Chapter 12

Writing Your Own Scripts: Beginning to Program

What You Will Learn In This Chapter:

  • How to store series of commands as snippets to be used with copy/paste
  • How to make your own help file
  • How to create simple customized functions
  • How to edit, store, and recall customized functions
  • How to add notes/annotations to your scripts
  • How to create complex program code

Because R is a programming language, you have great flexibility in the approach you can take to running it. When you first begin to use R you will probably type commands directly from the keyboard. Later, as you become more confident, you will likely use snippets of commands stored in other areas, like a text file. The next step is to create simple functions that carry out something useful; you can call up these functions time and time again, and can save a lot of typing and effort. As your confidence and ability grow you will move on to creating larger scripts, that is, sets of R commands stored in a file that you can execute at any time.

Scripts can be especially useful because they enable you to prepare complex or repetitive tasks, which you can bring into operation at any time. Indeed, R is built along these lines, and you can think of the program as a bundle of scripts; by making your own you are simply increasing the usefulness of R and bending it to meet your own specific requirements.

Programming R is a wide subject in its own right. This chapter introduces you to the basic ideas so that you can set off on your own journey of discovery. Of course, you have gained a lot of experience at using R up to this point, so the step up to creating your own programs is only a small one.

Copy and Paste Scripts

R is very flexible, and because it accepts plain text to drive the commands, you can store useful snippets to use at a later date. You can copy and paste the text from a word processor (or other program) into R and either run the command “as is” or edit the command before you press Enter.

Word processors often use smart quotes and special characters. These are not always understood by R. If you use a word processor it is best to save the file as plain text to ensure that these special characters are removed.

Make Your Own Help File as Plain Text

As you learn how to use R it is a good idea to keep a plain text file as a “notepad” (on Windows computers the Notepad.exe program is a good choice for this task). You can use this text file to keep notes and examples of R commands. However, a plain list of commands without explanation is not helpful. You can, of course, add explanatory notes in some way as you go along; the following example might be part of your notes file:

Code to work out means of columns in a data frame:
apply(data, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
data = name of data frame
2 = columns (1 for rows)
mean = the mean command (can use others)
na.rm = TRUE = remove NA items if appropriate

To use this you can simply copy the text to the clipboard and paste it into the R console window; in the example here you want the line of text that is between the dashed lines. You can edit the name of the data and add a name for the result as you like. This is a good way to build up a library of commands that you can use and become familiar with.

When you copy command lines from R, you inevitably copy the > character that forms the “command entry point” as well. This book has used this approach so that you can see which lines were typed from the keyboard and which lines are results (that is, generated by R itself). So, if you copy commands into a text file it is a good idea to edit out the > characters at the beginning of command lines; keeping them in will give errors as you can see in the following example:

> > apply(data, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
Error: unexpected '>' in ">"
Make a text entry by copying all the commands you want from R, including the > characters, as one block. Then edit the characters out of the text file. This is a lot faster than copying each R command individually.
If you use Windows, you can use the script editor to run commands directly. Open a new or existing script (from the File menu) and you can run lines or selected text using Ctrl+R.

Using Annotations with the # Character

As you look through R help entries, you will see lines of explanation in the examples (not always very clear, perhaps) that are associated with the # character, also known as the hash or pound character. R essentially ignores anything that follows a # character so the best use of this character is to keep notes. For instance, in your text file you can use the # character to create annotations that help you remember what is going on. The following example shows some commands that you might use to make yourself a basic bar chart with error bars (using standard error) and used the # character to organize the information:

# Barplot with se error bars.
# make copy of data called dat.
mn=apply(dat,2,mean,na.rm = TRUE) # set the mean values.
stdev=apply(dat,2,sd,na.rm = TRUE) # make the std deviation.
tot=apply(dat,2,sum,na.rm = TRUE) # get the sum for each column.
n=mn/tot # work out the no. observations (length does not accept na.rm=T).
se=stdev/sqrt(n) # calculate std err.
mx=round(max(mn+se)+0.5,0) # largest value to set y-axis.
bp=barplot(mn, ylim = c(0,mx)) # make plot and set y-axis to max value.
arrows(bp,mn+se,bp,mn-se,length=0.1,angle=90,code=3) # add error bars.
# If y-axis still too short change mx value to a larger one.

