NgRx – In Depth

This chapter will go into more advanced NgRx topics. As you implement your first applications using NgRx, you will notice that it means creating a lot of boilerplate and you may not feel as fast as when you were NOT using NgRx. For that reason, the entity library exists to help alleviate some of the boilerplate creation—more on that later in this chapter.

The router and its state is another thing that can be interesting to keep track of. The URL of where you are currently, the router parameter, as well as query parameters are all interesting pieces of information that might come in handy. They might come in handy should you be in a situation where you might want to reinstate the app, also called rehydration.

Next, we will dive into how to build your own micro implementation of NgRx using RxJS, so you get a feel for what's going on. Hopefully, that will be a real eye-opening moment in understanding the underlying ideas of what makes NgRx and Redux tick.

To round off this chapter and this book, we will explain what schematics is and how it will help you quickly scaffold the various parts that you need to be a really efficient user of NgRx.

In this chapter, you will learn how to:

  • Leverage the entity library and how it makes our life easier using NgRx 
  • Capture the router state as well as customize what gets saved down by writing our own customization code 
  • Build a micro implementation of NgRx
  • Demystify schematics and see how it can make us an even faster and more efficient user of NgRx
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