168

EVE Online, 150

Everett, James, 287

expert dependencies, 463464

expert opinion, 189

external stakeholders, 332

Extreme Programming (XP), 259

versus non-XP practices, 264265

pair programming, 262265

TDD (test-driven development), 259261


facilitation, 377379

affinity mapping, 379

Diamond of Participatory Decision-Making, 377378

planning poker, 378

rank ordering/sizing, 132, 194195, 379


failure notification, 246247

failure signals, 492

learning by, 294

Falcone, Dante, 228

fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD), 316318

fear of conflict, 384

stakeholder fears, 337338, 342

The Fearless Organization (Edmundson), 381

feature area teams, 443444

feature areas, 446

feature boards, 498504

feature creep, 1920

feature size estimation, 186195

accuracy of, 188

effort spent on, 187188

lack of, 195

rank ordering/sizing, 132, 194195

story points, 189193

story workshops, 188189

T-shirt sizing, 194

velocity, 186187, 193

feature teams, 438439

feature toggles, 489


from development teams, 7475

feedback loops, 474478

honesty of, 90

from players, 90

from stakeholders, 74, 8990

Fibonacci series, 191

The Fifth Discipline (Senge), 411

fighter aircraft, 474478

filters, Internet, 413

first releases, 424425

first-party problems, 335336

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Lencioni), 384

Five Whys, 383384

fixed deadlines, 182, 208209, 344, 345348

Flaccid Scrum, 258

flattening of hierarchies, 400


concept of, 412414

finding, 414417


challenges of, 333334

ideal of, 47

lack of, 358359

whole game, 435436

Ford, Henry, 43

forecasting, 7778, 183

forming phase, 385

frameworks, 42. See also Scrum

frequency of testing, 246

FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt), 316318

full-scale deployment, 422425

first release and Sprint, 424425

Product Backlog, 425

transition planning, 423424


GAAS (Games as a Service), 3637, 472473, 16

game boxes, 185

Game Developer Magazine, 16

game development. See also Agile; Lean methodologies; live game development

challenges of

feature creep, 1920

overoptimistic schedules, 2021

production, 2122

response to players, 23

costs of, 2425

crisis facing, 3, 911

deployment/shipping, 21

dispersed, 467469

distributed, 464467

history of

hit-or-miss publishing model, 8

iterative approach, 56

microprocessor development, 45

waterfall-style methodologies, 68, 25

myths of, 317

postmortems of, 1619

stakeholders in. See stakeholders

game positioning maps, 185186

game staff, 54

Games as a Service (GAAS), 472473

Games as a Service (GAAS) model, 3637

Gear Up! (Keith and Shonkwiler), 497


changes in, 94

common, 382

development, 50, 480481

Sprint, 50, 6873

Graham, Brian, 136

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, 489

graphics-partitioning technology, 267

green lights, 348349

Greenleaf, Robert K. 408

groan zone, 377378

group confession, 391392

group facilitation, 377379

affinity mapping, 379

Diamond of Participatory Decision-Making, 377378

planning poker, 378

rank ordering/sizing, 132, 194195, 379

growth, coaching, 373375


Ha, 354

handoffs, reduction of, 118

hand-to-hand combat, user stories for, 173174

Hardening Sprints, 198200, 364

Hay Day, 495

health of teams, 391

Heijunka boards, 112113

Hershey, Paul, 386

hierarchies, flattening of, 400

High Moon Studios

Agile art in, 273274

crunch periods at, 327

documentation at, 287

Hardening Sprints at, 199200

history of, 328329

pair programming at, 263

self-organization in, 403

user stories, 163

hiring issues, 264

history of game development, 45

hit-or-miss publishing model, 8

iterative approach, 56

microprocessor development, 45

waterfall-style methodologies, 68

hit-or-miss publishing model, 8

hourly build tests, 246

hypotheses, 480481


ideal days, 192

ideation, 377378


addressing, 5556

failure to report, 357

organizational, 418

studio culture as, 418

IMVU, 261, 487

incident retrospectives, 492493

independence, of user stories, 164165

index cards, 163

indie game development, 508510

Industrial Revolution, 43

information radiators, 362

innovation, reduction in, 9. See also emergent Agile practices

Innovation Games (Hohmann), 336

integration teams, 443

Intel, 4

intensity, Sprint length and, 76

interactions, 2729

