
By means of a query, you retrieve data from a database. In this chapter we’ll demonstrate how you can specify a query in a formal way. To do so, we won’t require the formal introduction of any new concepts; we’ve already presented all ingredients for specifying queries.

The section “Formally Specifying Queries” introduces you to the formal concept of a query over a database universe. You’ll find out that you can specify a query as a set-theory expression based on a given database state. In this section, we’ll also give a few simple examples to familiarize you with this formal concept of a query.

The section “Example Queries Over DB_UEX” provides example queries over DB_UEX, the example database universe that was introduced in Chapter 7. It will start out with basic queries and gradually move to more complex queries. For every query, we’ll present you with multiple (equivalent) formal expressions to specify the query.

For the first time in this book, you’ll see the use of SQL. Every example query will be accompanied by one or more equivalent SQL expressions. You’ll discover that expressing particular queries in SQL turns out to be not so trivial.

imagesNote We assume you have a working knowledge of SQL. It is certainly not the goal of this book to teach the SQL language (although showing both the formal and the SQL expressions alongside each other might have this as a side effect). As mentioned in the book’s Introduction, the SQL expressions given in this chapter, as well as in the following two chapters, are compliant with the 10g release of Oracle’s SQL DBMS.

As usual, you’ll find a “Chapter Summary” at the end, followed by an “Exercises” section.

Formally Specifying Queries

Data retrieval is a crucial application of a database. Through queries, you can extract information that is relevant to you from the database. In this section, we’ll demonstrate how you can formally specify queries.

Let’s first start with a simple example. We’ll use the example database design that was introduced in Chapter 7. Assume E represents the employee table in some database state of universe DB_UEX. Here’s a formal specification of a query, named Q1, on E that extracts the trainers who earn more than 6000:

Q1(E) := { e | e∈E ∧ e(JOB)='TRAINER' ∧ e(MSAL)>6000 }

Query Q1 returns all employee tuples representing trainers earning more than 6000. Instead of the complete tuple, if all you were interested in was the employee number (EMPNO), name (ENAME), and salary (MSAL), of trainers earning more than 6000, then the following query (Q2) would do the job:

Q2(E) := { e↓{EMPNO,ENAME,MSAL} | e∈E ∧ e(JOB)='TRAINER' ∧ e(MSAL)>6000 }

imagesNote Both Q1 and Q2 return a table as their result. As you’ll see shortly, this is not a requirement in the formal methodology set out by this book; queries are allowed to return simple values too (for instance, a single numeric or string value). However, in practice we prefer query specifications that return tables.

As indicated through the preceding example, you can view a query as a function. In this case, you pass this function a table as its argument, and it then returns another value based on the argument. Of course, queries often involve more than just one table. In general, a query can be considered to accept a database state (our formal structure that contains all current tables) as its argument. The query can then inspect any table available within this database state to determine its return value.

Let’s demonstrate this with an example too. Assume dbs represents some database state of database universe DB_UEX. Take a look at query Q3; it returns the department that employs the president (if there is one):

Q3(dbs) := { d | d∈dbs(DEPT) ∧
                (∃e∈dbs(EMP): e(DEPTNO)=d(DEPTNO) ∧ e(JOB)='PRESIDENT') }

Query Q3 inspects two tables held within state dbs; expression dbs(DEPT) denotes the department table, and expression dbs(EMP) denotes the employee table. Because the argument of the query now represents a database state, the query can inspect any table available within that state.

As this example shows us, a query can formally be considered a function over a database universe. In other words, a query is a function whose domain is a set of database states. For every database state, the function returns (or if you will, computes) some value. The result of a query can be a value of any type. Query Q3 results in a table. If there is a president, then the result will be a table with one tuple; if there is no president, then the result will be the empty table. Database queries will typically result in tables. In fact, given the query language SQL, a query always results in a table. In the formalism introduced in this book, the result of a query can be as simple as a single numeric or string value too. Here is an example. Query Q4 returns the number of employees in department 10:

Q4(dbs) := #{ e | e∈dbs(EMP) ∧ e(DEPTNO)=10 }

The result of query Q4 is a numeric value. Here is a formal specification of Q4 that returns a table:

Q4(dbs) := { { (DEPT_TEN_EMPS; #{ e | e∈dbs(EMP) ∧ e(DEPTNO)=10 }) } }

This version of Q4 returns a table over {DEPT_TEN_EMPS}. It contains one tuple, with one attribute-value pair.

The next section will present many example queries over DB_UEX to familiarize you further with formally specifying queries.

Example Queries Over DB_UEX

This section provides example queries. It starts out with basic queries and gradually moves to more complex queries. For every query, we’ll present you with the following:

  • An informal description for the query
  • One or more formal expressions to specify the query
  • One or more specifications expressed in SQL for the query

Along the way, you’ll find out that it becomes increasingly more difficult to precisely specify a query informally; it becomes hard to avoid ambiguity. Also, you’ll see that SQL has some shortcomings that cause difficulties when you try to translate a formal query specification directly into a SELECT expression.

Listings 9-1 through 9-11 introduce the example queries. All queries are named EXQi (example query i), where i represents a sequence number. In the formal specifications given for each query, dbs represents a database state of DB_UEX. The various alternative formal expressions are named FEc(formal expression c), where c represents a letter (a, b, c, and so on).

The SQL expressions are based on an implementation of the DB_UEX database design. We’ll introduce this implementation in detail in Chapter 11. For now it suffices to mention that in the implementation of DB_UEX, every table universe is implemented one on one as an SQL table, and that NULLs (a concept not known in our formal methodology) are explicitly excluded from that implementation.

In the SQL specifications we’ll use the table structure names introduced by database characterization DB_CHREX (see Listing 7-38) as the table names available for SELECT expressions. We’ll name alternative SQL specifications SEr (SQL expression r), where r represents a Roman numeral (I, II, III, and so on).

imagesNote Unless pointed out in the accompanying text, there is no implied relationship between the respective formal and SQL alternative expressions that are listed for every query.

Listing 9-1 gives the data of all departments.

