Time for action cracking WEP

Follow the given instructions to get started:

  1. Let us first connect to our access point Wireless Lab and go to the settings area that deals with Wireless Encryption mechanisms:
    Time for action cracking WEP
  2. On my access point, this can be done by setting the Security Mode to WEP. We will also need to set the WEP key length. As shown in the following screenshot, I have set WEP to use 128 bit keys. I have set the Default WEP Key to WEP Key 1 and have set the value in hex to abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef12 as the 128 bit WEP key. You can set this to whatever you choose:
    Time for action cracking WEP
  3. Once the settings are applied, the access point should now be offering WEP as the encryption mechanism of choice. Let us now set up the attacker machine.
  4. Let us bring up Wlan0 by issuing the command ifconfig wlan0 up. Then we will run airmon-ng start wlan0 to create mon0, the monitor mode interface, as shown in the following screenshot. Verify the mon0 interface has been created using iwconfig command:
    Time for action cracking WEP
  5. Let's run airodump-ng to locate our lab access point using the command airodump-ng mon0. As you can see in the following screenshot, we are able to see the Wireless Lab access point running WEP:
    Time for action cracking WEP
  6. For this exercise, we are only interested in the Wireless Lab, so let us enter airodump-ng bssid 00:21:91:D2:8E:25 --channel 11 --write WEPCrackingDemo mon0 to only see packets for this network. Additionally, we will request airodump-ng to save the packets into a pcap file using the --write directive:
    Time for action cracking WEP
    Time for action cracking WEP
  7. Now let us connect our wireless client to the access point and use the WEP key as abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef12. Once the client has successfully connected, airodump-ng should report it on the screen:
    Time for action cracking WEP
  8. If you do an ls in the same directory, you will be able to see files prefixed with WEPCrackingDemo-* as shown in the following screenshot. These are traffic-dump files created by airodump-ng:
    Time for action cracking WEP
  9. If you notice the airodump-ng screen, the number of data packets listed under the #Data column is very few in number (only 68). In WEP cracking, we need a large number of data packets, encrypted with the same key to exploit weaknesses in the protocol. So, we will have to force the network to produce more data packets. To do this, we will use the aireplay-ng tool:
    Time for action cracking WEP
  10. We will capture ARP packets on the wireless network using aireplay-ng and inject them back into the network, to simulate ARP responses. We will be starting aireplay-ng in a separate window, as shown in the next screenshot. Replaying these packets a few thousand times, we will generate a lot of data traffic on the network. Even though aireplay-ng does not know the WEP key, it is able to identify the ARP packets by looking at the size of the packets. ARP is a fixed header protocol and thus the size of the ARP packet can be easily determined and can be used for identifying them even within encrypted traffic. We will run aireplay-ng with the options that are discussed next. The -3 option is for ARP replay, -b specifies the BSSID of our network, and -h specifies the client MAC address that we are spoofing. We need to do this, as replay attack will only work for authenticated and associated client MAC addresses.
    Time for action cracking WEP
  11. Very soon you should see that aireplay-ng was able to sniff ARP packets and has started replaying them into the network:
    Time for action cracking WEP
  12. At this point, airodump-ng will also start registering a lot of data packets. All these sniffed packets are being stored in the WEPCrackingDemo-* files that we saw previously:
    Time for action cracking WEP
  13. Now, let us start with the actual cracking part! We fire up aircrack-ng with the options WEPCRackingDemo-01.cap in a new window. This will start the aircrack-ng software and it will begin working on cracking the WEP key using the data packets in the file. Note that it is a good idea to have airodump-ng—collecting the WEP packets, aireplay-ng—doing the replay attack, and Aircrack-ng—attempting to crack the WEP key based on the captured packets, all at the same time. In this experiment, all of them are open in separate windows:
    Time for action cracking WEP
  14. Your screen should look like the following screenshot, when aircrack-ng is working on the packets to crack the WEP key:
    Time for action cracking WEP
  15. The number of data packets required to crack the key is non-deterministic, but generally in the order of a hundred thousand or more. On a fast network (or using aireplay-ng), this should take 5-10 minutes at most. If the number of data packets currently in the file are not sufficient, then aircrack-ng will pause as shown in the following screenshot and wait for more packets to be captured, and will then restart the cracking process again:
    Time for action cracking WEP
  16. Once enough data packets have been captured and processed, Aircrack-ng should be able to break the key. Once it does, it proudly displays it in the terminal and exits as shown in the following screenshot:
    Time for action cracking WEP
  17. It is important to note that WEP is totally flawed and any WEP key (no matter how complex) will be cracked by Aircrack-ng. The only requirement is that a great enough number of data packets, encrypted with this key, need to be made available to Aircrack-ng.

What just happened?

We set up WEP in our lab and successfully cracked the WEP key. In order to do this, we first waited for a legitimate client of the network to connect to the access point. After this, we used the aireplay-ng tool to replay ARP packets into the network. This caused the network to send ARP replay packets, thus greatly increasing the number of data packets sent over the air. We then used aircrack-ng to crack the WEP key by analyzing cryptographic weaknesses in these data packets.

Note that, we can also fake an authentication to the access point using the Shared Key Authentication bypass technique, we learnt in the last chapter. This can come in handy, if the legitimate client leaves the network. This will ensure we can spoof an authentication and association and continue to send our replayed packets into the network.

Have a go hero fake authentication with WEP cracking

In the previous exercise, if the legitimate client had suddenly logged off the network, we would not be able to replay the packets as the access point will not accept packets from un-associated clients.

Your challenge would be to fake an authentication and association using the Shared Key Authentication bypass we learnt in the last chapter, while WEP cracking is going on. Log off the legitimate client from the network and verify if you are still able to inject packets into the network and if the access point accepts and responds to them.

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