Chapter 7. VBA: An Introduction

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Why This Chapter Is Important

The Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language is at the heart of every application that you write. It is your key to taking Access beyond the world of wizards into a world where anything is possible. This chapter introduces you to the VBA language. It serves as a foundation for the remainder of the book. After reading the chapter, you will be familiar with the development environment. You will know how to declare variables, utilize control structures, pass and return parameters, work with built—in functions, and more.

VBA Explained

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the development language for Microsoft Access 2002. It offers a consistent language for application development in the Microsoft Office suite. The core language, its constructs, and the environment are the same in Microsoft Access 2002, Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and below, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook (for application-wide programming), and Microsoft Project. What differs among these environments are the built-in objects specific to each application. For example, Access has a CurrentProject object, but Excel has a Workbook object. Each application’s objects have appropriate properties (attributes) and methods (actions)—and, in some cases, events—associated with them. This chapter gives you an overview of the VBA language and its constructs.

Unlike macros in Word or Excel, Access macros are not subprocedures in modules; instead, they are a different type of database object, with their own interface. Because of this, you can’t use Access macros to learn to program in VBA, as you can by recording a Word or Excel macro and then examining its VBA code. Simple Access applications can be written by using macros. Although macros are okay for quick prototyping and very basic application development, most serious Access development is done by using the VBA language. Unlike macros, VBA gives you the ability to do the following:

  • Work with complex logic structures (case statements, loops, and so on)

  • Use constants and variables

  • Take advantage of functions and actions not available in macros

  • Loop through and perform actions on recordsets

  • Perform transaction processing

  • Create database objects programmatically and work with them

  • Implement error handling

  • Create libraries of user-defined functions

  • Call Windows API functions

  • Perform complex DDE and OLE automation commands

The VBA language enables you to use complex logic structures. Macros let you perform only simple If...Then...Else logic, but the VBA language offers a wealth of logic and looping constructs, which are covered later in this chapter.

The VBA language also lets you declare and work with variables and constants. These variables can be scoped appropriately and passed as parameters to subroutines and functions. As you will see later in this chapter, variables and constants are an integral part of any Access application.

If you try to develop an application using only macros, you can’t take advantage of many of the rich features available in the VBA language. In addition, many of the actions available in both macros and modules can be done much more efficiently with VBA code.

Complex Access applications often require you to loop through a recordset, performing some action on each member of the set. There’s no way to do this using Access macros. However, with the VBA language and ActiveX Data Objects, you can add, delete, update, and manipulate data. ActiveX Data Objects are covered in Chapter 14, “What Are ActiveX Data Objects and Data Access Objects, and Why Are They Important?”

When manipulating sets of records, you want to ensure that all processing finishes successfully before your data is permanently updated. Macros don’t enable you to protect your data with transaction processing. Using the BeginTrans, CommitTrans, and Rollback methods, you can make sure your data is updated only if all parts of a transaction finish successfully. Transaction processing, if done properly, can substantially improve your application’s performance because no data is written to disk until the process is finished. Transaction processing and its benefits are covered in Alison Balter’s Mastering Access 2002 Enterprise Development.

With Access macros, you can’t create or modify database objects at runtime. Using VBA, you can create databases, tables, queries, and other database objects; you can also modify existing objects. There are many practical applications of this capability to create or modify database objects (discussed in more detail in Chapter 14). When users are able to build queries on-the-fly, for example, you might want to give them the capability to design a query by using a front-end form that you provide. You can also enable users to store the query so that they can run it again later.

Access macros don’t allow you to implement error handling. If an error occurs while an Access macro is executing in Access’s runtime version, the user is exited out of the application and is returned to the Windows desktop. By using error-handling techniques, you can determine exactly what will happen when an error occurs during the execution of your application. Error handling is covered in more depth in Chapter 16, “Error Handling: Preparing for the Inevitable.”

VBA also makes it easier for you to write code libraries of reusable functions, design and debug complex processes, and even write your own add-ins. If you’re developing even moderately complex applications, you want to be able to create generic function libraries that can be used with all your Access applications. It’s extremely difficult, if not impossible, to do this using macros.

Many powerful functions not available within the VBA language are available as part of Windows itself. The Windows API (Application Programming Interface) refers to the nearly 1,000 Windows functions that Microsoft exposes for use by Access programmers. You can’t take advantage of these functions from an Access macro. However, by using VBA code, you can declare and call these functions, improving both the performance and functionality of your applications. The Windows API is covered in Chapter 23, “Exploiting the Power of the Windows API.”

DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) and Automation enable you to communicate between your Access applications and other applications. Although DDE is an older technology than Automation, it’s still used to communicate with a few applications that don’t support Automation. Automation is used to control Automation server applications, such as Excel and Project, and their objects (all Microsoft Office applications are Automation servers). Automation is covered in Chapter 22, “Automation: Communicating with Other Applications.”

Although macros can offer a quick fix to a simple problem, their limitations make the VBA language the only real option for developing complex solutions. To make the transition from macros to modules easier, Microsoft has given you a feature that enables you to convert any macro to VBA code.

What Are Access Class Modules, Standard Modules, Form Modules, and Report Modules?

VBA code is written in units called subroutines and functions that are stored in modules. Microsoft Access modules are either Standard modules or Class modules. Standard modules are created by selecting the Modules icon in the Database window, and then clicking New. Class modules can be standalone objects or can be associated with a form or report. To create a standalone Class module, you choose the Class Module command from the Insert menu. In addition, whenever you add code behind a form or report, Microsoft Access creates a Class module associated with that form or report that contains the code you create.

Modules specific to a form or report are generally called Form and Report Class modules, and their code is often referred to as Code Behind Forms (CBF). CBF is created and stored in that form or report and triggered from events occurring within it.

A subroutine (or, subprocedure) is a routine that responds to an event or performs some action. An event procedure is a special type of subroutine that automatically executes in response to an event such as a mouse click on a command button or the loading of a form. A function is a special type of routine because it can return a value; a subroutine can’t return a value. Like a subroutine, a function can be triggered from an event.

Where Is VBA Code Written?

All VBA code is written in the Visual Basic Editor, also known as the VBE. You are placed in the VBE any time that you attempt to access the code in a Standard or Class module. The Visual Basic Editor is pictured in Figure 7.1. The VBE environment in Microsoft Access is now consistent with the editor interfaces in other Microsoft Office products. The VBE is a separate window from that of Microsoft Access and comprises a menu bar, toolbar, Project window, Properties window, Immediate window, Locals window, Watch window, Object Browser, and Code windows. The various components of the VBE are discussed as appropriate in this chapter and throughout the book.

The Visual Basic Editor (VBE).

Figure 7.1. The Visual Basic Editor (VBE).

The Anatomy of a Module

Whether you’re dealing with a Standard module or a Class module, all modules contain a General Declarations section. (See Figure 7.2.) As the name implies, this is where you can declare variables and constants that you want to be visible to all the functions and subroutines in the module. You can also set options in this section. These variables are referred to as module-level or Private variables. You can also declare Public variables in the General Declarations section of a module. Public variables can be seen and modified by any function or procedure in any module in the database.

The General Declarations section of a module is used to declare Private and Public variables.

Figure 7.2. The General Declarations section of a module is used to declare Private and Public variables.


Public variables in Access 97, 2000, and 2002 replace Access 2.0’s Global variables. Although Global variables are still supported in Access 97, 2000, and 2002, today most people use Public variables rather than Global variables.

A module is also made up of user-defined subroutines and functions. Figure 7.3 shows a subroutine called SayHello. Notice the drop-down list in the upper-left portion of the window titled Chap7Ex - Module1 (Code). This is referred to as the Object drop-down list. Subroutines and functions are sometimes associated with a specific object, such as a form or a control within a form. This is where such an association is noted. In this case, the subroutine named SayHello is not associated with any object, so the Object drop-down list contains (General).

An example of a user-defined subroutine called SayHello.

Figure 7.3. An example of a user-defined subroutine called SayHello.


Access 2002 has an environment option called Full Module View. This option, when checked, enables you to see several subroutines and functions in a module at one time. Notice the difference between Figure 7.3 and Figure 7.4. In the code window shown in Figure 7.3, only one subroutine is visible at a time. The code window shown in Figure 7.4 illustrates the effects of Full Module View—multiple subroutines are visible, each separated by a thin, horizontal line. Full Module View is the default in Access 2002. To change the Full Module View environment setting, with the Microsoft Visual Basic Editor (VBE) active, choose Tools|Options, click the Editor tab, and check Default to Full Module View. If you want to temporarily change to Procedure view, click the Procedure view button in the lower-left corner of a module window and then click the Full Module View button to return to Full Module View.

In Full Module View, you can view several procedures simultaneously.

Figure 7.4. In Full Module View, you can view several procedures simultaneously.

