Naming Conventions

Newcomers to Rails are sometimes puzzled by the way it automatically handles the naming of things. They’re surprised that they call a model class Person and Rails somehow knows to go looking for a database table called people. In this section, you’ll learn how this implicit naming works.

The rules here are the default conventions used by Rails. You can override all of these conventions using configuration options.

Mixed Case, Underscores, and Plurals

We often name variables and classes using short phrases. In Ruby, the convention is to have variable names where the letters are all lowercase and words are separated by underscores. Classes and modules are named differently: there are no underscores, and each word in the phrase (including the first) is capitalized. (We’ll call this mixed case, for fairly obvious reasons.) These conventions lead to variable names such as order_status and class names such as LineItem.

Rails takes this convention and extends it in two ways. First, it assumes that database table names, such as variable names, have lowercase letters and underscores between the words. Rails also assumes that table names are always plural. This leads to table names such as orders and third_parties.

On another axis, Rails assumes that files are named using lowercase with underscores.

Rails uses this knowledge of naming conventions to convert names automatically. For example, your application might contain a model class that handles line items. You’d define the class using the Ruby naming convention, calling it LineItem. From this name, Rails would automatically deduce the following:

  • That the corresponding database table will be called line_items. That’s the class name, converted to lowercase, with underscores between the words and pluralized.

  • Rails would also know to look for the class definition in a file called line_item.rb (in the app/models directory).

Rails controllers have additional naming conventions. If our application has a store controller, then the following happens:

  • Rails assumes the class is called StoreController and that it’s in a file named store_controller.rb in the app/controllers directory.

  • Rails also looks for a helper module named StoreHelper in the file store_helper.rb located in the app/helpers directory.

  • It will look for view templates for this controller in the app/views/store directory.

  • It will by default take the output of these views and wrap them in the layout template contained in the file store.html.erb or store.xml.erb in the directory app/views/layouts.

All these conventions are shown in the following tables.

Model Naming
Controller Naming
View Naming
Fileapp/views/store/list.html.erb (or .builder)
Helpermodule StoreHelper

There’s one extra twist. In normal Ruby code you have to use the require keyword to include Ruby source files before you reference the classes and modules in those files. Since Rails knows the relationship between filenames and class names, require isn’t normally necessary in a Rails application. The first time you reference a class or module that isn’t known, Rails uses the naming conventions to convert the class name to a filename and tries to load that file behind the scenes. The net effect is that you can typically reference (say) the name of a model class, and that model will be automatically loaded into your application.

Grouping Controllers into Modules

So far, all our controllers have lived in the app/controllers directory. It is sometimes convenient to add more structure to this arrangement. For example, our store might end up with a number of controllers performing related but disjoint administration functions. Rather than pollute the top-level namespace, we might choose to group them into a single admin namespace.

David says:
David says:
Why Plurals for Tables?

Because it sounds good in conversation. Really. “Select a Product from products.” And “Order has_many :line_items.”

The intent is to bridge programming and conversation by creating a domain language that can be shared by both. Having such a language means cutting down on the mental translation that otherwise confuses the discussion of a product description with the client when it’s really implemented as merchandise body. These communications gaps are bound to lead to errors.

Rails sweetens the deal by giving you most of the configuration for free if you follow the standard conventions. Developers are thus rewarded for doing the right thing, so it’s less about giving up “your ways” and more about getting productivity for free.

Rails does this using a simple naming convention. If an incoming request has a controller named (say) admin/book, Rails will look for the controller called book_controller in the directory app/controllers/admin. That is, the final part of the controller name will always resolve to a file called name_controller.rb, and any leading path information will be used to navigate through subdirectories, starting in the app/controllers directory.

Imagine that our program has two such groups of controllers (say, admin/xxx and content/xxx) and that both groups define a book controller. There’d be a file called book_controller.rb in both the admin and content subdirectories of app/controllers. Both of these controller files would define a class named BookController. If Rails took no further steps, these two classes would clash.

To deal with this, Rails assumes that controllers in subdirectories of the directory app/controllers are in Ruby modules named after the subdirectory. Thus, the book controller in the admin subdirectory would be declared like this:

 class​ Admin::BookController < ActionController::Base
 # ...

The book controller in the content subdirectory would be in the Content module:

 class​ Content::BookController < ActionController::Base
 # ...

The two controllers are therefore kept separate inside your application.

The templates for these controllers appear in subdirectories of app/views. Thus, the view template corresponding to this request:

will be in this file:


You’ll be pleased to know that the controller generator understands the concept of controllers in modules and lets you create them with commands such as this:

 myapp>​​ ​​bin/rails​​ ​​generate​​ ​​controller​​ ​​Admin::Book​​ ​​action1​​ ​​action2​​ ​​...

What We Just Did

Everything in Rails has a place, and we systematically explored each of those nooks and crannies. In each place, files and the data contained in them follow naming conventions, and we covered that too. Along the way, we filled in a few missing pieces:

  • We added a Rake task to print the migrated versions.
  • We showed how to configure each of the Rails execution environments.

Next up are the major subsystems of Rails, starting with the largest, Active Record.

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