11.3. Finding Associations—Common Associations List

Start the addition of associations by using the list in Table 11.1.

It contains common categories that are usually worth considering. Examples are drawn from the store and airline reservation domains.

Table 11.1. Common Associations List.
A is a physical part of BDrawer—Register (or more specifically, a POST) Wing—Airplane
A is a logical part of BSalesLineItem—Sale FlightLeg—FlightRoute
A is physically contained in/on BRegister—Store, Item—Shelf Passenger—Airplane
A is logically contained in BItemDescription—Catalog Flight—FlightSchedule
A is a description for BItemDescription—Item FlightDescription—Flight
A is a line item of a transaction or report BSalesLineItem—Sale MaintenanceJob—MaintenanceLog
A is known/logged/recorded/reported/captured in BSale—Register Reservation—FlightManifest
A is a member of BCashier—Store Pilot—Airline
A is an organizational subunit of BDepartment—Store Maintenance—Airline
A uses or manages BCashier—Register Pilot—Airplane
A communicates with BCustomer—Cashier ReservationAgent—Passenger
A is related to a transaction BCustomer—Payment Passenger—Ticket
A is a transaction related to another transaction BPayment—Sale Reservation—Cancellation
A is next to BSalesLineItem—SalesLineItem City—City
A is owned by BRegister—Store Plane—Airline
A is an event related to BSale—Customer, Sale—Store Departure—Flight

High-Priority Associations

Here are some high-priority association categories that are invariably useful to include in a domain model:

  • A is a physical or logical part of B.

  • A is physically or logically contained in/on B.

  • A is recorded in B.

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