Option Explicit

Option Explicit is a statement that can be included in the General Declarations section of any module, including the Class module of a form, or report. When Option Explicit is used, all variables in that module must be declared before they’re used, or an error saying that a variable is undefined will occur when the module is compiled. If an undeclared variable is encountered when compiling a module without Option Explicit, VBA will simply treat it as a new variable and continue without warning. It might appear at first glance that, because Option Explicit can cause compiler errors that would otherwise not occur, it might be better to avoid the use of this option. However, just the opposite is true. You should use Option Explicit in every module, without exception. For example, look at the following code:

intAmount = 2
intTotal = intAmont * 2

Clearly the intent of this code is to multiply the value contained in the variable intAmount, in this case 2, by 2. Notice, however, that the variable name is misspelled on the second line. If Option Explicit has not been set, VBA views intAmont as a new variable and simply continues its processing. The variable intTotal will be set to 0 instead of 4, and no error indication is given at all. This kind of result can be totally avoided by using Option Explicit.


In Access 2.0, you had to manually enter the Option Explicit statement into each module, form, and report. Going back to Access 97, developers have had the option of globally instructing Access to insert the Option Explicit statement in all new modules. To do this in Access 2002, with the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) active, choose Tools|Options. Under the Editor tab, click Require Variable Declaration. It’s important that the Option Explicit statement be placed in all your modules, so make sure you set this option to True. The default when installing Microsoft Access 2002 is False. Option Explicit will save you hours of debugging and prevent your beeper from going off after your application has been distributed to your users.

In addition to a General Declarations section and user-defined procedures, forms, and reports, Class modules also contain event procedures that are associated with a particular object on a form. Notice in Figure 7.5 that the Object drop-down list says cmdHello. This is the name of the object whose event routines you are viewing. The drop-down list on the right shows all the events that can be coded for a command button; each of these events creates a separate event routine. You will have the opportunity to write many event routines as you read through this book.

An event procedure for the Click event of the cmdHello command button.

Figure 7.5. An event procedure for the Click event of the cmdHello command button.

Creating Event Procedures

Event procedures are automatically created when you write event code for an object. For example, the routine Private Sub cmdHello_Click is created when you place code in the Click event of the cmdHello command button, shown in Figure 7.5. To get to the event code of an object, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the object in Design view and click the Properties button on the toolbar, or right-click on the object and choose Properties from the context-sensitive menu.

  2. Click on the Event properties tab.

  3. Select the property you want to write code for (for example, the On Click event).

  4. Select [Event Procedure] from the drop-down list.

  5. Click on the ellipsis button, which places you in the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) within the event code for that object.


As discussed at the beginning of the chapter, the Visual Basic Editor opens in a separate window. It provides a programming environment consistent with that of all the other Microsoft Office applications. Modules added in the VBE will not appear in the database container until they are saved within the VBE.

Creating Functions and Subroutines

You can also create your own procedures that aren’t tied to a particular object or event. Depending on how and where they’re declared, they can be called from anywhere in your application or from a particular Code module, Form module, or Report module.

Creating a User-Defined Routine in a Code Module

  1. Click Modules within the Objects list in the Database window.

  2. Click New to create a new module or select an existing module and click Design. The VBE appears.

  3. Select Procedure from the Insert drop-down on the toolbar (second icon from the left) or choose Procedure from the Insert menu. The Add Procedure dialog box shown in Figure 7.6 appears.

    In the Add Procedure dialog box, you specify the name, type, and scope of the procedure you’re creating.

    Figure 7.6. In the Add Procedure dialog box, you specify the name, type, and scope of the procedure you’re creating.

  4. Type the name of the procedure.

  5. Select Sub, Function, or Property as the Type of procedure.

  6. To make the procedure available to your entire application, select Public as the Scope; to make the procedure private to this module, select Private.

  7. Finally, indicate whether you want all the variables in the procedure to be static. (Static variables are discussed in this chapter under “Scope and Lifetime of Variables: Exposing Your Variables as Little as Possible.”) Then click OK.

Creating a User-Defined Routine in a Form or Report Class Module

  1. While in Design view of a form or report, select View from the menu. Notice the icon beside the Code menu entry. This same icon is also available on the toolbar. You can view the code behind the form or report by clicking on this icon on the toolbar or by selecting Code from the View menu. You are placed in the VBE.

  2. Select Procedure from the Insert drop-down list on the toolbar (second icon from the left), or choose Procedure from the Insert menu to open the Insert Procedure dialog box.

  3. Type the name of the procedure.

  4. Select Sub, Function, or Property as the Type of procedure.

  5. To make the procedure available to your entire application, select Public as the Scope; to make the procedure private to this module, select Private.

  6. Finally, indicate whether you want all the variables in the procedure to be static. When you’re finished, click OK.


Whether you’re creating a procedure in a Standard module or a Class module, you’re now ready to enter the code for your procedure. A great shortcut for creating a procedure is to type directly in the code window the name of the new procedure, preceded by its designation as either a Sub or a Function. Example: Sub Whatever or Function Whatever. This creates a new subroutine or function as soon as you press Return.

Calling Event and User-Defined Procedures

Event procedures are automatically called when an event occurs for an object. For example, when a user clicks a command button, the Click event code for that command button executes.

The standard method for calling user-defined procedures is to use the Call keyword—Call SayHello, for example. You can also call the same procedure without using the Call keyword: SayHello.

Although not required, using the Call keyword makes the statement self-documenting and easier to read. A user-defined procedure can be called from an event routine or from another user-defined procedure or function.

Scope and Lifetime of Procedures

The scope of a procedure can be declared Public or Private. A procedure’s scope determines how widely it can be called from other procedures. In addition to a procedure’s scope, the placement of a procedure can noticeably affect your application’s functionality and performance.

Another attribute of a procedure has to do with the lifetime of any variables that are declared within the procedure. By default, the variables declared within a procedure have a lifetime—that is, they have value and meaning only while the procedure is executing. When the procedure completes execution, the variables that it declared are destroyed. This default lifetime can be altered by using the Static keyword.

Public Procedures

A Public procedure placed in a code module can be called from anywhere in the application. Procedures declared in a module are automatically Public. This means that, unless you specify otherwise, procedures you place in any code module can be called from anywhere within your application.

Public Procedures

You might think that two Public procedures can’t have the same name. Although this was true in earlier versions of Access, it isn’t true in Access 2000 and Access 2002. If two Public procedures share a name, the procedure that calls them must explicitly state which of the two routines it’s calling. This is illustrated by the following code snippet found in frmHello’s Class module in the sample database, Chap7ex.mdb:

Private Sub cmdSayGoodBye_Click()
   Call basUtils.SayGoodBye
End Sub


This code, and all the sample code in this chapter, is found in Chap7ex.mdb on the sample code CD-ROM.


The SayGoodBye routine is found in two Access code modules; however, the prefix basUtils indicates that the routine you want to execute is in the Standard module named basUtils.

Procedures declared in Form or Report Class modules are also automatically Public, so they can be called from anywhere within the application. The procedure called cbfIAmPublic, shown in Figure 7.7, is found in the form called frmHello. The only requirement for this procedure to be called from outside the form is that the form containing the procedure must be open in Form view. The cbfIAmPublic procedure can be called from anywhere within the application by using the following syntax (found in the Standard module basHello):

Sub CallPublicFormProc()
   Call Forms.frmHello.cbfIAmPublic
End Sub
A Public form procedure is visible to any subroutine or function in the database.

Figure 7.7. A Public form procedure is visible to any subroutine or function in the database.


Although all procedures (except event procedures) are by default Public, the Public keyword should be used to show that the procedure is visible to any subroutine or function in the database.

Private Procedures

As mentioned, all user-defined procedures are automatically Public. If you want a procedure declared in a module to have the scope of that module only, meaning that it can be called only from another routine within the module, you must explicitly declare it as Private. (See Figure 7.8.)

A Private procedure is visible only to subroutines and functions in the basUtils module.

Figure 7.8. A Private procedure is visible only to subroutines and functions in the basUtils module.

The procedure shown in Figure 7.8, called IAmPrivate, is Private. It can be called only from other procedures in the Standard basUtils module.

Scope Precedence

Private procedures always take precedence over Public procedures. If a Private procedure in one module has the same name as a Public procedure declared in another module, the Private procedure’s code is executed if it’s called by any routine in the module where it was declared. Naming conflicts don’t occur between Public and Private procedures (unless you declare a public and private variable with the same name in the same module).


Developers often wonder where to place code: in Form or Report Class modules or in Standard modules? There are pros and cons to each method. Placing code in Standard modules means that the code can be easily called from anywhere in your application, without loading a specific form or report. Public routines placed in Standard modules can also be called from other databases. For this reason, Standard modules are a great place to put generic routines that you want readily available as part of a library.

Access 2000 and Access 2002 load modules on a demand-only basis, which means that procedures no longer take up memory unless they’re being used. This is especially true if you plan your modules carefully (see Chapter 17, “Optimizing Your Application”). Regardless of when the code is loaded, an advantage of placing code behind forms and reports (rather than within modules) is that the form or report is self-contained and, therefore, portable. You can import the form or report into any other database, and it still operates as expected. This object-oriented approach means that the form requires nothing from the outside world.

As you can see, there are pluses and minuses to each method. As a general rule, if a routine is specific to a particular form or report, place that routine in the form or report; if it’s widely used, place it in a module.

