About the Technical Reviewer

image Steven Hughes has been a Microsoft Windows Phone MVP for the past decade for his passion and dedication in the mobile community. Steven became involved with handheld computers since the early ‘90s including the beta testing and the prototype design of several hardware and software designs. His passion and knowledge of mobile technology and the mobile industry has advised and consulted many on its use and has earned the nickname ‘fyiguy’ as result. Steven loves to share information and help people; you may see his contributions and articles on several websites, publications, podcasts, and other productions pertaining to mobile technology. Steven is also the Chief News and Review Editor for BostonPocketPC.com and has written several detailed reviews and articles on various facets of mobile technology as well. Steven is a Moderator in the Microsoft Answers forums and also co-manages the New England Windows Phone User Group. Steven is employed as a Biomedical Engineer for the VA New England Healthcare System. When he has some free time he generally spends it with his family or outdoors playing soccer, hitting the slopes, strumming his guitar, catching a movie in his self-constructed custom home theater, or riding the trails on his mountain bike.

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