Setup the scene and folders

Next, we can set up the scene and project folder. First, replace the default Main Camera with Vuforia's ARCamera prefab:

  1. Delete the Main Camera object from the Hierarchy.
  2. Locate the ARCamera prefab in the Project Assets/Vuforia/Prefabs folder, select and drag it into the Hierarchy list.
  3. Use Add Component to add the Camera Settings component to ARCamera.
  4. Save the scene and project.

At this point, if you press the Play button in the Unity editor, you should see the video feed from the webcam camera. This will allow you to debug AR applications inside the Unity editor.

It's useful to now also create some empty folders in the Project Assets that we will use soon.

  1. In the Project window, select the top-level Assets/ folder.
  2. Create a new folder in Assets/ named ARPlayBall.
  3. Within Assets/ARPlayBall /, create sub-folders that will be needed as we build up the project, named Materials, PhysicMaterials, Prefabs, Scenes, and Scripts. Your Project Assets folders should now look like this:
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