Static Procedures

If a procedure is declared as Static, all the variables declared in the procedure maintain their values between calls to the procedure. This is an alternative to explicitly declaring each variable in the procedure as Static. Here’s an example of a Static procedure, found in basVariable:

Static Sub IncrementThem()
   Dim intCounter1 As Integer
   Dim intCounter2 As Integer
   Dim intCounter3 As Integer
   intCounter1 = intCounter1 + 1
   intCounter2 = intCounter2 + 1
   intCounter3 = intCounter3 + 1
   MsgBox intCounter1 & " - " & intCounter2 & " - " & intCounter3
End Sub

Ordinarily, each variable in this procedure would be reinitialized to zero each time the procedure is run. This means that all 1s would appear in the message box each time the procedure is run. Because the procedure is declared as Static, the variables in it retain their values from call to call. That means that each time the procedure is run, the values in the message box increase. This behavior should become much clearer after the discussion of variables later in this chapter.

Working with Variables

You must consider many issues when creating VBA variables. The way that you declare a variable determines its scope, its lifetime, and more. The following topics will help you better understand declaring variables in VBA.

Declaring Variables

There are several ways to declare variables in VBA. Three are nonstandard, and one is standard. For example, you could simply declare x=10. With this method of variable declaration, you really aren’t declaring your variables at all; you’re essentially declaring them as you use them. This method is quite dangerous. It lends itself to typos and other problems. If you follow the practice, recommended previously—of always using the Option Explicit statement—, Access will not allow you to declare variables in this manner.

You could also type Dim intCounter; the Dim statement declares the variable. The only problem with this method is that you haven’t declared the type of the variable to the compiler, so it’s declared as a variant variable.

Another common mistake is declaring multiple variables on the same line, as in this example:

Dim intCounter, intAge, intWeight As Integer.

In this line, only the last variable is explicitly declared as an integer variable. The other variables are implicitly declared as variants. If you’re going to declare multiple variables on one line, make sure each variable is specifically declared, as in the following example:

Dim intCounter As Integer, intAge As Integer, intWeight As Integer

The most efficient and bug-proof way to declare your variables is to strong type them to the compiler and declare only one variable per line of code, as in this example:

Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim strName As String

As you can see, strong typing declares the name of the variable as well as the type of data it can contain. This enables the compiler to catch errors, such as storing a string in an integer variable, before your program runs. If implemented properly, this method can also reduce the resources needed to run your programs by selecting the smallest practical data type for each variable.


You should try to avoid using variants whenever possible. Besides requiring a significant amount of storage space, variants are also slow because they must be resolved by the compiler at runtime. However, certain situations warrant using a variant. One example is when you want the variable to contain different types of data at different times. Another case occurs when you want to be able to differentiate between an empty variable (one that hasn’t been initialized) and a variable that has a zero or a zero-length string. Also, variant variables are the only type of variable that can hold the special value of null. Empty and null values are covered in Chapter 12, “Advanced VBA Techniques.”

VBA Data Types

VBA offers several data types for variables. Table 7.1 shows a list of the available data types, the standard for naming them, the amount of storage space they require, the data they can store, and their default values.

Table 7.1. Data Types and Naming Conventions

Data Type

Naming Conv Example

Storage of Data


Default Value



1 byte

0 to 255




2 bytes

True or False




2 bytes

−32768 to 32767


Long Integer


4 bytes

−2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647




4 bytes

−3.402823E38 to −1.401298E-45 for negative values; from 1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E38 for positive values




8 bytes

−1.79769313486231E308 to −4.94065645841247E-324 for negative values; from 4.94065645841247E-324 to 1.79769313486232E308 for positive values




8 bytes

−922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807


Date 12/30/1899


8 bytes

1/1/100 to 12/31/9999


Object Reference


4 bytes

Any object


Fixed String



Up to 65,526 characters


Variable String



Up to approximately 2 billion characters





Can contain any of the other data types except Fixed String


User-Defined Data Type



Based on Elements




12 bytes

Stores numbers from −10^28-1 through 10^28-1=20


Scope and Lifetime of Variables: Exposing Your Variables as Little as Possible

You have read about the different types of variables available in VBA. Like procedures, variables also have a scope. A variable can be declared as Local, Private (Module), or Public in scope. You should try to use Local variables in your code because they’re shielded from being accidentally modified by other routines.

Variables also have an attribute referred to as their lifetime. The lifetime of a variable reflects the time during which the variable actually exists and, therefore, the time during which its value is retained. In the following sections, we take a closer look at how you can set the scope and lifetime of variables.

Local Variables

Local variables are available only in the procedure where they are declared. Consider this example (not included in Chap7ex):

Private Sub cmdOkay_Click
  Dim strAnimal As String
  strAnimal = "Dog"
  Call ChangeAnimal
  Debug.Print strAnimal ''Still Dog
End Sub

Private Sub ChangeAnimal
  strAnimal = "Cat"
End Sub

This code can behave in one of three ways. If Option Explicit were in effect, meaning that all variables must be declared before they’re used, this code would generate a compiler error. If the Option Explicit statement isn’t used, strAnimal would be changed to Cat only within the context of the subroutine ChangeAnimal. If the Dim strAnimal As String statement is moved to the Declarations Section of the module, the variable’s value is changed to "Cat".


Notice the Debug.Print statement in the cmdOkay_Click event routine shown previously. The expression that follows the Debug.Print statement is printed in the Immediate window. The Immediate window is a tool that helps you to troubleshoot your applications. You can invoke the Immediate window from almost anywhere within your application. The easiest way to activate the Immediate window is with the Ctrl+G keystroke combination. You are placed in the Visual Basic Editor within the Immediate window. You can then view the expressions that were printed to the Immediate window. The Immediate window is discussed in detail in Chapter 15, “Debugging: Your Key to Successful Development.”

Static Variables: A Special Type of Local Variable

The following examples illustrate the difference between Local and Static variables. Local variables are reinitialized each time the code is called. The following procedure can be run by opening the form named frmScopeAndLifeTime and clicking the Local Age button. Notice that each time you run the procedure, the numeral 1 is displayed in the txtNewAge text box.

Private Sub cmdLocalAge_Click()
  Dim intAge As Integer
  intAge = intAge + 1
  Me.txtNewAge.Value = intAge
End Sub

Each time this code runs, the Dim statement reinitializes intAge to zero. This is quite different from the following code, which illustrates the use of a Static variable:

Private Sub cmdStaticAge_Click()
  Static sintAge As Integer
  sintAge = sintAge + 1
  Me.txtNewAge.Value = sintAge
End Sub

Each time this code executes, the variable called sintAge is incremented, and its value is retained. You can test this by opening the form named frmScopeAndLifeTime and clicking the Static Age button.

Private Variables

So far, this discussion has been limited to variables that have scope within a single procedure. Private (module-level) variables can be seen by any routine in the module they were declared in, but not from other modules. Thus, they are Private to the module. Private variables are declared by placing a Private statement, such as the following, in the General Declarations section of a form, report, or Access module:

[General Declarations]
Option Explicit
Private mintAge As Integer

The value of a variable declared as Private can be changed by any subroutine or function within that module. For example, the following subroutine increments the value of the Private variable mintAge by 1. You can run this code by opening the form frmScopeAndLifeTime and clicking the Module Age button.

Private Sub cmdModuleAge_Click()
  mintAge = mintAge + 1
  Me.txtNewAge.Value = mintAge
End Sub

Notice the naming convention of using the letter m to prefix the name of the variable, which denotes the variable as a Private module-level variable. You should use Private declarations only for variables that need to be seen by multiple procedures in the same module; aim for making most of your variables Local to make your code modular and more bulletproof.

Public Variables

Public variables can be accessed from any VBA code in your application. They’re usually limited to things such as login IDs, environment settings, and other variables that must be seen by your entire application. Declarations of Public variables can be placed in the General Declarations section of a module. The declaration of a Public variable looks like this:

Option Explicit
Public gintAge As Integer

Notice the prefix g (a relic of the old Global variables), the proper prefix for a Public variable declared in a Standard module. This standard is used because Public variables declared in a Standard module are visible not only to the module they were declared in, but also to other modules. The following code, placed in the Click event of the cmdPublic command button, increments the Public variable gintAge by 1. You can run this code by opening the form frmScopeAndLifeTime and clicking the Public Age button.

Private Sub cmdPublicAge_Click()
  gintAge = gintAge + 1
  Me.txtNewAge.Value = gintAge
End Sub

Adding Comments to Your Code

Comments, which have been color-coded since the release of Access 97, are added to modules by using an apostrophe ('). The keyword Rem can also be used, but the apostrophe is generally preferred. The apostrophe can be placed at the beginning of the line of code or anywhere within it. Anything following the apostrophe is considered a comment. Figure 7.9 shows code containing comments.

Code containing comments that clarify what the subroutine is doing.

Figure 7.9. Code containing comments that clarify what the subroutine is doing.