internal stakeholders, 332

Internet filters, 413

interrupted Sprints, 93

intrinsic motivation, 411412

INVEST attributes (user stories), 164169

estimable, 167168

independent, 164165

negotiable, 165166

sized appropriately, 168

testable, 168169

valuable, 166167

iterations, 56, 220

autonomous underwater vehicle development, 238

benefits of improving, 237238

build, 242249

commits, 242243

definition of, 242243

failure notification, 246247

iteration cycles in, 242243

motivational tools, 247

revision control, 250

stability of, 248249

team focus on, 249

testing, 244246

challenges of, 335

characteristics of successful, 250

in design, 291

overhead sources, 238239

personal, 241242

PlayStation project, 240241

times, 239241


Jobs, Steve, 186

journeyman stage of team transformation, 359367

characteristics of, 359360

continuous improvement, 367

release cycles, 360

release dysfunction, 363366

team co-location, 361363


Kanban, 11

arts and audio, 281

benefits of, 228

continual improvement, 116, 227232

asset size, 229230

batch size, 230231

cycle time, 228229

empowerment through, 232

facilitation of, 57

waste reduction, 230232

definition of, 112

development of, 111

leveling production flow with, 222227

continual improvement, 57, 116, 227232

timeboxing, 46, 48, 222224

work leveling, 224227

outsourcing, 232233

Scrum compared to, 120121

successful implementation of, 121

support teams for, 440441

tracking, 358

workflow improvements, 114120

workflow management

buffering, 115

continual improvement, 116, 227232

definition of done in, 115

on-demand planning, 116

ordered work, 116

pull system, 114115

Retrospectives, 117

Reviews, 117

work in progress limits, 115

workflow measurement, 113114

workflow visualization, 112113, 221

Kano analysis, 134135

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 134

kill-gate mode, 2627

knowledge, ordering Product Backlog by, 128, 134

knowledge creation, 31, 277278, 284285

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), 134


Ladas, Corey, 111

large-scale Scrum, 417418

Large-Scale Scrum (Larman and Vodde), 416

launch title development, 505

lead designer role, 295296

leadership, 3637, 409411

art, 274275

director roles, 406

discipline, 405406

importance of, 403404

mentors, 407

reviews by, 407

servant, 408409

situational, 386387

studio, 404405

systems thinking and, 409411

trust, building of, 404

values and principles in, 404

League of Legends, 473

Lean methodologies. See also Agile; Kanban; Scrum

advantages of, 2427

challenges of, 37

characteristics of successful, 38

combining with Agile, 23

compared to Agile, 16, 24

definition of, 1415, 215216

Lean Startup, 473474

principles of, 3032

production debt

definition of, 216

example of, 138

management of, 138139

measurement of, 216218

types of, 137138

relay racing metaphor for, 15

The Lean Startup (Ries), 473474

learning by failing, 294

Legend of Zelda, 331

LEGOTM bricks, 278

length of Sprints, factors influencing, 7477

ability to plan Sprint, 76

balanced intensity, 76

development team experience, 7475

planning and review overhead, 7576

resolving disagreements in, 77

stakeholder feedback, 74

technical practices, 7677

level lods, 245

leveling production flow, 222227

timeboxing, 46, 48, 222224

work leveling, 224227

lightweight methods. See Agile

listening, active, 379380

live game development, 471

benefits of Agile for, 473

challenges of, 1011

characteristics of successful, 495

deployment and support, 487494

continuous delivery, 488490

support tools, 490494

development flow, 482487

batch size, 485486

pipeline, 482486

QA (quality assurance), 487

DevOps for, 473474

feedback loops, 474478

fighter aircraft in, 474478

GAAS (Games as a Service), 472473

Lean Startup for, 473474

measurement and learning in, 494495

planning, 478481

lockdowns, 319

loops, feedback, 474478

love card wall, 388


MAGE (Massively Agile Game Environment) framework, 434. See also scaling teams

Magic Leap One, launch title for, 506507

management fad, myth of Scrum as, 317318

managers, 43

mapping, affinity, 379

maps, game positioning, 185186

Mario Kart, 185, 331

marketing, 57, 198, 336

Martin, Bob, 258

Massively Agile Game Environment. See MAGE (Massively Agile Game Environment) framework