Listing 9-1. Query EXQ1(dbs)

FEa:  dbs(DEPT)
FEb:  { d | d∈dbs(DEPT) }
SEI:  select d.* from DEPT d
SEII: select d.LOC, d.DEPTNO, d.DNAME, d.MGR from DEPT d

This query is straightforward. It retrieves the department table from given database state dbs: dbs(DEPT). Alternative FEb is a somewhat less succinct way to specify this. In SEI the star (*) symbol is used as the shorthand to denote all attributes of the department table in this case. SEII actually lists all attributes (in some arbitrary order).

Listing 9-2 gives the job of employees who either earn more than 4800 monthly, or who are assigned to salary grade 6 or higher.

Listing 9-2. Query EXQ2(dbs)

FEa:   { e(JOB) | e∈dbs(EMP) ∧ (e(MSAL) > 4800 ∨ e(SGRADE) ≥ 6) }
FEb:   { e↓{JOB} | e∈dbs(EMP) ∧ (e(MSAL) > 4800 ∨ e(SGRADE) ≥ 6) }
FEc:   { e↓(JOB) | e∈dbs(EMP) ∧ (e(MSAL) ≤ 4800 ⇒ e(SGRADE) ≥ 6) }
FEd:   { e↓(JOB) | e∈dbs(EMP) ∧ (e(SGRADE) < 6 ⇒ e(MSAL) > 4800) }
FEe:   { e↓(JOB) | e∈dbs(EMP) ∧ ¬(e(MSAL) ≤ 4800 ∧ e(SGRADE) < 6) }
FEf:   { e↓(JOB) | e∈dbs(EMP) ∧ e(MSAL) > 4800 }
       { e↓(JOB) | e∈dbs(EMP) ∧ e(SGRADE) ≥ 6}
SEI:   select distinct e.JOB from EMP e where e.MSAL > 4800 or e.SGRADE >= 6
SEII:  select distinct e.JOB from EMP e where not (e.MSAL <= 4800 and e.SGRADE < 6)
SEIII: select e.JOB from EMP e where e.MSAL > 4800
       select e.JOB from EMP e where e.SGRADE >= 6

Do you notice the subtle difference between FEa and FEb? The former results in a set of job values (that is, this is not a table); the latter results in a set of tuples (that is, a table over {JOB}), and is therefore a preferred way to formally specify EXQ2.

Alternatives FEc, FEd, and FEe are variations of FEb, where the disjunction is either rewritten into an implication or a conjunction. Alternative FEf uses the union operator; jobs of employees earning more than 4800 are unioned with jobs of employees assigned to salary grade 6 or higher.

imagesNote The way this query is formally specified implies that we only retrieve distinct job values. Suppose table dbs(EMP) currently holds twenty employees, of which ten conform to the predicate “monthly salary is greater than 4800 or salary grade equals 6 or higher.” If eight of those ten employees have job TRAINER and the other two have job MANAGER, then the result of FEa will be {'TRAINER','MANAGER'}: a set with only two, not ten, elements.

The subtle difference demonstrated by FEa and FEb cannot be expressed in SQL. Specification SEI is the SQL variation for both of these. Also note that in SQL you must add the distinct keyword to ensure that no duplicate job values appear in the query result.

Alternatives FEc and FEd cannot be directly transformed into SQL, because SQL lacks the implication operator; only disjunction, conjunction, and negation are available within SQL.

Specification SEII is the SQL version for FEe, and SEIII represents the SQL version for FEf. Note that in the latter case, the use of the keyword distinct is not necessary; SQL will always return distinct values whenever you use a set operator (union, minus, or intersect).

Listing 9-3 gives the number, name, and salary of clerks, including the lower and upper limits of the salary grade to which they are assigned.

Listing 9-3. Query EXQ3(dbs)

              (dbs(GRD)◊◊{(SGRADE;GRADE),(LLIMIT;LLIMIT),(ULIMIT;ULIMIT)}) ∧
                                                             e(JOB)='CLERK' }
     from EMP e
         ,GRD g
     where e.SGRADE = g.GRADE
       and e.JOB = 'CLERK'

This query is represented by a join between the employee and salary grade tables. To be able to use the join operator, you must rename either the attribute SGRADE in the employee table, or the attribute GRADE in the salary grade table. Specification FEa performs the latter renaming. You can derive the SQL expression SEI directly from FEa.

Now you’re probably thinking that the SQL expression looks much easier than the formal expression, right? This is because this example is so simple. When we get to more complicated examples, you’ll see that this state of affairs ceases to apply; the SQL expressions will then become more complicated than the mathematical ones.

Listing 9-4 gives the employees (EMPNO and ENAME) who manage exactly two departments at two different locations.

Listing 9-4. Query EXQ4(dbs)

FEa:   { e↓{EMPNO,ENAME} | e∈dbs(EMP) ∧
                           #{ d(LOC) | d∈dbs(DEPT) ∧ d(MGR)=e(EMPNO) } = 2 }
FEb:   { e↓{EMPNO,ENAME} | e∈dbs(EMP) ∧
                           (∃d1,d2∈dbs(DEPT): d1(MGR)=e(EMPNO) ∧
                                               d2(MGR)=e(EMPNO) ∧
                                               d1(LOC)≠d2(LOC)) }
FEc:   { e↓{EMPNO,ENAME} | e∈ (dbs(EMP)⇓{EMPNO,ENAME})⊗
                              (dbs(DEPT)◊◊{(EMPNO;MGR),(LOC2;LOC)}) ∧
                           e(LOC1)≠e(LOC2)  }
SEI:   select e.EMPNO, e.ENAME
       from EMP e
       where 2 = (select count(distinct d.LOC)
                  from DEPT d
                  where d.MGR = e.EMPNO)
SEII:  select e.EMPNO, e.ENAME
       from EMP e
       where exists(select d1.*
                    from DEPT d1
                    where d1.MGR = e.EMPNO
                      and exists(select d2.*
                                 from DEPT d2
                                 where d2.MGR = e.EMPNO
                                   and d1.LOC <> d2.LOC))

SEIII: select e.EMPNO, e.ENAME
       from EMP e
       where exists(select *
                    from DEPT d1
                        ,DEPT d2
                    where d1.MGR = e.EMPNO
                      and d2.MGR = e.EMPNO
                      and d1.LOC <> d2.LOC)

SEIV:  select distinct e.EMPNO, e.ENAME
       from EMP e
           ,DEPT d1
           ,DEPT d2
       where e.EMPNO = d1.MGR
         and e.EMPNO = d2.MGR
         and d1.LOC <> d2.LOC

Specification FEa states that the cardinality of the set of locations of departments managed by the employee must be two. Alternative FEb achieves this requirement by existentially quantifying over two departments at different locations that are managed by the employee.

imagesNote In FEb the shorthand notation for two nested existential quantifiers over the same set is used.