Many people ask if it is possible to comment several lines of code at once. Although not easily discoverable, the process is quite simple. Within the VBE, right-click any toolbar or menu bar and display the Edit toolbar. Click the Comment Block tool on the Edit toolbar. To uncomment the block of code, click the Uncomment Block tool.

Using the Line Continuation Character

Access Basic code, used in Access 2.0, didn’t have a line continuation character. Therefore, you had to scroll a lot, as well as pull out a bag of tricks to simulate continuing a line of code. With VBA, Access 97, 2000, and 2002 solve this problem; the line continuation character is an underscore. Figure 7.10 illustrates the use of this character.

The line continuation character is used to improve the readability of a long line of code.

Figure 7.10. The line continuation character is used to improve the readability of a long line of code.

Using the VBA Control Structures

VBA gives the developer several different constructs for looping and decision processing. The most commonly used ones are covered in the following sections and are found in the form called frmControlStructures.


The If...Then...Else construct evaluates whether a condition is True. In the following example, anything between If and Else will occur if the statement evaluates to True, and any code between Else and End If will be executed if the statement evaluates to False. The Else is optional.

Private Sub cmdIfThenElse_Click()
 If IsNull(Me.txtName.Value) or IsNull(Me.txtAge.Value) Then
    MsgBox "Name or Age is Blank"
    MsgBox "Your Name Is " & Me.txtName.Value _
        & " And Your Age Is " & Me.txtAge.Value
  End If
End Sub

This code tests whether the text box called txtName or the text box txtAge contains a null. A different message is displayed depending on whether one of the text boxes contains a Null value.

One-line If statements are also permitted; they look like this:

If IsNull(Me.txtvalue.Value) Then MsgBox "You must Enter a Value"

However, this format for an If statement isn’t recommended because it reduces readability.

Another useful form of an If statement is ElseIf, which enables you to evaluate an unlimited number of conditions in one If statement. The following code gives you an example (this example is not included in Chap7Ex):

Sub MultipleIfs(intNumber As Integer)
   If intNumber = 1 Then
      MsgBox "You entered a One"
   ElseIf intNumber = 2 Then
      MsgBox "You entered a Two"
   ElseIf intNumber >= 3 And intNumber <= 10 Then
      MsgBox "You entered a Number Between 3 and 10"
      MsgBox "You Entered Some Other Number"
   End If
End Sub

The conditions in an If statement are evaluated in the order in which they appear. For this reason, it’s best to place the most common conditions first. After a condition is met, execution continues immediately after End If. If no conditions are met, and there’s no Else statement, execution will also continue immediately after End If.


If multiple conditions exist, it’s almost always preferable to use a Select Case statement, described later in this chapter, rather than an If statement. Case statements generally make your code easier to read and maintain.

Immediate If (IIf)

An Immediate If (IIf) is a variation of an If statement. It’s actually a built-in function that returns one of two values, depending on whether the condition being tested is true or false. Here’s an example (this code is not included in Chap7Ex):

Function EvalSales(curSales As Currency) As String
   EvalSales = IIf(curSales >= 100000, "Great Job", "Keep Plugging")
End Function

This function evaluates the curSales parameter to see whether its value is greater than or equal to $100,000. If it is, the string "Great Job" is returned from the function; otherwise, the string "Keep Plugging" is returned.


Both the true and false portions of the IIf are evaluated, so, if there’s a problem with either part of the expression (for example, a divide-by-zero condition), an error occurs.

The IIf function is most often used in a calculated control on a form or report, or to create a new field in a query. Probably the most common example is an IIf expression that determines whether the value of a control is null. If it is, you can have the expression return a zero or an empty string; otherwise, you can have the expression return the value in the control. The following expression, for example, evaluates the value of a control on a form:


This expression displays either a zero or the value for freight in the control called txtFreight.


Although the IIf function can be used to handle Nulls, the built-in Nz function is a more efficient solution to this problem and avoids the inherent pitfalls of IIf.


The IIf function is rather slow. It is best to avoid using it whenever possible.

The Conditional If: Conditional Compilation

Conditional compilation enables you to selectively execute blocks of code. This feature is useful in several situations:

  • When you want certain blocks of code to execute in the demo version of your product and other blocks to execute in your product’s retail version

  • When you’re distributing your application in different countries and want certain blocks of code to apply to some countries but not to others

  • When you want certain blocks of code to execute only during the testing of your application

Conditional compilation is done by using the #If...Then...#Else directive, as shown here and found under the Conditional Compilation command button on the frmControlStructures form:

Sub cmdConditionalCompilation_Click()
   #If Language = "Spanish" Then
      MsgBox "Hola, Que Tal?"
      MsgBox "Hello, How Are You?"
   #End If
End Sub

The compiler constant, in this case, Language, can be declared in one of two places: in a module’s General Declarations section or in the Project Properties dialog box. A compiler constant declared in the General Declarations section of a module looks like this:

#Const Language = "Spanish"

The disadvantage of this constant is that it can’t be declared as Public. It isn’t possible to create Public compiler constants by using the #Const directive. This means that any compiler constants declared in a module’s Declarations section can be used only within that module. The major advantage of declaring this type of compiler constant is that it can contain a string. For example, the compiler constant Language, defined in the previous paragraph, is given the value "Spanish".

Public compiler constants can be declared by modifying the Project Properties. Because they are Public in scope, compiler constants declared in the Project Properties can be referred to from anywhere in your application. The major limitation on compiler directives set up in Project Properties is that they can contain only integers. For example, you would have to enter Language = 1.

To define compiler constants using the Project Properties dialog box, right-click within the Project window and select projectx Properties, wherein projectx is the name of the project you are working with. You can now enter the values you need into the text box labeled Conditional Compilation Arguments. You can enter several arguments by separating them with a colon, such as Language = 1 : Version = 2.

With the compiler directive Language=1, the code would look like this:

Sub ConditionalIf()
   #If Language = 1 Then
      MsgBox "Hola, Que Tal?"
      MsgBox "Hello, How Are You?"
   #End If
End Sub


For this code to execute properly, you must remove the constant declaration from the previous example.

Notice that ConditionalIf now evaluates the constant Language against the integer of 1.

It’s important to understand that using conditional constants isn’t the same as using regular constants or variables with the standard If...Then...Else construct. Regular constants or variables are evaluated at runtime, which requires processing time each time the application is run. Conditional constants and conditional If...Then...Else statements control which sections of code are actually compiled. All resolution is completed at compile time; this eliminates the need for unnecessary processing at runtime.

Select Case

Rather than using multiple If...Then...Else statements, it’s often much clearer to use a Select Case statement, as shown here and found under the Select Case command button of the frmControlStructures form:

Private Sub cmdCase_Click()
    Dim intAge As Integer
    intAge = Nz(Me.txtAge.Value, 0)    Select Case intAge
      Case 0
        MsgBox "You Must Enter a Number"
      Case 1 To 18
        MsgBox "You Are Just a Kid"
      Case 19, 20, 21
        MsgBox "You are Almost an Adult"
      Case 22 to 40
        MsgBox "Good Deal"
      Case Is > 40
        MsgBox "Getting Up There!"
      Case Else
        MsgBox "You Entered an Invalid Number"
    End Select
End Sub

This subroutine first uses the Nz function to convert a Null or empty value in the txtAge control to 0; otherwise, the value in txtAge is stored in intAge. The Select Case statement then evaluates intAge. If the value is 0, a message box is displayed with You Must Enter a Number. If the value is between 1 and 18 inclusive, a message box is displayed saying, You Are Just a Kid. If the user enters 19, 20, or 21, the message You are Almost an Adult is displayed. If the user enters a value between 22 and 40 inclusive, the message Good Deal is displayed. If a value greater than 40 is displayed, the message Getting Up There is displayed; otherwise, the user gets a message indicating that he or she entered an invalid number.


Several looping structures are available in VBA; most are discussed in this section. Take a look at the following example of a looping structure (found under the Do While...Loop command button of the frmControlStructures form):

Sub cmdDoWhileLoop_Click()

   Do While Nz(Me.txtAge.Value)< 35

      Me.txtAge.Value = Nz(Me.txtAge.Value) + 1
End Sub

In this structure, if the value in the txtAge text box is greater than or equal to 35, the code in the loop is not executed. If you want the code to execute unconditionally at least one time, you need to use the following construct (found under the Do...Loop While command button of the frmControlStructures form:

Sub cmdDoLoopWhile_Click()


        Me.txtAge = Nz(Me.txtAge.Value) + 1
    Loop While Nz(Me.txtAge.Value) < 35
End Sub

This code will execute one time, even if the value in the txtAge text box is set to 35. The Do While...Loop in the previous example evaluates before the code is executed, so it doesn’t ensure code execution. The Do...Loop While is evaluated at the end of the loop and it, therefore, guarantees execution.

