Chapter 4. Applying Graphics Standards

Technical-graphics standards are the rules of drafting, developed over many years, that make technical communication more consistent and therefore more reliable. Because AutoCAD doesn't automatically apply proper graphics standards, that job falls to us. And it's not always easy.

Although there is some variation among offices, every discipline has generally accepted universal practices. The most clearly defined standards are those in the mechanical-design industry. Standards for drawings (and other engineering standards) are published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). ASME Y14.5M-1994 is the current standard for dimensioning, but it's due for an update soon. These standards are voluntary, although they're often specified in design contracts between firms.

All other design disciplines in the U.S.—including architectural, civil, surveying, electrical, electronic, piping, and welding—are based fundamentally on the same rules. If you use AutoCAD to design or to document designs, you have an obligation to follow the rules for communicating graphic information. That's especially true if you work in an environment where designs are shared with people from other countries. They probably speak a language other than yours, so you must rely on the common language of technical graphics to efficiently and accurately communicate your design intentions.

The default settings in AutoCAD don't come close to following these standards. The fact that the default settings get used so much, in offices and in books on using AutoCAD, isn't the fault of the software engineers at Autodesk: It's the fault of users who don't apply AutoCAD properly in their chosen discipline. This chapter is my attempt—some might call it a crusade—to rectify the problem.

  • Dimensions

  • Dimensioning Rules

  • Text Styles

  • Linetypes and Weights

  • Applying Standards


You'll save yourself a lot of time and trouble if you use AutoCAD's associative dimensioning features by creating correct dimension styles. This area of AutoCAD is frequently applied incorrectly, particularly if the default dimension-variable settings are used. In this section you'll be creating several dimension styles that follow standards, work well in most applications, and can form the basis for a default style.

First I'll review some general information about AutoCAD dimensions and several variables that affect them, and then I'll take you step by step through the process of creating each style. You'll create only one dimension style for each discipline. If dimension styles are set to Scale Dimensions To Layout, you usually don't need multiple versions of each style.


Dimension styles should be made part of the appropriate template files you use to start drawings. Once you've created a dimension style, you can use it in any drawing by using AutoCAD DesignCenter (ADC).


Before getting into the nuts and bolts of setting up specific dimension styles, you may have some questions about dimensions. What kind of entity is a dimension? Why aren't drawing units used for dimensions? Why has the meaning of the term associative dimension changed? How standard is the Standard dimension style? How can you make your own arrowhead? I'll answer these questions in this section.

Anonymous Blocks

What is a dimension? It's an anonymous block. Anonymous blocks are defined by AutoCAD, not by the user. They aren't listed as block definitions in the Insert and Block Definition dialog boxes; that's what makes them anonymous. They aren't listed, because they have no names—at least, not normal block-definition names. In the drawing's database, dimension blocks have abnormal names: They all begin with an asterisk and the letter D, followed by an incrementing value—*D1, for example.


That asterisk in front of dimension names can be pesky. When I wrote an AutoLISP program to create a drawing file from each block definition in a drawing, I wanted the drawing files to have the same names as the block definitions. Because the asterisk isn't allowed in filenames, I had to filter out anonymous blocks.

Anonymous blocks include both hatch patterns and dimensions, but here we're concerned about dimensions. When you use the Properties palette to look at the properties of a dimension, it's identified as a specific dimension type, such as a Rotated Dimension, an Aligned Dimension, or a 3-Point Angular Dimension, but there's more here than meets the eye. All dimensions, no matter how they're listed in the Properties palette, are actually block references. They don't have the kinds of names that other blocks have, and you won't see them listed in the Insert or Block dialog box, but you can explode them into their component parts: text, lines, and solids. Of course, you shouldn't explode a dimension unless you want to use one of its components for some other purpose. You may want to use the 2D solid used for the arrowhead as a symbol by itself, for example, or generate text that will be placed in a table.

Although exploding a dimension is possible, it's nearly always a bad idea. Once the dimension is exploded, it doesn't update, it can't be selected as a single entity, and it doesn't move with the object it's annotating.


Why aren't drawing units used for dimensions? Because drawing units control the display of numerical information at the command line, in dialog boxes, or in the AutoCAD text window. You may want to use the DIST command to obtain a distance in decimal format, but want dimensions to use Architectural format. I like having the option of using two different systems for two different purposes, but it confuses users sometimes.

Settings in the Drawing Units dialog box determine how AutoCAD displays information in the status bar, the command line, the text window, and certain dialog boxes. Don't make the mistake of thinking these settings have any effect on the appearance of your dimensions; they don't. You set the units used for dimensions in the Primary Units tab of the New Dimension Style or Modify Dimension Style dialog box.


If a dimension is associative, it's connected with the geometry it represents. Change the geometry, and the dimension changes. Move the geometry, and the dimension moves. But that's only been true since AutoCAD 2002. Before that, dimensions were called associative, but they weren't. At least, they weren't associated with the entities you dimensioned. They were associated with definition points (defpoints), those little dots that are placed at the dimension origins you select. Dimensions seemed associative because if you stretched your geometry, you probably included the defpoints in the crossing window and moved the points as well as the lines, polylines, or arcs you were stretching. As of AutoCAD 2002, dimensions are really associative—move the geometry, and the dimension moves.

The relationship between dimensions and the objects they represent was controlled only by the variable DIMASO before AutoCAD 2002. With DIMASO set to 1, dimensions are blocks. With DIMASO set to 0, dimensions are exploded when inserted. That's why DIMASO should always be set to 1 in all releases of AutoCAD.

DIMASO was superceded, but not replaced, in AutoCAD 2002 by the DIMASSOC variable. Now associativity is controlled by two different variables. If you open an existing drawing done prior to AutoCAD 2002, it doesn't have a DIMASSOC setting, so the setting for DIMASSOC is set to the value used in that drawing for DIMASO.

Unlike DIMASO, which can only be on or off, the DIMASSOC variable has three settings:

  • 0—The same as setting DIMASO to 0. All dimensions are exploded when they're created (a bad idea).

  • 1—The same as setting DIMASO to 1. All dimensions are inserted as block references but aren't associated directly with the objects they represent.

  • 2—No similar setting in DIMASO. All dimensions are inserted as block references, and they're associated with the object they're dimensioning.

With DIMASSOC set to 2, if you dimension a circle and move the circle, the dimension moves with it. If you add a dimension in Paper Space, you usually get the right value, regardless of the zoom scale of your viewport, and the dimension moves with the object. Leave DIMASSOC set to 2 in new drawings, and set it to 2 on drawings done in prior releases whenever you open one.

Standard Dimension Style

By default, AutoCAD has a dimension style named either Standard (for Imperial units) or ISO-25 (for metric units). Don't be fooled. Neither of these styles meets any standard—don't use them. It's not even a good idea to modify the existing dimension style while retaining either name. Come up with your own name for each dimension style, because there is always a chance that the drawing will be inserted or XRefed into another drawing.

Whenever you try to combine two drawings that use the same name for a dimension style, you have a potential conflict. Unless the styles are identical, one of them will make changes when overwriting the other. The same is true for text and table styles as well. Since most drawings will have a default dimension style that is named Standard, the chances are that you will encounter this conflict if you use the same name. So protect all the work you do by creating a dimension style with a new name. You don't know how a drawing may be used in the future, so your best bet is to avoid using either Standard or ISO-25 as a name at all.


You can delete the Standard style, but don't be surprised when it shows up again if you insert another drawing.

Custom Arrowhead

There aren't many things you can do to make your dimensions look different from those of every other AutoCAD user, but you can create a custom arrowhead. I personally like the traditional open arrowhead that I used when drawing by hand. In AutoCAD, I reproduce that venerable shape with a line segment and two large radius arcs. (See Figure 4.1.) If you're as nostalgic as I am for the arrowheads of yore, do this:

  1. On layer 0, draw an arrowhead one unit long and pointing to the right.

  2. Define a block with the arrowhead you just drew, using the arrow point as the insertion point.

  3. Select User Arrow from the bottom of the First list in the Arrowheads section of the Symbols And Arrows tab of the Modify Dimension Style dialog box.

  4. Select your arrowhead block by name. If you want to use your custom arrowhead for leaders, you have to specify that by selecting it from the list of possible arrowheads in the Leader pane of the Symbols and Arrows tab.