Creating Simple Functions

When you use R, you’ll realize that there are a lot of commands that you can use! In spite of this, on some occasions it would be useful to have others, especially to carry out some tasks that you might require reasonably often. You can use the function() command to create new commands that you can then store and use again later. The general form of the command is like so:

function(args) expr

Inside the parentheses you type the arguments that you require for the function to work; after the parentheses you type the expression you require using the arguments you have provided.

One-Line Functions

The following example shows a simple one-line function that you can create yourself:

> log2 = function(x) log(x, base = 2)

Here you create an object called log2; the function has only one simple argument, which you call x. After the function() part you type the actual expression you want to evaluate; in this case you use the log() command using base 2. When you use your function, you type its name and give appropriate instructions inside the parentheses. In this case you require numeric input, and you see the result of the function when you type a value into the new command:

> log2(64)
[1] 6
> log2(seq(2,8,2))
[1] 1.000000 2.000000 2.584963 3.000000
> log2(c(2,4,8,16))
[1] 1 2 3 4

The object you created as part of your new function resides in the computer memory and can be listed like other objects. You can also save your function along with the workspace when you quit R or as part of a save.image() command. Your function object is bundled and encoded along with the other objects, but this is no problem because you can retrieve the function object at any time and edit it as you require. When you use save() to save individual R objects, they require a filename with a file extension. Data items usually have an .Rdata extension and functions that you create usually get a simple .R file extension. This enables you to differentiate between the two types of objects because .Rdata items are encoded and can be opened only by R, whereas .R items are usually plain text and can be read, and perhaps edited, by other programs.

Using Default Values in Functions

When you create a function with the function(), command you give the various arguments as part of the command; you can also specify default values using = and the default value. The following example uses a fairly simple mathematical equation to determine the flow of water in a stream (the Manning equation); you have three arguments and one of them has a default:

manning = function(radius, gradient, coef=0.1125) (radius^(2/3)*gradient^0.5/coef)

The three arguments are radius, gradient, and coef (the Manning coefficient). You set the coef argument to have a default value of 0.1125. If you do not specify a coef when you run the function, the following value will be used:

> manning(radius = 1, gradient = 1/500)
[1] 0.3975232

You can use abbreviations when you run your new command as long as they are unambiguous (here the arguments have completely different names):

> manning(gra = 1/500, ra = 1)
[1] 0.3975232

You can even omit the names completely, but in that case you must specify the values for the arguments in exactly the correct order:

> manning(1, 1/500)
[1] 0.3975232

Of course, you can override the default values for any of the set arguments like so:

> manning(radius = 1, gradient = 1/500, coef = c(0.08, 0.11, 0.2))
[1] 0.5590170 0.4065578 0.2236068

Here you give three values for your coef argument and obtain three results.

Simple Customized Functions with Multiple Lines

A one-line script is very useful, but most of the time you will need longer and potentially more complex functions, which require several lines of commands. In that case you need a way to stop R from evaluating the function before you have finished typing it. One option would be to type the commands into a text editor and then copy and paste them into R. Another solution is to use curly brackets ({}). You use these brackets to create subsections of commands so you can use them to define the lines that form your function. The following example shows a simple function that determines the running median of a numeric vector:

> cummedian = function(x) {
+ tmp = seq_along(x)
+ for(i in 1:length(tmp)) tmp[i] = median(x[1:i])
+ print(tmp)
+ }

The first line starts the function by assigning it a name and listing the arguments; here there is only one argument, x. Rather than use any expressions at this point, you simply type a { and press the Enter key.

If you are using a Macintosh, you may have to delete the closing } that appears (the program adds closing brackets and quotes automatically on a Mac, but not for Windows or Linux).

Now R is expecting something after the { and you see the insertion symbol change to a + rather than the usual > character. R will keep expecting something and allow you to enter multiple lines until you enter a closing }.

Notice that the penultimate line is print(tmp); this displays your result to the screen (you could also have used return(tmp) to get the same output). You look at methods of displaying results shortly when you look at longer and more complex scripts.

If you type the name of your newly created function(), you see the lines of command that make up the function() like so:

> cummedian
function(x) {
tmp = seq_along(x)
for(i in 1:length(tmp)) tmp[i] = median(x[1:i])
If you included any comment lines before the function() line, they will not be visible and will not be saved as part of the function. If you include comments at any point between the curly brackets, they will be retained.

