
images A, B

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5


compressed, obscured, and alien–like jQuery code, 236

uncompressed jQuery script, 235

HTML5 Boilerplate, 240

PhoneGap, 256

Adobe Fireworks

design comp, 143, 144

on Windows 7 platform, 141

Pages panel, 142

Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), 191

Android 2.3 web browser, 32

Android’s geolocation world, 155

checkIn() function, 156

geolocation tracking, 158


position.coords.accuracy, 155

position.coords.altitude, 155

position.coords.heading, 158

position.coords.latitude, 155

position.coords.longitude, 155

position.coords.satellites, 155

position.coords.speed, 158


supportsGeo() function, 155

TIMEOUT error, 156


watchPosition() method, 158

API. See Application programming interface (API)

Application packaging


compressed, obscured, and alien–like jQuery code, 236

description, 233234

jQuery 1.6.2. file size examination, 235

tools and utilities, 236240

uncompressed jQuery script, 235

features, 254255

FTP application

deploying an application, 248252

description, 246

FileZilla, 247

Git, 253254

hosting solution

1and1, 245

Dreamhost, 243245

evaluation, 241242

Media Temple, 245246

PhoneGap, 255257

software versioning, 252254

Titanium Mobile, 258259

Application programming interface (API)

Audio Data, 196

Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread device, 196

description, 196

HTML5, 196

definition, 21

music service

Amazon’s Product Advertising API, 207208

description, 202, 203206

Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX)

