Chapter 14. What Are ActiveX Data Objects and Data Access Objects, and Why Are They Important?

<feature><title>In This Chapter</title> </feature>

Why This Chapter Is Important

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) and Data Access Objects (DAO) are used to create, modify, and remove Jet Engine, SQL Server, or other ODBC objects via code. They give you the flexibility to move beyond the user interface to manipulate data stored in the Jet Engine and other formats. Some of the many tasks that you can perform with either ActiveX Data Objects or Data Access Objects include

  1. Analyzing the structure of an existing database

  2. Adding or modifying tables and queries

  3. Creating new databases

  4. Changing the underlying definitions for queries by modifying the SQL on which the query is based

  5. Traversing through sets of records

  6. Administrating security

  7. Modifying table data

Using ActiveX Data Objects Versus Data Access Objects

The editions of this book prior to Access 2000 referred only to Data Access Objects (DAO). There was no mention of ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) because ActiveX Data Objects were only in their infancy when Access 97 was released. When I began writing this book, I was faced with a decision: Do I cover ADO, DAO, or both? I pondered the question for quite some time. Although I recommend that all new development be done using ADO, it is premature to entirely remove coverage of DAO from this book. I made the decision to cover both ADO and DAO in this chapter. The first half of this chapter covers ADO. If you are developing a new application or have the liberty of rebuilding an existing application, the first half of the chapter is for you. If you are unfamiliar with DAO and need to work with existing applications that use DAO, the second half of the chapter provides you with the basics of DAO. Finally, if you are already familiar with DAO and want to compare and contrast DAO and ADO, this chapter shows you how to perform each task using both data access methodologies.


Although DAO is covered in this chapter, the remainder of the book uses ADO to perform all necessary data access tasks. If you want further information on DAO, consult Alison Balter’s Mastering Access 97 Development.

Examining the ActiveX Data Object Model

Figure 14.1 shows an overview of the Microsoft ActiveX Data Object (ADO) model. Unlike the Data Access Object (DAO) model, the ADO object model is not hierarchical.

The ADO object model.

Figure 14.1. The ADO object model.

The Connection Object

The Connection object defines a session for a user for a data source. Although the ADO object model is not considered to be hierarchical, the Connection object is considered the highest-level ADO object. After you have established a Connection object, you can use it with multiple recordsets. This improves performance and greatly simplifies your programming code.

A Connection object must be declared before it is used. The declaration looks like this:

Dim cnn as ADODB.Connection


Notice that the declaration specifies ADODB.Connection rather than just Connection. This process is called disambiguation. The process of disambiguating a reference ensures that the correct type of object is created. For example, both the ADO and DAO object libraries have Recordset objects. By disambiguating the reference, you explicitly designate the type of recordset object you want to create. If you do not disambiguate the reference, the object library with priority in Tools|References is assumed.

After the Connection object has been declared, a new Connection object must be instantiated. The code looks like this:

Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection

The Connection must then be opened. The Open method of the Connection object receives a connection string, and optionally a user ID, password, and options as a parameter. The following is an example of the simplest use of the Open method:

cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
    "Persist Security Info=False;" & _
    "User ID=Admin;" & _
    "Data Source=" & CurrentProject.Path & _

The Connection string contains three pieces of information:

  • The OLEDB Provider that you want to use (in this case, JET 4.0)

  • Standard ADO connection properties (for example, User ID)

  • Provider-specific connection properties

Table 14.1 lists the most commonly used Connection string properties used by the Jet OLEDB provider.

Table 14.1. Connection String Properties Used by the Jet OLEDB Provider

Property Name


Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode

Can be set to 0 for page-locking and 1 for row-locking.

Jet OLEDB:Database Password

Used to designate the password for a password-protected database (database security rather than user-level security).

Jet OLEDB:System Database

Full path and filename to the system database (when user-level security is used).

Jet OLEDB:Lock Delay

Used to indicate the number of milliseconds to wait before attempting to acquire a lock after the previous attempt has failed.

Jet OLEDB:Lock Retry

Used to designate how many times an attempt to access a locked page is repeated.

The complete routine required to establish a connection appears in Listing 14.1.

Example 14.1. Creating a Connection Object

Sub CreateConnection()
    'Declare and instantiate the connection
    Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection

    'Open the connection
    cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
    "Persist Security Info=False;" & _
    "User ID=Admin;" & _
    "Data Source=" & CurrentProject.Path & _

    'Close the connection

    'Destroy the connection object
    Set cnn = Nothing
End Sub


All the examples in this chapter first declare a variable using the keyword Dim, and then instantiate it using the keyword Set. You can remove the Set statement by specifying the New keyword in the Dim statement. For example, you could use

Dim rst as New ADODB.Recordset

Although this works, it is not considered desirable. This is because you have little control over when the object is placed in memory. For example, if the variable is public, Access places it in memory the moment anything in the module is referenced. Separating the Dim and Set statements allows you to declare the variable wherever you like, and place it in memory when you need to.


Listing 14.1 and most code in this chapter is located in the CHAP14EX.MDB file included with this book’s CD-ROM.


The Recordset Object

A Recordset object is used to look at records as a group. A Recordset object refers to the set of rows returned from a request for data. As with a Connection object, to use a Recordset object, you must first declare it. The code looks like this:

Dim rst as ADODB.Recordset

After the Recordset object has declared, it must be instantiated. The code looks like this:

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

As with a Connection object, the Open method is used to point the Recordset object at a set of records. The code looks like this:

rst.Open "Select * From tblClients", CurrentProject.Connection

The first parameter of the Open method is the source of the data. The source can be a table name, a SQL statement, a stored procedure name, a Command object variable name, or the filename of a persisted recordset. In the example, the source is a SQL Select statement.

The second parameter of the Open method must be either a valid connection string, or the name of a Connection object. In the example, the Connection property of the CurrentProject object returns a reference to a copy of the connection associated with the current project. The reference supplies the connection for the Recordset object. The completed code appears in Listing 14.2.

Example 14.2. Creating a Recordset Using a Connection String

Sub CreateRecordset1()
    'Declare and instantiate the recordset
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Open the recordset
    rst.Open "Select * From tblClients", CurrentProject.Connection

    'Print its contents
    Debug.Print rst.GetString

    'Close and destroy the recordset
    Set rst = Nothing
End Sub

Notice that after the recordset is opened, the result of the GetString method of the Recordset object is printed to the Immediate window. The GetString method of the Recordset object builds a string based on the data contained in the recordset. For now, this is a simple way of verifying that your code works as expected. Also note that the Close method of the Recordset object is used to close the recordset. The Close method, when applied to either a Connection object, or to a Recordset object, has the effect of freeing the associated system resources. The Close method does not eliminate the object from memory. Setting the Recordset object equal to Nothing eliminates the object from memory.

Although this syntax works quite well, I prefer to set the parameters of the Open method as properties of the Recordset object, before the Open method is issued. You will see that this makes your code much more readable as you add parameters to the Open method. The code appears in Listing 14.3.

Example 14.3. Creating a Recordset Using the ActiveConnection Property

Sub CreateRecordset2()
    'Declare and instantiate the recordset
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Set the connection of the recordset to the connection
    'associated with the current project
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    'Open the recordset and print its contents
    rst.Open "Select * From tblClients"
    Debug.Print rst.GetString

    'Close and destroy the recordset object
    Set rst = Nothing
End Sub

Finally, a Connection object, rather than a copy of the Connection object associated with the CurrentProject object, can be used to provide a connection for the recordset. In fact, the same Connection object can be used for multiple recordsets. The code appears in Listing 14.4.

Example 14.4. Creating a Recordset Using a Connection Object

Sub CreateRecordset3()
    'Declare and instantiate one connection object
    'and two recordset objects
    Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim rst1 As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim rst2 As ADODB.Recordset

    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
    Set rst1 = New ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst2 = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Point the Connection object
    'to the Connection associated with the CurrentProject object
    Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection

    'Utilize the connection just opened as the connection for
    'two different recordsets
    rst1.ActiveConnection = cnn
    rst1.Open "Select * From tblClients"
    rst2.ActiveConnection = cnn
    rst2.Open "Select * From tblPayments"

    'Retrieve data out of the recordsets
    Debug.Print rst1.GetString
    Debug.Print rst2.GetString

    'Close the recordsets and the connection and destroy the objects

    Set rst1 = Nothing
    Set rst2 = Nothing
    Set cnn = Nothing

End Sub

Notice that both rst1 and rst2 use the same Connection object.

The Command Object

The ADO Command object represents a query, SQL statement, or stored procedure that is executed against a data source. Although not always necessary, a Command object is particularly useful when executing parameterized queries and stored procedures. Just as with the Connection object and the Recordset object, the Command object must be declared before it is used:

Dim cmd as ADODB.Command

Next, the Command object must be instantiated:

Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

After the Command object has been instantiated, you must set its ActiveConnection property and its CommandText property. As with a Recordset object, the ActiveConnection property can be either a connection string or a reference to a Connection object. The CommandText property is the SQL statement or stored procedure used by the Command object. The ActiveConnection and the CommandText properties look like this:

cmd.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
cmd.CommandText = "tblClients"

The completed code appears in Listing 14.5.

Example 14.5. Using a Command Object

Sub CommandObject()
    'Declare a recordset and a command object
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    'Instantiate the command object
    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

    'Designate where the data comes from
    cmd.CommandText = "Select * from tblClients"

    'Establish the connection information
    cmd.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

    'Use the execute method to return a result set
    'into the recordset object
    Set rst = cmd.Execute

    'Display the resulting data
    Debug.Print rst.GetString

    'Close the recordset and destroy the objects

    Set cmd = Nothing
End Sub

In the example, the Command object is instantiated. The CommandText property is set to a SQL Select statement, and the ActiveConnection property is pointed to the connection associated with the current database. The Execute method of the Command object is used to return the results of the SQL statement into the Recordset object.

Understanding ADO Recordset Types

There are three parameters of the Open method of a Recordset object that affect the type of recordset that is created. They are the CursorType, the LockType, and the Options parameters. These parameters combine to determine the types of movements that can be executed within a recordset, when changes that other users make to data underlying the recordset will be seen, and whether the recordset’s data is updateable.

The CursorType Parameter

By default, when you open a recordset, the CursorType parameter is set to adOpenForwardOnly. This means that you can only move forward through the records in the recordset. You will not see any adds, edits, or deletions that other users make. Furthermore, many properties and methods, such as the RecordCount property and the MovePrevious method, are unavailable. Listing 14.6 illustrates this.

Example 14.6. The RecordCount Property Is Not Supported with a Forward-Only Recordset

Sub ForwardOnlyRecordset()

    'Declare and instantiate a recordset object
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Establish a connection and open a forward-only recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.Open "Select * from tblClients"

    'Attempt to retrieve the recordcount
    Debug.Print rst.RecordCount

    'Close and destroy the recordset
    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

The value -1 displays in the Immediate window because the RecordCount property is not supported with a forward-only recordset. Because you did not explicitly designate the cursor type, a forward-only recordset was created.

Three other values are available for the CursorType. They are adOpenStatic, adOpenKeyset, and adOpenDynamic. The adOpenStatic option allows forward and backward movement through the records in the recordset, but changes that other users make to the underlying data are not seen by the recordset. The adOpenKeyset option offers everything offered by the adOpenStatic option, but in addition, edits that other users make are seen by the recordset. Finally, with the adOpenDynamic option, adds, edits, and deletions made by other users are seen by the recordset. Table 14.2 illustrates each of these options in further detail.

Table 14.2. Valid Choices for the CursorType Parameter




Copies a set of records as the recordset is created. Therefore, it doesn’t show changes made by other users. This is the fastest type of cursor, but only allows forward movement through the recordset.


Copies a set of records as the recordset is created. Supports bookmarks and allows forward and backward movement through the recordset. Doesn’t show changes made by other users. This is the only type of recordset allowed when using client-side cursors.


Provides a set of pointers back to the original data. Supports bookmarks. Shows changes made by other users. New records are not shown, and provides no access to deleted rows.


Provides access to a set of records. Shows all changes, including additions and deletions, made by other users.

The CursorType property of the recordset can be set in one of two ways. It can be set as a parameter of the Open method of the Recordset object. Listing 14.7 illustrates this.

Example 14.7. Supplying the CursorType as a Parameter of the Open Method

Sub StaticRecordset1()
    'Declare and instantiate a recordset object
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Establish a connection and open a static recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.Open "Select * from tblClients", _

    'Retrieve the recordcount
    Debug.Print rst.RecordCount

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Notice that, in Listing 14.7, the CursorType appears as a parameter of the Open method. Contrast Listing 14.7 with Listing 14.8.

Example 14.8. Supplying the CursorType as a Property of the Recordset Object

Sub StaticRecordset2()
    'Declare and instantiate a recordset object
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Set the ActiveConnection and CursorType properties
    'of the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic

    'Open the recordset
    rst.Open "Select * from tblClients"

    'Retrieve the recordcount
    Debug.Print rst.RecordCount

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

In Listing 14.8, the CursorType is set as a property of the Recordset object, prior to the execution of the Open method. Separating the properties from the Open method improves the readability of the code.

The LockType Parameter

Although the CursorType property of a Recordset object determines how movements can occur within the recordset, and whether other users’ changes are seen, the CursorType in no way affects the updateability of the recordset’s data. In fact, when a recordset is opened, it is opened as read-only by default. It is only by changing the LockType property that you can make the recordset updateable.

