
This appendix provides a reference for further background reading.

Original Writings That Introduce the Methodology Demonstrated in This Book

Brock, Bert de. Foundations of Semantic Databases. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995.

Brock, Bert de. De Grondslagen van Semantische Databases (in Dutch). Schoonhoven, The Netherlands: Academic Service, 1989.

Recommended Reading in the Area of the Underlying Mathematical Theories

Hodges, Wilfred. Logic. Harmondsworth, England: Pelican Books, 1977.

Gray, Peter M. D. Logic, Algebra and Databases. Chichester, England: Ellis Horwood Limited, 1984.

Stanat, Donald F. and David F. McAllister. Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1977.

Seminal Writings That Introduce the General Theory of Data Management

Codd, E. F. “Derivability, Redundancy and Consistency of Relations Stored in Large Data Banks.” San Jose, CA: IBM Research Report RJ599, 1969.

Codd, E. F. The Relational Model For Database Management, Version 2. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1990.

Recommended Reading on Relational Database Management

Date, C. J. Database In Depth: Relational Theory for Practitioners. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2005.

Date, C. J. The Relational Database Dictionary. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2006.

Date, C. J. and Hugh Darwen. Databases, Types, and the Relational Model: The Third Manifesto. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2006.

Date, C. J. What Not How: The Business Rules Approach to Application Development. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2000.

Date, C. J. with Hugh Darwen. “Multiple Assignment.” Database Foundation Paper #3 at, 2004.

Research Papers on Implementing Data Integrity Constraints and Related Subjects

Widom, Jennifer and Sheldon J. Finkelstein. “Set-Oriented Production Rules in Relational Database Systems.” In ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data Proceedings 259–70, May 1990.

Ceri, Stefano and Jennifer Widom. “Deriving Production Rules for Constraint Maintenance.” In VLDB Conference Proceedings 566–77, 1990.

Simon, Eric, Jerry Kiernan, and Christophe de Maindreville. “Implementing High Level Active Rules on Top of a Relational DBMS.” In VLDB Conference Proceedings 315–26, 1992.

Behrend, Andreas, Rainer Manthey, and Birgit Pieper. “An Amateur’s Introduction to Integrity Constraints and Integrity Checking in SQL.” In BTW Conference Proceedings, 2001.

Grefen, Paul W.P.J. “Combining Theory and Practice in Integrity Control: A Declarative Approach to the Specification of a Transaction Modification Subsystem.” In VLDB Conference Proceedings 581–91, 1993.

Simon, Eric and Angelika Kotz-Dittrich. “Promises and Realities of Active Database Systems.” In VLDB Conference Proceedings 642–53, 1995.

Ceri, Stefano, Roberta J. Cochrane, and Jennifer Widom. “Practical Applications of Triggers and Constraints: Successes and Lingering Issues.” In VLDB Conference Proceedings 254–62, 2000.

Eswaran, K. P., J. N. Gray, R. A. Lorie, and I. L. Traiger. “The Notions of Consistency and Predicate Locks in a Database System.” In Communications of the ACM, 1976.

Jacobs, Ken. “Concurrency Control, Transaction Isolation and Serializability in SQL92 and Oracle7.” Technical report, Oracle White Paper Part No A33745, 1995.

Previous Related Writings of the Authors

Haan, Lex de. Mastering Oracle SQL and SQL*Plus. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2004.

Haan, Lex de. Leerboek ORACLE SQL (in Dutch). Schoonhoven, The Netherlands: Academic Service, 1993.

Koppelaars, A. V. “Business Rules, Classification and Implementation.” In IOUW Conference Proceedings, 1994.

Koppelaars, A. V. “Business Rules, Guidelines for Deferred Checking.” In EOUG Conference Proceedings, 1995.

Koppelaars, A.V. “Business Rules, Specification and Classification.” IOUG SELECT Newsmagazine, January 1995.

Koppelaars, A.V. “The Specification and Implementation of Business Rules.” In ASPAC IOUW Conference Proceedings, 1995.

Koppelaars, A. V. “Business Rules: All You Need to Know When Implementing Them.” In EOUG Conference Proceedings, 1996.

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