asynchronous transfer

Android operating system, 214

beginning my search, 213

description, 211

false setting, 230231

flash video, 215

Google search home page, 212

description, 211

JavaScript and XML, 215216

POST vs. GET, 230

RSS feeds, 220

JSON output and display it, 224226

Pipes creation, 221224

username availability

check username page, 228

check_name.php Script, 227228

checking code, 229

checkname.html Page, 228

description, 226

not available screen, 229

Users Table, 227

validation and forms auto–submission, 229

word–of–the–day application

Android web browser, 219220

onreadystatechange Function, 217

readyState and status, 218

request.send() function, 218

word.txt file, 216217

Audacity audio editor

editing, 192

export option, 195

LAME MP3 Library download page, 194

preferences dialog box, 193

Audio, mobile web applications

audacity audio editor

editing, 192

export option, 195

LAME MP3 Library download page, 194

preferences dialog box, 193

audio codecs

AAC, 191

MP3, 190191

Ogg, 191

Audio Data API

Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread device, 196

description, 196

HTML5, 196

description, 187

HTML5 audio tag

Android Gingerbread 2.3 device, 189

attributes, 188

elements, 188

integration, 189190

music service APIs

Amazon’s Product Advertising API, 207208

description, 202, 203206

images C

CartoDB, 164

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Family Chore list, 3

frameworks, 130131

320 and Up, 133135

biosketch, framework comparison, 135140

Less Framework 4, 132133

1140px Grid, 131

HTML tag, 5

Patriotic Chore list, 4

Cell tower triangulation, 146

ChangeDiv() function, 154

CheckIn() function, 154, 156

CloudMade, 164



AAC, 191

description, 190

MP3, 190191

Ogg, 191


h.264/MPEG-4, 199

Ogg Theora, 199

WebM, 199200


compressed, obscured, and alien–like jQuery code, 236

description, 233234

jQuery 1.6.2. file size examination, 235

tools and utilities

applications, 238

HTML5 Boilerplate, 239240

Packer, 238

YUI compressor, 236237

uncompressed jQuery script, 235

Cross-domain scripting, 22

Cross-site scripting (XSS), 22

Crude mockup, 58

CSS. See Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

images D

deviantART, 124125

Document Object Model (DOM), 36, 147


description, 243

VPS, 244245

Droid Sans font, 29, 127

images E

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

interactions, 10

my personal blog, 910

RSS feed, 89

RSS icon, 8

images F

FAILboard Pro, 5455

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) application

Cyberduck, 248

deploying an application, 248252

description, 246


description, 247

directory creation, 250252

host connection information, 249

Unknown Host Key prompt, 250

without configuration, 249

SFTP, 248252


description, 247

directory creation, 250252

host connection information, 249

Unknown Host Key prompt, 250

without configuration, 249

Find Icons search engine, 123

Font issues, 129130

images G


application, 151152

changeDiv() function, 154

checkIn() function, 154

HTML review, 153

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(), 154

supportsGeo() function, Redux, 153

utility function, 153

cell tower triangulation, 146

desktop browser test for geolocation support, 149

Document Object Model (DOM), 147

Global Positioning System (GPS), 146

IP address allocation, 146

mobile browser test for geolocation support, 149

settings, 147

simple geolocation support, 148, 150

tracking, 158

WiFi triangulation, 146

Global Positioning System (GPS), 146

Google Maps, 160163

location-based services, 163

CartoDB, 164

CloudMade, 164

Mapnik, 164

Mapstraction, 164

Open Street Map, 164

pros and cons, 163164

Wax, 164

Google Nexus One, 8990

Google web fonts, 128129

GPS. See • Global Positioning System (GPS)

images H

.htaccess user agent detection, 9798

h.264, 199

Hosting solution

1and1, 245

evaluation, 241242

Media Temple, 245246

HotGloo, 5859

HTML. See HyperText Markup Language (HTML)