The options for lock type are adLockReadOnly, adLockPessimistic, adLockOptimistic, and adLockBatchOptimistic. The default, adLockReadOnly, does not allow changes to the recordset. The other options all provide updateability for the recordset’s data. The difference lies in when the records are locked. With the adLockPessimistic option, locking occurs as soon as the editing process begins. With the adLockOptimistic option, the record is locked when the Update method is issued. Finally, with the adLockBatchOptimistic, you can postpone locking until a batch of records are updated. All these options are discussed in extensive detail in Alison Balter’s Mastering Access 2002 Enterprise Development.

As with the CursorType property, the LockType property can be set as a parameter of the Open method or as a property of the Recordset object. Listing 14.9 shows the configuration of the lock type as a property of the Recordset object.

Example 14.9. Configuration of the LockType Property

Sub OptimisticRecordset()
    'Declare and instantiate a recordset object
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Set the ActiveConnection and CursorType, and
    'LockType properties of the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic

    'Open the recordset
    rst.Open "Select * from tblClients"

    'Modify the contents of the city field
    rst("City") = "Westlake Village"
    Debug.Print rst("City")

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

In Listing 14.9, the LockType property is set to adLockOptimistic. The record is locked when the Update method of the Recordset object is issued.


Listing 14.9 references the field name in the format rst("City"). You can use any one of four syntactical constructs to reference a member of a collection. These include


You might wonder which is best. Although all are valid, I most prefer the Collection("Name") and Collection(VariableName) methods. I like the fact that the syntax is the same whether you are supplying a string or a variable. Furthermore, the same syntax works with Active Server Pages (ASP). The bang does not work with Active Server Pages, and you cannot rely on the ordinal position because it changes. One of the only instances when you must use a bang is when you are supplying a parameter for a query. Besides that, I use the Collection("Name") syntax in the ADO and DAO code that I write.

The Options Parameter

The Options parameter determines how the provider should evaluate the source argument. The valid choices are illustrated in Table 14.1.

Table 14.1. Valid Choices for the Options Parameter




The provider evaluates the source as a command.


A SQL query is generated to return all rows from the table named in the source.


The provider returns all rows in the table named in the source.


The provider evaluates the source as a stored procedure.


The type of command in the source is unknown.


The source is evaluated as a persisted recordset.


The source is executed asynchronously.


The initial quantity specified in the Initial Fetch Size property is fetched.


The main thread never blocks when fetching.

The default for the Options parameter is adCmdUnknown. If you do not explicitly specify the Options parameter, the provider attempts to evaluate it while the code is running. This degrades performance. It is therefore important to specify the parameter. Listing 14.9 illustrates the use of the Options parameter of the Open method.

Example 14.9. The Options Parameter of the Open Method

Sub OptionsParameter()
    'Declare and instantiate a recordset object
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Set the ActiveConnection and CursorType, and
    'LockType properties of the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic

    'Open the recordset, designating that the source
    'is a command
    rst.Open "Select * from tblClients", _

    'Modify the contents of the city field
    rst("City") = "Westlake Village"
    Debug.Print rst("City")

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

In Listing 14.9, the Options parameter is set to adCmdText. This causes the source to be evaluated as a SQL command.

Consistent Versus Inconsistent Updates

When a recordset is based on data from more than one table, Jet automatically allows you to make changes to the foreign key field. For example, if a recordset is based on data from the Customers table and the Orders table, you are able to make changes to the CustomerID in the Orders table. This is referred to as a consistent update. At times you might want to make changes to the primary key field. This could result in a violation of referential integrity and is therefore referred to as an inconsistent update.

If you’ve established referential integrity and have designated that you want to cascade updates, consistent and inconsistent updates yield the same results. On the other hand, without cascade updates activated, a change to the primary key field causes referential integrity to be violated.

Listing 14.10 shows you how to open a recordset with inconsistent updates.

Example 14.10. Opening a Recordset with Inconsistent Updates

Sub InconsistentUpdates()
    'Declare and instantiate a recordset object
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Set the ActiveConnection and CursorType, and
    'LockType properties of the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic

    'Open the recordset, designating that the source
    'is a SQL statement based on more than one table
    rst.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Inconsistent") = True
    rst.Open Source:="Select * from tblClients " & _
        "INNER JOIN tblProjects " & _
        "ON tblClients.ClientID = tblProjects.ClientID", _

    'Modify the contents of the foreign key field
    rst("tblProjects.ClientID") = 1
    Debug.Print rst("tblProjects.ClientID")

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Notice that the Jet OLEDB: Inconsistent property is set prior to the Open method of the recordset. This causes the recordset to be opened so that you can use inconsistent updates if you want.


Very few providers support inconsistent updates. In fact, the Jet provider is one of the few providers that supports this feature.

Selecting a Cursor Location

A cursor refers to the set of rows or row pointers that are returned when you open a recordset. With DAO, the location of the cursor is not an issue. On the other hand, ADO supports two cursor locations. As its name implies, the client manages a client-side cursor. The server manages a server-side cursor.

If you are using Jet, the client machine always manages the cursor because Jet only runs on the client machine. You might think that this means that you should always designate a client-side cursor when working with Jet. Actually, the opposite is true. If you designate a client-side cursor when working with Jet, the data is cached twice on the client machine. When a client-side cursor is specified, the Microsoft Cursor Service for OLE DB requests all the data from the OLEDB provider and then caches it and presents it to the application as a static recordset. For this reason, when working with JET, you should only designate a client-side cursor when you want to take advantage of functionality provided only by a client-side cursor.

Listing 14.11 illustrates how to designate the cursor location.

Example 14.11. Designating the Cursor Location

Sub CursorLocation()
    'Declare and instantiate a recordset object
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Set the ActiveConnection and CursorType, and
    'LockType, and CursorLocation properties of the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic
    rst.CursorLocation = adUseServer

    'Open the recordset, designating that the source
    'is a SQL statement
    rst.Open Source:="Select * from tblClients ", _

    'Modify the contents of the city field
    rst("City") = "New City"
    Debug.Print rst("City")

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

In the example, a server-side cursor is designated.

Working with the Supports Method

Depending on which CursorType, LockType, CursorLocation, and Provider are used to open a recordset, the functionality of the recordset varies. The Supports method of a recordset determines which features a particular recordset supports. It returns a Boolean value designating whether the selected feature is supported. Listing 14.12 provides an example.

Example 14.12. The Supports Method of the Recordset Object

Sub SupportsMethod()
    'Declare and instantiate a recordset object
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Set the ActiveConnection and CursorType, and
    'LockType, and CursorLocation properties of the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic
    rst.CursorLocation = adUseServer

    'Open the recordset, designating that the source
    'is a SQL statement
    rst.Open Source:="Select * from tblClients ", _

    'Determine whether the recordset supports certain features
    Debug.Print "Bookmark " & rst.Supports(adBookmark)
    Debug.Print "Update Batch " & rst.Supports(adUpdateBatch)
    Debug.Print "Move Previous " & rst.Supports(adMovePrevious)
    Debug.Print "Seek " & rst.Supports(adSeek)
    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Working with ADO Recordset Properties and Methods

The ADO Recordset object is rich with properties and methods. These properties and methods allow you to move through a recordset, sort, filter, and find data, as well as update data contained with the recordset. The sections that follow cover the most commonly used properties and methods.

Examining Record-Movement Methods

When you have a Recordset object variable set, you probably want to manipulate the data in the recordset. Table 14.3 shows several methods you can use to traverse through the records in a recordset.

Table 14.3. Methods for Moving Through the Records in a Recordset




To the first record in a recordset


To the last record in a recordset


To the previous record in a recordset


To the next record in a recordset

Listing 14.13 shows an example of using the record-movement methods on a Recordset object.

Example 14.13. Recordset Movement Methods

Sub RecordsetMovements()
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Establish the connection and cursor type and open
    'the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.Open "Select * from tblProjects"

    'Print the ProjectID of the first row
    Debug.Print rst("ProjectID")
    'Move to the next row and print the ProjectID
    Debug.Print rst("ProjectID")

    'Move to the last row and print the ProjectID
    Debug.Print rst("ProjectID")

    'Move to the previous row and print the ProjectID
    Debug.Print rst("ProjectID")

    'Move to the first row and print the ProjectID
    Debug.Print rst("ProjectID")

    Set rst = Nothing
End Sub

This code opens a recordset based on the tblProjects table. When the recordset is open, the ProjectID of the first record is printed to the Immediate window. The MoveNext method of the Recordset object is used to move to the next record in the recordset. The ProjectID of the record is printed. The MoveLast method of the Recordset object is used to move to the last record in the recordset. Once again, the ProjectID is printed. The MovePrevious method moves the record pointer back one record and the ProjectID is printed again. Finally, the MoveFirst method moves the record pointer to the first record and the ProjectID is printed. The recordset is closed, and the Recordset object is destroyed.

Detecting the Limits of a Recordset

Before you begin to traverse through recordsets, you must understand two recordset properties: BOF and EOF. The names of these properties are outdated acronyms that stand for beginning of file and end of file. They determine whether you have reached the limits of your recordset. The BOF property is True when the record pointer is before the first record, and the EOF property is True when the record pointer is after the last record.

You commonly will use the EOF property when moving forward through your recordset with the MoveNext method. This property becomes True when your most recent MoveNext has moved you beyond the bounds of the recordset. Similarly, BOF is most useful when using the MovePrevious method.

You must keep in mind some important characteristics of the BOF and EOF properties:

  • If a recordset contains no records, both the BOF and EOF properties evaluate to True.

  • When you open a recordset containing at least one record, the BOF and EOF properties are set to False.

  • If the record pointer is on the first record in the recordset and the MovePrevious method is issued, the BOF property is set to True. If you attempt to use MovePrevious again, a runtime error occurs.

  • If the record pointer is on the last record in the recordset and the MoveNext method is issued, the EOF property is set to True. If you attempt to use MoveNext again, a runtime error occurs.

  • When the BOF and EOF properties are set to True, they remain True until you move to a valid record.

  • When the only record in a recordset is deleted, the BOF and EOF properties remain False until you attempt to move to another record.

Listing 14.14 shows an example of using the EOF property to determine the bounds of a recordset.

Example 14.14. Determining the Bounds of a Recordset

Sub DetermineLimits()
    'Declare and instantiate a recordset object
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Establish the connection and cursor type and open
    'the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.Open "Select * from tblProjects"

    'Loop through the recordset, printing the
    'ClientID of each row
    Do Until rst.EOF
        Debug.Print rst("ClientID")

End Sub

In Listing 14.14, a recordset is opened based on tblProjects. The EOF property is evaluated. As long as the EOF property equals False, the contents of the ClientID field are printed, and the record pointer is advanced to the next record in the recordset.

Counting the Number of Records in a Recordset

The RecordCount property returns the number of rows in the recordset. Not all types of recordsets and providers support the RecordCount property. If the RecordCount property is not supported, no error occurs. Instead, the RecordCount is -1. Listing 14.15 provides an example.

Example 14.15. A Recordset That Does Not Support the RecordCount Property

Sub CountRecordsBad()
    'Declare and instantiate a recordset
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Establish the connection and open a
    'forward-only cursor
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.Open "Select * from tblProjects"

    'Print the RecordCount property
    Debug.Print rst.RecordCount  'Prints -1

    Set rst = Nothing
End Sub

Because the default CursorType is adOpenForwardOnly, and a forward-only cursor does not support the RecordCount property, -1 prints to the Immediate window. Listing 14.16 rectifies this problem.

Example 14.16. A Recordset That Supports the RecordCount Property

Sub CountRecordsGood()
    'Declare and instantiate a recordset
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Establish the connection and cursor type and open
    'the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.Open "Select * from tblProjects"
    'Print the RecordCount property
    Debug.Print rst.RecordCount  'Prints Recordcount

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Notice that the CursorType is set to adOpenStatic. Because the RecordCount property is supported with static cursors, the correct number of records is printed to the Immediate window.


If you are accustomed to the DAO RecordCount property, you might be surprised by the ADO RecordCount property. The DAO RecordCount returns only the number of visited records in the recordset. This means that, in using DAO, you must move to the last record in the recordset to obtain an accurate record count. Although this step is unnecessary when using ADO, it is important to note that attempting to retrieve the RecordCount property might result in severe performance degradation. Whether or not obtaining the RecordCount degrades performance depends on the particular database provider.

One of the important uses of the RecordCount property is to determine if a recordset contains any rows. Listing 14.17 illustrates this important use of the RecordCount property.

Example 14.17. Checking to See Whether Records Are Returned in a Recordset

Sub CheckARecordset()
    'Declare and instantiate the recordset
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Establish the connection and cursor type and open
    'the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.Open "Select * from tblEmpty"

    'Call a routine to determine if the recordset contains
    'any records
    If Not AreThereRecords(rst) Then
      MsgBox "Recordset Empty...Unable to Proceed"
    End If

    Set rst = Nothing
End Sub

Function AreThereRecords(rstAny As ADODB.Recordset) As Boolean
    'Return whether or not there are any rows
   AreThereRecords = rstAny.RecordCount
End Function

The CheckARecordset routine opens a recordset based on a table called tblEmpty, which contains no data. The CheckARecordset routine calls the AreThereRecords function, passing a reference to the recordset. The AreThereRecords function evaluates the RecordCount property of the recordset that it is passed. It returns False if the RecordCount is zero, and True, if the RecordCount is non-zero.