massively multiplayer online games (MMOs), 36, 212

master stage of team transformation, 367369

characteristics of, 359368

practice change by, 369

team organization and membership, 368369

mastery, 396, 412

maturity models, 384387

McDonnell Douglas, 41

McGuire, Rory, 284

Mech Warrior 2, 108109

meetings. See also Sprints

Daily Scrum, 46, 8487, 320321, 356359

facilitation of, 57

incident retrospectives, 492493

myths of, 320321

release planning, 183184

Scrum, 320321

Scrum-of-Scrums, 457

Meier, Sid, 61

mentors, 407

Merrill, Marc, 473

micromanagement of backlog, 357358

microprocessors, history of, 412

middleware, 24

Midnight Club, 203, 276, 280

Midtown Madness, 276, 286, 306, 343344

Midtown Madness 2, 279

milestone payments, 334335

minimum viable game (MVG) requirements, 205207

Miyamoto, Shigeru, 61, 331

MMOs (massively multiplayer online games), 212

mobile app load, 268

mobile game markets, 1011

Moore, Gordon, 4

Moore’s law, 4, 8

Morton, Tim, 108109

motherboards, 4


factors influencing, 381384

intrinsic, 411412

tools for, 247

moving targets, 255

MuSCoW analysis, 136

MVG (minimum viable game) requirements, 205207

Mythical Man Month, 253



contract, 2930

in user stories, 165166

Netflix Chaos Monkey, 493

network upgrades, 249

neutrality, 376

“The New New Product Development Game” (Takeuchi and Nonaka), 44

new platforms, development for, 504

Newell, Gabe, 404

ninjas, 64

Nintendo 64, 158

Nintendo Ultra-64, 331

Nintendogs, 331

normalization of deviance, 319

norming phase, 385

“not done yet” syndrome, 278

notes of encouragement, 389


openness, 47

optimization, 266269

within budget constraints, 268269

goals of, 266267

Lean principles for, 32

optimization debt, 138

postponed, 267268

refactored code, 260261

ordered work, 116

ordering Product Backlog, 127128, 132137

by cost, 127, 132

by knowledge, 128, 134

by risk, 127, 132134

by value, 127, 134137

organizational impediments, 418

outsourcing, 232233

overnight transfers, 248

overoptimistic schedules, 2021

overtime, 326327

ownership, 5556


Paanenen, Ilkka, 395, 404

Pac-Man, 56

pair programming, 262265

parallel development, 506507

partial transfers, 248

PBIs (Product Backlog Items), 116, 237. See also user stories

definition of, 126127

estimation of, 186195

effort spent on, 187188

lack of, 195

rank ordering/sizing, 132, 194195

story points, 189193

story workshops, 188189

T-shirt sizing, 194

velocity, 186187, 193

ordering, 127128, 132137

by cost, 127, 132

by knowledge, 128, 134

by risk, 127, 132134

by value, 127, 134137

plans to implement, 7073

story points, 195196

PechaKucha introductions, 389390

peer reviews, 407

people, respect for, 32

performance, team, 108109

performance coaching. See coaching teams

performing phase, 386

personal iterations, 241242

personal motivational factors, 381384

pigs (Scrum), 64

pillars, 438

Pink, Dan, 396, 411, 414

pipeline, development, 482486

pirates, 64

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure, 108

planning. See release planning

Planning Poker game, 190191

platform smoke tests, 245


feedback from, 90

influence on development, 63

live game development, 479480

responding to, 23

PlayStation, 5

play-testing, 305307

point-based design, 293

policies, 115

Pong, 4, 6

pool teams, 443

pools, QA (quality assurance) in, 303

portfolios, dates driven by, 336337

postmortems, 1619

postponed optimizations, 267268

postponed value, 364366

post-production, 213

practice, communities of, 444445

pre-deployment releases, 37

premortems, 133134

pre-production, 21, 212, 348


in coaching, 376377

of leadership, 404

of Lean methodologies, 3032

of Scrum, 4748

prioritization, Product Backlog, 48, 127128


in Agile development, 2728

change in, 321322

in distributed development, 468

producers, 308, 309310

Product Backlog. See also DoDs (Definitions of Done); PBIs (Product Backlog Items); Product Owners; release planning

challenges of, 142

change and emergence in, 128129

characteristics of successful, 152

collection of user stories on, 166, 171172

continual planning, 128129

creating, 129131


example of, 138

management of, 138139

types of, 137138

debugging in, 266

definition of, 36, 4849, 126, 161

design and, 288290

encouraging team engagement and alignment through, 129

establishment of, 425

goals of, 123124

for live game development, 481

MAGE (Massively Agile Game Environment), 436438

ordering, 48, 127128, 132137

QA (quality assurance) and, 135136

refining, 131132

spikes, 134

Product Backlog Items. See PBIs (Product Backlog Items)

