19.8. DCDs Within the UP

DCDs are part of the use-case realizations and thus members of the UP Design Model.

Table 19.1. Sample UP artifacts and timing. s - start; r - refine
Business ModelingDomain Model s  
RequirementsUse-Case Model (SSDs)sr  
Supplementary Specificationssr  
DesignDesign Model sr 
SW Architecture Document s  
Data Model sr 
ImplementationImplementation Model srr
Project ManagementSW Development Plansrrr
TestingTest Model sr 
EnvironmentDevelopment Casesr  


Inception— The Design Model and DCDs will not usually be started until elaboration because it involves detailed design decisions, which are premature during inception.

Elaboration— During this phase, DCDs will accompany the use-case realization interaction diagrams; they may be created for the most architecturally significant classes of the design.

Note that CASE tools can reverse-engineer (generate) DCDs from source code. It is recommended to generate DCDs regularly from the source code, to visualize the static structure of the system.

Construction— DCDs will continue to be generated from the source code as an aid in visualizing the static structure of the system.

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