34.17. Designing a Transaction with the Command Pattern

The last section took a simplified view of transactions. This section extends the discussion, but does not cover all transaction design issues. Informally, a transaction is a unit of work—a set of tasks—whose tasks must all complete successfully, or none must be completed. That is, its completion is atomic.

In terms of the persistence service, the tasks of a transaction include inserting, updating, and deleting objects. One transaction could contain two inserts, one update, and three deletes, for example. To represent this, a Transaction class is added [Ambler00b].[10] As pointed out in [Fowler01], the order of database tasks within a transaction can influence its success (and performance).

[10] This is called a UnitOfWork in [Fowler01].

For example:

  1. Suppose the database has a referential integrity constraint such that when a record is updated in TableA that contains a foreign key to a record in TableB, the database requires that the record in TableB already exists.

  2. Suppose a transaction contains an INSERT task to add the TableB record, and an UPDATE task to update the TableA record. If the UPDATE executes before the INSERT, a referential integrity error is raised.

Ordering the database tasks can help. Some ordering issues are schema-specific, but a general strategy is to first do inserts, then updates, and then deletes.

Mind that the order in which tasks are added to a transaction by an application may not reflect their best execution order. The tasks need to be sorted just before their execution.

This leads to another GoF pattern: Command.



How to handle requests or tasks that need functions such as sorting (prioritizing), queueing, delaying, logging, or undoing?


Make each task a class that implements a common interface.

This is a simple pattern with many useful applications; actions become objects, and thus can be sorted, logged, queued, and so forth. For example, in the PFW, Figure 34.15 shows Command (or task) classes for the database operations.

Figure 34.15. Commands for database operations.

There is much more to completing a transaction solution, but the key idea of this section is to represent each task or action in the transaction as an object with a polymorphic execute method; this opens up a world of flexibility by treating the request as an object itself.

The quintessential example of Command is for GUI actions, such as cut and paste. For example, the CutCommand's execute method does a cut, and its undo method reverses the cut. The CutCommand will also retain the data necessary to perform the undo. All the GUI commands can be kept in a history stack, so that they can be popped in turn, and each undone.

Another common use of Command is for server-side request handling. When a server object receives a (remote) message, it creates a Command object for that request, and hands it off to a CommandProcesser [BMRSS96], which can queue, log, prioritize, and execute the commands.

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