Building and running

We can now build and run the app on our target device-- an Android phone. Follow these steps. If you want more detail and explanation, please refer back to the relevant sections of Chapter 3, Building Your App:

  1. First, be sure to save the scene (File | Save Scenes) and project (File | Save Project).
  2. In Build Settings (File | Build Settings) make sure the scene is the only one listed in Scenes In Build (press Add Open Scenes).
  3. In Build Settings Platform, make sure Android is the target platform (select Android and press Switch Platform).
  4. Now go to Player Settings (press Player Settings in Build Settings, or main menu Edit | Project Settings | Player) and look at the Inspector on the right for the settings for Android.
  5. Under Other Settings. the Package Name must be set to a unique identifier, in the format com.Company.ProductName such as com.PurpleFinch.BusinessCard.
  6. For Minimum API Level, select Android 5.1 Lollipop (API level 22 or whichever is the current minimum for Vuforia).
  7. Once more, save the project.

Now make sure your phone is connected via USB and unlocked. Then press Build And Run. As mentioned in Chapter 3, Building Your App, we recommend you make a folder named Build and save your executable build files there. We can name it BusinessCard.apk.

The following is an image of me holding the business card in one hand (steadily!) and phone in the other, with the drone augmenting the card on the screen:

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