You can translate both formal specifications into SQL directly. Note that in SEI you must use the distinct keyword within the count aggregate function. Specification SEII is given to demonstrate the nested use of the existential quantifier available in SQL—the expression exists(...). SEIII is a shorthand version similar to the shorthand used in formal specification FEb.

Specification FEc uses the join to locate two departments at different locations that are managed by the employee. Note that in its SQL version (SEIV), you must use the distinct keyword to prevent employees who manage two departments at different locations from appearing twice in the result set.

Listing 9-5 gives the number and name of all managed employees earning more than 90 percent of their boss’s salary.

Listing 9-5. Query EXQ5(dbs)

FEa:  { e1↓{EMPNO,ENAME} | e1∈dbs(EMP) ∧ m∈dbs(MEMP) ∧ e2∈dbs(EMP) ∧
                           e1(EMPNO) = m(EMPNO) ∧ m(MGR) = e2(EMPNO) ∧
                           e1(MSAL) > 0.9*e2(MSAL) }
FEb:  {e↓{EMPNO,ENAME} | e∈ (dbs(EMP)⊗dbs(MEMP))⊗
                            (dbs(EMP)◊◊{ (MGR;EMPNO), (MGR_MSAL;MSAL) }) ∧
                            e(MSAL) > 0.9*e(MGR_MSAL) }
FEc:  {e1↓{EMPNO,ENAME} | e1∈dbs(EMP) ∧
                          (∃m∈dbs(MEMP): m(EMPNO)=e1(EMPNO) ∧

                                      (∃e2∈dbs(EMP): e2(EMPNO)=m(MGR) ∧
                                                      e1(MSAL) > 0.9*e2(MSAL) )) }
SEI:  select e1.EMPNO, e1.ENAME
      from EMP e1, MEMP m, EMP e2
      where e1.EMPNO = m.EMPNO
        and m.MGR = e2.EMPNO
        and e1.MSAL > 0.9 * e2.MSAL
SEII: select e1.EMPNO, e1.ENAME
      from EMP e1
      where exists (select m.*
                    from MEMP m
                    where m.EMPNO = e1.EMPNO
                      and exists (select e2.*
                                  from EMP e2
                                  where e2.EMPNO = m.MGR
                                    and e1.MSAL > 0.9 * e2.MSAL))

By combining every EMP tuple with the corresponding MEMP tuple (via specialization PSPEC2), and then combining the MEMP tuple back to an EMP tuple (via subset requirement PSSR3), you are able to compare the monthly salary of a managed employee with the monthly salary of his or her manager. Specification FEa achieves this by binding two tuple variables for EMP (one for the employee and one for the manager) and a tuple variable for MEMP, and then imposing the combination restrictions on those. Specification FEb does this by binding a single tuple variable that draws its values from a nested join that performs the combination. The first join combines tuples from EMP with MEMP (to find the employee number of the manager). The second join combines tuples from MEMP back to EMP (to find the salary of the manager) and requires attribute renaming.

Specification SEI represents an SQL version for FEa and FEb.

Specification FEc employs a nested existential quantification to achieve the same result. You can translate it directly into SQL (see SEII) using the support for existential quantification in SQL.

Listing 9-6 gives the code, description, and category for all courses for which every scheduled offering has a maximum capacity of fewer than ten students.

Listing 9-6. Query EXQ6(dbs)

FEa:   { c↓{CODE,DESCR,CAT} | c∈dbs(CRS) ∧
                              (∀o∈dbs(OFFR): (o(COURSE) = c(CODE) ∧
                                               o(STATUS) = 'SCHD') ⇒
                                               o(MAXCAP) < 10 ) }
FEb:   { c↓{CODE,DESCR,CAT} | c∈dbs(CRS) ∧
                              ¬(∃o∈dbs(OFFR): o(COURSE) = c(CODE) ∧
                                               o(STATUS) = 'SCHD' ∧
                                               o(MAXCAP) ≥ 10 ) }
FEc:   { c↓{CODE,DESCR,CAT} | c∈dbs(CRS) ∧
                              c(CODE) ∉ { o(COURSE) | o∈dbs(OFFR) ∧
                                                       o(STATUS) = 'SCHD' ∧
                                                       o(MAXCAP) ≥ 10 ) } }

FEd:   { c↓{CODE,DESCR,CAT} | c∈dbs(CRS) ∧
                              #{ o1 | o1∈dbs(OFFR) ∧ o1(COURSE) = c(CODE) ∧
                                                      o1(STATUS) = 'SCHD' }
                              #{ o2 | o2∈dbs(OFFR) ∧ o2(COURSE) = c(CODE) ∧
                                                      o2(STATUS) = 'SCHD' ∧
                                                      o2(MAXCAP) < 10 ) } }
SEI:   select c.CODE, c.DESC, c.CAT
       from CRS c
       where not exists (select o.*
                         from OFFR o
                         where o.COURSE = c.CODE
                           and o.STATUS = 'SCHD'
                           and o.MAXCAP >= 10)
SEII:  select c.CODE, c.DESC, c.CAT
       from CRS c
       where c.CODE not in (select o.COURSE
                            from OFFR o
                            where o.STATUS = 'SCHD'
                              and o.MAXCAP >= 10)
SEIII: select c.CODE, c.DESC, c.CAT
       from CRS c
       where (select count(*)
              from OFFR o1
              where o1.COURSE = c.CODE
                and o1.STATUS = 'SCHD')
             (select count(*)
              from OFFR o2
              where o2.COURSE = c.CODE
                and o2.STATUS = 'SCHD'
                and o2.MAXCAP < 10)