Sorting, Filtering, and Finding Records

Sometimes it is necessary to sort, filter, or find data within an existing recordset. The Sort property, Filter property, and Find method of the Recordset object allow you to accomplish these tasks. The sections that follow cover these properties and this method.

Sorting a Recordset

The Sort property of the Recordset object allows you to sort data in an existing recordset. Listing 14.18 illustrates its use.

Example 14.18. The Sort Property of the Recordset Object

Sub SortRecordset()
    Dim intCounter As Integer

    'Declare and instantiate a recordset
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Establish the connection and cursor location and open
    'the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    rst.Open "Select * from tblTimeCardHours"

    'Loop through the recordset, printing
    'the contents of the DateWorked field
    Debug.Print "NOT Sorted!!!"
    Do Until rst.EOF
        Debug.Print rst("DateWorked")

    'Sort the recordset and the loop through
    'it, printing the contents of the DateWorked field
    Debug.Print "Now Sorted!!!"
    rst.Sort = "[DateWorked]"
    Do Until rst.EOF
        Debug.Print rst("DateWorked")

    Set rst = Nothing
End Sub

The code begins by opening a recordset based on the tblTimeCardHours table. The records in the recordset are printed in their “natural” order. Next, the Sort property of the Recordset object sorts the data by the DateWorked field. Notice that the Sort property is set equal to a field. If you want to sort by more than one field, you must separate the field names with commas. When the records are once again printed, they appear in order by the DateWorked field.


To sort in descending order, the field name must be followed by a space and then the keyword DESC.

Filtering a Recordset

Sometimes you might want to select a subset of the data returned in a recordset. The Filter property helps you to accomplish this task. Its use is illustrated in Listing 14.19.

Example 14.19. The Filter Property of the Recordset Object

Sub FilterRecordSet()
    'Declare and instantiate a recordset
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Establish the connection and cursor type,
    'and lock type, and open the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
    rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic
    rst.Open "Select * from tblTimeCardhours"

    'Loop through the recordset, printing the contents of
    'the DateWorked field
    Debug.Print "Without Filter"
    Do Until rst.EOF
        Debug.Print rst("DateWorked")

    'Filter the recordset and then loop through it, printing the
    'contents of the DateWorked field
    rst.Filter = "DateWorked >= #1/1/1995# and DateWorked <= #1/5/1995#"
    Debug.Print "With Filter"
    Do Until rst.EOF
        Debug.Print rst("DateWorked")

    Set rst = Nothing
End Sub

In the example, a recordset is opened based on tblTimeCardHours. The code prints the records without a filter applied. The Filter property is then set to limit the data to only records with a DateWorked value between 1/1/1995 and 1/5/1995. The code prints the records in the recordset again.


It is inefficient to build a large recordset and then filter to only those records that you need. If you know that you need only records meeting specific criteria, you should build a recordset using that criteria. The difference in performance can be profound, particularly when dealing with client/server data. In summary, you should use the Filter property only when you are initially dealing with a larger set of records and then need to perform an operation on a subset of the records.


To return to the complete recordset after a filter has been applied, set the Filter property to a zero-length string ("").

Finding a Specific Record in a Recordset

The Find method allows you to locate a particular record in the recordset. It is different from the Filter property in that all records in the recordset remain available. Listing 14.20 illustrates the use of the Find method.

Example 14.20. The Find Method of a Recordset Object

Sub FindProject(lngValue As Long)
    Dim strSQL As String

    'Declare and instantiate a recordset
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Establish the connection and cursor type,
    'and open the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.Open "Select * from tblProjects"

    'Attempt to find a specific project
    strSQL = "[ProjectID] = " & lngValue
    rst.Find strSQL
    'Determine if the specified project was found
    If rst.EOF Then
        MsgBox lngValue & " Not Found"
        MsgBox lngValue & " Found"
    End If

    Set rst = Nothing
End Sub


Because the FindProject routine is found in more than one module, the routine must be executed as follows:

Call basADORecordsets.FindProject(1)

Preceding the name of the routine with the name of the module removes the ambiguity as to which FindProject routine to execute.

The example opens a recordset based on all the records in the tblProjects table. The Find method is used to locate the first record where the ProjectID is equal to a specific value. If the record is not found, the EOF property of the Recordset object is True.


Unlike its DAO counterpart, ADO does not support the FindFirst, FindNext, FindPrevious, and FindLast properties. The default use of the Find method locates the next record that meets the specified criteria. This means that, if the record pointer is not at the top of the recordset, records meeting the specified criteria might not be located. The SkipRows, SearchDirection, and Start parameters of the Find method modify this default behavior. The SkipRows parameter allows you to specify the offset from the current row where the search begins. The SearchDirection parameter allows you to designate whether you want the search to proceed forward or backward from the current row. Finally, the Start parameter determines the starting position for the search.

Working with Variables in Strings

When using the Find method, or when building a SQL statement in code, you must be cognizant of the delimiters to use. No delimiters are necessary when working with numeric values. For example,

Select * FROM tblClients WHERE ClientID = 1

You must use a pound symbol (#) when delimiting dates for Microsoft Access, like this:

Select * FROM tblClients WHERE IntroDate = #12/31/2001#


If your back-end is Microsoft SQL Server, you must use an apostrophe to delimit dates.

The process of delimiting strings is somewhat more difficult than it initially seems. The basic process is to surround the string with apostrophes:

Select * FROM tblClients WHERE City = 'Oak Park'

This works unless there is an apostrophe in the string. Listing 14.21 provides the solution.

Example 14.21. Handling Apostrophes Within Strings

Sub DelimitString()

    Dim strCompanyName As String
    'Declare and instantiate a recordset object
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Ask for the company to locate
    strCompanyName = InputBox("Please Enter a Company")

    'Set the ActiveConnection and CursorType, and
    'LockType, and CursorLocation properties of the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic
    rst.CursorLocation = adUseServer

    'Open the recordset, designating that the source
    'is a SQL statement
    rst.Open Source:="Select * from tblClients " & _
    "WHERE CompanyName = " & ReplaceApostrophe(strCompanyName), _

    'Display a message as to whether the selected company
    'was found
    If rst.EOF Then
        MsgBox strCompanyName & " NOT Found!"
        MsgBox rst("ClientID")
    End If

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Public Function ReplaceApostrophe(strCompanyName As String) As String
    'Surround text with apostrophes and replace any
    'apostrophes in the string with two apostrophes
    ReplaceApostrophe = "'" & _
        Replace(strCompanyName, "'", "''") & "'"
End Function

The code passes the string to a user-defined function called ReplaceApostrophe, which surrounds the string with apostrophes. If any apostrophes are found within the string, they are replaced with two apostrophes.

Using the AbsolutePosition Property

The AbsolutePosition property of the Recordset object sets or returns the ordinal position of the current row in the recordset. Its use is illustrated in Listing 14.22.

Example 14.22. The AbsolutePosition Property of a Recordset Object

Sub FindPosition(lngValue As Long)
    Dim strSQL As String

    'Declare and instantiate a recordset
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Establish the connection and cursor type,
    'and open the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.Open "Select * from tblProjects"

    'Attempt to find a specific project
    strSQL = "[ProjectID] = " & lngValue
    rst.Find strSQL

    'If record is found, print its position
    If rst.EOF Then
        MsgBox lngValue & " Not Found"
        Debug.Print rst.AbsolutePosition
    End If

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

In the example, the Find method is used to locate a project with a specific ProjectID. If the project is found, the ordinal position of the record that is located is printed to the Immediate window.

Using the Bookmark Property

The Bookmark property of a Recordset object returns a variant variable that acts as a unique identifier for that particular record in the recordset. You can use the Bookmark property to save the current position and then quickly and easily return to it at any time. Listing 14.23 illustrates the use of a bookmark.

Example 14.23. The Bookmark Property of a Recordset Object

Sub UseBookMark()
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim vntPosition As Variant

    'Instantiate and declare a recordset
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Establish the connection and cursor type,
    'and open the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.Open "Select * from tblProjects"

   'Store bookmark in a variant variable
    vntPosition = rst.Bookmark

    'Perform some operation
    'on the records in the recordset
    Do Until rst.EOF
        Debug.Print rst("ProjectID")

    'Return to the bookmarked record by setting
    'the Bookmark property of the recordset to the
    'value stored in the variant variable
    rst.Bookmark = vntPosition
    Debug.Print rst("ProjectID")

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

In the example, a unique identifier to the current record is stored into a variant variable. The code then loops through the remainder of the records in the recordset. When it is done, the Bookmark property of the Recordset object is set equal to the unique identifier stored in the variant variable.


Not all recordsets support bookmarks. Whether a recordset supports bookmarks depends on the provider as well as the type of recordset created.

Running Parameter Queries

You will not always know the criteria for a recordset at design time. Fortunately, ADO allows you to supply parameters to the CommandText property of the Command object. Listing 14.24 provides an example.

Example 14.24. Running a Parameter Query

Sub RunParameterQuery(datStart As Date, datEnd As Date)
    'Declare Command and Recordset objects
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

    'Instantiate the Command object
    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

    'Establish the connection, command text,
    'and command type of the Command object
    cmd.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    cmd.CommandText = "Select * from tblTimeCardHours " & _
        "Where DateWorked Between ? and ?"
    cmd.CommandType = adCmdText

    'Use the Execute method of the command object to
    'return results into the recordset object; Notice that
    'an array is passed to the Parameters parameter of
    'the Command object
    Set rst = cmd.Execute(Parameters:=Array(datStart, datEnd))

    'Loop through the resulting recordset, printing the
    'contents of the TimeCardID and DateWorked fields
    Do Until rst.EOF
        Debug.Print rst("TimeCardID"), rst("DateWorked")

    Set rst = Nothing
    Set cmd = Nothing

End Sub

Notice that in the example, the CommandText property contains two question marks. Each of these is considered a parameter. The parameters are supplied when the Execute method of the Command object is used. Notice that the Parameters argument of the Execute method receives an array containing the parameter values. Note that unless you specify basADORecordsets.RunParameterQuery, you get an “ambiguous name detected” error.

Refreshing Recordset Data

Two methods are used to refresh the data in a recordset: Requery and Resync. The Requery method is roughly equivalent to once again opening the recordset. The Requery method forces the OLEDB provider to perform all the steps it performed when first creating the recordset. New rows are added to the recordset, changes to data made by other users are reflected in the recordset, and deleted rows are removed from the recordset. The Requery method requires significant resources to execute. The Resync method is much more efficient. It updates the recordset to reflect changes made by other users. It does not show added rows or remove deleted rows from the recordset.

Working with Persisting Recordsets

Using ADO, recordsets cannot only exist in memory, but can also be written to disk. A recordset written to disk is referred to as a persisted recordset. Listing 14.25 illustrates how to persist a recordset to disk.

Example 14.25. Persisting a Recordset

Sub PersistRecordset()

    Dim strFileName As String

    'Prompt user for file name and path
    strFileName = InputBox("Please enter file name and path")

    'Declare and instantiate a recordset object
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Set the ActiveConnection and CursorType, and
    'LockType, and CursorLocation properties of the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic

    'Open the recordset, designating that the source
    'is a SQL statement
    rst.Open Source:="Select * from tblClients ", _

    'Destroy existing file with that name
    On Error Resume Next
    Kill strFileName

    'Save the recordset
    rst.Save strFileName, adPersistADTG

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Notice that the Save method of the Recordset object is used to persist the recordset to disk. The Format parameter of the Save method allows you to designate whether you want to save the recordset in the Microsoft proprietary Advanced Data Tablegram format, or whether you want to save the recordset as XML. Listing 14.26 shows you how to read a persisted recordset.

Example 14.26. Reading a Persisted Recordset

Sub ReadPersistedRecordset()
    Dim strFileName As String

    'Prompt user for file name and path to read
    strFileName = InputBox("Please enter file name and path")

    'Ensure that the selected file exists
    If Len(Dir(strFileName)) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "File Not Found"
        Exit Sub
    End If

    'Declare and instantiate a recordset object
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Set the ActiveConnection and CursorType, and
    'LockType, and CursorLocation properties of the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic

    'Open the recordset, designating that the source
    'is a SQL statement
    rst.Open Source:=strFileName, _

    'Loop through the recordset, printing ClientIds
    Do Until rst.EOF
        Debug.Print rst("ClientID")

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

After prompting the user for a filename, the code ensures that the designated file is found. It then opens a recordset, using the file as the source argument. The adCmdFile constant is used for the Options parameter of the Open method. The adCmdFile value notifies ADO that the source is a persisted recordset.

Modifying Table Data Using ADO Code

So far, this chapter has only covered the process of retrieving data from a recordset. It is common that you might need to update the data in a recordset. The sections that follow show you how to change data one record at a time, update a batch of records, delete records, and add records.

Changing Record Data One Record at a Time

It is possible to loop through a recordset, modifying all the records in the recordset. This technique is shown in Listing 14.27.

