
I’d like to acknowledge my editors here at Apress (Mark Beckner, Adam Heath, Chris Nelson, & Jonathan Gennick), as well as my co-authors Rocco & Grant and technical editor, Steven, for their hard work in this project. On a personal note, the support given to me by my wife, Karey, my parents, Alan & Dianne, and my extended family (especially Dan, Sue, Greg, Scott, & Mark) cannot be overstated. I’m also greatful for the support of my mentors, Eric Johnson and Elke Weber, my colleagues, Cindy Kim, Margaret Lee, Ye Li, ChristophUngemach, SooBaik, Galen Treuer, and Min Bang, and my current and former interns, Katherine Chang, Meaghan Gartner, Mary Reiser, Yechao Liu, Soo Jung Lee, & Nina Rouhani. Finally, I’d like to thank my friends who encouraged me to become as geeky as I am, directly and indirectly. This includes Steve Jocke, Tony Rylow, Ashley Newman, Maria Gaglio, Marie Batteiger, JD Jasper, Jason Dunn, Don Sorcinelli, Eric Hicks, Darius Wey, Jack Cook, Johan van Mierlo, Annie Ma, Holly Feiler, Dot Bertram, & Cathy Bischoff.

—Jon Westfall

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