Specification FEa closely follows the informal description for the query. FEb is a rewritten version of FEa; the universal quantifier is rewritten into an existential quantifier. Informally it queries all courses for which there do not exist a scheduled offering with a maximum capacity of ten or more. Because the ability to rewrite predicates into equivalent predicates is extremely important, we’ll demonstrate once more how this is performed in this case:

(∀o∈dbs(OFFR): (o(COURSE)=c(CODE) ∧ o(STATUS)='SCHD') ⇒ o(MAXCAP)<10 )
/* Add double negation */
¬¬(∀o∈dbs(OFFR): (o(COURSE)=c(CODE) ∧ o(STATUS) = 'SCHD') ⇒ o(MAXCAP)<10 )
/* Bring one negation into the quantification, quantifier changes */
¬(∃o∈dbs(OFFR): ¬((o(COURSE)=c(CODE) ∧ o(STATUS)='SCHD') ⇒ o(MAXCAP)<10 ))
/* Transform implication into disjunction */
¬(∃o∈dbs(OFFR): ¬(¬(o(COURSE)=c(CODE) ∧ o(STATUS)='SCHD') ∨ o(MAXCAP)<10 ))
/* Apply De Morgan, disjunction changes into conjuction */

¬(∃o∈dbs(OFFR): ¬¬(o(COURSE)=c(CODE) ∧ o(STATUS)='SCHD') ∧ ¬o(MAXCAP)<10 )
/* Get rid of negations */
¬(∃o∈dbs(OFFR): o(COURSE)=c(CODE) ∧ o(STATUS)='SCHD' ∧ o(MAXCAP)≥10 )

You’ll often have to rewrite a universal quantification into an existential quantification for reasons that will soon become clear.

Specification FEc is a variation of FEb; the “not exists” is now expressed as a “not an element of” some set. FEd might seem somewhat far-fetched; only those courses are included in the query result, for which the number of scheduled course offerings equals the number of scheduled course offerings that have a maximum capacity of fewer than ten students. By imposing this restriction, you end up precisely with those courses for which every scheduled offering has a maximum capacity of fewer than ten students.

SQL lacks the possibility to express universal quantification directly.

imagesNote Remember we are using Oracle’s version of SQL in this book. The SQL standard offers a language construct called <quantified comparison predicate> that can be used to specify universal quantification in SQL. However, Oracle’s SQL DBMS doesn’t support this language construct.

For this reason, you cannot directly translate FEa into SQL; you must rewrite the universal quantification into an existential quantification (which SQL does support). Once you have done this (which is what alternative FEb is all about), you can straightforwardly compose the equivalent SQL expression for the query; see SEI. Alternative SEII closely follows FEb too, but instead of the “not exists,” it employs the “not in” operator available within SQL.

Alternative SEIII is the SQL version of FEc; this way of query formulation can be considered a trick to mimic a universal quantification within SQL.

What is your opinion on courses that currently do not have any scheduled offering at all? Should they appear in the result set of query EXQ6, or not?

imagesNote Remember the truth value of a universal quantification over the empty set? Such a quantification is always true, regardless of the predicate that is being quantified.

Courses with no scheduled offerings will appear in the result set of this query. Whenever you encounter a universal quantification—or a negated existential quantification—you should be aware of this consequence (warning bells should ring). Moreover, whenever the set that is quantified over can possibly be the empty set, you should double check with your customer (the end user) whether he or she is aware of this “side effect” and requires this behavior of the query.

If courses with no scheduled offerings at all should not appear in the result set of this query, then here is how you could change FEa to reflect this:

{ c↓{CODE,DESCR,CAT} | c∈dbs(CRS) ∧
                       (∃o∈dbs(OFFR): o(COURSE) = c(CODE) ∧
                                       o(STATUS) = 'SCHD') ∧
                       (∀o∈dbs(OFFR): (o(COURSE) = c(CODE) ∧
                                       o(STATUS) = 'SCHD') ⇒
                                       o(MAXCAP) < 10 ) }

Adding the existential quantification now ensures that courses with no scheduled offerings won’t appear in the result set.

In the next example, you’ll see the use of an NVL function and the outer join syntax (+). Both constructs are available with the Oracle SQL DBMS. We’ll explain their meaning directly after Listing 9-7.

Listing 9-7 gives for each department the department number, name, and number of employees working in that department, as well as the total sum of monthly salaries of employees working in that department.

Listing 9-7. Query EXQ7(dbs)

FEa:   { d↓{DEPTNO,DNAME} ∪
         { (NUM_EMP; #{ e1 | e1∈dbs(EMP) ∧ e1(deptno)=d(deptno) })
          ,(SUM_MSAL; (SUM e2∈{ e3 | e3∈dbs (EMP) ∧ e3(deptno)=d(deptno) }:
         | d∈dbs(DEPT) }
FEb:   { d ∪
         { (NUM_EMP; #{ e1 | e1∈dbs(EMP) ∧ e1(deptno)=d(deptno) })
          ,(SUM_MSAL; (SUM e2∈{ e3 | e3∈dbs(EMP) ∧ e3(deptno)=d(deptno) }:
         | d∈dbs(DEPT)⇓{DEPTNO,DNAME} }
SEI:   select d.DEPTNO
             ,(select count(*)
               from EMP e1
               where e1.deptno = d.deptno) as NUM_EMP
             ,(select nvl(sum(MSAL),0)
               from EMP e2
               where e1.deptno = d.deptno) as SUM_MSAL
       from DEPT d
SEII:  select d.DEPTNO
             ,count(*) as NUM_EMP
             ,sum(e.MSAL) as SUM_MSAL
       from DEPT d
           ,EMP e
       where d.DEPTNO = e.DEPTNO
       group by d.DEPTNO,d.DNAME
SEIII: select d.DEPTNO

             ,count(e.EMPNO) as NUM_EMP
             ,nvl(sum(e.MSAL),0) as SUM_MSA
       from DEPT d
           ,EMP e
       where d.DEPTNO = e.DEPTNO (+)
       group by d.DEPTNO,d.DNAME

Do you see how the additional attributes NUM_EMP and SUM_MSAL are constructed for the query result? Query EXQ5 returns a table over {DEPTNO,DNAME,NUM_EMP,SUM_MSAL}. For every tuple in dbs(DEPT), a tuple appears in the result set. The first two attributes are drawn directly from a tuple of dbs(DEPT). You specify the other two attributes (NUM_EMP and SUM_MSAL) separately and add them to the first two attributes through tuple union. You specify the value for NUM_EMP as the cardinality of the set that holds all employees for the current department. In a similar way, you specify the value for attribute SUM_MSAL by employing the SUM aggregate operator.