Creating a custom arrowhead

Figure 4.1. Creating a custom arrowhead

Mechanical Dimensions

In the United States, we use three primary kinds of mechanical dimension styles: decimal-inch, U.S. metric, and International Standards Organization (ISO) metric. These styles are defined in a document produced by either the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) or the ISO. This section includes step-by-step instructions for creating acceptable dimension styles for each of these systems. All recommended changes for each tab are circled in the figure of that tab.


Some of the values that I recommend changing already meet the ASME standard where that standard specifies a range. The default AutoCAD settings in those cases are generally maximum sizes, so I recommend a switch to the minimum sizes to ease the problem of placing dimensions on complex geometry.


To create an acceptable dimension style for drawings based on decimal-inch units, follow these steps:

  1. Start an Imperial drawing.

  2. Use the DIMSTYLE command (type the alias D) to open the Dimension Style Manager.

  3. Rename the Standard style using a name that makes sense to you. (See Figure 4.2.) For this example, I used the name Decimal-Inch.

  4. Select the Modiy button and make the changes to each tab, as shown in the following sections.


The Lines tab contains controls for dimension lines and extension lines. I think the existing settings create dimensions that are too crowded. To allow placement of more dimensions without as much clutter, make the following changes to settings on the Lines tab, as shown in Figure 4.3:

  • Dimension Lines → Baseline Spacing: 0.25

  • Extension Lines → Extend Beyond Dim Lines: 0.0625 (1/16″)


AutoCAD 2002 and AutoCAD 2004 have a bug that prevents the baseline-spacing value from scaling when dimensions are scaled to a layout. This infuriating glitch was fixed in AutoCAD 2005.

Changing name of dimension style

Figure 4.2. Changing name of dimension style

Lines tab

Figure 4.3. Lines tab


The Symbols And Arrows tab controls dimension features that used to be in the Lines And Arrows tab. To control the appearance of arrowheads and center marks, I recommend the changes shown in Figure 4.4:

  • Arrowheads → Arrow Size: 0.125

  • Center Marks → Line

  • Center Marks → Size: 0.0625

  • Arc-Length Symbol → Above Dimension Text

Setting the center-mark style to Line allows you to use the DIMCENTER (DCE) command to quickly place proper center marks. This is the equivalent of setting a negative value for the variable DIMCEN. Later, in the section "Child Variations: Radial and Diameter," I'll recommend that you set this value to None for styles used for diameters and radii.


The Text tab controls the style, appearance, and position of text. I recommend the following changes, as shown in Figure 4.5:

  • Text Appearance → Text Style: romans (or any style name you use for an acceptable font)

  • Text Appearance → Text Height: 0.125

  • Text Placement → Offset From Dim Line: 0.04

Symbols And Arrows tab

Figure 4.4. Symbols And Arrows tab

Text tab

Figure 4.5. Text tab

Set the text style to one that's based on an acceptable font. Only one font that ships with AutoCAD meets all standards of technical graphics: romans.shx. Some offices use others, including arial.ttf, which I use for illustrations that I plan to put into another document. Whatever font your style is based on, don't name that style Standard. (I use the font name as the style name.)

If you haven't yet created a text style, click the button with the three dots (the ellipses, ...) next to the Text Style drop-down list. The Text Style dialog box opens. Create a new style based on the romans.shx font with a height of 0, and close the dialog box. Now, select your new style from the drop-down list.


The height assigned when you create a new text style should always be 0 so that it can be adjusted automatically for plotting. If you ever find that the text height for a dimension is much too small, even though all the other parts of the dimension are fine, check the text style. I'm betting you set the height to a fixed value, not to 0.

A text height of 0.125 meets ASME standards, and changing Offset From Dim Line to 0.04 makes it more likely that a dimension will fit inside the extension lines.


The Fit tab controls the manner in which AutoCAD places dimensions and text, as well as the important scaling factor used for all dimension features. Set the Fit tab settings to those illustrated in Figure 4.6. Here are the specifics:

  • Fit Options → Arrows

  • Scale For Dimension Features → Scale Dimensions To Layout

Fit tab

Figure 4.6. Fit tab

You normally move the dimension arrows outside of extension lines when there isn't room for both text and arrows, so select Arrows in the Fit Options. However, you may encounter a situation where either Both Text And Arrows or Always Keep Text Between Ext Lines works better. If your dimensions don't appear where you want them automatically, try one of those two settings and see if the situation improves.

Select Scale Dimensions To Layout so dimensions are a consistent size when plotting (as discussed in greater detail in Chapter 6, "Plotting"). Selecting Scale Dimensions To Layout requires that you use layouts correctly.


The Primary Units tab includes the same kinds of controls found in the Drawing Units dialog box. You don't have to use the same settings in both places. Figure 4.7 demonstrates the settings I recommend on the Primary Units tab:

  • Linear Dimensions → Precision: 0.000

  • Linear Dimensions → Zero Suppression: Leading (for decimal inch, not for metric)

  • Angular Dimensions → Precision: 0.0

  • Angular Dimensions → Zero Suppression: Leading

Changes in this tab depend on your application. In the U.S., the number of decimal places used on a mechanical drawing indicates a tolerance as defined in the title block. Don't use too many decimal places, because doing so implies a closer, and much more expensive, tolerance for each dimension. Set the number of decimal places only to what you need—I use three for a general style, and four for mechanical parts where classes of fits or tool-room tolerances are being used. Precision for individual dimensions can be changed to reflect a greater or lesser tolerance.


You can easily change precision for a particular dimension after it's placed. Select the dimension, right-click, and choose Precision.


The Alternate Units tab was added to AutoCAD at a time when dual dimensions—inches and millimeters—were often used for international customers; however, the current ASME standard is to use either inches or millimeters for dimensions, but not both. In other words, the Alternate Units tab isn't used much these days. In fact, DOD-STD-1476 prohibits dual dimensions on military drawings. If for some reason you must place dual dimensions, you should know about two ways to convert dimensions from inches—hard conversions and soft conversions


A hard conversion is the result of multiplying one value by its exact conversion factor to get the other value. In converting metric to inches, this would mean multiplying all dimensions by 25.4. The result is exact, but it may appear very unusual to those who normally use the alternative units. A value of 3.375″ would be common in the U.S., but its hard conversion to 85.725mm would be unusual to those designing in millimeters. Likewise, a conversion from 1420mm to 55 29/32″ would seem odd to someone who normally uses fractional inches.

A soft conversion is only used when a hard conversion isn't necessary. In a soft conversion one value is close to, but not exactly the same as, the other, but both are common values in each system. Although .125″ may be 3.175mm when a hard conversion is used, a soft conversion of 3mm is close enough for things like text height.

Use the following settings for hard conversions, after checking the Display alternative units box in the upper left corner of the tab:

  • Alternate Units → Multiplier For Alt Units: 25.4 (the exact conversion factor between inches and millimeters)

  • Alternate Units → Precision: One less than the precision you would normally use for decimal-inches

If you want soft conversions for placing dual dimensions, use these settings:

  • Alternate Units → Multiplier For Alt Units: 25.4

  • Alternate Units → Precision: 0

Generally, it's easier to read dual-dimensions on parts when one value is displayed over the other, so I also suggest selecting Below Primary Value under Placement.


Here are my recommendations:

  • Tolerance Format → Method: Limits

  • Tolerance Format → Precision: 0.0000

Alternative Units Tab

Figure 4.8. Alternative Units Tab

Tolerances Tab

Figure 4.9. Tolerances Tab

If you use tolerances on individual dimensions, try creating a separate dimension style called Decimal-inch-tol for doing those dimensions. I also suggest changing the method to Limits. It takes up less room than the other methods, and most machinists prefer limit tolerances, in my experience.

The reason I'd leave the upper and lower tolerance values at 0 is that they can be changed individually using the Properties palette. This kind of tolerance is generally used for precision fits, so the upper and lower tolerances are different for each dimension. Note the recommendation in Chapter 1, "AutoCAD Productivity," that you create geometry to Maximum Material Condition. If you follow that advice, one of the limits is always zero, depending on the type of feature being dimensioned.


If you do a lot of tolerance dimensions or apply geometric dimensioning and tolerancing frames, consider using the excellent AutoCAD Mechanical.