Example 14.27. Modifying One Record At a Time

Sub IncreaseEstimate()

    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim lngUpdated As Long

    'Establish the connection, cursor type,
    'and lock type, and open the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
    rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic
    rst.Open ("Select * from tblProjectsChange")

    strSQL = "ProjectTotalEstimate < 30000"
    lngUpdated = 0

    'Find the first row meeting the designated criteria
    rst.Find strSQL

    'Loop through the recordset, locating all rows meeting
    'the designated criteria, increasing the ProjecTotalEstimate
    'field by ten percent
    Do Until rst.EOF
        lngUpdated = lngUpdated + 1
        rst("ProjectTotalEstimate") = rst("ProjectTotalEstimate") * 1.1
        rst.Find strSQL, 1, adSearchForward

    'Print how many rows are updated
    Debug.Print lngUpdated & " Records Updated"

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

In Listing 14.27, a recordset is opened based on all the records in the tblProjectsChange table. The first record where the ProjectTotalEstimate is less than 30,000 is located. The ProjectTotalEstimate is increased by 10%, and the record is updated. The next record that meets the specified criteria is located. The process is repeated until all records meeting the specified criteria are located.

This code is very inefficient from several standpoints. The first problem is that a recordset is opened based on all the records in the tblProjectsChange table, when only those with a ProjectTotalEstimate less than 30,000 needed to be updated. A more efficient approach is to open a recordset containing only those records that you need to update. Listing 14.28 illustrates this technique.

Example 14.28. Improving the Process of Modifying One Record At a Time

Sub IncreaseEstimateImproved()

    'Declare and instantiate a recordset
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    Dim lngUpdated As Long

    'Establish the connection, cursor type,
    'and lock type, and open the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
    rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic
    rst.Open ("Select * from tblProjectsChange " & _
        "WHERE ProjectTotalEstimate < 30000")

    'Loop through the recordset, locating all rows meeting
    'the designated criteria, increasing the ProjecTotalEstimate
    'field by ten percent
    Do Until rst.EOF
        lngUpdated = lngUpdated + 1
        rst("ProjectTotalEstimate") = rst("ProjectTotalEstimate") * 1.1

    'Print how many rows are updated
    Debug.Print lngUpdated & " Records Updated"

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Furthermore, it would be more efficient to simply execute an action query that performs the update. This technique is covered in the section that follows.


If you’re accustomed to DAO, you might be quite surprised by the behavior of ADO. Whereas, DAO requires that the Edit method be used before field values are assigned, no Edit method is used with ADO. Furthermore, if you forget to issue the Update method on a DAO recordset, the record is not updated. On the other hand, with ADO, the Update method is implied. The update occurs automatically as soon as the record pointer is moved. These behavior differences can lead to big surprises!

Performing Batch Updates

If you use a client-side cursor, along with a static or keyset cursor, you can take advantage of batch updates. Using batch updates, all changes you make to a recordset are sent to the underlying OLEDB provider as a batch. The process is illustrated in Listing 14.29.

Example 14.29. Performing Batch Updates

Sub BatchUpdates()
    'Declare and instantiate a recordset
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim lngUpdated As Long

    'Establish the connection, cursor type,
    'and lock type, and open the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
    rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    rst.LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
    rst.Open ("Select * from tblProjectsChange")

    strSQL = "ProjectTotalEstimate < 30000"
    lngUpdated = 0

    'Find the first row meeting the designated criteria
    rst.Find strSQL

    'Loop through the recordset, locating all rows meeting
    'the designated criteria, increasing the ProjecTotalEstimate
    'field by ten percent
    Do Until rst.EOF
        lngUpdated = lngUpdated + 1
        rst("ProjectTotalEstimate") = rst("ProjectTotalEstimate") * 1.1
        rst.Find strSQL, 1, adSearchForward

    'Send all changes to the provider

    'Print how many rows are updated
    Debug.Print lngUpdated & " Records Updated"

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

In the example, the CursorLocation property of the recordset is set to adUseClient, the CursorType is set to adOpenKeyset, and the LockType is set to adLockBatchOptimistic. Notice that the Update method is not included in the Do Until loop. Instead, the UpdateBatch method is used to send all of the changes to the server at once.

Making Bulk Changes

As mentioned in the previous section, it is inefficient to open a recordset and then update each record individually. It is much more efficient to execute an action query. Listing 14.30 illustrates this process.

Example 14.30. Making Bulk Changes to the Records in a Recordset

Sub RunUpdateQuery()
    'Declare and instantiate a Connection object
    Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection

    'Establish the connection and execute an action query
    Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
    cnn.Execute "qryIncreaseTotalEstimate"

End Sub

In Listing 14.30, the Execute method of the Connection object executes a stored query called qryIncreaseTotalEstimate. Any criteria contained within the query is applied.

Deleting an Existing Record

You can use ADO code to delete a record in a recordset. The code appears in Listing 14.31. Note that it must be called using basADORecordset.DeleteCusts.

Example 14.31. Deleting an Existing Record

Sub DeleteCusts(lngProjEst As Long)

    'Declare and instantiate a recordset
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Establish the connection, cursor type,
    'and lock type, and open the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
    rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic
    rst.Open "Select * from tblProjectsChange"

    intCounter = 0

    'Loop through the recordset, deleting all projects
    'with an estimate lower than the specified amount
    Do Until rst.EOF
        If rst("ProjectTotalEstimate") < lngProjEst Then
            intCounter = intCounter + 1
        End If
        If Not rst.EOF Then
        End If

    'Designate how many customers were deleted
    Debug.Print intCounter & " Customers Deleted"

    Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

In Listing 14.31, a recordset is opened, based on all the records in the tblProjectsChange table. The code loops through all the records in the recordset. If the ProjectTotalEstimate is less than the value passed as a parameter to the routine, the Delete method of the Recordset object removes the record from the recordset.

As previously discussed, this example is very inefficient. You should either build a recordset containing only the records you want to delete, or use an action query to accomplish the task.


If you are using a provider that supports stored procedures, it is most efficient to add, edit, and delete data using a stored procedure. Stored procedures execute on the server, sending no data over the network wire.

Adding a New Record

Not only can you edit and delete data using ADO, but you can also add records as well. Listing 14.32 illustrates this process.

Example 14.32. Adding a New Record to a Recordset

Private Sub cmdAddADO_Click()
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

    'Ensure that the project name and clientid are entered
    If IsNull(Me.txtProjectName) Or _
        IsNull(Me.cboClientID) Then

        MsgBox "The Project Name and Client must be Filled In"


        'Instantiate a recordset
        Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

        'Set the connection, cursor type and lock type
        'and open the recordset
        With rst
            .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
            .CursorType = adOpenKeyset
            .LockType = adLockOptimistic
            .Open "Select * from tblProjectsChange Where ProjectID = 0"

            'Add a new row to the recordset, populating its values with
            'the controls on the form
                !ProjectName = Me.txtProjectName
                !ProjectDescription = Me.txtProjectDescription
                !ClientID = Me.cboClientID

            'Populate the txtProjectID text box with the
            'autonumber value assigned to the new row
            Me.txtProjectID = !ProjectID
        End With

    End If

End Sub

This code, an event procedure for a command button on frmUnbound, begins by setting the CursorType property of the recordset to adOpenKeyset and the LockType property to adLockOptimistic. The AddNew method creates a buffer for a new record. All the field values are assigned, based on values in the text boxes on the form. The Update method writes the data to disk. Because the ProjectID field is an Autonumber field, the txtProjectID text box must be updated to reflect the Autonumber value that was assigned.


With DAO, you are not placed on the new record after it is added. With ADO, you are moved to the new record when the Update method is issued.

Creating and Modifying Database Objects Using ADO Code

Although most of the time you will design your database structure before you deploy your application, there might be times when you will need to design or modify database objects at runtime. Fortunately, you can accomplish these tasks using ADO code. The following sections cover adding and removing tables, modifying relationships, and building queries, all using ADO code. These are only a few of the tasks that you can accomplish.

Adding a Table Using Code

It is relatively easy to add a table using ADO code. Listing 14.33 provides an example.

Example 14.33. Adding a Table

Sub CreateTable()
   Dim tdf As ADOX.Table
    Dim idx As ADOX.Index

    'Declare and instantiate a Catalog object
    Dim cat As ADOX.Catalog
    Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog

    'Establish a connection
    cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

    ' Instantiate a Table object
    Set tdf = New ADOX.Table
    ' Name the table and add field to it
    With tdf
        .Name = "tblFoods"
        Set .ParentCatalog = cat
        .Columns.Append "FoodID", adInteger
        .Columns("FoodID").Properties("AutoIncrement") = True
        .Columns.Append "Description", adWChar
        .Columns.Append "Calories", adInteger
    End With

    'Append the table to the Tables collection
    cat.Tables.Append tdf

    'Instantiate an Index object
    Set idx = New ADOX.Index

    'Set properties of the index
    With idx
        .Name = "PrimaryKey"
        .Columns.Append "FoodID"
        .PrimaryKey = True
        .Unique = True
    End With

    'Add the index to the Indexes collection
    'of the table
    tdf.Indexes.Append idx

    Set idx = Nothing
    Set cat = Nothing

End Sub

Listing 14.33 begins by instantiating an ADOX table object. It sets the Name and ParentCatalog properties of the Table object. Then it uses the Append method of the Columns collection of the table to append each field to the table. After all the columns are appended, it uses the Append method of the Tables collection of the Catalog object to append the Table object to the database.

After the table is appended to the Catalog, you can add indexes to the table. An Index object is instantiated. The Name property of the index is set. Next, the Append method of the Columns object of the Index adds a column to the Index. The PrimaryKey and Unique properties of the index are both set to True. Finally, the Index object is appended to the Indexes collection of the Table object.


When running code that appends an object, an error occurs if the object already exists. You must either include error handling in your routine to handle this eventuality or delete the existing instance of the object before appending the new object.

Removing a Table Using Code

Sometimes it is necessary to remove a table from a database. Fortunately, this is very easily accomplished using ADO code. Listing 14.34 illustrates the process.

Example 14.34. Removing a Table

Sub DeleteTable()
    'Ignore error if it occurs
    On Error Resume Next

    'Declare and instantiate a Catalog object
    Dim cat As ADOX.Catalog
    Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog

    'Establish the connection for the Catalog object
    cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

    'Delete a table from the tables collection
    cat.Tables.Delete "tblFoods"

End Sub

First, a Catalog object is declared and instantiated. Then the Delete method of the Tables collection of the Catalog object removes the table from the database.

Establishing Relationships Using Code

If your application adds new tables to a database, it might be necessary to establish relationships between those tables, as demonstrated in Listing 14.35.

Example 14.35. Establishing a Relationship

Sub CreateRelation()
    Dim tbl As ADOX.Table
    Dim fk As ADOX.Key

    'Declare and instantiate a Catalog object
    Dim cat As ADOX.Catalog
    Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog

    'Establish a connection
    cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

    'Point the Table object at the tblPeople table
    Set tbl = cat.Tables("tblPeople")

    'Instantiate a Key object
    Set fk = New ADOX.Key

    'Set properties of the Key object to relate the
    'tblPeople table to the tblFoods table
    With fk
        .Name = "PeopleFood"
        .Type = adKeyForeign
        .RelatedTable = "tblFoods"
        .Columns.Append "FoodId"
        .Columns("FoodID").RelatedColumn = "FoodID"
    End With

    'Append the Key object to the Keys collection of
    'the tblPeople table
    tbl.Keys.Append fk

    Set cat = Nothing
    Set tbl = Nothing
    Set fk = Nothing
End Sub

The code begins by pointing a Table object at the foreign key table in the relationship. A Key object is instantiated. The Name property of the Key object is set. Next, the Type property of the Key object is established. The RelatedTable property is set equal to the name of the primary key table involved in the relationship. The Append method of the Columns collection of the Key object appends the foreign key field to the Key object. Then the RelatedColumn property of the column is set equal to the name of the primary key field. Finally, the Key object is appended to the Keys collection of the Table object.

Creating a Query Using Code

At times, you will want to build a query on-the-fly and permanently store it in the database. Listing 14.36 illustrates this process.

Example 14.36. Creating a Query

Sub CreateQuery()
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    Dim strSQL As String

    'Declare and instantiate a Catalog object
    Dim cat As ADOX.Catalog
    Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog

    'Establish a connection
    cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

    'Instantiate a Command object and set its
    'CommandText property
    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
    cmd.CommandText = "Select * From tblClients Where State='CA'"

    'Append the Command object to the Views collection
    'of the Catalog object
    cat.Views.Append "qryCAClients", cmd

    Set cat = Nothing
    Set cmd = Nothing

End Sub

The code begins by creating and instantiating a Catalog object and a Command object. The CommandText property of the Command object is set equal to the SQL statement that underlies the query. The Append method of the Views collection of the Catalog object appends the Command object to a query with the specified name. The View collection of the Catalog object is then refreshed.

Examining the Data Access Object Model

Figure 14.2 shows an overview of the Data Access Object model for the Jet 4.0 Database Engine. At the top of the hierarchy is the Microsoft Jet Database Engine, referred to as the DBEngine object. The DBEngine object contains all the other objects that are part of the hierarchy. The DBEngine object is the only object in the hierarchy that does not have an associated collection.

The Data Access Object model.

Figure 14.2. The Data Access Object model.

Each object within the Data Access Object model is important because you will manipulate the various objects at runtime using code to accomplish the tasks required by your application. The following sections describe each major object and how it affects your programming endeavors.


The Workspaces collection contains Workspace objects. Each Workspace object defines the area in which a particular user operates. All security and transaction processing for a given user takes place within a particular workspace. You can programmatically create multiple workspaces. This is of great value because, by using this technique, you can log in as another user behind the scenes and accomplish tasks not allowed by the security level of the current user. You can log in as a member of the Admins group, for example, change the structure of a table that the current user does not have rights to, and log back out without the user of the system ever knowing that anything happened.