product management support, 447448

Product Owner Committees, 144145

Product Owners

attendance at Retrospectives, 92

attention deficit, 146147

Bourne Conspiracy project example, 143

distant, 149150

elimination of, 150152

hierarchy of, 445447

influence on Sprint length, 77

lead designers as, 295296

producers as, 309310

Product Owner Committees, 144145

proxy, 144

publisher-side, 339340

allaying of fears, 342

meeting of project challenges, 340341

production plan management, 341

responsibilities of, 339340

responsibilities of, 5962, 339340

role of, 142143

silo, 145146

tunnel vision, 147149


challenges of, 2122

definition of, 212213

future of, 307308

green lights, 348

production flow, leveling, 222227

timeboxing, 46, 48, 222224

work leveling, 224227

production plan management, 341

production debt, 138

definition of, 216

example of, 138

management of, 138139

measurement of, 216218

types of, 137138

production teams, 439440

progression, splitting user stories along, 176

progress-tracking techniques, 7884

burndown charts, 7980, 81

burndown trends, 8082

sticky notes, 79

task boards, 8284, 218219

task cards, 7879

war rooms, 84

project boards, 453454

project management. See also Agile; Lean methodologies; user stories

characteristics of successful, 235

contracts, 207208

development stages in, 211215

fixed ship dates in, 182, 208209

importance of, 203204

live development versus, 3637

MVG (minimum viable game) requirements, 205207

project structure, 3335

releases, 37

risk management, 209211

Scrum challenges in, 218220, 234235

shared vision in, 6061

workflows, 3536

projects, definition of, 205

proxy Product Owners, 144

psychological safety, 381

publisher-producer, 61

publisher-side Product Owners, 339340

allaying of fears, 342

meeting of project challenges, 340341

production plan management, 341

responsibilities of, 339340

pulling work, 114115

purpose, definition of, 396, 412

pyramids, testing, 244


QA (quality assurance), 265

approach to, 300

for art, 276277

black-box testing, 299

bug databases, 304305

built-in quality, 3031

characteristics of successful, 311

cost and, 2425

DoDs (Definitions of Done) and, 140

embedded versus in pools, 303

future of, 307311

knowledge creation, 31

for live game development, 487

play-testing, 305307

problems with, 298299

Product Backlog and, 135136

QA play-throughs, 245

QC (quality control) versus, 299300

role of, 297298, 301302

testers per team, 303304

white-box testing, 299

QC (quality control), 299300

questions, in coaching, 379381


rank ordering/sizing, 132, 194195, 379

Red Dead, 255

refactored code, 260261

Reinertsen, Donald, 476

Reinventing Organizations (Laloux), 396

rejection of Scrum, 326

release backlogs, 196

release cycles, 360

release dysfunction, 363366

Hardening Sprints and, 364

postponed value, 364366

release planning, 181, 448454. See also Sprints

characteristics of successful, 200

continual, 128129

definition of, 182183

on-demand, 116

feature size estimation, 186195