Once you've created a basic dimension style, you can add variations that apply only to certain kinds of dimensions. These are known as child styles; they're associated with a parent style and start with all the same settings as the parent style. These variations let you fine-tune a dimension style.

To add child styles, click the OK button at the bottom of the Modify Dimension Style dialog box, and return to the Dimension Style Manager. Click the New button, and then select Radius Dimensions under Use For, as shown in Figure 4.10. Click Continue, and make the following changes for radius dimensions.

  • Symbols And Arrows → Center Marks → None

  • Fit → Fit Options → Both Text And Arrows

  • Fit → Fine Tuning → Place Text Manually

Now do the same thing for diameter dimensions. When you're done, you have a new style with two child variations that will work for most mechanical dimensions (see Figure 4.11).


If you prefer to have the dimension line placed inside the arc or circle whenever the dimension text is outside, set Fit to Arrows instead of Both Text And Arrows. This is one of the dimension properties that cannot be changed using the Properties palette.

These child variations let you add radius and diameter dimensions without center marks. You prevent a center mark from being part of the block that defines a radial or diameter dimension. If you use DIMCENTER (DCE) to add center marks only when you need them, they have extensions that you can delete without exploding the dimension. In the example shown in Figure 4.12, I added center marks independently and then placed radial and diameter dimensions directly, without any post-placement editing.

Radius variations

Figure 4.10. Radius variations

Child styles

Figure 4.11. Child styles

Using child styles

Figure 4.12. Using child styles

ASME Metric and ISO

The Metric Conversion Act of 1975 committed the United States to convert to the International System of Units (SI, from Le Systeme International d'Unites). Metric units are used widely in manufacturing, but in practice, they're often applied differently in different shops. In a sense, we use two metric systems in the U.S.: an ASME version and an ISO version. What I call the ASME version replaces U.S. customary units with millimeters and retains the horizontal orientation of dimensions. The ISO version uses an aligned orientation and doesn't permit the use of decimal precision to indicate varying tolerances. When you use metric units for ASME standard drawings, dimension orientation usually follows the horizontal format used for U.S. customary units. Some offices change the value of DIMSCALE to 25.4—the conversion factor from inches to millimeters—when they need to dimension a metric drawing. In my view, it's better practice to spend a little time creating a dimension style that contains dimension sizes in millimeters so you can still set DIMSCALE to 0 for automatic scaling in layouts.


The U.S. officially adopted the metric system in 1866. U.S. customary units are defined by their metric equivalents. The foot is legally defined to be exactly 0.3048 meter, and the pound is legally defined to equal exactly 453.59237 grams.

For metric drawings under the ASME Y14.5-1994 standard, you can create a Metric style by starting with the Decimal-Inch style described earlier and making the following changes to all size-related values. These are soft conversion values, because hard conversion values would result in values that would be odd in the metric system, like 3.125:

  • 0.04 inch is approximately 1mm.

  • 0.0625 inch is approximately 1.5mm.

  • 0.125 inch is approximately 3mm.

  • 0.25 inch is approximately 6mm.

  • 0.375 inch is approximately 9mm.

The only other changes are in the Primary Units tab of the Modify Dimension Style dialog box:

  1. Set Precision to one decimal place less than you would for a comparable drawing in decimal-inches.

  2. Don't suppress leading zeros for metric.

  3. Do suppress trailing zeros for metric.

The standard style used in the ACADISO.dwt template for the ISO system is pretty good, but it requires a font change:

  1. Start a metric drawing from scratch.

  2. Rename ISO-25 to something logical.

  3. Replace the Standard text style with one based on the romans.shx font.


You'll seldom find the type of chain dimensions created by the DIMCONTINUE command on a mechanical part. Why? Because such dimensioning results in an accumulation of tolerance errors that gets larger with each dimension. It's far more likely that DIMLINEAR will be used to add a base dimension, with DIMBASELINE used to add additional dimensions. For mechanical parts, I usually prefer coordinate dimensioning placed with the Ordinate option of the QDIM command or the DIMORDINATE command.

Architectural Dimensions

Architectural dimensioning practices vary more widely than do mechanical practices, because there's no published standard comparable to the ASME Y14.5 series on technical graphics. However, despite some variation in look and feel from office to office, the basic rules laid out in the ASME standards generally apply. The differences tend to be in the number of lineweights used, the symbols used for sections, and the styles used for dimensioning. My recommendations in this section reflect the kinds of dimensions used by most of the architectural firms I'm familiar with. Generally, we use feet and fractional inches in this country for architectural drawings, with chain (continuous) dimensions. The rest of the world uses millimeters, and some firms are beginning to use ordinate dimensioning for plans, which I think results in fewer measurement errors.

Creating an Architectural dimension style

Figure 4.13. Creating an Architectural dimension style

Feet and Inches

Open the Dimension Style Manager, and rename Standard to Architectural. (Don't use the name Standard, of course.) Once the style has been renamed, you can click the Modify button and make the following changes in the Modify Dimension Style dialog box. You may prefer different treatment for arrowheads, dimension lines, extension lines, font, and other settings, but these recommendations have worked well for me. (See Figure 4.13.)


The spacing of dimension lines and the appearance of extension lines are controlled in the Lines tab. To allow placement of dimensions without as much clutter, I recommend the following changes, as shown in Figure 4.14:

  • Dimension Lines → Baseline Spacing: ⅜–½

  • Extension Lines → Extend Beyond Dim Lines: 1/16


AutoCAD 2002 and AutoCAD 2004 have a bug that prevents the baseline spacing value from scaling when dimensions are scaled to a layout. It was fixed in AutoCAD 2005.

Lines tab: Architectural

Figure 4.14. Lines tab: Architectural


I suggest that you set the values controlled in the Symbols And Arrows tab to the same settings as those for mechanical. I recommend the following changes, as shown in Figure 4.15:

  • Arrowheads → Arrow Size: ⅛

  • Center Marks → Line

  • Center Marks → Size: 1/16

  • Arc Length Symbol → Above Dimension Text


Leave arrowheads set to Closed Filled for use with radius or diameter dimensions and set tick marks for linear dimensions as a child style.


Fonts with a .shx extension are vector-based fonts that come with AutoCAD. Fonts with a .ttf extension are Windows system fonts that may or may not be available on any given Windows computer. (See the "Text Styles" section for the solution to that problem.) Therefore, I normally use romans.shx, which is an acceptable font for architectural drawings but doesn't look as stylish as most offices like. You may want to use the cityblueprint.ttf font, which I find the more readable of the two blueprint fonts (countryblueprint.ttf is the other). Most offices have both those fonts on their workstations. If you send drawings to other offices, avoid any specialty third-party fonts that don't come with AutoCAD, or use eTransmit to package the fonts with the drawings when you send them.


As of AutoCAD 2007, AutoCAD finally ships with a hand-lettered looking SHX font named hand1.shx. Unfortunately, it's a little too hand-lettered looking for my taste. Fifteen years ago, I bought a third-party font named chisel.shx to use with R10 that looked better and was much more readable than the CityBlueprint and CountryBlueprint fonts. The SHX fonts have some advantages over TTF fonts, so I'm pleased that hand1.shx is included in the shipping version; but could we get one that looks a little nicer? Maybe someday AutoCAD will ship with a nonproportional version of all the common fonts.

I recommend the following changes, as shown in Figure 4.16:

  • Text Appearance → Text Style: Based on one of the following fonts—romans.shx, cityblueprint.ttf, or hand1.shx

  • Text Appearance → Text Height: ⅛

  • Text Placement → Offset From Dim Line: 1/32–1/16

Symbols And Arrows tab: Architectural

Figure 4.15. Symbols And Arrows tab: Architectural

Text tab: Architectural

Figure 4.16. Text tab: Architectural

Because the parent style controls only angles, radii, and diameters, leave Text Alignment as Horizontal, and define a child linear style for dimensions that are to be aligned and centered.