Alternatives to the Do While...Loop and the Do...Loop While are Do Until...Loop and Do...Loop Until. Do Until...Loop (found under the Do Until...Loop command button of the frmControlStructures form) works like this:

Sub cmdDoUntil_Click()

   Do Until Nz(Me.txtAge.Value) = 35

      Me.txtAge.Value = Nz(Me.txtAge.Value) + 1
End Sub

This loop continues to execute until the value in the txtAge text box becomes equal to 35. The Do...Loop Until construct (found under the Do...Loop Until command button of the frmControlStructures form) is another variation:

Sub cmdLoopUntil_Click()


      Me.txtAge.Value = Nz(Me.txtAge.Value) + 1
   Loop Until Nz(Me.txtAge.Value) = 35
End Sub

As with the Do...Loop While construct, the Do...Loop Until construct doesn’t evaluate the condition until the end of the loop, so the code in the loop is guaranteed to execute at least once.


As covered in Chapter 17, it is not a good idea to reference a control over and over again in a loop. Notice that, in the looping examples, the txtAge control is referenced each time through the loop. This was done to keep the examples simple. To eliminate the performance problem associated with this technique, use the code that follows (found under the cmdEfficient command button on the frmControlStructures form):

Private Sub cmdEfficient_Click()
    Dim intCounter As Integer
    intCounter = Nz(Me.txtAge.Value)
    Do While intCounter < 35
       intCounter = intCounter + 1
    Me.txtAge.Value = intCounter
End Sub


With any of the looping constructs, it’s easy to unintentionally cause a loop to execute endlessly, as shown in this example and can also be illustrated with the code samples shown previously (this code is not included in Chap7Ex):

Sub EndlessLoop()
   Dim intCounter As Integer
   intCounter = 5
      Debug.Print intCounter
      intCounter = intCounter + 1
   Loop Until intCounter = 5
End Sub

This code snippet sets intCounter equal to 5. The code in the loop increments intCounter, and then tests to see whether intCounter equals 5. If it doesn’t, the code in the loop executes another time. Because intCounter will never become equal to 5 (it starts at 6 within the Do loop), the loop executes endlessly. You need to use Ctrl+Break to exit the loop; however, Ctrl+Break doesn’t work in Access’s runtime version.


The For...Next construct is used when you have an exact number of iterations you want to perform. It looks like this and is found under the For...Next command button of the frmControlStructures form:

Sub cmdForNext_Click()
    Dim intCounter As Integer
    For intCounter = 1 To 5
        Me.txtAge.Value = Nz(Me.txtAge.Value) + 1
    Next intCounter
End Sub

Note that intCounter is self-incrementing. The start value and the stop value can both be variables. A For...Next construct can also be given a step value, as shown in the following (the counter is incremented by the value of Step each time the loop is processed):

Sub ForNextStep()
' Note that this code is not in database Chap7ex.mdb
    Dim intCounter As Integer
    For intCounter = 1 To 5 Step 2
        Me.txtAge.Value = Nz(Me.txtAge.Value) + 1
    Next intCounter
End Sub

With...End With

The With...End With statement executes a series of statements on a single object or user-defined type. Here’s an example (found under the With...End With command button of the frmControlStructures form:

Private Sub cmdWithEndWith_Click()
   With Me.txtAge
      .BackColor = 16777088
      .ForeColor = 16711680
      .Value = "40"
      .FontName = "Arial"
   End With
End Sub

This code performs four operations on the txtAge text box, found on the form it’s run on. The BackColor, ForeColor, Value, and FontName properties of the txtAge text box are all modified by the code.


The With...End With statement offers two main benefits. The first is simply less typing—you don’t need to repeat the object name for each action you want to perform on the object. The more important benefit involves performance. Because the object is referred to once rather than multiple times, this code runs much more efficiently. The benefits are even more pronounced when the With...End With construct is found in a loop.

For Each...Next

The For Each...Next statement executes a group of statements on each member of an array or collection. The following example (found under the For Each...Next command button of the frmControlStructures form) illustrates the use of this powerful construct:

Private Sub cmdForEachNext_Click()

    Dim ctl As Control
    For Each ctl In Controls
        ctl.FontSize = 8
    Next ctl
End Sub

This code loops through each control on the form, modifying the FontSize property of each control.

As in the following example, the With...End With construct is often used along with the For Each...Next construct.

Private Sub cmdForEachWith_Click()
    Dim ctl As Control
    For Each ctl In Controls
        With ctl
            .ForeColor = 16711680
            .FontName = "Arial"
            .FontSize = 14
        End With
    Next ctlEnd Sub

This code loops through each control on a form; the ForeColor, FontName, and FontSize properties of each control on the form are modified.


Before you put all this good information to use, remember that no error handling has been implemented in the code yet. If one of the controls on the form in the example doesn’t have a ForeColor, FontName, or FontSize property, the code would cause an error. In Chapter 8, you will learn how to determine the type of an object before you perform a command on it. Knowing the type of an object before you try to modify its properties can help you prevent errors.

Passing Parameters and Returning Values

Both subroutines and functions can receive arguments (parameters), but only functions can return values. The following subroutine (found under the Pass Parameters command button of the frmParametersAndReturnValues form) receives two parameters, txtFirst and txtLast. It then displays a message box with the first character of each of the parameters that was passed.

Private Sub cmdPassParameters_Click()
  Call Initials(Nz(Me.txtFirstName.Value), Nz(Me.txtLastName.Value))
End Sub

Sub Initials(strFirst As String, strLast As String)
' This procedure can be found by selecting General in
' the Object drop-down list in the VBE window
  MsgBox "Your Initials Are: " & Left$(strFirst, 1) _
   & Left$(strLast, 1)
End Sub

Notice that the values in the controls txtFirstName and txtLastName from the current form (represented by the Me keyword) is passed to the subroutine called Initials. The parameters are received as strFirst and strLast. The first left character of each parameter is displayed in the message box.

The preceding code simply passes values and then operates on those values. This next example (found under the Return Values command button of the frmParametersAndReturnValues form) uses a function to return a value.

Private Sub cmdReturnValues_Click()
    Dim strInitials As String
    strInitials = ReturnInit(Nz(Me.txtFirstName.Value), _
    MsgBox "Your initials are: " & strInitials
End Sub

Function ReturnInit(strFName As String, strLName As String) As String
' This procedure can be found by selecting General in
' the Object drop-down list in the VBE window
    ReturnInit = Left$(strFName, 1) & Left(strLName, 1)
End Function

Notice that this example calls the function ReturnInit, sending values contained in the two text boxes as parameters. The function sets ReturnInit (the name of the function) equal to the first two characters of the strings. This returns the value to the calling routine (cmdReturnValues _Click) and sets strInitials equal to the return value.


Notice that the function ReturnInit is set to receive two string parameters. You know this because of the As String keywords that follow each parameter. The function is also set to return a string. You know this because the keyword As String follows the list of the parameters, outside the parentheses. If you don’t explicitly state that the function should return a particular type of data, it returns a variant.

Executing Procedures from the Module Window

It’s easy to test procedures from the Module window in Access 2002—simply click anywhere inside the procedure you want to execute, and then press the F5 key or click the Run Sub/UserForm button on the toolbar. The procedure you’re in will execute as though you had called it from code or from the Immediate pane of the Debug window.

The DoCmd Object: Performing Macro Actions

The Access environment is rich with objects that have built-in properties and methods. By using VBA code, you can modify the properties and execute the methods. One of the objects available in Access is the DoCmd object, used to execute macro actions in Visual Basic procedures. The macro actions are executed as methods of the DoCmd object. The syntax looks like this:

DoCmd.ActionName [arguments]

Here’s a practical example:

DoCmd.OpenReport strReportName, acPreview

The OpenReport method is a method of the DoCmd object; it runs a report. The first two parameters that the OpenReport method receives are the name of the report you want to run and the view in which you want the report to appear (Preview, Normal, or Design). The name of the report and the view are both arguments of the OpenReport method.

Most macro actions have corresponding DoCmd methods that can be found in Help, but some don’t. They are AddMenu, MsgBox, RunApp, RunCode, SendKeys, SetValue, StopAllMacros, and StopMacro. The SendKeys method is the only one that has any significance to you as a VBA programmer. The remaining macro actions either have no application to VBA code or can be performed more efficiently by using VBA functions and commands. The VBA language includes a MsgBox function, for example, that’s far more robust than its macro action counterpart.

Many of the DoCmd methods have optional parameters. If you don’t supply an argument, its default value is assumed. You can use commas as place markers to designate the position of missing arguments, as shown here:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmOrders", , ,"[OrderAmount] > 1000"

The OpenForm method of the DoCmd object receives seven parameters; the last six parameters are optional. In the example, two parameters are explicitly specified. The first is the name of the form ("FrmOrders"), a required parameter. The second and third parameters have been omitted, meaning that you’re accepting their default values. The commas, used as place markers for the second and third parameters, are necessary because one of the parameters following them is explicitly designated. The fourth parameter is the Where condition for the form, which has been designated as the record in which the OrderAmount is greater than 1,000. The remaining parameters haven’t been referred to, so default values are used for these parameters.