accuracy of, 188

effort spent on, 187188

lack of, 195

rank ordering/sizing, 132, 194195

story points, 189193

story workshops, 188189

T-shirt sizing, 194

velocity, 186187, 193

first release and Sprint, 424425

goals of, 181182

Hardening Sprints, 198200

iterating against plan, 342344

live game development, 478481

managing stages with, 214215

marketing demos, 198

meetings, 183184

pre-deployment, 37

production, 341

release plans, 184

scaling, 462463

shared vision, chartering, 184186

story points, 195196

transition, 423424

updates of release plans, 197198

releases, definition of, 33, 37, 51

remote stakeholders, feedback from, 8990

Remote Teamwork Tools (Keith and Shonkwiler), 468

Rennie, Bruce, 323

research dependencies, splitting user stories along, 175

resets, Sprint, 9394

Resident Evil, 158

resources, definition of, 206

respect for people, 32, 47

responding to players, 23

results, inattention to, 384

Retrospectives, 9092, 320321

cadence of, 117

definition of, 46

facilitation of, 57

format of, 91

importance of, 9091

incident retrospectives, 492493

Product Owner attendance at, 92

scaling, 460461

tracking results of, 92

return on investment (ROI), 53, 60

Reviews, 8890, 320321, 407

cadence of, 117

definition of, 46

facilitation of, 57

format of, 8889

goals of, 8889

influence on Sprint length, 7576

player feedback in, 90

remote stakeholder feedback in, 8990

Review bazaar, 460

scaling, 459460

studio stakeholder feedback in, 90

360 reviews, 392393

trust, building of, 410

revision control, 250

Riccio, Mike, 163

Riot Games, 473

risk, ordering Product Backlog by, 127, 132134

risk management, 209211

risk matrix, 133

robotic phone interface testing, 246

Rockstar Games, 204

ROI (return on investment), 53, 60

roles. See names of specific roles

rolling milestones, 335

root cause analysis, 383384

Rowe, John, 395, 404

Royce, Winston, 78


sagas, 160

Sammy Studios, 254, 328329

Scaling Lean and Agile Development (Larman and Vodde), 448

scaling teams, 65

challenges of, 430434

characteristics of successful, 469

communities of practice, 444445

dependencies, 461, 463464

dispersed development, 467469

distributed development, 464467

MAGE (Massively Agile Game Environment) framework for, 434

pillars, 438

Product Backlog, 436438

Product Owners, 445447

project boards, 453454

release planning, 448454, 462463

Scrum-of-Scrums meetings, 457

Sprints, 455461

team formation, 462

team organization, 438444

whole game focus, 435436

Schafer, Tim, 61

scheduling, overoptimistic, 2021

Schwaber, Ken, 44, 80, 318

Scrum, 11

adoption of, 329330

challenges of, 321

addition of value, 323

Cargo Cult Scrum, 324326

crunch periods, 327329

overtime, 326327

process and culture change, 321322

rejection of, 326

status quo versus continual improvement, 323324

characteristics of successful, 65

chickens and pigs analogy, 64

customer role in, 60, 6263

Daily Scrum, 46, 8487, 320321, 356359

definition of, 42

design. See design (Scrum)