audio tag

Android Gingerbread 2.3 device, 189

attributes, 188

elements, 188

video tag

Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread device, 198

attributes, 198

elements, 197

features, 198

HTML5 Boilerplate

configuration, 240

description, 239

structure, 239

HTML5 location-based applications

Android's geolocation world

checkIn() function, 156

geolocation tracking, 158


position.coords.accuracy, 155

position.coords.altitude, 155

position.coords.heading, 158

position.coords.latitude, 155

position.coords.longitude, 155

position.coords.satellites, 155

position.coords.speed, 158


supportsGeo() function, 155

TIMEOUT error, 156


watchPosition() method, 158

geolocation, 145

cell tower triangulation, 146

desktop browser test for geolocation support, 149

Document Object Model (DOM), 147

Global Positioning System (GPS), 146

IP address allocation, 146

mobile browser test for geolocation support, 149

settings, 147

simple geolocation support, 148, 150

WiFi triangulation, 146

geolocation application, 151152

changeDiv() function, 154

checkIn() function, 154

HTML review, 153

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(), 154

supportsGeo() function, Redux, 153

utility function, 153

Google Maps, 160163

location-based services, 163164

location gaming, 164166

Human-Readable Data Interchange, 1011

HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

bodytag, 2

code, 2

description, 1

page header, 2

review, 153

images I

I Love Ham

CSS, 4143

HTML markup, 3941

JavaScript, 4348

web application, 21

Iconfinder, 121122


Find Icons search engine, 123

Iconfinder, 121122

Init() function, 36

Internet applications

Adobe Fireworks, 141

design comp, 143, 144

on Windows 7 platform, 141

Pages panel, 142

CSS frameworks, 130131

1140px Grid, 131

320 and Up, 133135

biosketch, framework comparison, 135140

Less Framework 4, 132133


Find Icons search engine, 123

icon usage, favicon, 123124

Iconfinder, 121122

stock photography

deviantART, 124125

iStockphoto, 125126

photo usage rules, 126

web fonts

Droid Sans font, 127

Google, 128129

issues, 129130

IP address allocation, 146

iStockphoto, 125126

images J, K

JavaScript, web design, 68

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 1011

with padding, 22

JavaScript user agent detection

detection code, 9293

single-platform developer, 94

Android Browser, 96

App HTML Page, 9495

Safari, 97

jQuery JavaScript framework, 33

jQuery Mobile

animation, 109

Avery native looking user interface, 102

content data-attribute, 101

dialog boxes, 111113

features, 100

HTML markup, 101

invalid custom mood attribute, 100

multiple pages, 102

about and contact pages, 106107

about Page, 108

contact page, 109

contents, 103

count bubble list, 104

footer, 105

form elements, 105

home page, 107

inset search fields, 104

nested list, 104

search filter box, 105

thumbnail and icon list, 104

transition and theme attributes, 105

UI elements, 102

Simple Calc, 118120

ThemeRoller, 113

Adobe kuler swatches, 116

configuration, 116

customizing options, 115

download theme window, 117

My custom theme, 117

start up screen, 114

transition page, 109111

valid data-mood attribute, 100

JSON. See JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

images L

Less Framework 4, 132133

Location gaming, 164166

Location-based services

CartoDB, 164

CloudMade, 164

Mapnik, 164

Mapstraction, 164

Open Street Map, 164

pros and cons, 163164

Wax, 164

images M, N

MapMe() function, 162

Mapnik, 164

Mapstraction, 164

META tags

description, 85

history, 86

viewport element, 86

Android Webkit browser, 89

code adds, 88

description, 86

device pixel density, 89

scale values, 88

user-scalable turned off, 8889

Who’s That Tweet game, 87

Mobile interfaces

mobile strategy, 56

native applications, 5455

web applications, 56

web sites, 5556

Mobile web applications

3G technologies, 1112


audacity audio editor, 192195

audio codecs, 190192

Audio Data API, 196197

HTML5 audio tag, 188189

integration, 189190

music service APIs, 202208

concepts, 15

Keep it Simple Stupid, 1719

monetization, 16

test-retest reliability, 17

Think Like A User, 16

External Keyword tool, 50, 51

Google Keyword Search, 51

KISS principle, 18

languages and protocols, 12

desktop-view, my blog, 14

mobile view, my blog, 15

PDAs, 1214

WAP, 14

Partial Keyword Ideas list, 51


description, 53

FAILboard Pro, 5455

mobile strategy, 56

mobile web sites, 5556

native applications, 5455

web applications, 56


code structure, 6062

crude mockup, 58

description, 57

folder structure, 6263

HotGloo, 5859

Wireframing / Mockup, 5758

Twitter, 19

user movement, 5960

users, 51

age distribution, 53

description, 52

fictional transit application, 52


description, 197

Handbrake, 200202

HTML5 video tag, 197198

video codecs, 199200

web design

CSS, 35

HTML, 13

JavaScript, 68

JSON, 1011

XML, 810

Move Me application

global state variables, 173

limitations, 181

local transport searches, 176177