If you prefer, you can use named parameters to designate the parameters that you are passing. Named parameters, covered later in this chapter, can greatly simplify the preceding syntax. With named parameters, the arguments don’t need to be placed in a particular order, nor do you need to worry about counting commas. The preceding syntax can be changed to the following:

DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:="frmOrders", WhereCondition:=
"[OrderAmount] > 1000"

Working with Built-In Functions

Visual Basic for Applications has a rich and comprehensive function library as well as tools to assist in their use.

Built-In Functions

Some of the more commonly used functions and examples are listed in the following sections. On some rainy day, go through the online Help to become familiar with the rest.


The following examples are located in basBuiltIn in the Chap7Ex database.


The Format function formats expressions in the style specified. The first parameter is the expression you want to format; the second is the type of format you want to apply. Here’s an example of using the Format function:

Sub FormatData()
   Debug.Print Format$(50, "Currency")
   'Prints $50.00
   Debug.Print Format$(Now, "Short Date")
   'Prints the current date
   Debug.Print Format$(Now, "DDDD")
   'Displays the word for the day
   Debug.Print Format$(Now, "DDD")
   'Displays 3 - CHAR Day
   Debug.Print Format$(Now, "YYYY")
   'Displays 4 - digit Year
   Debug.Print Format$(Now, "WW")
   'Displays the Week Number
End Sub


The Instr function returns the position where one string begins within another string:

Sub InstrExample()
  Debug.Print InStr("Alison Balter", "Balter") 'Returns 8
  Debug.Print InStr("Hello", "l") 'Returns 3
  Debug.Print InStr("c:my documentsmy file.txt", "") 'Returns 3
End Sub


InStrRev begins searching at the end of a string and returns the position where one string is found within another string:

Sub InstrRevExample()
    Debug.Print InStrRev("c:my documentsmy file.txt", "") 'Returns 16
End Sub

Notice that the InStr function returns 3 as the starting position for the backslash character within "c:my documentsmy file.txt", whereas the InStrRev function returns 16 as the starting position for the backslash character in the same string. This is because InStr starts searching at the beginning of the string, continuing until it finds a match, whereas InStrRev begins searching at the end of the string, continuing until it finds a match.


Left returns the left-most number of characters in a string:

Sub LeftExample()
  Debug.Print Left$("Hello World", 7) 'Prints Hello W
End Sub


Right returns the right-most number of characters in a string:

Sub RightExample()
 Debug.Print Right$("Hello World", 7) 'Prints o World
End Sub


Mid returns a substring of a specified number of characters in a string. This example starts at the fourth character and returns five characters:

Sub MidExample()
    Debug.Print Mid$("Hello World", 4, 5) ''Prints lo Wo
End Sub


UCase returns a string that is all uppercase:

Sub UCaseExample()
    Debug.Print UCase$("Hello World") 'Prints HELLO WORLD
End Sub


DatePart returns the specified part of a date:

Sub DatePartExample()
    Debug.Print DatePart("YYYY", Now)
    'Prints the Year
    Debug.Print DatePart("M", Now)
    'Prints the Month Number
    Debug.Print DatePart("Q", Now)
    'Prints the Quarter Number
    Debug.Print DatePart("Y", Now)
    'Prints the Day of the Year
    Debug.Print DatePart("WW", Now)
    'Prints the Week of the Year
End Sub


DateDiff returns the interval of time between two dates:

Sub DateDiffExample()
  Debug.Print DateDiff("d", Now, "12/31/99")
  ''Days until 12/31/99
  Debug.Print DateDiff("m", Now, "12/31/99")
  ''Months until 12/31/99
  Debug.Print DateDiff("yyyy", Now, "12/31/99")
  ''Years until 12/31/99
  Debug.Print DateDiff("q", Now, "12/31/99")
  ''Quarters until 12/31/99
End Sub


DateAdd returns the result of adding or subtracting a specified period of time to a date:

Sub DateAddExample()
    Debug.Print DateAdd("d", 3, Now)
    'Today plus 3 days
    Debug.Print DateAdd("m", 3, Now)
    'Today plus 3 months
    Debug.Print DateAdd("yyyy", 3, Now)
    'Today plus 3 years
    Debug.Print DateAdd("q", 3, Now)
    'Today plus 3 quarters
    Debug.Print DateAdd("ww", 3, Now)
    'Today plus 3 weeks
End Sub


Replace replaces one string with another:

Sub ReplaceExample()
    Debug.Print Replace("Say Hello if you want to", "hello", "bye")
    'Returns Say Bye if you want to
    Debug.Print Replace("This gets rid of all of the spaces", " ", "")
    'Returns Thisgetsridofallofthespaces
End Sub


StrRev reverses the order of text in a string:

Sub StrReverseExample()
    Debug.Print StrReverse("This string looks very funny when reversed!")
    'Returns !desrever nehw ynnuf yrev skool gnirts sihT
End Sub


MonthName returns the text string associated with a month number:

Sub MonthNameExample()
    Debug.Print MonthName(7)
    'Returns July
    Debug.Print MonthName(11)
    'Returns November

Functions Made Easy with the Object Browser

With the Object Browser, you can view members of an ActiveX component’s type library. In plain English, the Object Browser enables you to easily browse through a component’s methods, properties, and constants. You can also copy information and add it to your code. It even adds a method’s parameters for you. The following steps let you browse among the available methods, copy the method you want, and paste it into your code:

  1. With the VBE active, select View|Object Browser from the menu (note that the menu line also shows an icon that you can use from the toolbar), or press F2 to open the Object Browser window. (See Figure 7.11.)

    The Object Browser showing all the classes in the Chap7ex database and all the members in the basUtils module.

    Figure 7.11. The Object Browser showing all the classes in the Chap7ex database and all the members in the basUtils module.

  2. The Object Browser window is divided into two parts; the upper part of the window and the lower part. The drop-down list at the upper-left of the window is used to filter the items to be displayed in the lower part of the window. Use this drop-down list to select the project or library whose classes and members you want to view in the lower part of the window.

  3. In the lower portion of the window, select the class from the left list box, which lists Class modules, templates for new objects, standard modules, and modules containing subroutines and functions.

  4. Select a related property, method, event, constant, function, or statement from the Members Of list box. In Figure 7.11, the basUtils module is selected from the list box on the left. Notice that the subroutines and functions included in basUtils appear in the list box on the right.

  5. Click the Copy to Clipboard button (third from the right in the upper toolbar within the Object Browser window) to copy the function name and its parameters to the Clipboard so that you can easily paste it into your code.

The example in Figure 7.11 shows choosing a user-defined function selected from a module in a database, but you can also select any built-in function. Figure 7.12 shows an example in which the DatePart function is selected from the Visual Basic for Applications library. The Object Browser exposes all libraries referred to by the database and is covered in more detail in Chapter 8, “Objects, Properties, Methods, and Events Explained,” and Chapter 22, “Automation: Communicating with Other Applications.”

The Object Browser with the VBA library selected.

Figure 7.12. The Object Browser with the VBA library selected.

Working with Constants

A constant is a meaningful name given to a meaningless number or string. Constants can be used only for values that don’t change at runtime. A tax rate or commission rate, for example, might be constant throughout your application. There are three types of constants in Access:

  • Symbolic

  • Intrinsic

  • System defined

Symbolic constants, created by using the Const keyword, are used to improve the readability of your code and make code maintenance easier. Rather than referring to the number .0875 every time you want to refer to the tax rate, you can refer to the constant mccurTaxRate. If the tax rate changes, and you need to modify the value in your code, you’ll make the change in only one place. Furthermore, unlike the number .0875, the name mccurTaxRate is self-documenting.

Intrinsic constants are built into Microsoft Access; they are part of the language itself. As an Access programmer, you can use constants supplied by Microsoft Access, Visual Basic, DAO, and Active Data Objects (ADO). You can also use constants provided by any object libraries you’re using in your application.

There are only three system-defined constants—True, False, and Null, and they are available to all applications on your computer.

Working with Symbolic Constants

As mentioned, a symbolic constant is declared by using the Const keyword. A constant can be declared in a subroutine or function or in the General section of a Form or Report module. Constants can be strong-typed in Access 2000 and Access 2002. The declaration and use of a Private constant looks like this:

Private Const TAXRATE As Currency = .0875

This code, when placed in a module’s Declarations section, creates a Private constant called TAXRATE and sets it equal to .0875. Here’s how the constant is used in code:

Function TotalAmount(curSaleAmount As Currency)
   TotalAmount = curSaleAmount * TAXRATE
End Function

This routine multiplies the curSaleAmount, received as a parameter, by the constant TAXRATE. It returns the result of the calculation by setting the function name equal to the product of the two values. The advantage of the constant in this example is that the code is more readable than TotalAmount = curSaleAmount * .0875 would be.

Scoping Symbolic Constants

Just as regular variables have scope, user-defined constants have scope. In the preceding example, you created a Private constant. The following statement, when placed in a module’s Declarations section, creates a Public constant:

Public Const TAXRATE = 0.0875 As Currency

Because this constant is declared as Public, it can be accessed from any subroutine or function (including event routines) in your entire application. To better understand the benefits of a Public constant, take a case where you have many functions and subroutines all making reference to the constant TAXRATE. Imagine what would happen if the tax rate were to change. If you hadn’t used a constant, you would need to search your entire application, replacing the old tax rate with the new tax rate. However, because your Public constant is declared in one place, you can easily go in and modify the one line of code where this constant is declared.