The difference between FEa and FEb is the “moment” at which the department tuples are limited to attributes DEPTNO and DNAME. Specification FEa performs tuple limitation in the expression before the bar (|); FEb performs table projection on the table to which variable d is bound (after the bar).

You should note the following:

  • The formal specification for this query states that empty departments (the ones that do not employ any employee) will be returned in the result set.
  • Both the NUM_EMP as well as the SUM_MSAL attributes have well-defined values for the empty departments. The cardinality of the empty set is well defined (it is zero), and we’ve defined the sum operator (see Definition 2-12) such that the sum of any expression over the empty set is equal to zero.

Let’s now look at the SQL expressions SEI, SEII, and SEIII. Here is a fine example of where the can of worms (mentioned in the book’s Introduction) is opened.

Specification SEI follows the formal specification for this query; subqueries are used to compute the number of employees and the sum of the salaries. However, note that SQL’s count operator is defined to be zero for the empty table, but SQL’s sum operator is defined to return NULL when performed over an empty table. To ensure that in the cases where the department employs no employees the SQL query will return 0 (zero) as the sum of the salaries, we have employed the dyadic NVL function. The semantics of this function are as follows: if the first argument represents a value other than NULL, then NVL returns this first argument, otherwise NVL returns the second argument.

Specification SEII is often produced for these types of questions. You perform a join from DEPT to EMP, and by grouping the rows (GROUP BY), you can compute the two aggregate attributes. However, note that this SQL query won’t return empty departments, and therefore doesn’t represent a correct SQL version for our original query. By the way, because this query only returns departments that employ at least one employee, the SUM aggregation will never result in NULL, and therefore you can discard the NVL.

Now, if you are a proficient SQL programmer, you probably know how to fix this, right? Specification SEIII represents the repaired version for SEII; it employs the outer join to ensure that empty departments are returned too in the result set. The addition of (+) behind e.DEPTNO changes the semantics of the original join into an outer join from table DEPT to table EMP. Outer joins will also return a row for the “from” table when no matching row can be found in the “to” table; an all-NULLs row will be generated and used to combine with the “from” table row.

You should be aware, though, that in the repaired query SEIII, you must now change the count(*) into—for instance—count(e.EMPNO) to have SQL return the correct value of zero employees for the NUM_EMP attribute (count(*) would have returned one for empty departments). Yes, the can of worms is wide open now.

The next query retrieves for each department the employee who has the highest salary within that department. Note that it’s possible for two or more employees to have that same highest salary. Listing 9-8 gives for each department (DEPTNO and DNAME) the one or more employees (EMPNO, ENAME, and MSAL) within that department who have the highest salary.

Listing 9-8. Query EXQ8(dbs)

FEa:  { d↓{DEPTNO,DNAME} ∪
        { (RICHEMP; { e1↓{EMPNO,ENAME,MSAL} | e1∈dbs(EMP) ∧ e1(DEPTNO)=d(DEPTNO) ∧
                                           ¬(∃e2∈dbs(EMP): e2(DEPTNO)=e1(DEPTNO) ∧
                                                           e2(MSAL)>e1(MSAL)) }
      | d∈dbs(DEPT) }
      { e1↓{EMPNO,ENAME,MSAL,DEPTNO} | e1∈dbs(EMP) ∧
                                       ¬(∃e2∈dbs(EMP): e2(DEPTNO)=e1(DEPTNO) ∧
                                                       e2(MSAL)>e1(MSAL)) }
      { e1↓{EMPNO,ENAME,MSAL,DEPTNO} | e1∈dbs(EMP) ∧
                                       (∀e2∈dbs(EMP): e2(DEPTNO)=e1(DEPTNO) ⇒
                                                       e2(MSAL)≤e1(MSAL)) }
SEI:  select d.DEPTNO, d.DNAME
            ,cursor(select e1.EMPNO, e1.ENAME, e1.MSAL
                    from EMP e1
                    where e1.DEPTNO = d.DEPTNO
                      and not exists(select e2.*
                                     from EMP e2
                                     where e2.DEPTNO = e1.DEPTNO
                                       and e2.MSAL > e1.MSAL)) as RICHEMP
      from DEPT d
      from DEPT d
          ,(select e1.EMPNO,e1.ENAME,e1.MSAL,e1.DEPTNO
            from EMP e1
            where not exists(select e2.*
                             from EMP e2
                             where e2.DEPTNO = e1.DEPTNO
                               and e2.MSAL > e1.MSAL)) e
      where d.DEPTNO = e.DEPTNO

Note the difference in structure of the result sets specified by FEa and FEb. Query FEa returns a table over {DEPTNO,DNAME,RICHEMP}; one tuple per department is returned (empty departments are returned too). Under attribute RICHEMP, a nested table over {EMPNO,ENAME,MSAL} is returned. Attribute RICHEMP holds the set of employee tuples (limited to three attributes) that represent the employees with the highest salary in that department. Query FEb returns a table over {DEPTNO,DNAME,EMPNO,ENAME,MSAL}. This query doesn’t return empty departments. Also, if multiple employees all earn the same highest salary within a department, then the department data is repeated for these employees.

Let’s clarify this further by giving example tables for dbs(DEPT) and dbs(EMP). Figure 9-1 shows projected versions of a department and an employee table in some given state dbs of DB_UEX.