There isn't much to change for the Fit tab in architectural dimensions, but the controls in the Fit tab can cause all kinds of placement problems later. Figure 4.17 shows three settings I always change:

  • Fit Options → Arrows

  • Text Placement → Over Dimension Line, With Leader

  • Scale For Dimension Features → Scale Dimensions To Layout

Fit tab: Architectural

Figure 4.17. Fit tab: Architectural

The Fit tab controls the manner in which AutoCAD fits the text and arrows for dimensions into the space available. You normally move the arrows outside of extension lines when there isn't room for both text and arrows, so select Arrows under Fit Options. However, in some situations, either Both Text And Arrows or Always Keep Text Between Extension Lines works better. If your dimensions don't appear where you want them automatically, try one of those two settings and see if the situation improves.

When dimensions are too small to fit between extension lines, I like to have them connected to their proper location with a leader. Select Scale Dimensions To Layout so dimensions are a consistent size when plotting. Selecting Scale Dimensions To Layout requires that you use layouts correctly. See Chapter 6 for information on plotting.


The Primary Units tab is where architectural dimensions become architectural. Figure 4.18 shows at least one recommendation that may surprise you:

  • Linear Dimensions → Unit Format: Architectural

  • Linear Dimensions → Precision: 0′−0 1/256″ (see the following explanation)

  • Linear Dimensions → Fraction Format: Diagonal

  • Zero Suppression → 0 Feet but not 0 inches

I remind you that the value set in the Drawing Units dialog box isn't used for dimensions. You must set dimension units here. Why the 1/256″ precision? I set the precision to the smallest possible value; that way, any drawing errors show up as I add dimensions. If I make no mistakes creating the geometry, I don't ever see a fraction smaller than ¼″ in a dimension.

I find that setting fractions to Diagonal is easiest for me to read, and suppressing 0 feet, but not 0 inches, helps fit text into smaller spaces between extension lines while clarifying that some dimensions really are in whole feet.


A bug in AutoCAD 2002 prevents any setting for Zero Suppression from being applied. To control suppression in AutoCAD 2002, change DIMZIN to 3 at the command line to display 0 inches and suppress 0 feet. Save the resulting override to the current dimension style. This bug—more of a flea, really—was fixed as of AutoCAD 2004.

Primary Units tab: Architectural

Figure 4.18. Primary Units tab: Architectural


Unless you want to add dual dimensions to a drawing that will be used in another country, there's no reason to change any settings in the Alternate Units tab. Tolerances aren't generally used in architectural drawings, so there is no reason to change the Tolerances tab either.


Child variations let you define a single parent style that controls almost all dimension features for most types of dimensions and then customize the appearance of other types. Because I like using horizontal dimensions for radius, angular, and diameter dimensions, I use a child variation to make linear dimensions look right.

To create a child variation, do the following (see Figure 4.19):

  1. Select Architectural in the Styles list.

  2. Click the New button.

  3. Select Linear Dimensions in the Use For drop-down list and select the Continue button.

Linear child variation

Figure 4.19. Linear child variation

Under the Symbols And Arrows tab, change the following (see Figure 4.20):

  • Arrowheads → First: Architectural Tick

  • Arrowheads → Second: Architectural Tick

  • Arrowheads → Arrow Size: 1/16

Symbols And Arrows tab: Linear

Figure 4.20. Symbols And Arrows tab: Linear

Under the Text tab, change the following (see Figure 4.21):

  • Text Placement → Vertical: Above

  • Text Alignment → Aligned With Dimension Line

  • Under the Fit tab, change the following (see Figure 4.22):

  • Fine Tuning → Draw Dim Line Between Ext Lines

When placing linear dimensions in small areas, AutoCAD often leaves out the dimension lines—even though they may fit between extension lines—unless you check Draw Dim Line Between Ext Lines.

Text tab: Linear

Figure 4.21. Text tab: Linear

Fit tab: Linear

Figure 4.22. Fit tab: Linear


To set up child variations for radial dimensions, click OK to close the Modify Dimension Style dialog and then do the following:

  1. Select Architectural in the Styles list.

  2. Select New in the Dimension Style Manager dialog box.

  3. Select Radius Dimensions in the Use For drop-down list.

  4. Select None for Center Marks on the Symbols And Arrows tab.

  5. Check Place Text Manually on the Fit tab.

Repeat these steps to create a child dimension style for diameter dimensions. The result looks like Figure 4.23 when you list dimension styles in the Dimension Style Manager dialog box.

Architectural style with child variations

Figure 4.23. Architectural style with child variations

Architectural Metric

To create a metric style for architectural drawings, I recommend the following changes to all size-related values. As with mechanical dimensions, these are soft conversion values, because hard conversions result in values that are odd in a metric drawing:

  • 1/32 inch is approximately 1mm.

  • 1/16 inch is approximately 1.5mm.

  • ⅛ inch is approximately 3mm.

  • ¼ inch is approximately 6mm.

  • ⅜ inch is approximately 9mm.

  • ½ inch is approximately 12mm.

    The only other changes are on the Primary Units tab:

  • Linear Dimensions → Unit Format: Decimal

  • Linear Dimensions → Precision: 0

If you're converting an existing drawing from feet and fractional inches to millimeters, you have two choices. If the drawing has not yet been dimensioned, scale all the geometry in the entire drawing by a factor of 25.4, and use the dimension style for architectural metric as shown previously. If the drawing has already been dimensioned using architectural units, leave the geometry as it is, and modify the dimension style by making the following changes in addition to the unit format and precision changes recommended earlier: Set Round Off to 2 and Measurement Scale → Scale Factor to 25.4.


Any time you make changes that you intend to apply to an entire drawing—such as scaling a drawing by 25.4 or moving all the geometry to a new location—make sure you've thawed all layers that contain geometry.


Civil and surveying drawings generally use dimensions that indicate bearings in degrees, minutes, and seconds relative to either due north or due south. They don't normally use dimension lines or extension lines, but instead align both bearings and distances above or below property lines. Let's make this easier. Property-line bearings can't be added directly as dimensions, because surveying units aren't available for dimension styles. No dimensioning function in AutoCAD places bearings automatically, but the process can be streamlined.

In much of the world, civil and surveying drawings are done in metric, using the meter as the basic unit with up to three decimal places of precision. Angular units on metric civil plans, maps, and nautical charts are generally in degrees, minutes, and seconds.

Decimal Feet

To place dimensions indicating bearing and boundary length, create a new style with the following changes to each tab.


The Lines tab offers the most significant changes for civil engineering and surveying drawings. Recommended changes are shown in Figure 4.24:

  • Dimension Lines → Suppress: Dim Line 1 and Dim Line 2

  • Extension Lines → Suppress: Ext Line 1 and Ext Line 2

Lines tab

Figure 4.24. Lines tab


The key change in the Text tab is the placement of the text so that it aligns with property lines. Figure 4.25 shows the changes listed here:

  • Text Appearance → Text Style: based on romans.shx font

  • Text Appearance → Text Height: 0.125

  • Text Placement → Vertical: Above

  • Text Alignment → Aligned With Dimension Line


The Fit tab has only two recommended changes:

  • Fit Options → Always Keep Text Between Ext Lines

  • Scale For Dimension Features → Scale Dimensions To Layout

Text tab: Civil

Figure 4.25. Text tab: Civil

The Scale Dimensions To Layout option shown in Figure 4.26 is the important one here. Note that the scale factors you use in floating viewports when you set up a layout are affected by the use of feet as the basic unit. Because the paper is measured in inches and the geometry is measured in feet, the scale factor used for the viewport is 1/12 the actual plotted scale. This means that a scale of 1:200 for the viewport appears as 1″=200′ in the title block.


The Primary Units tab uses the default decimal units because you'll be drawing in decimal feet. The other changes I recommend are shown in Figure 4.27:

  • Linear Dimensions → Precision: 0.00

  • Linear Dimensions → Suffix: ′

Fit tab: Civil

Figure 4.26. Fit tab: Civil

Primary Units tab: Civil

Figure 4.27. Primary Units tab: Civil

Civil and surveying drawings generally use decimal feet, but I occasionally run across someone using engineering units for a civil drawing to make it compatible with architectural drawings that will be used as external references. One user tried adding dimensions in decimal feet, but the values were 12 times too large. I suggested converting inches into feet by placing 1/12 as a scale factor in the Measurement Scale area of the Primary Units tab. This multiplied each dimension by 1/12 (0.0833333), converting inch units to feet.


Combining a civil drawing (done in feet) with an architectural drawing (done in inches) can cause a problem. If you insert or externally reference a floor plan into a property drawing, and it's way too big, you probably need to scale it down 1:12. Or, you can scale the property drawing up by 12:1. Use 1/12 as a scale, not 0.083 as people sometimes do or you will get rounding errors.