By definition, the values of constants cannot be modified at runtime. If you try to modify the value of a constant, you get this VBA compiler error:

Assignment to constant not permitted

Figure 7.13 illustrates this message box. You can see that an attempt is made to modify the value of the constant TAXRATE, which results in a compile error.

Trying to modify the value of a constant.

Figure 7.13. Trying to modify the value of a constant.

If you need to change the value at runtime, you should consider storing the value in a table rather than declaring it as a constant. You can read the value into a variable when the application loads, and then modify the variable if needed. If you choose, you can write the new value back to the table.

Working with Intrinsic Constants

Microsoft Access declares a number of intrinsic constants that can be used in Code, Form, and Report modules. Because they’re reserved by Microsoft Access, you can’t modify their values or reuse their names; however, they can be used at any time without being declared.

You should use intrinsic constants whenever possible in your code. Besides making your code more readable, they make your code more portable to future releases of Microsoft Access. Microsoft might change the value associated with a constant, but it isn’t likely to change the constant’s name. All intrinsic constants appear in the Object Browser; to activate it, simply click the Object Browser tool on the Visual Basic toolbar. To view the constants that are part of the Access library, select Access from the Object Browser’s Project/Library drop-down list. Click Constants in the Classes list box, and a list of those constants is displayed in the Members Of ‘Constants’ list box. (See Figure 7.14.)

Using the Object Browser to view intrinsic constants.

Figure 7.14. Using the Object Browser to view intrinsic constants.

In the list shown in Figure 7.14, all the constant names begin with ac. All VBA constants are prefixed with vb, all Data Access Object constants are prefixed with db, and all constants that are part of the Access language are prefixed with ac. To view the Visual Basic language constants, select VBA from the Project/Library drop-down list and Constants from the Classes list box. If the project you are working with has a reference to the ActiveX Data Object library, you can view these constants by selecting ADODB from the Project/Library drop-down list. Click <globals>. A list of the ADODB constants appears (these constants have the prefix ad).

Another way to view constants is within the context of the parameter you’re working with in the Code window. Right-click the name of a parameter and select List Constants to display the constants associated with the parameter.

Tools for Working in the Visual Basic Editor

Effectively using the tips and tricks of the trade, many of which are highlighted in this chapter, can save you hours of time. These tricks help you to navigate around the coding environment, as well as to modify your code quickly and easily. They include the capability to easily zoom to a user-defined procedure, search and replace within modules, get help on VBA functions and commands, and split the Code window so that two procedures can be viewed simultaneously.

The Access 97, Access 2000, and Access 2002 development environments are better than those of their predecessors. Several features have been added to make coding easier and more pleasant for you. These enhancements include the capability to do the following:

  1. List properties and methods

  2. List constants

  3. Get quick information on a command or function

  4. Get parameter information

  5. Enable Access to finish a word for you

  6. Get a definition of a function

All these features that help you with coding are available with a right-click when you place your cursor within the Module window.

List Properties and Methods

With the List Properties and Methods feature, you can view all the objects, properties, and methods available for the current object. To invoke this feature, right-click after the name of the object and select List Properties, Methods (you can also press Ctrl+J). The applicable objects, properties, and methods appear in a list box. (See Figure 7.15.) To find the appropriate object, property, or method in the list, use one of these methods:

  • Begin typing the name of the object, property, or method.

  • Use the up-arrow and down-arrow keys to move through the list.

  • Scroll through the list and select your choice.

A list of properties and methods for the TextBox object.

Figure 7.15. A list of properties and methods for the TextBox object.

Use one of these methods to insert your selection:

  1. Double-click the entry.

  2. Click to select the entry. Then press Tab to insert, or Enter to insert and move to the next line.


The Auto List Members option, available on the Editor tab of the Options dialog box, causes the List Properties and Methods feature, as well as the List Constants feature, to be invoked automatically each time you type the name of an object or property.

List Constants

The List Constants feature opens a drop-down list displaying valid constants for a property you have typed and for functions with arguments that are constants. It works in a similar manner to the List Properties and Methods feature. To invoke it, right-click after the name of the property or argument (in cases where multiple arguments are available, the previous argument must be delimited with a comma) and select List Constants (or press Ctrl+Shift+J). A list of valid constants appears. (See Figure 7.16.) You can use any of the methods listed in the previous section to select the constant you want.

A list of constants for the vbMsgBoxStyle parameter.

Figure 7.16. A list of constants for the vbMsgBoxStyle parameter.

Quick Info

The Quick Info feature gives you the full syntax for a function, statement, procedure, method, or variable. To use this feature, right-click after the name of the function, statement, procedure, method, or variable, and then select Quick Info (or press Ctrl+I). A tip appears, showing the valid syntax for the item. (See Figure 7.17.) As you type each parameter in the item, it’s displayed in boldface type until you type the comma that delineates it from the next parameter.

The syntax for the MsgBox function.

Figure 7.17. The syntax for the MsgBox function.


The Auto Quick Info option, available in the Options dialog box, causes the Quick Info feature to be invoked automatically each time you type the name of an object or property.

Parameter Information

The Parameter Info feature gives you information about the parameters of a function, statement, or method. To use this feature, after the delimiter that denotes the end of the function, statement, or method name, right-click and select Parameter Info (or press Ctrl+Shift+I). A pop-up list appears with information about the parameters of the function or statement. This list doesn’t close until all the required parameters are entered, the function is completed without any optional parameters, or the Esc key is pressed.


The Parameter Info feature supplies information about the initial function only. If parameters of a function are themselves functions, you must use Quick Info to find information about the embedded functions.

Complete Word

The Complete Word feature completes a word you’re typing. To use this feature, you must first type enough characters for Visual Basic to recognize the word you want. Next, right-click and select Complete Word (or press Ctrl+Spacebar). Visual Basic then finishes the word you’re typing.


The Definition feature shows the place in the Code window where the selected variable or procedure is defined. To get a definition of a variable or procedure, right-click in the name of the variable or procedure of interest, and select Definition (or press Shift+F2). Your cursor is moved to the module and location where the variable or procedure was defined.

As you become more proficient with VBA, you can create libraries of VBA functions and subroutines. When you’re viewing a call to a particular subroutine or function, you usually want to view the code behind that function. Fortunately, VBA gives you a quick and easy way to navigate from procedure to procedure. Assume that the following code appears in your application:

Private Sub cmdOkay_Click()
    Dim intAgeInTen As Integer
    If IsNull(Me.txtNameValue) Or IsNull(Me.txtAge.Value) Then
        MsgBox "You must fill in name and age"
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "Your Name Is: " & Me.txtName.Value & " _
        and Your Age Is: " & Nz(Me.txtAge.Value)
        Call EvaluateAge(Nz(Me.txtAge.Value))
        intAgeInTen = AgePlus10(Fix(Val(Me.txtAge.Value)))
        MsgBox "In 10 Years You Will Be " & intAgeInTen
    End If
End Sub

If you want to quickly jump to the procedure called EvaluateAge, all you need to do is place your cursor anywhere within the name, EvaluateAge, and then press Shift+F2. This immediately moves you to the EvaluateAge procedure. Ctrl+Shift+F2 takes you back to the routine you came from (in this case, cmdOkay_Click). This procedure works for both functions and subroutines.


If you prefer, you can right-click the name of the routine you want to jump to and select Definition. To return to the original procedure, right-click again and select Last Position.


If the definition is in a referenced library, the Object Browser is invoked, and the definition is displayed.

Mysteries of the Coding Environment Solved

If you’re a developer who’s new to VBA, you might be confused by the Visual Basic Editor. We will begin by talking about the Code window. The Code window has two combo boxes, shown in Figure 7.18. The combo box on the left lists objects. For a form or report, the list includes all its objects; for a standard module, which has no objects, only (General) appears.

The Code window with the Object combo box open.

Figure 7.18. The Code window with the Object combo box open.

The combo box on the right lists all the event procedures associated with a particular object. Figure 7.19 shows all the event procedures associated with a command button. Notice that the Click event is the only one that appears in bold because it’s the only event procedure that has been coded.

The Code window with the Procedure combo box open.

Figure 7.19. The Code window with the Procedure combo box open.

The Project Window

The Project window, shown in Figure 7.20, enables you to easily maneuver between the modules behind the objects within your database. The elements of your project are displayed hierarchically in a tree view within the Project window. All elements of the project are divided into Microsoft Access Classes and Modules. All Form, Report, and Class modules are found within the Microsoft Access Classes. All Standard modules are found within Modules. To view the code behind an object, simply double-click the object within the Project window. To view the object, such as a form, single-click the name of the form in the Project window and then click the View Object tool (the second icon from the left on the Project Window toolbar). You are returned to Microsoft Access with the selected object active.

The Project window showing all the classes and modules contained within the Chap7ex project.

Figure 7.20. The Project window showing all the classes and modules contained within the Chap7ex project.