DoDs (Definitions of Done)

bad examples of, 137

development, 140

examples of, 137, 268

minimum, 198

QA (quality assurance) and, 140

scaling and, 461

sets of, 141142

stakeholder, 140

workflow management and, 115

Flaccid Scrum, 258

history of, 4344

Kanban compared to, 120121

large-scale, 417418

managers, 43

meetings, 320321, 457

myths of, 315316

change as bad, 319

double standard, 318

endless meetings, 320321

fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD), 316318

silver bullet myths, 316

overview of, 4447

ownership in, 5556

premortems, 133134

principles of, 4748

Product Backlog. See Product Backlog

product management support, 447448

production challenges of, 218220, 234235

releases, definition of, 33, 37, 51

Scrum Guide, 80

Scrum Masters, 5459, 308, 356357, 375

Scrum Type C, 111

Scrum-of-Scrums meetings, 457

Sprints. See Sprints

stakeholders. See stakeholders

teams. See teams

values of, 47

Scrum Guide, 80

Scrum Masters, 5459

attributes of, 5759

producers as, 308

reporting to, 356357

responsibilities of, 5457

Scrum Type C, 111

Scrum-of-Scrums meetings, 457

SEAL teams, 104

Sega, 329, 395

selection practices, teams, 402

self-management teams, 101, 105

self-organization, 48, 101, 468. See also adoption strategies

case studies

Supercell, 398399

Valve Software, 397398

challenges of, 399

characteristics of successful, 426

definition of, 396397


concept of, 412414

finding, 414417

full-scale deployment, 422425

intrinsic motivation in, 411412

large-scale Scrum, 417418

leadership, 409411

art, 274275

director roles, 406

discipline, 405406

importance of, 403404

mentors, 407

reviews by, 407

servant, 408409

studio, 404405

systems thinking in, 409411

trust, building of, 404

values and principles in, 404

skepticism of, 401

team membership for, 400403

self-selecting membership, 400401

semi-daily build tests, 246

servant leadership, 408409

set-based design, 288290

sets of DoDs (Definitions of Done), 141142

shared accountability, 382

shared vision, chartering, 6061, 184186

ship dates, fixed, 182, 208209, 344, 345348

shipping, definition of, 21

Shonkventures, 381, 409

Shonkwiler, Grant, 381, 409, 497

Shu, 354

silence, in questioning, 379

Silo Product Owners, 145146

situational leadership, 386387


of assets, 229230

of batches, 117, 230231

rank ordering/sizing, 194195

of story points, 191

of teams, 105106, 283284

T-shirt sizing, 194

of user stories, 168

skepticism, 401

skills, increasing, 414415

Smuggler’s Run, 124, 125, 160

socialization, team, 390391

SOFTEN method, 380

software, replacing Daily Scrum with, 359

Space Invaders, 56

specialists, generalizing, 104

spikes, 134, 167168

split-and-reform strategy, 420421

split-and-seed method, 420

splitting user stories, 174176, 189

along conjunctions, 175

along research or prototype dependencies, 175

by progression or value, 176

tips for, 176

Spotify, 445

Sprint Backlog, 266, 357358

Sprint Resets, 9394


challenges of, 9296

characteristics of successful, 9697

Daily Scrum and, 8487, 320321, 356359

definition of, 36, 5051

estimation of, 73

factors influencing length of, 7477

flow of, 68

forecasting, 7778

goals of, 9496

Hardening, 198200, 364

leadership. See leadership

length of, 58, 74, 7677

Product Backlog. See Product Backlog

progress-tracking techniques in, 7884

burndown charts, 7980, 81

burndown trends, 8082

sticky notes, 79

task boards, 8284, 218219

task cards, 7879

war rooms, 84

Retrospectives. See Retrospectives

Reviews. See Reviews

rules of, 6768

scaling, 455461

Sprint Backlog, 266, 357358

Sprint Goals, 50, 6873, 9496

Sprint Planning, 320321, 410

