
We welcome this contribution to the database literature. It is another book on the theory and practice of relational databases, but this one is interestingly different. The bulk of the book is devoted to a treatment of the theory. The treatment is not only rigorous and mathematical, but also rather more approachable than some other texts of this kind. The authors clearly recognize, as we do, the importance of logic and mathematics if database study is to be taken seriously. They have done a good job of describing a certain formalism developed by their former teachers, Bert de Brock and Frans Remmen. This formalism includes some ideas that will be novel to many readers, even those who already have a degree of familiarity with the subject. A particularly interesting novel idea, to us, is the formalization of updating and transactions in Chapter 10.

The formalism is interestingly different from the approach we and several others have adopted. The differences do not appear to be earth-shattering, but the full consequences are not immediately obvious to us, and we hope they will provoke discussion. One major difference is the omission of any in-depth treatment of types. This omission can be justified because relations are orthogonal to the types available for their attributes, so the two issues are somewhat separable even though any relational database language must of course deal with both of them. Closely related to the issue of types, and possibly a consequence of the omission we have noted, is the fact that there is only one empty relation under the De Brock/Remmen approach; by contrast, we subscribe to the notion that empty relations of distinct types are themselves distinct. Distinguishing empty relations of different types is in any case needed for static type checking, regarded as a sine qua non for database languages intended for use by robust applications. However, our approach is explicitly intended to provide, among other things, a foundation for database language design. The De Brock/Remmen approach appears to be more focused on getting the specifications of the database and its transactions right.

The authors turn from theory to practice in Chapter 11. Here they deal exclusively with current practice, showing how to translate the theoretical solutions described in Part 2 into concrete syntax using a particular well-known implementation of SQL. In doing this they have to face up not only to SQL’s well-known deviations from the theory (especially its deviations from the classical logic used in that theory) but also to some alarming further deficiencies in many of the implementations of that language. This chapter can therefore be read as a thinly veiled wake-up call to DBMS vendors. We would like to take this opportunity to lift that veil a little.

The two deficiencies brought out by the authors’ example solutions are (a) severe limitations on the extent to which declarative database constraints can be expressed, and (b) lack of proper support for serializability. If a DBMS does not suffer from (a), then (b) comes into play only when declarative constraints would lead to unacceptable performance. In that case, custom-written procedures, preferably triggered procedures, might be needed as a workaround. Such procedures require very careful design, as the authors eloquently demonstrate, so they are prone to some of those very errors that the relational approach from its very beginning was expressly designed to avoid. Deficiency (b) compounds this exposure by requiring the developers of these procedures to devise and implement some form of concurrency control within them. The authors describe a method requiring them first to devise a locking scheme, appropriate to the particular requirements of the database, then inside the procedures, in accordance with that scheme, to acquire locks at appropriate points. If the DBMS suffers from deficiency (a), then procedural workarounds will be needed for many more constraints, regardless of performance considerations. The worst-case scenario is clearly when the DBMS suffers from both (a) and (b). That is the scenario the authors feel compelled to assume, given the current state of the technology. To our minds, a relational DBMS that suffers from (a) is not a relational DBMS. (Of course, we have other reasons for claiming that no SQL DBMS is a relational DBMS anyway.) A DBMS that suffers from (b) is not a DBMS.

Standard SQL is relationally complete in its support for declarative constraints by permitting the inclusion of query expressions in the CHECK clause of a constraint declaration. However, it appears that few SQL products actually support that particular standard feature. The authors offer a polite excuse for this state of affairs. The excuse is well understood. It goes like this: a constraint that includes a possibly complex query against a possibly very large database might take ages to evaluate and might require frequent evaluation in the presence of a high transaction rate. We do not yet know—and it is an important and interesting research topic—how to do the kind of optimization that would be needed for the DBMS to work out efficient evaluation strategies along the lines of the authors’ custom-written solutions. Performance considerations would currently militate against big businesses with very large databases and high transaction rates expressing the problematical constraints declaratively. Such businesses would employ—and could afford to employ—software experts to develop the required custom-written procedures. But what about small businesses with small databases and low transaction rates? And what about constraints that are evaluated quickly enough in spite of the inclusion of a query expression (which might be nothing more than a simple existence test, for example)? In any case, our history is littered with good ideas (for example, FORTRAN in the 1960s, the relational model in the 1970s) that have initially been shunned on advice from the performance sages that has eventually turned out to be ill-founded. As the years go by machines get faster, memory gets bigger, research comes up with new solutions. So much, then, for that excuse.

Sadly, Lex de Haan did not live to see the completion of this joint project. We would like to express our appreciation to Toon Koppelaars for the work that he has undertaken single-handedly since the untimely death in early 2006 of his friend and ours.

Hugh Darwen and Chris Date

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