10.9. Lowering the Representational Gap

Please consider Figure 10.10. Why do books and educators discussing object design common only show the use of software classes whose names reflect domain vocabulary? Why choose a software class name such as Sale, and what does a Sale do?

Figure 10.10. In object design and programming it is common to create software classes whose names and information is inspired from the real world domain.

Simply, choosing names that reflect the domain vocabulary (Sale) enhances quick comprehension and provides a clue as to what to expect from the chunk of code in a Sale software class. We have a mental or domain model of the domain in question (for example, a store selling things). In the real world, we know that a sale has a date. Consequently, if we create a Java class named Sale, and give it the responsibility of knowing about a real sale and its date, then the Java class Sale somewhat corresponds to our mental or domain model of the real domain; that is, it appeals to our “intuitions” of the domain.

The Domain Model provides a visual dictionary of the domain vocabulary and concepts from which to draw inspiration for the naming of some things in the software design.

This relates to the issue of representational gap or semantic gap—the gap between our mental model of the domain and its representation in software.

At one extreme, we could directly program the NextGen POS application in raw binary code to invoke the processor instruction set. We understand that the gap in representations is huge, and there will be a real cost—albeit hard to quantify—in software with such a large representational gap because it is hard to comprehend or relate to the problem domain. Closer to the other end of the spectrum are object technologies that allow us to chunk code into classes whose names reflect the kind of chunking we perceive in the domain. In the real world we perceive a “chunk” (or event) called a sale, so in software land we have a software class called Sale. This closer one-to-one mapping between the domain vocabulary and our software vocabulary and its chunking reduces the representational gap. This speeds comprehension of existing code (because it works in ways we expect, knowing the domain) and suggests “natural” ways to extend the code in ways that similarly correspond to the domain, or appeal to our intuitions of the domain. Put simply, the software model reminds us of the conceptual or mental model, and works in predictable ways.

There is a practical advantage to software models that reduce the representational gap. Most software engineers know this is true, even if it is hard to quantify. Indeed, a proof of this is that Java obfuscators make source code hard to practically reverse-engineer from bytecode by changing the names of Java classes and methods so they are unintelligible, and thus no longer appeal to our intuitions of the domain, even though the control and data structures are unchanged.

Of course, object technology is also of value because it can support the design of elegant, loosely coupled systems that scale and extend easily, as will be explored in the remainder of the book. A lowered representational gap is useful, but arguably secondary to the advantage of objects to support ease of change and extension, and their support to manage and hide complexity.

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