Figure 9-1. Example department and employee tables

Given these two tables, version FEa for query EXQ8 would return the following set:

                (RICHEMP; { {(EMPNO;1002), (ENAME;'SUSAN'),  (MSAL;5500)}
                           ,{(EMPNO;1003), (ENAME;'BRITNEY'), (MSAL;5500)} })}
               (RICHEMP; { {(EMPNO;1005), (ENAME;'DEBBY'), (MSAL;6200)} })}

Version FEb would return this set:

{ {(DEPTNO;10), (DNAME;'RESEARCH'), (EMPNO;1002), (ENAME;'SUSAN'),  (MSAL;5500)}
 ,{(DEPTNO;10), (DNAME;'RESEARCH'), (EMPNO;1003), (ENAME;'BRITNEY'),(MSAL;5500)}
 ,{(DEPTNO;12), (DNAME;'MARKETING'),(EMPNO;1005), (ENAME;'DEBBY'), (MSAL;6200)}

Specification FEc once more demonstrates the rewriting of a quantifier; it differs from FEb in that the existential quantifier is rewritten into a universal quantifier.

SQL expression SEI demonstrates that a specification such as FEa can be translated directly into SQL. By using the keyword cursor, you indicate that a subquery employed within the SELECT clause can potentially return multiple rows. SQL expression SEII is a direct translation for FEb; it employs a subquery within the FROM clause.

imagesNote In Listing 9-9 that follows, we use a function to_year in expressions FEa and FEb. This function is defined to return the year component of a given date value. In Oracle SQL, you can achieve the same through the to_char function, as demonstrated in SEI and SEII.

Listing 9-9 gives the employees (EMPNO and ENAME) who attended at least one offering of every course that was given by trainer “De Haan” (employee number 1206) in 2003.

Listing 9-9. Query EXQ9(dbs)

FEa:  {e↓{EMPNO,ENAME} | e∈dbs(EMP) ∧
                         { o(COURSE) | o∈dbs(OFFR) ∧ o(TRAINER)=1206 ∧
                                       o(STATUS)='CONF' ∧ to_year(o(STARTS))=2003 }
                         { r(COURSE) | r∈dbs(REG)⊗dbs(OFFR) ∧
                                       r(STUD)=e(EMPNO) ∧ r(TRAINER)=1206 ∧
                                       r(STATUS)='CONF' ∧ to_year(r(STARTS))=2003 }
FEb:  { e↓{EMPNO,ENAME} | e∈dbs(EMP) ∧
                           (∀o1∈{ o2↓{COURSE} | o2∈dbs(OFFR) ∧ o2(TRAINER)=1206 ∧
                                     o2(STATUS)='CONF' ∧ to_year(o2(STARTS))=2003 }:
                               (∃r∈dbs(REG)⊗dbs(OFFR): r(COURSE)=o1(COURSE) ∧
                                     r(STUD)=e(EMPNO) ∧ r(TRAINER)=1206 ∧
                                     r(STATUS)='CONF' ∧ to_year(r(STARTS))=2003))
SEI:  select e.EMPNO,e.ENAME
      from EMP e
      where 0 = (select count(*)
                 from (select o1.COURSE
                       from OFFR o1
                       where o1.TRAINER = 1206
                         and o1.STATUS = 'CONF'
                         and to_char(o1.STARTS,'YYYY') = '2003'
                       select o2.COURSE
                       from OFFR o2
                           ,REG r
                       where o2.COURSE = r.COURSE
                         and o2.STARTS = r.STARTS
                         and r.STUD = e.EMPNO
                         and o2.TRAINER = 1206
                         and o2.STATUS = 'CONF'
                         and to_char(o2.STARTS,'YYYY') = '2003'))

SEII: select e.EMPNO,e.ENAME
      from EMP e
      where not exists(select o1.*
                       from (select o.COURSE
                             from OFFR o
                             where o.TRAINER = 1206
                               and o.STATUS = 'CONF'
                               and to_char(o.STARTS,'YYYY') = '2003') o1
                       where not exists(select r.*
                                        from REG r
                                            ,OFFR o2
                                        where r.COURSE = o2.COURSE
                                          and r.STARTS = o2.STARTS
                                          and r.STUD = e.EMPNO
                                          and o2.STATUS = 'CONF'
                                          and to_char(r.STARTS,'YYYY') = '2003'
                                          and r.TRAINER = 1206
                                          and r.COURSE = o1.COURSE))

Formal specification FEa queries all employees for which the set of distinct courses given by De Haan in 2003 is a subset of the set of courses for which an offering (taught by De Haan) was attended by the employee in 2003. Note that for an employee to have attended a course offering, the following must be true:

  1. He or she must be registered for that offering.
  2. That offering must have status confirmed.

Specification FEb is a rewrite of the subset operator in FEa into quantifiers that follow from the definition of the subset operator. Set A is a subset of B if and only if every element of A is an element of B.

(A ⊆ B) ⇔ (∀a∈A: ∃b∈B: b=a)

The rewrite rule that we have applied is slightly more sophisticated; it is of the following structure:

{ a | a∈A ∧ P(a) } ⊆ { b | b∈B ∧ Q(b) }

(∀a1∈{ a2 | a2∈A ∧ P(a2) }: (∃b∈B: b=a1 ∧ Q(b)))

SQL does not support all set operators: union, intersection, and difference are available; symmetric difference is not, nor is the subset of operator. Fortunately, you can rewrite the subset operator using other available set operators:

(A ⊆ B) ⇔ ((A − B) = Ø)

Set A is a subset of B if and only if the difference A minus B represents the empty set. To check for an empty set in SQL, you would have to apply one more rewrite rule:

((A − B) = Ø) ⇔ (#(A − B) = 0)

Instead of checking that A minus B represents the empty set, you now check that the cardinality of A minus B equals zero. The preceding rewrite rules were applied to FEa to end up with SQL expression SEI.

Alternative SEII represents the SQL version for the formal version where the subset operator was rewritten into quantifiers (FEb). Note that (again) the universal quantifier had to be further rewritten into an existential quantifier.

Listing 9-10 gives courses (CODE and DESCR) for which all offerings (and there must be at least one) in 2006 were given by only one trainer, and for which none of these offerings was attended by another trainer.