The Users collection contains the User objects for a particular workspace. Each User object is a user account defined by a workgroup database. Because each user is a member of one or more groups, each User object contains a Groups collection that consists of each group of which a particular user is a member. User objects easily can be added and manipulated at runtime.


The Groups collection contains all Group objects for a particular workspace. Each Group object is a group defined by a workgroup database. Because each group contains users, the Group object contains a Users collection that consists of each user who is a member of the group. Like User objects, Group objects can be added and manipulated at runtime.


The Databases collection contains all the databases that are currently open within a particular workspace. You can open multiple databases at a time. These open databases can be Jet databases or external databases. A Database object refers to a particular database within the Databases collection. It is easy to loop through the Databases collection, printing the name of each Database object contained in the collection, as shown in Listing 14.37.

Example 14.37. Printing the Name of Each Database in a Workspace

Sub EnumerateDBs()
    Dim ws As dao.Workspace
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim db1 As dao.Database
    Dim db2 As dao.Database

    Set ws = DBEngine(0)

    'Point the db1 database object at a reference to the
    'Current Database
    Set db1 = CurrentDb

    'Point the db2 database object a a reference to a
    'database called Chap2.mdb
    Set db2 = ws.OpenDatabase(CurrentProject.Path & "Chap2.MDB")
    'Loop through all of the databases in the workspace
    'printing their names
    For Each db In ws.Databases
        Debug.Print db.Name
    Next db
End Sub

This code loops through the open databases in the current workspace. It prints the name of each open database. It also is easy to perform all the other tasks required to build, modify, and manipulate database objects at runtime.


The TableDefs collection contains all the tables contained in a particular database—whether or not they are open. The TableDefs collection also includes linked tables and detailed information about each table. It is easy to loop through the TableDefs collection, printing various properties (for example, the name) of each Table object contained within the collection. Listing 14.38 shows an example of using the TableDefs collection to print the properties of each Table object, in addition to printing the properties of each index on the table.


Each TableDef object contains an Indexes collection, which enumerates all the indexes on the table. Each index contains a Fields collection to describe the fields in the index.

Example 14.38. Using the TableDefs and Indexes Collections

Sub EnumerateTablesAndIndexes()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim tbl As dao.TableDef
    Dim idx As dao.Index
    Dim fld As dao.Field

    'Point the db object at a reference to the current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Loop through each TableDef object in the TableDefs
    'Collection in this database
    For Each tbl In db.TableDefs

        'Print the name of the table
        Debug.Print "Table: "; tbl.Name
        'Loop through all indexes associated with the table
        For Each idx In tbl.Indexes

            'Print the name, primary, and unique properties of
            'the index
            Debug.Print " Index: "; idx.Name
            Debug.Print " Primary=";  idx.PRIMARY; ", Unique="; idx.Unique

            'Loop through each field in the index printing its name
            For Each fld In idx.Fields
                Debug.Print "   Field:"; fld.Name
            Next fld
        Next idx
    Next tbl
End Sub

This code loops through the TableDefs in the current database and prints the name of each table in the database. It then prints the name of every index on the table and every field in the index. It is easy to write code that adds, deletes, modifies, and otherwise manipulates tables and indexes at runtime.


The QueryDefs collection includes all the queries contained within a particular database. It contains information about each query. It is easy to loop through the QueryDefs collection, printing various pieces of information about each query, as Listing 14.39 shows.

Example 14.39. Printing Information About Each Query Using the QueryDefs Collection

Sub EnumerateQueries()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim qry As dao.QueryDef

    'Point the db object at a reference to the current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Loop through each QueryDef object in the QueryDefs
    'collection of the database
    For Each qry In db.QueryDefs

        'Print the name and the SQL statement behind the query
        Debug.Print qry.Name
        Debug.Print qry.SQL
    Next qry
End Sub

This code loops through the QueryDefs in the current database and prints the name and SQL statement associated with each QueryDef. It is easy to write code that adds, deletes, modifies, and otherwise manipulates queries at runtime.


Fields collections are contained within the TableDef, QueryDef, Index, Relation, and Recordset objects. The Fields collection of an object is the collection of Field objects within the parent object. A TableDef object contains Field objects that are contained in the specific table, for example. Using the parent object, you can get information about its Fields collection, as shown in Listing 14.40.

Example 14.40. Getting Information from the Fields Collection

Sub EnumerateFields()
    Dim tbl As dao.TableDef
    Dim fld As dao.Field

    'Point the db object at a reference to the current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Loop through each TableDef object in the TableDefs
    'collection of the database
    For Each tbl In db.TableDefs

        'Loop through each Field object in the Fields
        'collection of the table
        For Each fld In tbl.Fields

            'Print the name and type of each field
            Debug.Print fld.Name
            Debug.Print fld.Type
        Next fld
    Next tbl
End Sub

This code loops through the TableDefs in the current database. As it loops through each TableDef, it prints the name and type of each field contained within the Fields collection of the TableDef. Code also can be used to add, delete, or change the attributes of fields at runtime. With a large database, this code is likely to output more information than can be contained in the Immediate window buffer. You might want to pause the code at some point to view the contents of the Immediate window.


Notice that the Type property is an integer value. Each integer returned from this property represents a different field type. You might want to write a case statement that converts the integer value to a more meaningful text string.


Access queries can contain parameters. These parameters are created so that the user can supply information required by the query at runtime. Each QueryDef object has a Parameters collection, which consists of Parameter objects. You can write code to manipulate these parameters at runtime, as Listing 14.41 shows.

Example 14.41. Listing the Parameters of Every Query

Sub EnumerateParameters()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim qry As dao.QueryDef
    Dim prm As dao.Parameter

    'Point the db object at a reference to the current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Loop through each QueryDef object in the QueryDefs
    'collection of the database
    For Each qry In db.QueryDefs

        'Print the Name of the Query
        Debug.Print "*****" & qry.Name & "*****"

        'Loop through each Parameter object in the Parameters
        'collection of the query
        For Each prm In qry.Parameters

            'Print the name of the parameter
            Debug.Print prm.Name
        Next prm
    Next qry
End Sub

This code loops through the QueryDefs object within the current database. It prints the name of the QueryDef object and then loops through its Parameters collection, printing the name of each parameter. Parameter objects can be added, deleted, and manipulated through code at runtime.


Recordset objects exist only at runtime. A Recordset object is used to reference a set of records coming from one or more tables. The Recordsets collection contains all the Recordset objects that are currently open within the current Database object. Recordset objects are covered extensively in “Understanding DAO Recordset Types,” later in this chapter.


The Relations collection contains all the Relation objects that describe the relationships established within a Database object. The code in Listing 14.42 loops through the current database, printing the Table and ForeignTable of each Relation object.

Example 14.42. Using the Relations Collection

Sub EnumerateRelations()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim rel As dao.Relation

    'Point the db object at a reference to the current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Loop through each Relation object in the Relations
    'collection of the database
    For Each rel In db.Relations

        'Print the names of the Primary and Foreign key tables
        Debug.Print rel.Table & " Related To: " & rel.ForeignTable
    Next rel
End Sub

Relationships can be created, deleted, and modified at runtime using VBA code.


The Containers collection contains information about each saved Database object. Using the Containers collection, you can view and modify all the objects contained within the current database, as demonstrated in Listing 14.43.

Example 14.43. Listing Every Container in a Database

Sub EnumerateContainers()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim cnt As dao.Container

    'Point the db object at a reference to the current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Loop through each Container object in the Containers
    'collection of the database
    For Each cnt In db.Containers

        'Print the name of the container
        Debug.Print cnt.Name
    Next cnt
End Sub

This code loops through the Containers collection, printing the name of each Container object. The results are DataAccessPages, Databases, Forms, Modules, Relationships, Reports, Scripts, SysRel, and Tables objects.


A Document object represents a specific object in the Documents collection. You can loop through the Documents collection of a Container object, as shown in Listing 14.44.

Example 14.44. Printing the Names of Document Objects

Sub EnumerateForms()
   Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim cnt As dao.Container
    Dim doc As dao.Document

    'Point the db object at a reference to the current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Point the Container object at the Forms collection of
    'the Container
    Set cnt = db.Containers!Forms

    'Loop through each Document object in the Documents
    'collection of the container
    For Each doc In cnt.Documents
        'Print the name of the document
        Debug.Print doc.Name
    Next doc

End Sub

This code points a Container object to the forms in the current database. It then loops through each document in the Container object, printing the name of each Document object (in this case, the name of each form).


It is important to understand the difference between the Forms container and the Forms collection. The Forms container is part of the Containers collection; it contains all the forms that are part of the database. The Forms collection contains all the forms open at runtime. The properties of each form in the Forms container differ from the properties of a form in the Forms collection.


Each Data Access Object has a Properties collection. The Properties collection of an object is a list of properties associated with that particular object. This gives you a generic way to view and modify the properties of any object, as shown in Listing 14.45.

You can use this collection to create generic routines to handle common tasks. You could write a routine to set the font size of any control to 8 points, for example. Your routine could use the Properties collection to verify that the control has a Font property before attempting to set the size.

Example 14.45. Printing Every Property of Document Objects

Sub EnumerateProperties()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim cnt As dao.Container
    Dim doc As dao.Document
    Dim prp As dao.Property
    'Point the db object at a reference to the current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Point the Container object at the Forms collection of
    'the Container
    Set cnt = db.Containers!Forms

    'Loop through each Document object in the Documents
    'collection of the container
    For Each doc In cnt.Documents
        Debug.Print doc.Name

        'Loop through each Property object in the
        'Properties collection of the document
        For Each prp In doc.Properties

            'Print the name and value of the property
            Debug.Print prp.Name & " = " & prp.Value
        Next prp
    Next doc
End Sub

This code loops through each form in the current database, printing all the properties of each Form object.


The Errors collection consists of Error objects. An Error object contains information about the most recent error that occurred. Each time an operation generates an error, the Errors collection is cleared of any previous errors. Sometimes a single operation can cause more than one error, so one or more Error objects might be added to the Errors collection when a single data access error occurs.

Getting to Know DBEngine

As mentioned, the DBEngine object refers to the Jet Database Engine, which is at the top of the Data Access Object hierarchy. The DBEngine object contains only two collections: Workspaces and Errors. When referring to the current database, you can use the CurrentDB() function discussed in the next section. When referring to any database other than the current database, you must refer to the DBEngine object, as in Listing 14.46.

Example 14.46. Accessing the Properties of the DBEngine Object

Sub ReferToCurrentDB()
    Dim ws As dao.Workspace
    Dim db As dao.Database

    Set ws = DBEngine(0)

    'Point the database object at a database
    'opened in the current workspace
    Set db = ws.OpenDatabase(CurrentProject.Path & "Chap14Ex.mdb")

    'Print the version property of the database
    Debug.Print db.Version
End Sub

This code creates a Workspace object variable that points at the current workspace. The OpenDatabase method of the Workspace object then is used to open another database. The version of the database is printed by the routine.

Using CurrentDB()

Microsoft offers a shortcut you can use when creating an object variable that points to the current database. Using the CurrentDB() function, you do not need to first point at the workspace; nor do you need to issue the OpenDatabase method. Instead, you set the Database object variable equal to the result from the CurrentDB() function, as shown in Listing 14.47.

Example 14.47. Listing the Errors in the Current Database

Sub UseCurrentDBFunc()
    Dim db As dao.Database

    'Point the database object at a reference to the current
    Set db = CurrentDb()

    'Print the version property of the database
    Debug.Print db.Version
End Sub

This code sets the Database object variable so that it points at the current database object. It then prints the version of the database engine and each of the errors in the Errors collection.

The CurrentDB() function cannot be used to refer to objects that are not part of the current database. As with all VBA functions that do not require arguments, the parentheses after CurrentDB are optional.

Understanding DAO Recordset Types

A Recordset object represents the records in a table or the records returned by a query. A Recordset object can be a direct link to the table, a dynamic set of records, or a snapshot of the data at a certain time. Recordset objects are used to directly manipulate data in a database. They enable you to add, edit, delete, and move through data as required by your application. DAO supports three types of Recordset objects: dynasets, snapshots, and tables.


You can use a Recordset object of the dynaset type to manipulate local or linked tables or the results of queries. A dynaset is actually a set of references to table data. Using a dynaset, you can extract and update data from multiple tables—even tables from other databases. In fact, the tables containing the data included in a dynaset can even come from databases that are not of the same type (for example, Microsoft SQL Server, Paradox, and dBASE).

True to its name, a dynaset is a dynamic set of records. This means that changes made to the dynaset are reflected in the underlying tables, and changes made to the underlying tables by other users of the system are reflected in the dynaset. Although a dynaset is not the fastest type of Recordset object, it is definitely the most flexible.


A Recordset object of the snapshot type is similar to a dynaset. The major difference is that the data included in the snapshot is fixed at the time it is created. The data within the snapshot, therefore, cannot be modified and is not updated when other users make changes to the underlying tables. This trait can be an advantage or a disadvantage. It is a disadvantage, of course, if it is necessary for the data in the recordset to be updateable. It is an advantage if you are running a report and want to ensure that the data does not change during the time in which the report is being run. You, therefore, can create a snapshot and build the report from the Snapshot object.


With small resultsets, snapshots are more efficient than dynasets because a Snapshot object creates less processing overhead. Regardless of their reduced overhead, snapshots actually are less efficient than dynasets when returning a resultset with a large volume of data (generally more than 500 records). This is because when you create a Snapshot object, all fields are returned to the user as each record is accessed. On the other hand, a Dynaset object contains a set of primary keys for the records in the resultset. The other fields are returned to the user only when they are required for editing or display.