When you place dimensions for boundary lines, do the following:

  1. Use the DIMALIGNED command (DAL).

  2. Select the boundary line.

  3. Select a location on the line when prompted for dimension location.

The result is a dimension in decimal feet over the boundary line.

I use this system frequently on nautical charts for course lines. To place the correct angle without having to type values like N34°15′25″E all the time, follow these steps:

  1. Add distance dimensions using the DIMALIGNED command.

  2. Copy each linear dimension below the property line.

  3. Set Angle Type to Surveyor's Units in the Drawing Units dialog box (see Figure 4.28).

  4. Use the DIST command to find the angle of one line.

  5. Copy the result from the text window to the clipboard (see Figure 4.29).

  6. Edit the dimension, and paste the angle into the text editor (see Figure 4.30).


I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that eventually, even land will be drawn in metric units. Much of the engineering that goes into civil design is done using metric units, and products used in civil engineering are increasingly being produced in metric units—by necessity, if they're to be sold in any other country. So, I'm presenting a suggested dimension style for civil and surveying drawings done in metric units.

Use the same Dimension Style settings as for decimal-feet, with changes only in the Primary Units tab.

Using surveyor's units

Figure 4.28. Using surveyor's units

Copying the correct bearing

Figure 4.29. Copying the correct bearing

Adding the bearing to each property line

Figure 4.30. Adding the bearing to each property line

The Primary Units tab still uses the default decimal units, but in this case the units are decimal meters. The precision may change to three decimal places because meters are larger than feet, and there is no Linear Dimension suffix:

  • Linear Dimensions → Precision: 0.00 or 0.000

  • Linear Dimensions → Suffix: None

Dimensioning Rules

Setting up a variety of dimension styles will help you enormously in adding dimensions correctly. However, dimensioning properly is one of the most difficult tasks when documenting design. Despite the apparent promise of automatic dimensioning that came with the QDIM command, there is no magic wand you can wave over a drawing to dimension it.

Dimensioning rules are most significant in mechanical design, because the geometry tends to be more complex than in other disciplines. The placement of a first dimension is often the key to making the others work well. AutoCAD has no variable that controls where a first dimension is placed. You make that decision and then use DIMBASE or DIMCONTINE to work from there.

I recommend that you consider trying ordinate dimensions, whatever your discipline is. They're easier to place, generally more accurate, easier to read, and in many cases easier to use than the more traditional approaches. Ordinate dimensions aren't just for the machine shop. Whenever I design a structure that I plan to build, I use ordinate dimensions, not continuous. I hook my tape (metric, of course), and mark off the location of each opening without ever having to add 4′5″ and 3′9-½″ to see where the next one is.

In this section, I'll discuss mechanical and architectural rules of dimensioning.

Mechanical Dimensioning

The general rules for dimensioning are a great example of how the exception proves the rule, because you'll run into situations where specific rules can't be applied. The rule of thumb is that if you can follow the rules, do follow the rules:


You'll find further specifics of dimensioning in ASME Y14.5M -1994.

  1. True shape A feature should be dimensioned on the view in which it appears in true shape. An exception to this rule exists for the dimensioning of cylindrical objects, which may be dimensioned in their longitudinal view. You must avoid placing dimensions to hidden lines.

  2. Tolerance All dimensions must carry a tolerance, either directly on the dimension itself, or in a general note that's part of the title block.

  3. Group Dimensions on multiview drawings should be grouped together with related dimensions and placed between views.

  4. Spacing A plotted spacing of 9–12mm (.375″–.50″) should be left between an object and the first dimension applied to that object. Subsequent dimensions should be spaced a smaller distance of 6–9mm (.25″–.375″). You can set DIMDLI accordingly for this purpose.

  5. Redundant dimensions A feature should be dimensioned in only one location for mechanical drawings. If an overall dimension is given, omit one of the intermediate dimensions, or make it a reference dimension by placing it in parentheses. You may repeat dimensions in architectural drawings.

  6. Off object Avoid placing dimensions directly on the object.

  7. Crossing lines Avoid crossing dimension lines with any other lines. Extension lines often cross each other or leaders. Unless a line will cross an arrowhead, don't break lines where they do cross other lines.

  8. Radius and diameter dimensions Circle sizes are dimensioned with a diameter, and arc sizes are dimensioned with a radius. Even though AutoCAD requests a radius by default when you draw a circle, the dimension generally used for circles is a diameter.

  9. Reference dimensions You can use reference dimensions where they clarify a part's size or the location of specific features. Reference dimensions are meant to be approximations and shouldn't be used to replace dimensions that are necessary to manufacture a part. When you use a reference dimension, identify it by enclosing it in parentheses. Do this in AutoCAD by editing the resulting dimension so it looks like this: (<>).

  10. Symbols Use symbols rather than words for diameter, depth, counterbore, number of places, and similar features.

    Figure 4.31 illustrates a number of common errors in adding dimensions to mechanical parts.

    Figure 4.32 illustrates the same part with dimensions added correctly.

Architectural Dimensioning

More variation exists in architectural dimensioning practices from office to office than in mechanical dimensioning, so it's impossible to be specific about its rules. Generally, linear dimensions are aligned and continuous dimensions, which is consistent with both the Construction Standards Institute and the Architectural Graphics Standards format. Three or four levels are normally used, starting from the outside level:

  • Overall dimensions farthest from the structure

  • Dimensions of external wall offsets or additions

  • Dimensions to mid-plane of the interior partitions

  • Dimensions to centers of openings in exterior walls

Common dimensioning errors

Figure 4.31. Common dimensioning errors

Correctly dimensioned part

Figure 4.32. Correctly dimensioned part

Spacing between dimensions is usually from ⅜″ to ½″. The space between the first dimension and the structure must be large enough to accommodate any symbols, notes, or other annotation necessary, as shown in Figure 4.33.

Text Styles

The single worst thing about AutoCAD is that ugly font: TXT.SHX. There was a time when this font made sense, not from a technical-graphics point of view, but from a computer-resources point of view. It was the original default AutoCAD font for one reason: It has no curved lines. That made it simple to define and simple for AutoCAD to keep track of mathematically. The first computer I used for AutoCAD was an IBM 286. Any amount of text on a drawing dramatically increased regeneration time, especially if that text was romanc.shx, romand.shx, or even romans.shx.

The intent of the ugly font, even then, was not that it would be plotted, but that it would be used as a placeholder for nicer text. You could use it while you were developing the drawing and then redefine it just before plotting. But a funny thing happened on the way to the plotter: Users didn't bother.

General architectural dimensioning with hand1.shx font

Figure 4.33. General architectural dimensioning with hand1.shx font

The ugly font started showing up first on drawings and then in many of the books that purported to teach people how to use AutoCAD correctly. Even books that claimed to conform to ASME Y14.5M standards were often filled with illustrations done in AutoCAD using the default font. The more that inexperienced or new users saw it, the more it became a standard.

By default, AutoCAD still uses the txt.shx font as its standard text style, and it still doesn't meet any technical-graphics standard anywhere in the world. Normally, I like the fact that AutoCAD maintains legacy behavior, but the legacy of the ugly font is an exception.

In this section, I'll cover two important text-style issues: fonts and letter forms.


You have two kinds of fonts at your disposal on which to base a text style: AutoCAD compiled-shape fonts, which have an .shx extension; and Windows TrueType fonts, which have a .ttf extension. The shape fonts are provided by Autodesk and are vector-based (composed of lines). The TrueType fonts are provided by the Windows operating system and are raster-based (composed of pixels), so they take up a little more file space.

Generally, all the AutoCAD SHX fonts are available at any time. If an individual file gets lost, you can replace it by putting it back in your AutoCAD Fonts directory or in another folder in the search path. The TrueType fonts must be loaded by Windows, however, and if any of them aren't installed, you can't just copy a file into the path—you have to load them through Windows.

The only font shipped with AutoCAD that meets ASME and ISO standards is romans.shx, which is the same font as simplex.shx. The one drawback to romans.shx is its lack of a nonproportional version. If you need a nonproportional font, you've got two choices: monotxt.shx (same as txt.shx, but each letter gets the same amount of space no matter how wide it is) or a TrueType font named Monospac821 BT. The TrueType font is the lesser of two evils, so if you need a nonproportional font, use that. For architectural or civil drawings, many offices use CountryBlueprint or CityBlueprint..