Sprint Resets, 9394

teams. See teams

stable builds, 248249

stage-gate model, 348350

stages, development, 211215

description of, 212213

with live games, 214215

managing with releases, 214215

mixing, 213

need for, 211212


communication with, 57

definition of, 46, 50, 332

demand for documentation from, 131

external, 332

feedback from, 74, 8990

internal, 332

Scrum, 6263

stakeholder DoDs (Definitions of Done), 140

working with

Agile contracts with, 342344

Agile pre-production, 348

allaying of fears, 342

challenges of, 331337

characteristics of success with, 350

collaboration, 334335

fears in, 337338

first-party problems, 335336

fixed ship dates, 345348

focus, 333334

iterating against plan, 342344

limited iterations, 335

meeting of project challenges, 339342

milestone payments, 334335

portfolios driving dates, 336337

production plan management, 341

publisher-side Product Owners, 339342

stage-gate model, 348350

understanding of Agile, 338339

static geometry budget, 267

sticky notes, 79

stories. See user stories

storming phase, 385

story mapping, 501504

story points, 189193

abuse of, 192193

alternatives to, 194195

definition of, 189190

Fibonacci series and, 191

ideal days, 192

limits of, 192

Planning Poker game, 190191

release planning with, 195196

sizes of, 191

story workshops, 188189

strategies, test, 244245

studio coaches, 415416

studio culture, 418

studio leadership, 57, 404405

studio stakeholders, feedback from, 90

Supercell, self-organization at, 398399


definition of, 386

live game development, 487494

support teams, 440442

Sutherland, Jeff, 44, 80, 111

swim lanes, 491492

Swordfish Studios, 64

systems thinking, 409411, 435


takt time, 226227

task boards, 8284, 218219

task cards, 7879

TCR (technical certification requirement), 51

TDD (test-driven development), 259261

Team Fortress, 286

team maturity models, 384387

Five Dysfunctions of a Team, 384

situational leadership, 386387

Tuckman model, 385386

team-building exercises, 106107

teams, 445447. See also leadership; roles

artists on. See art and audio

characteristics of successful, 100101, 108109

chemistry and performance in, 108109

chickens and pigs analogy, 64

cliques within, 106

coaching. See coaching teams

co-location of, 361363

communication, 57, 431432, 435

cross-discipline, 101, 102104

designer roles on, 286

development, 54, 7475

engagement and alignment of, 129

formation of, 462

generalizing specialists in, 104

health of, 391

influence on Sprint length, 7475

interaction in, 102

motivational factors, 381384

organization and membership of, 368369, 438444

practice change by, 369

QA (quality assurance) on, 301302

removal of members from, 401402

scaling. See scaling teams

Scrum, 5263

self-management, 101, 105

self-organization in, 101, 400403

shifting of roles in, 416417

size of, 105106, 283284

team-building exercises, 106107

testers on, 303304

transformations, 353

apprentice stage of, 355359

characteristics of successful, 369370

journeyman stage of, 359367

master stage of, 367369

overview of, 353354

transition, 235, 423

types of, 438444

value of, 99

technical certification requirement (TCR), 51

technical debt, 138, 257

technical requirements checklist (TRC), 51

technology, Agile

challenges of, 253258

characteristics of successful, 269270

debugging, 265266

definition of, 1314

influence on Sprint length, 7677

optimization, 266269

XP (Extreme Programming), 259

pair programming, 262265

TDD (test-driven development), 259261

test-driven development (TDD), 259261

testers, number of, 303304

testing. See also QA (quality assurance)