You can also right-click the object and then select View Code (the left icon on the Project Window toolbar) to view the code, or View Object to view the object. The context-sensitive menu also enables you to insert modules and Class modules, to import and export files, to print the selected object, and to view the database properties. These features are covered in Chapter 12, “Advanced VBA Techniques.”

The Properties Window

The Properties window, pictured in Figure 7.21, enables you to view and modify object properties from within the VBE. At the top of the Properties window is a combo box that allows you to select the object whose properties you wish to modify. The objects listed in the combo box include the parent object selected in the Project window (for example, the form) and the objects contained within the parent object (for example, the controls). After an object is selected, its properties can be modified within the list of properties. The properties can be viewed either alphabetically or categorically. In the example, the command button cmdIfThenElse is selected. The properties of the command button are shown by category.

The Properties window showing the properties of a command button displayed categorically.

Figure 7.21. The Properties window showing the properties of a command button displayed categorically.

The View Microsoft Access Tool

If at any time you want to return to the Access application environment, simply click the View Microsoft Access icon (the left icon) on the toolbar. You can then return to the VBE using the taskbar, or using one of the methods covered earlier in this chapter.

Find and Replace

Often, you name a variable only to decide later that you want to change the name. VBA comes with an excellent find-and-replace feature to help you with this change. You can simply search for data, or you can search for a value and replace it with some other value. To invoke the Find dialog box, shown in Figure 7.22, choose Edit|Find, or use Ctrl+F.

The Find dialog box is set up to search for strMessage in the current module.

Figure 7.22. The Find dialog box is set up to search for strMessage in the current module.

Type the text you want to find in the Find What text box. Notice that you can search in the Current Procedure, Current Module, Current Project, or Selected Text. The option Find Whole Word Only doesn’t find the text if it’s part of another piece of text. For example, if you check Find Whole Word Only, and then search for Count, VBA doesn’t find Counter. Other options include toggles for case sensitivity and pattern matching.

You can also use the Replace dialog box to search for text and replace it with another piece of text. (See Figure 7.23.) This dialog can be invoked by selecting Edit|Replace from the menu, or by pressing Ctrl+H (or Alt+E, E). It offers all the features of the Find dialog box, but also enables you to enter Replace With text. In addition, you can select Replace or Replace All. Replace asks for confirmation before each replacement, but Replace All replaces text without this prompt. I recommend you take the time to confirm each replacement because it’s all too easy to miscalculate the pervasive effects of a global search-and-replace.

The Replace dialog box is set to find strMessage and replace it with strNewMessage in the current project.

Figure 7.23. The Replace dialog box is set to find strMessage and replace it with strNewMessage in the current project.


A very useful but under-utilized feature of VBA is the ability to get context-sensitive help while coding. With your cursor placed anywhere in a VBA command or function, press the F1 key to get context-sensitive help on that command or function. Most of the help topics let you view practical examples of the function or command within code. Figure 7.24 shows help on the With...End With construct. Notice that the Help window includes the syntax for the command, a detailed description of each parameter included in the command, and remarks about using the command. At the top of the window, you can see hypertext links to related topics (See Also), as well as a link to an example of using the With...End With construct. If you click on Example, a specific example of the construct appears that you can copy and place into a module. (See Figure 7.25.) This feature is a great way to learn about the various parts of the VBA language.

Help on With...End With.

Figure 7.24. Help on With...End With.

An example of With...End With.

Figure 7.25. An example of With...End With.

Splitting the Code Window

The VBA Code window can be split so that you can look at two routines in the same module at the same time. This option is useful if you’re trying to solve a problem involving two procedures or event routines in a large module. To split your Code window, as shown in Figure 7.26, choose Window|Split.

A split Code window lets you view two routines.

Figure 7.26. A split Code window lets you view two routines.

Notice the splitter. Place your mouse cursor on the gray splitter button just above the Code window’s vertical scrollbar. By clicking and dragging, you can size each half of the window. The window can be split into only two parts. After it has been split, you can use the Object and Procedure drop-down lists to navigate to the procedure of your choice. The drop-down lists will work for either of the two panes of the split window, depending on which pane was last selected.


Only routines in the same module can be viewed in a particular Code window, but several Code windows can be open at the same time. Each time you open an Access, Form, or Report module, you’re placed in a different window. Each module window can then be sized, moved, and split.

Using Bookmarks to Save Your Place

The Access 2000 and Access 2002 coding environments enable you to create place markers—called bookmarks—so that you can easily return to key locations in your modules. To add a bookmark, right-click on the line of code where the bookmark will be placed and choose Toggle|Bookmark, or choose Bookmarks|Toggle Bookmark from the Edit menu. You can add as many bookmarks as you like.

To navigate between bookmarks, choose Edit|Bookmarks|Next Bookmark, or Edit|Bookmarks|Previous Bookmark. A bookmark is a toggle. To remove one, you simply choose Toggle|Bookmark from the shortcut menu or Bookmarks|Toggle Bookmark from the Edit menu. If you want to clear all bookmarks, choose Edit|Bookmarks|Clear All Bookmarks. Bookmarks are not saved when you close the database.


Do not confuse the bookmarks discussed in this section with recordset bookmarks. Recordset bookmarks are covered in Chapter 14, “What Are ActiveX Data Objects and Data Access Objects, and Why Are They Important?”

Customizing the VBE

Access 2000 and Access 2002 provide Access programmers with significant opportunity to customize the look and behavior of the Visual Basic Editor (VBE). To view and customize the environment options, choose Tools|Options with the VBE active. Figure 7.27 shows the Options dialog box; its different aspects are discussed in detail in the rest of this section.

The Options dialog box.

Figure 7.27. The Options dialog box.

Coding Options—The Editor Tab

The coding options available to you are found under the Editor tab of the Options dialog box. They include Auto Indent, Tab Width, Auto Syntax Check, Require Variable Declaration, Auto List Members, Auto Quick Info, and Auto Data Tips.

The Auto Indent feature invokes the automatic indenting of successive lines of code. This means that when you indent one line, all other lines are indented to the same position until you specify otherwise.

The Auto Syntax Check feature determines whether Access performs a syntax check each time you press Enter after typing a single line of code. Many developers find this option annoying. It’s not uncommon to type a line of code and notice a typo in a previous line of code. You want to rectify the error before you forget, so you move off the incomplete line of code you’re typing, only to get an error message that your syntax is incorrect.

The Require Variable Declaration option is a must. If this option is turned on, all variables must be declared before they are used. This important feature, when set, places the Option Explicit line in the Declarations section of every module. You’re then forced to declare all variables before they’re used. The compiler identifies many innocent typos at compile time, rather than by your users at runtime.

The Auto List Members option determines whether the List Properties/Methods and List Constants features are automatically invoked as you type code in the Code window. They help you in your coding endeavors by presenting a valid list of properties, methods, and constants. For more about these features, see Chapter 8.

The Auto Quick Info feature determines whether the syntax of a procedure or method is automatically displayed. If this option is selected, the syntax information is displayed as soon as you type a procedure or method name followed by a space, period, or opening parenthesis.

The Auto Data Tips feature is used when you’re debugging. It displays the current value of a selected value when you place your mouse pointer over the variable in Break mode. This feature is discussed in Chapter 15, “Debugging: Your Key to Successful Development.”

Code Color, Fonts, and Sizes—The Editor Format Tab

In Access 2000 and Access 2002, you can customize code colors, font, and size within the coding environment. You can also specify the foreground and background colors for the Code window text, selection text, syntax error text, comment text, keyword text, and more. You can select from any of the Windows fonts and sizes for the text in the Code window. For a more readable Code window, select the FixedSys font.

General Options—The General Tab

The General tab contains miscellaneous options that affect the behavior of the development environment. For example, the Show Grid option determines whether a form grid is displayed, and the Grid Units are used to designate the granularity of the gridlines. The other options on this tab are discussed in Chapter 12, “Advanced VBA Techniques.”

Docking Options—The Docking Tab

The Docking tab enables you to specify whether the windows within the VBE are dockable. A window is said to be dockable if you can lock it alongside and dock it to another window. It is not dockable when you can move it anywhere and leave it there. The windows you can dock include the Immediate, Locals, Watch, Project, Properties, and Object Browser windows.


All the customization options that have been discussed apply to the entire Access environment. This means that, when set, they affect all your databases.


A strong knowledge of the VBA language is imperative for the Access developer. This chapter has covered all the basics of the VBA language. You have learned the differences between Code, Form, and Report modules and how to effectively use each. You have also learned the difference between event procedures and user-defined subroutines and functions. To get the most mileage out of your subroutines and functions, you have learned how to pass parameters to, and receive return values from, procedures.

Variables are used throughout your application code. Declaring each variable with the proper scope and lifetime helps make your application bulletproof and easy to maintain. Furthermore, selecting an appropriate variable type ensures that the minimal amount of memory is consumed and that your application code protects itself. Effectively using control structures and built-in functions gives you the power, flexibility, and functionality required by even the most complex of applications. Finally, a strong command of the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) is imperative to a successful development experience!

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