About the Technical Reviewers

JAY PIPES is the North American Community Relations Manager at MySQL. Coauthor of Pro MySQL (Apress, 2005), Jay has also written articles for Linux Magazine and regularly assists software developers in identifying how to make the most effective use of MySQL. He has given sessions on performance tuning at the MySQL Users Conference, RedHat Summit, NY PHP Conference, php|tek, OSCON, and Ohio LinuxFest, among others. He lives in Columbus, Ohio, with his wife, Julie, and his four animals. In his abundant free time, when not being pestered by his two needy cats and two noisy dogs, he daydreams in PHP code and ponders the ramifications of __clone().

MATT WADE is a programmer, database developer, and system administrator. He currently works for a large financial firm by day and freelances by night. He has experience programming in several languages, though he most commonly utilizes PHP and C. On the database side of things, he regularly uses MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server. As an accomplished system administrator, he regularly has to maintain Windows servers and Linux boxes and prefers to deal with FreeBSD.

Matt resides in Jacksonville, Florida, with his wife, Michelle, and their three children, Matthew, Jonathan, and Amanda. When not working, Matt can be found fishing, doing something at his church, or playing some video game. Matt was the founder of Codewalkers.com, a leading resource for PHP developers, and ran the site until 2007.

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