A Recordset object of the table type often is used to manipulate local or linked tables created using Microsoft Access or the Jet Database Engine. When you open a table-type recordset, all operations are performed directly on the table.

Certain operations, such as a Seek, can be performed only on a table-type recordset. You get the best performance for sorting and filtering records when using a table type of recordset.

The downside of a table-type recordset is that it can contain the data from only one table. It cannot be opened using a join or union query. It also cannot be used with tables created using engines other than Jet (for example, ODBC and other ISAM data sources).

Selecting Among the Types of DAO Recordset Objects Available

Deciding which type of recordset to use involves looking at the task to determine which type is most appropriate. When fast searching is most important and it is not a problem to retrieve all the records, a table is the best choice. If you must retrieve the results of a query and your resultset needs to be editable, a dynaset is the best choice. If there is no need for the results to be updated but the results must consist of a relatively small subset of the data, a snapshot is most appropriate.

Working with DAO Recordset Properties and Methods

Like other objects, Recordset objects have properties and methods. The properties are the attributes of the Recordset objects, and the methods are the actions you can take on the Recordset objects. Some properties are read-only at runtime; others can be read from and written to at runtime.

Creating a Recordset Variable

When working with a recordset, you first must create a Recordset variable. You use the OpenRecordSet method to create a Recordset object variable. You first must declare a generic Recordset variable and then point a specific recordset at the variable using a Set statement, as shown in the example in Listing 14.48.

Example 14.48. Opening a Recordset

Sub OpenTable()
    Dim dbInfo As dao.Database
    Dim rstClients As dao.Recordset

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set dbInfo = CurrentDb()

    'Open a recordset based on the tblClients table
    Set rstClients = dbInfo.OpenRecordset("tblClients")

    'Print the Updatable property of the recordset
    Debug.Print rstClients.Updatable
End Sub

This code creates a Database object variable and a Recordset object variable. It then uses the CurrentDB function to point the Database object variable to the current database. Next, it uses the OpenRecordSet method to assign the recordset based on tblClients to the object variable rstClients.

The type of recordset that is created is determined by the default type for the object or by a second parameter of the OpenRecordSet method. If the OpenRecordSet method is executed on a table and no second parameter is specified, the recordset is opened as the table type. If the OpenRecordSet method is performed on a query and no second parameter is specified, the recordset is opened as the dynaset type. You can override this default behavior by passing a second parameter to the OpenRecordSet method, as Listing 14.49 shows.

Example 14.49. Opening a Dynaset-Type Recordset on a Table

Sub OpenDynaSet()
    Dim dbInfo As dao.Database
    Dim rstClients As dao.Recordset

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set dbInfo = CurrentDb()
    'Open a dynaset type recordset based on the tblClients table
    Set rstClients = dbInfo.OpenRecordset("tblClients", dbOpenDynaset)

    'Print the Updateable property of the recordset
    Debug.Print rstClients.Updateable
End Sub

This code opens the recordset as a dynaset. dbOpenTable, dbOpenDynaset, and dbOpenSnapshot are all intrinsic constants that can be used to open a Recordset object. A query can be opened only as a dynaset or snapshot Recordset object. Listing 14.50 shows the code to open a recordset based on a query.

Example 14.50. Opening a Recordset Based on a Query

Sub OpenQuery()
    Dim dbInfo As dao.Database
    Dim rstClients As dao.Recordset

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set dbInfo = CurrentDb()

    'Open a snapshot type recordset based on the qryHoursByProject query
    Set rstClients = dbInfo.OpenRecordset("qryHoursByProject", dbOpenSnapshot)

    'Print the Updateable property of the recordset
    Debug.Print rstClients.Updatable
End Sub


As was the case with Access 95, the proper method to create a Recordset object in Access 97, Access 2000, and Access 2002 differs from that of earlier versions of Access. In earlier versions, it was appropriate to dimension a dynaset, snapshot, or table type of object variable and then use the CreateDynaset, CreateSnapshot, and OpenTable methods of the Database object to create the appropriate type of recordset. This method for creating recordsets is included in Access 97, Access 2000, and Access 2002 for backward compatibility only. It should be avoided and replaced with the code included in this section.

Using Arguments to Open a Recordset

Microsoft provides several arguments that control the way in which a recordset is opened. The arguments and their uses follow:

  • dbAppendOnlyWhen this option is used, records can be added to the recordset only. Existing data cannot be displayed or modified. This option is useful when you want to ensure that existing data is not affected by the processing. This option applies to dynasets only.

  • dbConsistentThis argument applies to dynasets. It allows consistent updates only. This means that in a one-to-many join, you can update only those fields that are not duplicated in other records in the dynaset. This is the default argument for dynasets.

  • dbDenyReadThis argument prevents other users from even reading the data contained within the recordset as long as the recordset remains open. You can use this option only on table recordsets.

  • dbDenyWriteWhen creating a dynaset or snapshot, this option prevents all other users from modifying the records contained in the recordset until the recordset is closed. Other users still are able to view the data contained within the recordset. When this option is applied to a table type of recordset, other users are prevented from opening the underlying table.

  • dbForwardOnlyThis argument creates a forward-scrolling snapshot. This type of recordset is fast but limited because you can use only the Move and MoveNext methods to move directly through the snapshot.

  • dbInconsistentThis argument allows for inconsistent updates. This means that, in a one-to-many join, you can update all columns in the recordset.

  • dbReadOnlyThis option prevents your recordset from modifying data. If you don’t want the data within the recordset to be updateable, but you expect a large number of records to be returned and you want to take advantage of the record paging offered by dynasets, you might want to open the recordset as a dynaset.

  • dbSeeChangesThis option ensures that a user receives an error if the code issues an Edit method and another user modifies the data before an Update method is used. This option is useful in a high-traffic environment when it is likely that two users will modify the same record at the same time. This option applies to dynaset and table recordsets only.

  • dbSQLPassThroughWhen the source of the recordset is a SQL statement, this argument passes the SQL statement to an ODBC database for processing. This option does not completely eliminate Jet; it simply prevents Jet from making any changes to the SQL statement before passing it to the ODBC Drive Manager. You can use the dbSQLPassThrough argument only with snapshots and read-only dynasets.

The arguments described can be used in combination to accomplish the desired objectives. Listing 14.51 shows the use of an OpenRecordSet argument.

Example 14.51. Using an OpenRecordset Argument

Sub OpenRecordsetArgs()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim rst As dao.Recordset

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Open a dynaset type recordset based on the tblProjects table,
    'but designate that the recordset is read only
    Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("tblProjects", dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)

    'Print the Updateable property of the recordset
    Debug.Print rst.Updateable
End Sub

This code opens a recordset as read-only.

Examining Record-Movement Methods

When you have a Recordset object variable set, you probably want to manipulate the data in the recordset. Table 14.4 shows several methods you can use to traverse through the records in a recordset.

Table 14.4. Methods for Moving Through the Records in a Recordset




To the first record in a recordset


To the last record in a recordset


To the previous record in a recordset


To the next record in a recordset


Forward or backward a specified number of records

Listing 14.52 shows an example of using the record-movement methods on a dynaset.

Example 14.52. Using the Move Methods

Sub RecordsetMovements()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim rst As dao.Recordset

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Open a dynaset type recordset based on the tblProjects table
    Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("tblProjects", dbOpenDynaset)

    'Print the contents of the ProjectID field
    Debug.Print rst("ProjectID")

    'Move to the next row, printing the ProjectID
    Debug.Print rst("ProjectID")

    'Move to the last row, printing the ProjectID
    Debug.Print rst("ProjectID")

    'Move to the previous row, printing the ProjectID
    Debug.Print rst("ProjectID")

    'Move to the first row, printing the ProjectID
    Debug.Print rst("ProjectID")
End Sub

This code opens a dynaset. The record pointer automatically is placed on the first record of the dynaset when the recordset is opened. The routine prints the contents of the ProjectID field and then moves to the next record, printing its ProjectID. It then moves to the last record of the dynaset, printing its ProjectID; moves to the previous record, printing its ProjectID; and moves to the first record, printing its ProjectID. The Close method is applied to the Recordset object. It is a good idea to always close an open recordset before exiting a routine. After changes are made to the recordset, the Close method properly closes the recordset, ensuring that all changes are written to disk.

Detecting the Limits of a Recordset

All the information discussed in the section about determining the limits of an ADO recordset apply when dealing with a DAO recordset. Listing 14.53 shows a DAO code sample that uses the EOF property with the MoveNext method.

Example 14.53. Using the EOF Property with MoveNext

Sub DetermineLimits()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim rstClients As dao.Recordset

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb()

    'Open a snapshot type recordset based on the tblClients table
    Set rstClients = db.OpenRecordset("tblClients", dbOpenSnapshot)

    'Loop through all of the records in the recordset, printing
    'the ClientID
    Do Until rstClients.EOF
        Debug.Print rstClients("ClientID")
End Sub

This code traverses through a snapshot recordset, printing the value of the ClientID field for each record until it reaches the position after the last record in the recordset. It then exits the loop and closes the recordset.

Counting the Number of Records in a Recordset

The RecordCount property of a recordset returns the number of records in a recordset that have been accessed. The problem with this is evident if you open a recordset and view the RecordCount property. You will discover that the count is equal to 0, if no records exist in the recordset, or equal to 1, if there are records in the recordset. The record count is accurate only if you visit all the records in the recordset, which you can do by using the MoveLast method, as Listing 14.54 shows.

Example 14.54. Demonstrating the Limitations of RecordCount

Sub CountRecords()
    Dim rstProjects As dao.Recordset

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb()

    'Open a snapshot type recordset based on the tblClients table
    Set rstProjects = db.OpenRecordset("tblProjects", dbOpenSnapshot)

    'Print the recordcount
    Debug.Print rstProjects.RecordCount 'Prints 0 Or 1

    'Move to the last row

    'Print the recordcount
    Debug.Print rstProjects.RecordCount 'Prints an accurate record Count
End Sub

The MoveLast method has its problems, though. It is slow and inefficient, especially in a client/server environment. Furthermore, in a multiuser environment, the RecordCount property becomes inaccurate as other people add and remove records from the table. This means that, if determining the record count is not absolutely necessary, you should avoid it.

The RecordCount property has one good use, though: You can use it to see whether there are any records in a recordset. If you are performing an operation that might return an empty recordset, you easily can use the RecordCount property to determine whether records were returned, as Listing 14.55 shows.

Example 14.55. Checking for an Empty Recordset Using RecordCount

Sub CheckARecordset()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim rstProjects As dao.Recordset

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb()

    'Open a snapshot type recordset based on the tblEmpty table
    Set rstProjects = db.OpenRecordset("tblEmpty", dbOpenSnapshot)
    'Execute the AreThereRecords function to determine if the
    'recordset contains any rows
    If Not AreThereRecords(rstProjects) Then
        MsgBox "Recordset Empty...Unable to Proceed"
    End If
End Sub
Function AreThereRecords(rstAny As Recordset) As Boolean
    'Return the RecordCount property of the recordset
    'received as a parameter
    AreThereRecords = rstAny.RecordCount
End Function

The CheckARecordset procedure opens a recordset based on the tblEmpty table. It then calls the AreThereRecords function to determine whether any records are found in the recordset. If the AreThereRecords function returns False, an error message is displayed to the user.

Sorting, Filtering, and Finding Records

Sometimes you might need to sort or filter an existing recordset. You also might want to locate each record in the recordset that meets some specified criteria. The following techniques enable you to sort, filter, and find records within a Recordset object.

Sorting a Recordset

You can’t actually change the sort order of an existing dynaset or snapshot. Instead, you create a second recordset based on the first recordset. The second recordset is sorted in the desired order. Listing 14.56 shows how this process works.

Example 14.56. Sorting an Existing Recordset

Sub SortRecordset()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim rstTimeCardHours As dao.Recordset

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Open a Dynaset type recordset based on tblTimeCardHours
    Set rstTimeCardHours = db.OpenRecordset("tblTimeCardHours", dbOpenDynaset)

    'Loop through the unsorted recordset
    Debug.Print "NOT Sorted!!!"
    Do Until rstTimeCardHours.EOF
        Debug.Print rstTimeCardHours("DateWorked")

    'Loop through the sorted recordset
    Debug.Print "Now Sorted!!!"
    rstTimeCardHours.Sort = "[DateWorked]"
    Set rstTimeCardHours = rstTimeCardHours.OpenRecordset
    Do Until rstTimeCardHours.EOF
        Debug.Print rstTimeCardHours("DateWorked")
End Sub

In this case, you are sorting a dynaset based on the tblTimeCardHours table. The first time you loop through the recordset and print each date worked, the dates are in the default order (usually the primary key order). After using the Sort method to sort the recordset, the records appear in order by the date worked.

Filtering a Recordset

Filtering a recordset is a useful technique when you want to select a subset of the records in your recordset. This is especially useful for allowing users to drill-down on a set of records to find the subset they need.

The process of filtering an existing recordset is similar to sorting one. Listing 14.57 is a variation of the example in Listing 14.56. Instead of sorting an existing recordset, it filters an existing recordset.