Listing 9-10. Query EXQ10(dbs)

      | c∈dbs(CRS) ∧ /* there is one trainer for all offerings of this course */
                         (∀o∈dbs(OFFR): (o(COURSE)=c(CODE) ∧ o(STATUS)='CONF' ∧
                                          to_year(o(STARTS))=2006) ⇒
                                         o(TRAINER)=e(EMPNO) )
                    ∧ /* course was offered in 2006 */
                      (∃o∈dbs(OFFR): o(COURSE)=c(CODE) ∧ o(STATUS)='CONF' ∧
                    ∧ /* none of the offerings was attended by another trainer */
                                r(COURSE)=c(CODE) ∧ r(STATUS)='CONF' ∧
                                to_year(r(STARTS))=2006 ∧ r(JOB)='TRAINER')
      | c∈dbs(CRS) ∧ /* there is one trainer for all offerings of this course */
                       1 = #{ o(TRAINER) | o∈dbs(OFFR) ∧ o(COURSE)=c(CODE) ∧
                                       o(STATUS)='CONF' ∧ to_year(o(STARTS))=2006 }
                    ∧ /* none of the offerings was attended by another trainer */
                                (r(COURSE)=c(CODE) ∧ r(STATUS)='CONF' ∧
                                 to_year(r(STARTS))=2006) ⇒ r(JOB)≥'TRAINER')
SEI:  select c.CODE
      from CRS c
      where exists(select e.*
                   from EMP e
                   where not exists(select o2.*
                                    from OFFR o2
                                    where o2.COURSE = c.CODE
                                      and o2.STATUS = 'CONF'
                                      and to_char(o2.STARTS,'YYYY') = '2006'
                                      and o2.TRAINER <> e.EMPNO))

        and exists(select o1.*
                   from OFFR o1
                   where o1.COURSE = c.CODE
                     and o1.STATUS = 'CONF'
                     and to_char(o1.STARTS,'YYYY') = '2006')
        and not exists(select r.*
                       from REG r
                           ,EMP e
                           ,OFFR o3
                       where r.STUD = e.EMPNO
                         and r.COURSE = o3.COURSE
                         and r.STARTS = o3.STARTS
                         and r.COURSE = c.CODE
                         and o3.STATUS = 'CONF'
                         and to_char(o3.STARTS,'YYYY') = '2006'
                         and e.JOB = 'TRAINER')
SEII: select c.CODE, c.DESCR
      from COURSE c
      where 1 = (select count(distinct o1.TRAINER)
                 from OFFR o1
                 where o1.COURSE = c.CODE
                   and o1.STATUS = 'CONF'
                   and to_char(o1.STARTS,'YYYY') = 2006)
        and not exists(select r.*
                       from REG r
                           ,EMP e
                           ,OFFR o2
                       where r.STUD = e.EMPNO
                         and r.COURSE = o2.COURSE
                         and r.STARTS = o2.STARTS
                         and r.COURSE = c.CODE
                         and o2.STATUS = 'CONF'
                         and to_char(o2.STARTS,'YYYY') = '2006'
                         and e.JOB = 'TRAINER')

Note the additional conjunct (the one with comment /* course was offered in 2006 */) inside the specification of FEa to ensure that the universal quantification inside the first conjunct does not involve the empty set.

Specification FEb takes care of this by stating that the cardinality of all distinct trainers, who have given an offering in 2006 for the course, is at least one. By stating that this cardinality should be exactly one, you specify that the course was given by no more than one trainer.

You can translate both formal specifications into SQL; FEa requires a rewrite of the universal quantifier.

Listing 9-11 finds all departments that violate the employee table constraint stating that departments that employ the president or a manager should also employ at least one administrator.

Listing 9-11. Query EXQ11(dbs)

FEa:  { d | d∈dbs(DEPT) ∧
            (∃e1∈dbs(EMP): e1(DEPTNO)=d(DEPTNO) ∧
                            e1(JOB)∈{'PRESIDENT','MANAGER'}) ∧
            ¬(∃e2∈E: e2(DEPTNO)=d ∧ e2(JOB) = 'ADMIN' ) }
FEb:  { d | d∈dbs(DEPT) ∧
            (∃e1∈dbs(EMP): e1(DEPTNO)=d(DEPTNO) ∧
                            e1(JOB)∈{'PRESIDENT','MANAGER'}) ∧
            (∀e2∈dbs(EMP): e2(JOB)='ADMIN' ⇒ e2(DEPTNO)≠d(DEPTNO)) }
SEI:  select d.*
      from DEPT d
      where exists(select e1.*
                   from EMP e1
                   where e1.DEPTNO = d.DEPTNO
                     and e1.JOB in ('PRESIDENT','MANAGER'))
        and not exists(select e2.*
                       from EMP e2
                       where e2.DEPTNO = d.DEPTNO
                         and e1.JOB = 'ADMIN')

Listing 7-26 introduced the formal specification for this table constraint. Using this specification, you can derive the formal expression for query EXQ11. Because you want to find departments that violate this constraint, all you have to do is negate the constraint specification; just prefix the specification with ¬.

Here it is (note that in this specification, free variable E represents an employee table):

¬(∀d∈{ e1(DEPTNO) | e1∈E }:
      (∃e2∈E: e2(DEPTNO)=d ∧ e2(JOB)∈{'PRESIDENT','MANAGER'} )
      (∃e3 ∈E: e3(DEPTNO)=d ∧ e3(JOB)='ADMIN' ) )

If you then rewrite this specification by bringing the negation into the quantification, you end up with the following specification (verify this for yourself):

(∃d∈{ e1(DEPTNO) | e1∈E }:
      (∃e2∈E: e2(DEPTNO)=d ∧ e2(JOB)∈{'PRESIDENT','MANAGER'} ) ∧
      ¬(∃e3∈E: e3(DEPTNO)=d ∧ e3(JOB)='ADMIN' ) )

Formal expression FEa now follows straightforwardly from the preceding rewritten constraint specification. FEb is a rewrite of FEa; a universal quantifier replaces the negated existential quantifier.

You can easily derive the SQL text (SEI) from specification FEa.

A Remark on Negations

You might have noticed that because SQL lacks universal quantification and implication, certain SQL expressions end up having more negations than their formally specified counterpart did. SEII of EXQ9 is a fine example of this; it contains a nested negated existential quantifier. It is difficult to understand the meaning of such a query. The formal counterpart that employs the universal quantifier is easier to understand.

In general we (humans) have difficulty understanding expressions that contain negations; the more negations, the more difficult it gets for us. Whenever you encounter negations in formal specifications, you should investigate the opportunity of rewriting such a specification into an expression holding fewer negations. You can use the rewrite rules introduced in Part 1 of this book to achieve this.

imagesNote By rewriting formal specifications such that they hold fewer negations, you not only help yourself; you also enable clearer informal specifications that your customer (the user) will definitely appreciate.