Letter Form

The ASME standard on lettering, ASME Y14.3M, permits either vertical letters or letters inclined at an angle up to 30° from vertical. If you use inclined letters, set an oblique angle of 10–30 degrees when creating your text style.

Letter height can vary, depending on what you're using the text for. I strongly recommend setting a text height of 0 when creating all text styles, so you can create text at any height, and it will automatically scale for dimensions.

AutoCAD uses two default text heights for Imperial drawings: 0.200 and 0.180. This is greater than the minimum required by ASME for most text. The default setting of 2.5 for metric drawings is less than the minimum required. Using the minimum heights specified in the ASME standard for all text, particularly dimension text, permits you to place the most information in the drawing and still have it be readable. Recommended text heights for mechanically produced text are listed in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1. ASME Standard Text Heights





Drawing number, title, and revision letter in title block

Up through 22″ × 17″



Drawing number, title, and revision letter in title block

Greater than 22″ × 17″



Section and view letters




Zone characters in border




Drawing block headings




Dims, tolerances, limits, notes, subtitles for views, tables, revisions, and zone characters in body of drawing




Linetypes and Weights

When technical-graphics textbooks discuss the language of drafting, they're referring to linetypes and their associated lineweights. Probably nothing makes it harder to interpret a technical drawing than improper application of linetypes.

Every technical person should be able to communicate in three different mediums: words, numbers, and graphics. If that communication is to make sense, all parties have to agree on the basic rules of the languages used. If you present a design to me, it should be subject to only one interpretation. That is especially true in a world-based economy where the person creating the drawing and the person interpreting it may be in different parts of the world and speak different languages.

Here is one of the many applications of AutoCAD where you must take control of the output if you're going to communicate effectively. AutoCAD can create lines that are broken into particular linetypes, but it won't place them properly without a lot of help from you. It also has no idea what the lines you're placing represent, so you must decide what lineweight to use to clearly separate the objects you're drawing from the annotation used to describe them. Too many users shirk their responsibilities here, dismissing any complaint with the phrase "That's how AutoCAD does it." It's a poor workman who blames his tools.

Controlling the appearance of hidden lines and especially center lines requires a bit of work, but it's well worth it. This section is designed to show you how.

Hidden Lines

The representation of hidden features is defined in the ASME Y14.2 standard. Some special applications are meant to convey information about the relationship between two features represented by hidden lines, as shown in Figure 4.34. AutoCAD often applies hidden lines properly without the user doing anything special, but sometimes AutoCAD creates hidden lines incorrectly.

The manner in which hidden lines meet or cross other lines is supposed to reflect the manner in which the features they represent are related. Because using hidden lines correctly can help others correctly interpret a drawing, here are some suggestions for working with them.


Before you tweak hidden lines as suggested below, you must be working within a viewport that has already been scaled for plotting. Otherwise, the length of the segments within linetypes will change when the viewport is scaled.

Figure 4.34 shows the ASME standards for treatment of hidden lines. Each of the numbered locations shows a situation that is discussed below, with my suggestions for managing AutoCAD to get correct results.

  1. When a hidden surface intersects a visible feature and stops, the hidden line must terminate at the visible line. AutoCAD does this automatically.

  2. When a hidden feature passes either behind or in front of a visible feature but doesn't intersect that feature, the hidden line must either show a gap at the visible line or cross through the visible line. The hidden line segment must not terminate at the visible line. AutoCAD may not do this automatically, in which case you must adjust the segment length using the Properties palette.

    ASME Y14.2 requirements for hidden lines

    Figure 4.34. ASME Y14.2 requirements for hidden lines

  3. When two hidden features terminate at 90°, the hidden lines must close at the corner. AutoCAD does this automatically only if you use two different line segments to represent the corner. If you create this feature with a multisegment polyline, the corner appearance is affected by the setting for the variable PLINEGEN. If PLINEGEN is set to the default value of 0, then linetype generation starts again at each vertex of the polyline, and the corner closes. If PLINEGEN is set to 1, linetype generation is continuous along the length of the entire pline, and a gap may appear at the vertex. You can override PLINEGEN for an individual object by using the Properties palette to control its Lintype generation, as shown in Figure 4.35.

  4. When one hidden feature terminates at another hidden feature, the last segment of the hidden line must terminate at the visible line. AutoCAD does this automatically.

  5. When multiple features intersect at the same location, the last segment of each hidden line used to represent the features must terminate at the same location. Note also that gaps in parallel hidden lines that are near each other should not line up precisely, but should be somewhat staggered.

  6. When a hidden line represents the continuation of a flat surface from a visible line that represents the same feature, there must be a gap between the end of the visible line and the beginning of the hidden line. AutoCAD doesn't do this automatically. You can use the BREAK command to create a gap. If you encounter this situation frequently, create a custom linetype that begins with a gap instead of a segment. See Chapter 3, "Customizing AutoCAD's Interface," for help creating custom linetypes.

    Changing PLINEGEN for a line segment

    Figure 4.35. Changing PLINEGEN for a line segment

  7. When a hidden line crosses a center line, a segment of the hidden line shouldn't intersect a short segment of the center line in such a way that two segments appear to mark a center location. Figure 4.34 demonstrates how you can accomplish this by using two entities: an arc that terminates at the center line; and a straight line that begins with a gap at the center line.

  8. When a hidden line represents the continuation of a curved surface from a visible line that represents the same feature, you have to leave a gap between the end of the visible line and the beginning of the hidden line. AutoCAD doesn't do this automatically. You can use the BREAK command to create a gap. If you encounter this situation frequently, create a custom linetype that begins with a gap instead of a segment. See Chapter 3 for help creating custom linetypes.

  9. When a hidden feature passes either behind or in front of another hidden feature, but they don't intersect, the hidden lines must either cross with a gap at their intersection or cross through each other. Neither hidden line segment should terminate at the other hidden line. AutoCAD may not do this automatically, in which case you have to adjust the segment's length using the Properties palette.

I have a few other suggestions about hidden lines:

  • Hidden lines are required only if they help clarify a feature. If hidden features are so numerous that representing all of them would cause confusion, omit them. Hidden lines created from solid models using SOLPROF or SOLDRAW often create this problem; the block that contains them must be exploded and modified.

  • If you omit hidden features, start with those farthest from the plane of the view you're creating.

  • Adjust linetype scale for objects only after you've set up your views in a layout.

  • Don't use LTSCALE to adjust linetypes—it's a global variable and therefore affects all entities in the drawing that have a linetype other than Continuous.

  • Set PLINEGEN to 1 only if you want linetype breaks to be evenly distributed along a pline, particularly if it's curved or has short segments between vertices.

Center Lines and Center Marks

Center lines and center marks are frequently incorrect on AutoCAD drawings. The problem usually results from using a Center linetype for lines that cross each other. If lines are meant to locate a center point where they cross, they must have a crosshair. If the lines are exactly the same length and cross at their midpoints, AutoCAD often creates a proper center mark. In every other situation, AutoCAD creates unfortunate results like those shown in Figure 4.36.

Each of the dimension styles described previously identifies Line as the style for center marks with sizes that correspond to the extension line gaps: –.0625 for inches and −1.5 for metric. Once you set a proper dimension style, you can use the DIMCENTER (DCE) command to place crosshair center lines on circles or arcs. You'll have six separate lines that can be edited independently without changing the location of the crosshair. (See Figure 4.37.)

Circular Center Lines and Marks

The problem that results from using an AutoCAD Center linetype is even more apparent when applied to circular center lines. Circular center lines are used for patterns like bolt holes; if you want the lines to be accurate, use the ARRAY command.