Agile, 300

black-box, 299

build iterations, 244246

test frequency, 246

test strategies, 244245

play-testing, 305307

of user stories, 168169

white-box, 299

Theisz, Erik, 376

theme, 160

Theory of Constraints, 118

360 reviews, 392393

throughput, 114


interation, 239241

lack of, 9596

time and materials form, 207208

time estimates, converting points to, 192193

transfer, 248249

timeboxing, 46, 48, 222224

tool teams, 442

tools, in Agile development, 2728

Toyota, 43

tracer bullets, 168

tracking progress, 7884

burndown charts, 7980, 81

burndown trends, 8082

Kanban, 358

sticky notes, 79

task boards, 8284, 218219

task cards, 7879

war rooms, 84

transfer time, reduction of, 248249

transformation, team, 353

apprentice stage of, 355359

adjustment to Sprint pacing in, 355

characteristics of, 355

Daily Scrum challenges, 356359

DoDs (Definitions of Done), 355356

characteristics of successful, 369370

journeyman stage of, 359367

characteristics of, 359360

continuous improvement, 367

release cycles, 360

release dysfunction, 363366

team co-location, 361363

master stage of, 367369

characteristics of, 359368

practice change by, 369

team organization and membership, 368369

overview of, 353354

transition planning, 423424

transition teams, 423

transitioning Scrum teams, 235

transparency, 56, 467

TRC (technical requirements checklist), 51

trends, burndown, 8082

trust, building of, 337, 384, 404, 409411

T-shirt sizing, 194

Tuckman model, 385386

tunnel vision Product Owners, 147149


uncertainty, 253255

unit tests, 245

Unreal Engine 3, 233

up-front architecture costs, 257258

upgrades, network, 249

user roles, 159, 169171

user stories

acceptance criteria in, 161163

advantages of, 176177

attributes of successful, 164169

estimable, 167168

independent, 164165

negotiable, 165166

sized appropriately, 168

testable, 168169

valuable, 166167

challenges of, 158

characteristics of successful, 178

collection of, 171174

definition of, 33, 157, 159

epics, 128, 160

hand-to-hand combat example, 173174

index cards for, 163

INVEST attributes of, 164169

levels of detail in, 160161

sagas, 160

spikes, 167168

splitting, 174176, 189

along conjunctions, 175

along research or prototype dependencies, 175

by progression or value, 176

tips for, 176

story mapping, 501504

story points. See story points

story workshops, 188189

theme, 160

tracer bullets, 168

user roles in, 159, 169171

when to avoid, 171


value, 364366

addition of, 323

creation of, 29

ordering Product Backlog by, 127, 134137

reduction of, 10

splitting user stories along, 176

of user stories, 166167

value streams, 482

value/cost ordering, 136137

value-first approach, 2526

Valve Software, 397398

Vanlandingham, Shonny, 189


crunch periods and, 327328

feature size estimation and, 186187, 193

limits of, 366

vicious cycles, 409411

video game market, growth of, 8

vision, 430, 479

visualization of workflow, 112113, 498504

Voltaire, 237


war rooms, 84

Warmuth, Shelly, 102

waste reduction, 30, 117, 230232

waterfall game development, 68, 25

Wednesday Pizza Topic, 414415

Weta Gameshop, 287

white-box testing, 299

Whys, Five, 383384

Wicked Problems, Righteous Solutions (DeGrace and Stahl), 44

WiP (work in progress) limit, 115, 441

Woodward, Justin, 510

work, lack of, 96

work environments, deterioration of, 10

work in progress (WiP) limit, 115, 441

work leveling, 224227


improvement of, 117120

management of, 114117

buffering, 115

continual improvement, 116, 227232

definition of done in, 115, 268

on-demand planning, 116

ordered work, 116

pull system, 114115

Retrospectives, 117

Reviews, 117

work in progress limits, 115

measurement of, 113114

visualization of, 112113, 221

working agreements, 382

working software, 29

Wright, Will, 61


XP (Extreme Programming), 259

versus non-XP practices, 264265

pair programming, 262265

TDD (test-driven development), 259261


YF-23 fighter jet, development of, 4142

Zeppelin, 146

Zuill, Woody, 195

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