Example 14.57. Filtering an Existing Recordset

Sub FilterRecordSet()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim rstTimeCardHours As Recordset

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Open a Dynaset type recordset based on tblTimeCardHours
    Set rstTimeCardHours = db.OpenRecordset("tblTimeCardHours", dbOpenDynaset)

    'Loop through the unfiltered recordset
    Debug.Print "Without Filter"
    Do Until rstTimeCardHours.EOF
        Debug.Print rstTimeCardHours("DateWorked")

    'Loop through the filtered recordset
    rstTimeCardHours.Filter = "[DateWorked] Between #1/1/95# and #1/5/95#"
    Debug.Print "With Filter"
    Set rstTimeCardHours = rstTimeCardHours.OpenRecordset
    Do Until rstTimeCardHours.EOF
        Debug.Print rstTimeCardHours("DateWorked")
End Sub

The first time the code loops through the recordset, no filter is set. Then the code sets the filter, and the code loops through the recordset again. The second time, only the records meeting the filter criteria are displayed.

Finding a Specific Record Within a Recordset

The Seek method enables you to find records in a table recordset. It is usually the quickest method of locating data because it uses the current index to locate the requested data. Listing 14.58 shows how the Seek method works.

Example 14.58. Using the Seek Method

Sub SeekProject(lngProjectID As Long)
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim rstProjects As dao.Recordset

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb()

    'Open a table type recordset based on the tblProjects table
    Set rstProjects = db.OpenRecordset("tblProjects", dbOpenTable)

    'Set the Index property of the recordset and
    'use the Seek method to find a project
    rstProjects.Index = "PrimaryKey"
    rstProjects.Seek "=", lngProjectID
    'Determine if the requested row was found
    If rstProjects.NoMatch Then
        MsgBox lngProjectID & " Not Found"
        MsgBox lngProjectID & " Found"
    End If
End Sub

This code uses the primary key index to locate the first project with the project number that was passed to the function. It then displays a message box to indicate whether the value was found.

You cannot use the Seek method to locate data in a dynaset or snapshot. Furthermore, you cannot use Seek to search for records in a linked table, regardless of whether the linked table is an Access table or a client/server table. In this case, you must use the FindFirst, FindLast, FindNext, and FindPrevious methods. The FindFirst method finds the first occurrence of data that meets the criteria, and FindLast finds the last occurrence of such data. The FindNext and FindPrevious methods enable you to find additional occurrences of the data.

The code in Listing 14.59 uses the FindFirst method to find the first occurrence of the parameter that was passed in. Again, it displays an appropriate message box.

Example 14.59. Using the FindFirst Method

Sub FindProject(lngValue As Long)
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim rstProjects As dao.Recordset
    Dim sSQL As String

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb()

    'Open a Dynaset type recordset based on tblProjects
    Set rstProjects = db.OpenRecordset("tblProjects", dbOpenDynaset)

    'Find the first row meeting the specified criteria
    sSQL = "[ProjectID] = " & lngValue
    rstProjects.FindFirst sSQL

    'Determine if a match was found
    If rstProjects.NoMatch Then
        MsgBox lngValue & " Not Found"
        MsgBox lngValue & " Found"
    End If
End Sub


You can use another trick to search a linked table. You can open the database that contains the linked table and seek directly on the table data. This works only if the linked table is in another Access database.

Using the AbsolutePosition Property

The AbsolutePosition property returns the position of the current record. It is a zero-based value. You can use it to specify where in a recordset a specific record was found, as shown in Listing 14.60.

Example 14.60. Specifying Where a Record Was Found

Sub FindPosition(lngValue As Long)
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim rstProjects As dao.Recordset
    Dim sSQL As String

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb()

    'Open a Dynaset type recordset based on tblProjects
    Set rstProjects = db.OpenRecordset("tblProjects", dbOpenDynaset)

    'Find the first row meeting the specified criteria
    sSQL = "[ProjectID] = " & lngValue
    rstProjects.FindFirst sSQL

    'If a match is found, print the position of the row
    If rstProjects.NoMatch Then
        MsgBox lngValue & " Not Found"
        Debug.Print rstProjects.AbsolutePosition
    End If
End Sub

This code finds the first record with a ProjectID equal to the long integer received as a parameter. If the ProjectID is found, the value in the AbsolutePosition property of the record is printed.


Do not assume that the AbsolutePosition property of a particular record will stay the same. The AbsolutePosition property of a record changes as records are added or deleted or their order is changed as the records are modified.

Using the Bookmark Property

A bookmark is a system-generated byte array that uniquely identifies each record in a recordset. The Bookmark property of a recordset changes as you move to each record in the recordset. It often is used if you need to store the current position in the recordset so that you can perform some operation and then return to the position after the operation is completed. Three steps are involved in this process:

  1. Storing the current bookmark of the recordset to a Variant variable.

  2. Performing the desired operation.

  3. Setting the Bookmark property of the recordset to the value contained within the Variant variable.

Listing 14.61 shows an example of using a bookmark.

Example 14.61. Using a Bookmark

Sub UseBookMark()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim rstProjects As dao.Recordset
    Dim sSQL As String
    Dim vntPosition As Variant

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb()

    'Open a Dynaset type recordset based on tblProjects
    Set rstProjects = db.OpenRecordset("tblProjects", dbOpenDynaset)
    'Store the current position in a variant variable
    vntPosition = rstProjects.Bookmark

    'Process the recordset
    Do Until rstProjects.EOF
        Debug.Print rstProjects("ProjectID")

    'Move back to the bookmarked row
    rstProjects.Bookmark = vntPosition
    Debug.Print rstProjects("ProjectID")
End Sub

This code begins by opening a recordset and storing the bookmark of the first record into a Variant variable. It then loops through each record in the recordset, printing the value in the ProjectID. After the loop completes, the Bookmark property of the recordset is set equal to the Variant variable, setting the current position of the recordset back to where it was before the loop began processing.

Using the RecordsetClone Property

You use the RecordsetClone property of a form to refer to the recordset underlying the form. This property often is used when you want to perform an operation and then synchronize the form with its underlying recordset. Listing 14.62 shows an example of the RecordsetClone property.

Example 14.62. Using the RecordsetClone Property

Private Sub cmdFindClient_Click()
    'This code is not found in the sample database
    Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "ClientID = " & Me.txtClientID
    If Me.RecordsetClone.NoMatch Then
        MsgBox Me.txtClientID & " Not Found"
        Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
    End If
End Sub

This routine performs the FindFirst method on the RecordsetClone property of the current form. If the record is found, the Bookmark property of the form is set equal to the bookmark of the recordset. This matches the form’s position to the underlying recordset’s position.

Running Parameter Queries

Access parameter queries are very powerful. They enable the user to specify criteria at runtime. This capability often is helpful if your user wants to fill out a form at runtime and have the values on that form fed to the query. This also can be a useful way to protect your code from changes in the database schema. Creating a parameterized query is like writing a subroutine, in which the details of implementing that routine are hidden from the caller. This programming technique is called encapsulation. Listing 14.63 shows an example of using parameter queries.

Example 14.63. Using Parameter Queries

Sub RunParameterQuery(datStart As Date, datEnd As Date)
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim qdf As dao.QueryDef
    Dim rst As dao.Recordset

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Point the QueryDef object at the qryBillAmountByClient query
    Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("qryBillAmountByClient")

    'Set the parameters of the QueryDef object
    qdf.Parameters("Please Enter Start Date") = datStart
    qdf.Parameters("Please Enter End Date") = datEnd

    'Open a recordset based on the QueryDef object
    Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset

    'Loop through the resulting recordset
    Do Until rst.EOF
        Debug.Print rst("CompanyName"), rst("BillAmount")
End Sub

This subroutine receives two date variables as parameters. It just as easily could receive form controls as parameters. It opens a query definition called qryBillAmountByClient. It then sets the values of the parameters called Please Enter Start Date and Please Enter End Date to the date variables passed into the subroutine as parameters. The query then is executed by issuing the OpenRecordset method on the Recordset object.

Modifying Table Data Using DAO Code

So far, you have learned how to loop through and work with Recordset objects. Now you will learn how to change the data contained in a recordset.

Changing Record Data One Record at a Time

Often, you want to loop through a recordset, modifying all the records that meet a specific set of criteria. Listing 14.64 shows the code required to accomplish this task.

Example 14.64. Updating Records That Meet a Set of Criteria

Sub IncreaseEstimate()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim rstProjectst As dao.Recordset
    Dim sSQL As String
    Dim intUpdated As Integer

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb()

    'Open a Dynaset type recordset based on tblProjectsChange
    Set rstProjectst = db.OpenRecordset("tblProjectsChange", dbOpenDynaset)

    'Locate the first project that meets the designated criteria
    sSQL = "ProjectTotalEstimate < 30000"
    intUpdated = 0
    rstProjectst.FindFirst sSQL

    'Loop as long as records meet the designated criteria
    'increasing the ProjectTotalEstimate by 10%
    Do Until rstProjectst.NoMatch
        intUpdated = intUpdated + 1
        rstProjectst("ProjectTotalEstimate") = rstProjectst("ProjectTotalEstimate") * 1.1
        rstProjectst.FindNext sSQL

    'Display the number of rows that were updated
    Debug.Print intUpdated & " Records Updated"
End Sub

This code finds the first record with a ProjectTotalEstimate of less than 30,000. It uses the Edit method to prepare the current record in the dynaset for editing. It replaces the ProjectTotalEstimate with the ProjectTotalEstimate multiplied by 1.1. It then issues the Update method to write the changes to disk. Finally, it uses the FindNext method to locate the next occurrence of the criteria.

Making Bulk Changes

Many of the tasks that you can perform by looping through a recordset also be can accomplished with an Update query. Executing an Update query often is more efficient than the process of looping through a recordset. If nothing else, it takes much less code. Therefore, it is important to understand how to execute an Update query through code.

Suppose that you have a query called qryChangeTotalEstimate that increases the ProjectTotalEstimate for all projects where the ProjectTotalEstimate is less than 30,000. The query is an Update query. The code in Listing 14.65 executes the stored query definition.

Example 14.65. Making Bulk Changes Using a Predefined Update Query

Sub RunUpdateQuery()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim qdf As dao.QueryDef

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Point the QueryDef object at qryIncreaseTotalEstimate
    Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("qryIncreaseTotalEstimate")

    'Use the Execute method of the QueryDef object to
    'execute the update query
End Sub

Notice that the Execute method operates on the query definition, executing the Updatequery.

Deleting an Existing Record

The Delete method enables you to programmatically delete records from a recordset, as shown in Listing 14.66.

Example 14.66. Deleting Records with the Delete Method

Sub DeleteCusts(lngProjEst As Long)
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim rstProjects As dao.Recordset
    Dim intCounter As Integer

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Open a Dynaset type recordset based on tblProjectsChange
    Set rstProjects = db.OpenRecordset("tblProjectsChange", dbOpenDynaset)

    'Loop through the entire table, deleting all projects where
    'the ProjectTotalEstimate is less than a designated amount
    intCounter = 0
    Do Until rstProjects.EOF
        If rstProjects("ProjectTotalEstimate") < lngProjEst Then
            intCounter = intCounter + 1
        End If

    'Print the number of affected rows
    Debug.Print intCounter & " Customers Deleted"
End Sub

This code loops through the rstProjects recordset. If the ProjectTotalEstimate amount is less than the value passed in as a parameter, the record is deleted. This task also can be accomplished with a Delete query.

Adding a New Record

The AddNew method enables you to programmatically add records to a recordset, as shown in Listing 14.67.

Example 14.67. Adding Records to a Recordset

Private Sub cmdAddDAO_Click()
    Dim db As Database
    Dim rstProject As Recordset
    'Ensure that the project name and clientid are entered
    If IsNull(Me.txtProjectName) Or _
        IsNull(Me.cboClientID) Then

        MsgBox "The Project Name and Client must be Filled In"


        'Point the database object at a reference to the
        'current database
        Set db = CurrentDb()

        'Open a Dynaset type recordset based on tblProjectsChange
        Set rstProject = db.OpenRecordset("tblProjectsChange", dbOpenDynaset)

        'Add a new row to the recordset, populating its values with
        'the controls on the form
        With rstProject
            !ProjectName = Me.txtProjectName
            !ProjectDescription = Me.txtProjectDescription
            !ClientID = Me.cboClientID
        End With

        'Populate the txtProjectID text box with the
        'autonumber value assigned to the new row
        Me!txtProjectID = rstProject!ProjectID

    End If
End Sub

This code is used on an Unbound form called frmUnbound. The code issues an AddNew method, which creates a buffer ready to accept data. Each field in the recordset then is populated with the values from the controls on the form. The Update method writes the data to disk. If you forget to include the Update method, the record is never written to disk.

The last line of code does not work. The ProjectID field is an AutoNumber field, so Access will assign its value during the update. The offending line is supposed to copy the newly created ProjectID value into a text field on the form. The line is there to illustrate a problem: When an AddNew method is issued, the record pointer is not moved within the dynaset. Even after the Update method is issued, the record pointer remains at the record it was on prior to the AddNew method.

Therefore, this code will add a record, but it will place the ProjectID value of the previously existing record into the txtProjectId text box on the form. To get around this, you must explicitly move to the new record before populating the text box. This can be accomplished easily by using the LastModified property.

Using the LastModified Property

The LastModified property contains a bookmark of the most recently added or modified record. By setting the bookmark of the recordset to the LastModified property, the record pointer is moved to the most recently added record. Listing 14.68 is a modified version of Listing 14.67, using the LastModified property to fix the problem described previously.