Incorrect application of center lines

Figure 4.36. Incorrect application of center lines

Editing center marks placed with DIMCENTER

Figure 4.37. Editing center marks placed with DIMCENTER

The crosshairs on circular center lines consist of one arc and one straight-line segment. The size of the crosshair should match the one used for all other center marks on the drawing, so add them only after you've set up a scaled viewport in a layout (see Chapter 6). To create a complete circular center line for representing the locations of boltholes, follow these steps:

  1. Draw an arc segment and a straight-line crosshair for one hole by creating two concentric circles whose diameters match the size of the crosshair required, and using the TRIM command, as shown in Figure 4.38. It's a lot easier to determine the correct size if you've added a center mark using the DIMCENTER command, because that mark is scaled automatically for plotting if you followed the recommendations for dimension styles given earlier. Draw two concentric circles using an existing center mark, and then move them into place for trimming your circular center mark.

  2. Array the circles that represent the holes, add an arc segment that goes inside the next hole, and trim the arc as shown in Figure 4.39.

    Circular center mark

    Figure 4.38. Circular center mark

    Circular center line components

    Figure 4.39. Circular center line components

  3. Array the group of entities shown in Figure 4.40, which represent the repeatable pattern for the circular center marks as many times as there are holes.

This technique is quicker than it sounds, and it always gives you proper center-line results, as shown in Figure 4.41. If you use circular center lines frequently, see the web site for this book for an AutoLISP program that automates this process and will make your life a lot easier.

Repeatable pattern for circular centerline

Figure 4.40. Repeatable pattern for circular centerline

Completed circular center lines

Figure 4.41. Completed circular center lines


Lineweight refers to how wide a line is when it's displayed on the screen or plotted. You can set lineweights as a Layer property, but you won't see them until you turn on Lineweight display, which you can do using the status-bar button labeled LWT. I don't like drawing with lineweights on, but I periodically do a plot preview to see how the whole thing will look. Proper lineweights make a huge difference in understanding what I'm looking at.

The more complex the drawing, the more lineweights matter. This section discusses their application and gives you some advice in applying them.

Mechanical Lineweights

This one is easy. You have thick lines and you have thin lines. If the line represents something you can see, it's thick. Everything else is thin—almost. Line conventions must be consistent with ASME Y14.2M - 1992 (R1998). You have to make a clear distinction between the two weights, with thin lines being approximately half the weight of thick lines. Thick lines can be from 0.4–0.7mm (.016–.028″) when plotted, and thin lines can be from 0.2–0.35mm (.008–.014″) when plotted. Viewing plane, cutting plane, and short break lines are treated as visible; therefore they're thick.

Use your judgment in selecting a lineweight for visible lines that occur close to each other. You may have to reduce the line width of object lines in order to show details. If so, reduce the width of other lines accordingly to maintain the 2:1 ratio between thick lines and thin lines. It's OK for cutting-plane lines to be thicker than object lines if that improves the clarity of your drawing.

Using the correct lineweights can dramatically affect a plotted drawing—for the better. Set the lineweights to BYLAYER using .4 or .5 for thick and .2 or .25 for thin.

Architectural Lineweights

Architectural drawings often use more than two lineweights, depending on office standards. Some offices have two standards: one for manual drawings and one for CAD drawings. Table 4.2 shows a sample lineweight standard for CAD drawing. Standards can vary dramatically from one office to another in this discipline, so this is just an example.

Table 4.2. Sample Architectural Lineweight Standard




Thin lines in details, elevations, sections for plotting clarity


Dimension, extension, center, hidden, leader, phantom lines


Text, windows, doors, cabinets, stairs, railing, ramps, existing features


Object lines for mechanical parts


Object lines representing building elements


Elevation, profile, viewing, and cutting-plane lines


Border lines on drawing

Style Tables vs. Color Tables

Lineweights are normally controlled in an AutoCAD drawing by using either named or color-dependent plot-style tables. Most offices that I've worked with use color-based plot styles, but the color of a line doesn't directly control the lineweight used for plotting. Instead, entities are assigned a lineweight by the layer on which they reside. I think this is good practice. For more on plot style tables, see Chapter 6.

Applying Standards

Users who follow standards are far less likely to have their drawings misinterpreted. Figure 4.42 shows the train wreck that results from using the default dimension values, default linetypes, and default lineweights in AutoCAD. It's nearly impossible to decipher the drawing's annotations or to visually pick out the shape of the object.

Figure 4.43 shows the result of using the practices described in this chapter. It's much easier to read. It takes a little setup time, and the center marks require some additional manipulation—but surely this small effort is worth the trouble. After all, the purpose of a drawing is to communicate the intent of the design unambiguously. This is a simple part: the head gasket from a Briggs and Stratton small engine. Complex parts are even harder for someone to interpret if you don't apply these standards.

Default settings in AutoCAD

Figure 4.42. Default settings in AutoCAD

Applying standards

Figure 4.43. Applying standards

Template Drawings

If you plan to get serious about applying standards, your most important AutoCAD skill will be creating and using template files. Your office should create a series of standard template files as a starting point for every user. Templates don't eliminate the need for checking each drawing—far from it—but they ensure that at the beginning of each project, every drawing has the same basic structure. When coupled with DWS files, tool palettes, custom commands, and old-fashioned checks of drawings by someone other than the drafter/designer, template files go a long way toward establishing and maintaining office standards.

Creating Template Drawings

Create as many template drawings as you need. Begin by creating a folder for your template files and setting it as the path used by AutoCAD for starting new drawings. Select the Files tab of the Options dialog box. Under that tab, search for Template Settings, and click the + sign. You'll see a heading named Drawing Template File Location.

The files are located in a long path under your login name in the Documents And Settings folder, a necessary inconvenience designed to conform to the Windows multiuser environment format. This is a lousy place to keep template files that will be used by others in your office. To spare yourself a future migraine, change the location to a common network drive, as shown in Figure 4.44.

Changing the default template file location

Figure 4.44. Changing the default template file location

If you have an existing drawing that meets, or nearly meets, your office standard, here's the easiest way to create a new template file:

  1. Open an existing drawing that meets your office standards.

  2. Make sure the drawing uses the type of plot style table that meets your office standard: color-dependent or named.

  3. Make as many changes as you can to set up the drawing and delete all entities in the drawing.

  4. Save the drawing as a DWT file to the folder you identified as the path in the Options dialog box. That location will open automatically when you select AutoCAD Drawing Template (*.dwt), as shown in Figure 4.5.


Save a DWG version of each of your template files. That way, you can insert them if you want to quickly add all layer names, dimension styles, text styles, table styles, and block definitions to another drawing.

Once you've saved a DWT file, you can select it when using the NEW command to start a new drawing. The template file location you specified opens automatically, allowing you to select your own template file rather than one of AutoCAD's. You can also direct AutoCAD to use this template when the QNEW command is used, by specifying the template in the Options dialog box (see Figure 4.46).

Saving a template file

Figure 4.45. Saving a template file

Setting the default file for QNEW

Figure 4.46. Setting the default file for QNEW

In addition, you can create a custom shortcut on the desktop and edit the target window by adding /t YOUROWN.DWT at the end of the line that starts AutoCAD. Once you specify the path and the filename, AutoCAD will start with the specified template whenever you use the shortcut (See Figure 4.47).

Contents of a Template File

Drawing template files should include at least the following settings:

  • Layers with the colors, linetypes, and lineweights specified

  • Layer states and filters

  • Dimension styles

  • Appropriate limits

  • Appropriate units

  • Views and viewports saved with logical names

  • Text styles with names other than Standard

  • Block definitions for title blocks, borders, and standard symbols

  • Layouts for each sheet size used in the office

  • Default plot styles and pen styles

  • System variable settings that are saved in the drawing

Creating a custom shortcut

Figure 4.47. Creating a custom shortcut

Recommended Variable Settings

Most variables are now saved in the system registry, not the drawing file. Those variables that are saved in the drawing should be set in your template file. To find out where a particular variable is saved, use the Help system. The help for each variable indicates the location where the setting is changed as well as the default value.