Because they are so important, we list rewrite rules that involve negations once again here. Table 9-1 contains various alternatives for the De Morgan, implication, and quantifier rewrite rules.

Table 9-1. Rewrite Rules with Negations

Expression Is Equivalent To
¬¬A A
¬A ⇒ ¬B BA
A ⇒ ¬B B ⇒ ¬A
¬A ∧ ¬B ¬( AB )
A ∧ ¬B ¬( ¬AB )
¬AB ¬( A ∨ ¬B )
¬A ∨ ¬B ¬( AB )
A ∨ ¬B ¬( ¬AB )
¬AB ¬( A ∧ ¬B )
¬(xX: ¬P(x)) (xX: P(x))
(xX: ¬P(x)) ¬(xX: P(x))
¬(xX: P(x)) (xX: ¬P(x))
(xX: P(x)) ¬(xX: ¬P(x))

Sometimes you can get rid of a negation by using knowledge about the constraints of a database design. For instance, if you need to query all offerings that are not canceled, you can equivalently query all offerings that are either scheduled or confirmed. If o represents an offering tuple, then the following rewrite rule will apply:


Here you use knowledge about the attribute value set of attribute STATUS.

If—in the course of rewriting expressions—you end up querying employees who don’t have a salary of less than 5000, it might be better to query the employees who have a salary equal to or more than 5000 instead. The following rewrite rule applies (e represents an employee tuple):

¬(e(MSAL) < 5000) ⇔ e(MSAL) ≥ 5000

Our brains dislike negations. Try to avoid negations by rewriting expressions into expressions containing fewer negations. This is not only true for query specifications, but also for constraint specifications (in previous chapters), and data manipulation specifications (in the next chapter).

Chapter Summary

This section provides a summary of this chapter, formatted as a bulleted list. You can use it to check your understanding of the various concepts introduced in this chapter before continuing with the exercises in the next section.

  • Queries constitute a crucial application of a database; they enable you to extract information from a database that is relevant for you.
  • You can formally represent a query as a function over a database universe. For every database state that you supply as the argument, the function returns the query result.
  • Because you supply a database state, the function can reference every table available in the database state to determine the query result.
  • To specify a query, you can use all formal concepts introduced in Part 1 of this book. You usually specify the result set of a query as a set of tuples (a table) using the hybrid method. The given set from which you start such a specification is typically one of the tables, or a join of some of the tables available in the database state; you can also use any of the set operators introduced in this book. The predicates inside the query specification are typically compound predicates (they use the various logical connectives), and often employ the universal and existential quantifiers.
  • In practice (certainly when you use SQL), the result of a query will always be a table. However, our formal model does not require this.
  • When you use SQL as your query language, you should be aware of various limitations. Following are the most notable ones:
    • SQL is not set oriented; you sometimes have to use the distinct keyword.
    • SQL lacks the implication operator; you must rewrite these into disjunctions.
    • Oracle’s version of SQL lacks universal quantification; you must rewrite this into existential quantification.
    • SQL lacks the subset operator; you must rewrite this using the other available set operators (union, intersect, and minus).
  • Our brains dislike negations. Whenever you specify a query, try to minimize the number of negations in such a specification. Most of the time, you can use the rewrite rules introduced in Part 1 of this book to achieve this. Sometimes you can use simple arithmetic rewrite rules. On occasion, you can achieve this by using constraint knowledge of the database design that you query.


Develop both formal and SQL expressions for these queries.

imagesNote In the following exercises, there may be queries that cannot be answered with the given database. In these cases, you should give arguments why the answer cannot be given.

  1. Give the number and name of employees who belong to department 10.
  2. Give the number and name of employees who do not belong to department 10, 11, 12, or 15.
  3. Give the number and name of employees who belong to departments 10 and 11.
  4. Give the number and name of employees who belong to a department that is a subdepartment of department 10.
  5. Ascertain that the constraint of there being at most one president is not violated.
  6. Give the number and name of administrators older than 35 who have a monthly salary of more than 2000.
  7. Give the number and name of managers who earn the maximum of their grade.
  8. Give the number and name of the trainers who actually worked as such in at least one course in 2004.
  9. Give the number and name of the trainers who did not work as such in any course in 2004.
  10. Give the number, name, and salary of every manager who earns less than any of his employees.
  11. Find a query with answer “yes” if COURSE is uniquely identifying in OFFR and “no” if otherwise. Does the answer “yes” imply that COURSE is a key of OFFR?
  12. Give of every manager: his or her number, name, and salary of every one of his or her subordinate employees.
  13. Give for every employee whose manager is managed by another employee (super-manager): number and name of the employee and of his or her super-manager.
  14. Give of every manager and of every one of his or her direct subordinates who is a manager: number, name, and date hired.
  15. Give of every manager and of every one of his or her subordinates who is a manager: number, name, and date when they got the manager’s job.
  16. Give the number and name of employees who left in 2006 and came back in that same year.
  17. Give the number and name of employees who left in 2006 and did not come back.
  18. Give the number of persons that left and the number that entered department 10 in 2006.
  19. Give the number of persons in department 10 at the end of 2006.
  20. List the following for the course “Designing Databases” that started on March 4, 2006: for every registered student, username, name, job, and evaluation.
  21. Give for every one of the courses (with CODE) DB1, DB2, DB3, the duration, and for every offering (with a begin date) in 2006: begin date, status, and number of registered students.
  22. Give per department (DEPTNO and DNAME) the number of administrators, trainers, sales representatives, and managers.
  23. Give all data of salary grades where every employee (that is, employee who is assigned to this grade) is earning more than the salary grade’s upper limit minus 500 dollars.
  24. Give all (managed) employees who are assigned to a higher salary grade than their boss’s salary grade.
  25. Give the courses for which every canceled offering in 2006 had at least one student registered for that offering.
  26. Give the employees (EMPNO and ENAME) who attended (at least) one offering for all design courses (course category equals 'DSG') in 2006.
  27. List all employees who have received a raise of more than 20 percent in the year 2006.
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