location markers customization, 173174

map preparation, 174176

running the code, 177179

source code, 169172

transport possibilities, 180

with dedicated transit buttons, 180

MP3, 190191

MPEG-4, 199

Music service APIs

Amazon’s Product Advertising API

description, 207

iObjects Code Sample, 208

API request documentation, 205

description, 203

scrobbling process, 206

Web Services page, 204

images O


audio codecs, 191

video codecs, 199

Open Street Map, 164

images P, Q

Packer, 238

Personal digital assistants (PDAs), 1214

PhoneGap, 255257

Photo usage rules, web apps, 126

PHP user agent detection, 9192

1140px Grid, 131

images R

RSS feeds, 220

JSON output and display it, 224226

Pipes creation, 221

completed Pipe, 223224

editor, 222

Fetch Site, 222

homepage, 221

modules, 222

Truncate, 222

Union, 222

images S

Screen resolution, CSS 3, 65

Daily Droid newspaper

CSS code, 7479

HTML code, 7274

480 × 859 resolution, 71

859 × 480 resolution, 72

1024 × 600 resolution, 69

1280 × 800 resolution, 70

2048 × 1536 resolution, 70

fixed-width webpage at 1024 × 600 resolution, 66

fixed-width webpage at 2048 × 1536 resolution, 66, 67

flexible-width webpage at 1024 × 600 resolution, 67

flexible-width webpage at 2048 × 1536 resolution, 68

media queries, 7983

Video Graphics Array (VGA), 65

Simple Calc, 118120

Software versioning, 252254

Stock photography

deviantART, 124125

iStockphoto, 125126

photo usage rules, 126

Structuring, mobile web applications

code structure, 60

footer.php file, 61

HTML document, 62

PHP Include Statement, 61

crude mockup, 58

description, 57

folder structure, 6263

HotGloo, 5859

Wireframing / Mockup, 5758

SupportsGeo() function, Redux, 153

images T

ThemeRoller, 113

Adobe kuler swatches, 116

configuration, 116

customizing options, 115

download theme window, 117

My custom theme, 117

start up screen, 114

320 and Up framework, 133135

Titanium Mobile, 258259

Transit data resources

Community Projects, 184

Google’s Transit Developers Page, 184

GTFS components, 182183

One Busway Project, 184

schedules and timetables, 181

timetable realities, 183 hackathon GTFS application, 184185

Transport application

description, 167169

execSearch() function, 176, 180

google.load() function, 172

Move Me application

global state variables, 173

limitations, 181

local transport searches, 176177

location markers customization, 173174

map preparation, 174176

running the code, 177179

source code, 169172

transport possibilities, 180

with dedicated transit buttons, 180

prepareMap() function, 175

processLocalSearchResults() function, 177

transit data resources, 181

Community Projects, 184

Google’s Transit Developers Page, 184

GTFS components, 182183

One Busway Project, 184

schedules and timetables, 181

timetable realities, 183 hackathon GTFS application, 184185

Twitter applications

I Love Ham

CSS, 4143

HTML markup, 3941

JavaScript, 4348

Who’s That Tweet?, 26

CSS file, 2733

HTML markup, 2627

JavaScript, 3337

JSON with padding, 22

Uniform Server development environment, 2225

images U

Uniform Server development environment, 22

default WWW folder view, 25

menu, 24

Pre-Check application, 23

quick help documentation, 25

User agents, browser platforms

description, 89

JavaScript, 92

detection code, 9293

single-platform developer, 9497

PHP, 9192

Spoofing, 90

Utility function, dynamic page changes, 153

images V

Video Graphics Array (VGA), 65

Video, mobile web applications


h.264/MPEG-4, 199

Ogg Theora, 199

WebM, 199200

description, 187, 197


description, 200

in Windows 7 operating system, 200

iPhone and iPod Touch preset configuration settings, 202

settings, 201

HTML5 video tag

Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread device, 198

attributes, 198

elements, 197

features, 198

Viewport element

Android Webkit browser, 89

code adds, 88

description, 86

device pixel density, 89

scale values, 88

user-scalable turned off, 8889

Who’s That Tweet game, 87

Virtual Private Server (VPS), 244245

images W

WatchPosition() method, 158

Wax, 164

Web browser platforms

META tags

description, 85

history, 86

viewport element, 8689

user agent

.htaccess, 9798

description, 89

Google Nexus One, 8990

JavaScript, 9297

PHP, 9192

Spoofing, 90

Web design


Family Chore list, 3

HTML tag, 5

Patriotic Chore list, 4


bodytag, 2

code, 2

description, 1

page header, 2

JavaScript, 68

JSON, 1011


interactions, 10

my personal blog, 910

RSS feed, 89

RSS icon, 8

Web fonts

Droid Sans font, 127

Google, 128129

issues, 129130

Webkit, 28

WebM, 199200

Who’s That Tweet?

CSS file, 2733

HTML markup, 2627

JavaScript, 3337

JSON with padding, 22

Uniform Server development environment, 22

default WWW folder view, 25

menu, 24

Pre-Check application, 23

quick help documentation, 25

WiFi triangulation, 146

Wireframing / Mockup, 5758

images X, Y Z

XML. See Extensible Markup Language (XML)

XSS. See Cross-site scripting (XSS)

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