Example 14.68. Using the LastModified Property After AddNew

Private Sub cmdLastModified_Click()
    Dim db As Database
    Dim rstProject As Recordset

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb()

    'Open a Dynaset type recordset based on tblProjectsChange
    Set rstProject = db.OpenRecordset("tblProjectsChange", dbOpenDynaset)

    'Add a new row to the recordset, populating its values with
    'the controls on the form
    With rstProject
        !ProjectName = Me.txtProjectName
        !ProjectDescription = Me.txtProjectDescription
        !ClientID = Me.cboClientID

        'Move to the row you just added
        .Bookmark = .LastModified
    End With

    'Populate the txtProjectID text box with the
    'autonumber value assigned to the new row
    Me!txtProjectID = rstProject!ProjectID

End Sub

Notice that the bookmark of the recordset is set to the LastModified property of the recordset.

Creating and Modifying Database Objects Using DAO Code

When developing an Access application, it might be useful to add tables or queries, define or modify relationships, change security, or perform other data-definition techniques at runtime. You can accomplish all this by manipulating the various Data Access Objects.

Adding a Table Using Code

Many properties and methods are available for adding and modifying Jet Engine objects. The code in Listing 14.69 creates a table, adds some fields, and then adds a primary key index.

Example 14.69. Creating a Table, Adding Fields, and Adding a Primary Key Index

Sub CreateTable()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim tbl As dao.TableDef
    Dim fld As dao.Field
    Dim idx As dao.Index

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb()

    'Point a TableDef object at a new TableDef
    Set tbl = db.CreateTableDef("tblFoods")

    'Add fields to the TableDef object
    Set fld = tbl.CreateField("FoodID", dbLong, 5)
    tbl.Fields.Append fld
    Set fld = tbl.CreateField("Description", dbText, 25)
    tbl.Fields.Append fld
    Set fld = tbl.CreateField("Calories", dbInteger)
    tbl.Fields.Append fld
    db.TableDefs.Append tbl

    'Add an index to the TableDef object
    Set idx = tbl.CreateIndex("PrimaryKey")

    'Add a field to the Index object
    Set fld = idx.CreateField("FoodID")

    'Set properties of the index
    idx.PRIMARY = True
    idx.Unique = True
    'Add the field to the Fields collection of the Index object
    idx.Fields.Append fld

    'Add the index to the Indexes collection of the Table object
    tbl.Indexes.Append idx
End Sub

This code first creates a table definition called tblFoods. Before it can add the table definition to the TableDefs collection, it must add fields to the table. Three fields are added to the table. Notice that the field name, type, and length are specified. After the table definition is added to the database, indexes can be added to the table. The index added in Listing 14.69 is a primary key index.


When running code that appends an object, an error occurs if the object already exists. You must either include error handling in your routine to handle this or delete the existing instance of the object before appending the new object.

Removing a Table Using Code

Just as you can add a table using code, you can remove a table using code, as shown in Listing 14.70

Example 14.70. Removing a Table

Sub DeleteTable()
    Dim db As dao.Database

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Use the Delete method of the TableDefs collection
    'to delete a table called tblFoods
    db.TableDefs.Delete "tblFoods"
End Sub

The Delete method is issued on the TableDefs collection. The table you want to delete is passed to the Delete method as an argument.


If a relationship exists between the table that you are deleting and other tables in the database, an error occurs. You must therefore delete any relationships a table is involved in before deleting a table.

Establishing Relationships Using Code

When you create tables using the Access environment, you normally create relationships between the tables at the same time. If you are creating tables using code, you probably want to establish relationships between those tables using code as well. Listing 14.71 shows an example.

Example 14.71. Establishing Relationships Between Database Objects

Sub CreateRelation()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim rel As dao.Relation
    Dim fld As dao.Field

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Use the CreateRelation method of the database object
    'the create a Relation object
    Set rel = db.CreateRelation()

    'Set properties of the Relation object
    With rel
        .Name = "PeopleFood"
        .Table = "tblFoods"
        .ForeignTable = "tblPeople"
        .Attributes = dbRelationDeleteCascade
    End With

    'Set the Primary Key field of the Relation object
    Set fld = rel.CreateField("FoodID")

    'Set the Foreign Key field of the Relation object
    fld.ForeignName = "FoodID"
    'Add the Field object to the Fields collection of
    'the Relation object
    rel.Fields.Append fld

    'Append the Relation object to the Relations
    'collection of the Database object
    db.Relations.Append rel

End Sub

This code begins by creating a new Relation object. It then populates the Name, Table, Foreign Table, and Attributes properties of the relationship. After the properties of the relationship are set, the field is added to the Relation object. Finally, the Relation object is appended to the Relations collection.

Creating a Query Using Code

If you are running your application from the Access runtime, your users won’t be able to design their own queries unless they have their own full copies of Access. You might want to build your own query designer into your application and then allow the users to save the queries they build. This requires that you build the queries yourself, after the user designs them. Listing 14.72 shows the code needed to build a query.

Example 14.72. Building a Query

Sub CreateQuery()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim qdf As dao.QueryDef
    Dim strSQL As String

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Create a QueryDef object called qryBigProjects
    Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef("qryBigProjects")

    'Designate the SQL associated with the QueryDef object
    strSQL = "Select ProjectID, ProjectName, ProjectTotalEstimate " _
        & "From tblProjects " _
        & "Where ProjectTotalEstimate >= 30000"
    qdf.SQL = strSQL
End Sub

This code uses the CreateQueryDef method of the Database object to create a new query definition. It then sets the SQL statement associated with the query definition. This serves to build and store the query.


It is important to understand that the CreateTableDef method does not immediately add the table definition to the database, unlike the CreateQueryDef method of the database object, which immediately adds the query definition to the database. You must use the Append method of the TableDefs collection to actually add the table definition to the database.


You can create a temporary query definition by using a zero-length string for the name argument of the CreateQueryDef method.

Using the DAO Containers Collection

A Container object maintains information about saved Database objects. The types of objects in the Containers collection are data access pages, databases, tables (including queries), relationships, system relationships, forms, reports, scripts (macros), and modules. The Container object is responsible for letting Jet know about the user interface objects. Databases, tables, relationships, and system relationships have Jet as their parent object. Forms, reports, scripts, and modules have the Access application as their parent object.

Each Container object possesses a collection of Document objects. These are the actual forms, reports, and other objects that are part of your database. The Document objects contain only summary information about each object (date created, owner, and so on); they do not contain the actual data of the objects. To refer to a particular document within a container, you must use one of two techniques:




To list each Container object and its associated Document objects, you need to use the code shown in Listing 14.73.

Example 14.73. Listing Each Container Object and Its Associated Document Objects

Sub ListAllDBObjects()
    Dim db As dao.Database
    Dim con As dao.Container
    Dim doc As dao.Document

    'Point the database object at a reference to the
    'current database
    Set db = CurrentDb

    'Loop through each Container object in the
    'Containers collection, printing the name of each object
    For Each con In db.Containers
        Debug.Print "*** " & con.Name & " ***"

        'Loop through each Document object in the
        'Documents collection of the Container,
        'Printing its name
        For Each doc In con.Documents
            Debug.Print doc.Name
        Next doc
    Next con
End Sub

This code loops through all the documents in all the containers, listing each one.

Using Recordset Methods on a Data-Entry Form

At times, you might want to disable the default record movement and add, edit, or delete functionality from a form and code all the functionality yourself. You might want to perform these actions if you are going against client/server data and want to execute additional control over the data-entry environment. You also might want to use these techniques when you are developing applications for both the Access and Visual Basic environments and are striving for maximum code compatibility. Regardless of your reasons for using the following techniques, it is a good idea to know how to assign a Recordset object to a form and then use the form’s underlying recordset to display and modify data.

Figure 14.3 shows a form in which the navigation buttons and record selectors have been removed. The form contains six command buttons: Move Previous (<), Move Next (>), Add, Delete, Find, and Exit. All the buttons use the recordset underlying the form to move from record to record in the form and modify the data contained within the form.

The frmRecordsets dialog box.

Figure 14.3. The frmRecordsets dialog box.

The RecordSource property of the form is not set. The Load event of the form is responsible for assigning a Recordset object to the form. Listing 14.74 shows the Load event of the form.

Example 14.74. The Load Event Assigning a Recordset Object to the Form

Private Sub Form_Load()
    'Declare and instantiate a recordset
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    'Establish the Connection, Cursor Type, and
    'Lock Type and open the recordset
    rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    rst.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
    rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic
    rst.Open "Select * from tblClients", Options:=adCmdText

    'Set the form's recordset to the recordset just created
    Set Me.Recordset = rst
End Sub

The code begins by declaring and instantiating an ADODB Recordset object. It then sets three properties of the Recordset object: the ActiveConnection, the CursorType, and the LockType. The Open method is used to open a recordset, based on the tblClients table. Finally, a Set statement is used to assign the recordset to the recordset underlying the form.


When an ADO recordset is assigned to a form, and the form is based on Jet data, the form is rendered read-only. If an ADO recordset is assigned to a form based on SQL data, the form is rendered read/write.

Listing 14.75 shows the code for the Move Previous button.

Example 14.75. Code for the Move Previous Button

Private Sub cmdPrevious_Click()
    'Move to the next record in the recordset

    'If at BOF, move to the next record
    If Me.Recordset.BOF Then
        MsgBox "Already at First Record!!"
    End If

    'Set the bookmark of the form to the bookmark
    'of the recordset underlying the form
    Me.Bookmark = Me.Recordset.Bookmark
End Sub

This routine performs the MovePrevious method on the Recordset property of the form. If the BOF property becomes True, indicating that the record pointer is before the first valid record, the MoveNext method is performed on the Recordset property of the form to return the record pointer to the first record in the recordset. Finally, the bookmark of the form is synchronized with the bookmark of the Recordset property. Listing 14.76 shows the code for the Move Next button.

Example 14.76. Code for the Move Next Button

Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
    'Move to the next record in the recordset

    'If at EOF, move to the previous record
    If Me.Recordset.EOF Then
        MsgBox "Already at Last Record!!"
    End If

    'Set the bookmark of the form to the bookmark
    'of the recordset underlying the form
    Me.Bookmark = Me.Recordset.Bookmark
End Sub

The code for the Add button is a little tricky, as Listing 14.77 shows.

Example 14.77. Code for the Add Button

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
    'Add a new row to the recordset
    Me.Recordset("CompanyName") = "New Company"

    'Move to the row that was added
    Me.Bookmark = Me.Recordset.Bookmark
End Sub

The AddNew method is performed on the Recordset property of the form. This method creates a buffer in memory that is ready to accept the new data. When the Update method is issued, the record pointer is moved to the new record. Because the CompanyName field is a required field, you must populate it with data before issuing the Update method on the Recordset property.

By setting the bookmark of the form to the Bookmark property of the recordset, you synchronize the form with the new record. In a production environment, you would want to clear out all the text boxes and force the user to save or cancel before the AddNew or Update methods are issued.

The process of deleting a record is quite simple, as Listing 14.78 shows.

Example 14.78. Deleting a Record

Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
    'Ask user if they really want to delete the row
    intAnswer = MsgBox("Are You Sure???", _
        vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _
        "Delete Current Record?")

    'If they respond yes, delete the row and
    'move to the next row
    If intAnswer = vbYes Then
        Call cmdNext_Click
    End If
End Sub


Because the tblClients table is linked to the tblProjects table, the process of deleting a client will render an error if that client has associated projects. This must be handled using standard error handling techniques.

This code verifies that the user actually wants to delete the record and then issues the Delete method on the Recordset property of the form. Because the current record no longer is valid, the code calls the Click event of the cmdNext button.

The last piece of code involved in the form is the code for the Find button, as shown in Listing 14.79.

Example 14.79. Code for the Find Button

Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
    Dim strClientID As String
    Dim varBookmark As Variant

    'Store the book of the current record
    varBookmark = Me.Recordset.Bookmark

    'Attempt to locate another client
    strClientID = InputBox("Enter Client ID of Client You Want to Locate")
    Me.Recordset.Find "ClientID = " & strClientID, Start:=1
    'If client not found, display a message and return to
    'the original record
    If Me.Recordset.EOF Then
        MsgBox "Client ID " & strClientID & " Not Found!!"
        Me.Recordset.Bookmark = varBookmark

    'If client found, synchronize the form with the
    'underlying recordset
        Me.Bookmark = Me.Recordset.Bookmark
    End If
End Sub

This routine begins by storing the bookmark of the current record to a Variant variable. Users are prompted for the client ID they want to locate, and then the Find method is issued on the Recordset property of the form. If the EOF property is True, the user is warned, and the bookmark of the recordset is set to the value within the Variant variable, returning the record pointer to the position it was in prior to the search. If the client ID is found, the bookmark of the form is synchronized with the bookmark of the Recordset property.


In this chapter, you learned how to manipulate recordsets via code. The chapter began by contrasting ActiveX Data Objects with Data Access Objects. It continued by introducing you to the ActiveX Data Object model. It explored the different types of ADO recordsets available, highlighting why you would want to use each type.

Next, you learned how to manipulate recordsets using code. The capability to manipulate recordsets behind the scenes is an important aspect of the VBA language. It frees you from the user interface and enables you to control what is going on programmatically. Finally, you learned how to create and modify database objects using code. This is important if the application you are creating requires you to create or modify tables, queries, or other objects at runtime.

The techniques required for ActiveX Data Objects were covered as well as the different coding techniques that are needed for Data Access Objects.

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