19.6. Notation for Member Details

The UML provides a rich notation to describe features of class and interface members, such as visibility, initial values, and so on. An example is shown in Figure 19.12.

Figure 19.12. Some UML class diagram member notation details.

Visibility Defaults in the UML?

If no explicit visibility marker is shown for an attribute or method, what is the default? Answer: there isn't a default. If none is shown, it implies “not specified” in the UML. However, there is a common convention to assume that attributes are private and methods public, unless otherwise noted.

The current iteration of the NextGen POS design class diagram (see Figure 19.13) does not have many interesting member details; all attributes are private and all methods public.

Figure 19.13. Member details in the POS class diagram.

Notation for Method Bodies in DCDs (and Interaction Diagrams)

A method body can be shown as illustrated in Figure 19.14 in both a DCD and an interaction diagram.

Figure 19.14. Method body notation.

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