Although system variables aren't the most glamorous aspect of AutoCAD, they can have a profound effect on how the software behaves—or, more to the point, misbehaves. Variables saved in the system registry can't be controlled by a drawing template. The ones that can, with my preferred settings, are listed here. If you wonder what any of these variables controls, check it out in the AutoCAD Help system:

  • ATTMODE = 1

  • AUPREC = 1


  • CMLJUST = 2

  • DISPSILH = 1



  • FACETRES = 2


  • FILLMODE = 1

  • HIDETEXT = 1

  • INDEXCTL = 3

  • INSBASE = 0,0,0

  • ISOLINES = 20

  • LIMCHECK = 0

  • LTSCALE = 1

  • MEASUREMENT = 0 for English, 1 for metric

  • MIRRTEXT = 0


  • PLINEGEN = 0


  • PSVPSCALE = 0 for zoom extents, 1 for 1xp, 1/48 for ¼″=1′, and so on

  • REGENMODE = 0 only for very large drawings; REGEN when necessary


  • SKPOLY = 1

  • SORTENTS = 27

  • TEXTSIZE = .125

  • TEXTSTYLE = Romans



  • UCSICON = 0 for 2D drawings, 3 for 3D drawings


  • XEDIT = 0

  • XLOADCTL = 1

  • ZOOMFACTOR = 100

Dimension Styles

I discussed dimension styles at length earlier in this chapter. Don't forget to make them part of your office templates: They may be the single most important feature you add. In addition to having them in your templates, you can export any dimension style using the DIMEX command included as an Express Tool. Then they can be used in any other drawing—a convenient way to share dimension styles with others without sending a drawing file. And don't forget to add dimension tools to a palette.

Layer Naming

It's important to standardize layer names, colors, and linetypes for all drawings so you can quickly recall them and control them in groups. You can group layer names with wildcards. The most useful wildcards are * and ~. The * wildcard is interpreted as all and ~ is interpreted as all but.


In the following statement, all layers except those beginning with the characters FL1 will be frozen: -LA

Layer Naming


The AutoCAD Help system identifies the wildcards shown in Table 4.3 that can be used when identifying layer names. See how helpful the Help system is?

Table 4.3. Wildcards for Layer Names




Matches any numeric digit


Matches any alphabetic character


Matches any nonalphanumeric character


Matches any string, and can be used anywhere in the search string


Matches any single character; for example, ?BC matches ABC, 3BC, and so on


Matches anything but the pattern; for example, ~*AB*matches all strings that don't contain AB

[ ]

Matches any one of the characters enclosed; for example, [AB]C matches AC and BC


Matches any character not enclosed; for example, [~AB]C matches XC but not AC


Specifies a range for a single character; for example, [A-G]C matches AC, BC, and so on to GC, but not HC


Reads the next character literally; for example, `˜AB matches ~AB and doesn't interpret the tilde as a wildcard


If for some reason a layer name must include one of the characters designated by AutoCAD as a wildcard, precede that character with a reverse quote (') so AutoCAD interprets it literally, not as a wildcard character. I've never seen a situation where that was done, but you never know.


Commercial construction projects commonly employ a separate drawing file for each floor or level of a building. When it becomes necessary to compare two or more levels, drawings are externally referenced into a single file. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has developed layer standards for use in commercial projects. The complete AIA layer standard is lengthy, and you'll have to purchase it if you want a copy for your office. In the meantime, here's my summary of the naming conventions from the AIA publication "CAD Layer Guidelines" (1990, updated 1999).


Layers created automatically by Architectural Desktop are meant to follow the AIA standards.

Layer names must be composed of up to four fields, each separated by a dash as follows: X-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. The first field requires a single character, and the other fields require four characters. Not all layer names have all four fields, but where multiple fields are used, each subsequent field modifies the field immediately preceding it. The shortest possible standard layer name is 6 characters; the longest is 16.

For example, the layer name A-WALL-DIMS-NEWW identifies the discipline, which in this case is architectural; the major group, which in this case is walls; the minor group, which in this case is dimensions; and the status of the objects being referenced, which in this case is new construction. Users can add minor categories, and the status field is always optional. The following summary shows some of the field names used in each category. Discipline groups are listed in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4. Field 1: Discipline Group










Fire protection




Hazardous materials




Landscape architecture














Other disciplines


Contractor/shop drawings

Each discipline group can be modified by a second field that indicates the types of objects placed on that layer. Those four-character fields are shown in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5. Field 2: Object within Discipline






Area boundary lines


Ceiling information




Control systems










Floor information








Light fixtures










Fire protection








Drainage (Storm)



A third field further defines the objects identified in Field 2, indicating the types of objects that are placed on those layers as modifiers. Examples are shown in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6. Field 3: Definition of Objects in Field 2








Schedules (legend)












Title blocks


If you want to add categories, you can. For example, you may want a layer for center lines (CENT); hidden lines (HIDD); phantom lines (PHAN); or lines with specific lineweights, like 0.1 (LW01), 0.5 (LW05), or 01.2 (LW12).

The final field is a status field, indicating whether the objects shown are to be demolished, represent existing structures that won't be demolished, are new structures, and so on. Table 4.7 lists the four-character status codes.

Table 4.7. Field 4: Status




Existing to demolish


Existing to remain


New work


Future work


Temporary work


Items to be moved


Relocated items


Not in contract


Phase number 1


Phase number 2

For more information about the AIA layer-naming guidelines, or to purchase the guidelines, see the AIA website:


One potential drawback of using standard layer names pops up if you combine two drawings—either by inserting one into the other or by binding one as an external reference to the other using an insert bind.—The entities from each drawing that reside on layers of the same name are all on the same layer. To avoid this result, select bind as the type when binding an external reference to a drawing so that layer names for the bound XRef will all be prefixed with the name of the drawing. That will separate the entities from the two drawings onto different layers.


You may find the AIA guidelines cumbersome in residential design. When designing or drawing a single-family residence, I prefer to have all floors in one file and use the following layer-naming system. Like the system developed by the AIA, it uses separate fields, but I use three characters in each rather than four. I present it here as an example of how you may construct your own layer-naming standard independent of the AIA standards.

Some layers have single fields, but most are associated with a floor or level. The four standard fields I use to represent levels are FND (foundation), FL1 (first floor), FL2 (second floor), and ROF (roof). I use the second field to represent the linetype or type of object: OBJ (object), HID (hidden lines), ELE (electrical), and so on. This system may not work for you, but it simplifies things for me. Table 4.8 provides some suggested layer-name fields.

Table 4.8. Simplified Layer-Naming Standards for Residential Design




Used for defining blocks


Contains a border for the sheet


Contains general title-block information


Used for construction lines


First-floor object lines


First-floor appliances


First-floor center lines


First-floor dimensions


First-floor electrical


First-floor fireplace plan


Framing plan for the first floor


First-floor hatch patterns


First-floor plumbing plan


First-floor notes and title-block information


Second-floor object lines


Second-floor appliances


Second-floor center lines


Second-floor dimensions


Foundation object lines


Foundation appliances


Foundation center lines


Foundation dimensions


If an organization has developed layer-naming guidelines for mechanical design, I haven't heard of it. When creating drawings of parts for use in an assembly drawing, I resort to the basic layer names shown in Table 4.9, with as many part-specific names as necessary. The fields identified as PT1, and so on, are given a specific part name.

Layer Colors

At one time, layer colors were always part of office standards—at least, for offices that had standards. That's because the color of an entity used to determine the appearance of the entity when it was plotted. Colors are still specified for layers as part of most office standards, but it may not be necessary for everyone to use the same colors unless you're plotting in color.

Table 4.9. Suggested Layer Fields for Mechanical Design




Layer 0: reserved for blocks


Border layer


Center lines


Construction lines




Hidden lines


Object lines


Text on the drawing


Center lines on part 1


Construction lines on part 1


Dimensions on part 1


Hidden lines on part 1


Object lines on part 1


Text on the drawing on part 1


Center lines on part 2


Construction lines on part 2


Dimensions on part 2


Hidden lines on part 2


Object lines on part 2


Text on the drawing on part 2


Center lines on part 3


Construction lines on part 3


Dimensions on part 3


Hidden lines on part 3


Object lines on part 3


Text on the drawing on part 3

If you plot using the monochrome plot style, the appearance of entities when they're plotted—their lineweight and linetype—is controlled not by color but by the layer each entity is on. Even though many offices use color-dependent plot style tables, a look at the table properties shows that most of the time, those two properties are set to Use Object Linetype or Use Object Lineweight, as shown in Figure 4.48.

When you're assigning colors, take into account the background color you like to use. Because blue doesn't show up well on a black background, and yellow is impossible to read on a white background, you may try something else. A medium gray background works for some people. I've seen some color combinations that I'd find very hard to work with, but to each their own. I recommend that you assign color, linetype, lineweight, and plot style to BYLAYER.

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