You can also use the args() command to view the required arguments for your function():

> args(manning)
function (radius, gradient, coef = 0.1125) 
> args(cummedian)
function (x) 

Storing Customized Functions

If you create a simple function from the command line and have created a name for it, the object will appear along with other objects when you use the ls() command. You can save your customized functions along with all the data by saving the workspace when you use quit() to quit the program. You can also save one or several function objects using the save() command like so:

> save(manning, cummedian, file = 'My Functions.R')

In this example you save two custom functions to a file called My Functions.R; note that you give the file an .R extension to differentiate the file from data. The filename must be in quotes. However, when you use the save() command, R converts the object into a special binary form and you no longer have a plain text file!

If you have used save() to keep your customized function object on disk, you must use load() to get it back again like so:

> load('My Functions.R')

Ideally you would save your function as a plain text script so that you can edit it. You can make your function objects save to disk as plain text by using the dump() command like so:

> dump(c('cummedian', 'manning'), file = 'My Functions.R')

In this example you use c() to create a list of objects that you want to dump to disk; note that the names of the objects must be in quotes. You might also have created a separate character vector of names, or you could use an ls() command to make your list:

> dump(ls(pattern = 'cummedian|manning'), file = 'My Functions.R')

If you use dump() to save your function objects, they appear as plain text and you could open and edit them with a text editor.

In most cases it is not practical to make complicated functions from the command line of R itself; it is better and easier to use a text editor. In Windows and Macintosh versions of R, editors are built-in to R and open when you make or open a script from the File menu. In Linux you must use a separate editor of your choice from the OS. If you use a text editor, you can call up the resulting plain text file from R using the source() command:


In this version of the command, you get to choose your file from a browser-like window. This option is not available in Linux OS; you must type the filename explicitly. For example:

> source(file = 'My Functions.R')
Your scripts and custom functions can be saved on disk as either plain text or as R-encoded files (that is, binary). Remember to match up the saving and loading to the correct file type like so:
  • Disk file as text: dump() to save, source() to load
  • Disk file binary: save() to save, load() to load

Making Source Code

In addition to the usual commands that you have seen before, a few extra ones are especially useful for use with your customized functions and scripts.

Displaying the Results of Customized Functions and Scripts

When you create a custom function you may use several arguments and create new variables as part of any calculations. In the following example, which you saw earlier, you create a new variable called tmp:

> cummedian
function(x) {
       tmp = seq_along(x) # a temp variable
       for(i in 1:length(tmp)) tmp[i] = median(x[1:i])
       print(tmp) # the result

This variable exists only while the function is being evaluated. It does not remain afterwards, as the following example shows:

> cummedian(mf$BOD)
 [1] 200.0 190.0 180.0 157.5 135.0 127.5 120.0 127.5 135.0 151.5 158.0 151.5 145.0
[14] 145.0 145.0 151.5 158.0 157.5 157.0 157.5 158.0 157.5 157.0 151.0 145.0
> tmp
Error: object 'tmp' not found

As part of the function, therefore, you must present the result before the end of the series of commands; you can use the print() command to do this, which is what the function in the previous example uses. You might also create a “container” to hold the result of your function, in which case the final result is suppressed and saved to the result object instead like so:

> tmp = cummedian(mf$BOD)
> tmp
 [1] 200.0 190.0 180.0 157.5 135.0 127.5 120.0 127.5 135.0 151.5 158.0 151.5 145.0
[14] 145.0 145.0 151.5 158.0 157.5 157.0 157.5 158.0 157.5 157.0 151.0 145.0

In this case you call your result object tmp, which, although it has the same name as the temporary variable, is in fact different!

Displaying Messages as Part of Script Output

You may want to produce text output as part of your script; for example, to embellish the result and make it clearer for the user. Often you will create summary statistics as part of your custom functions, and you can create text to set out the results in various forms to present them to the user more clearly. At other times you may want to pause and wait for an input from the user.

Simple Screen Text

You can produce text on the screen to present results, or to remind the user of what was done. A simple way to do this is to use the cat() command, which enables you to present text on the screen. Your text must be in quotes, or be an object that is a character object. See the following example:

> msg = 'My work is far from done.'
> cat(msg)
My work is far from done.

> cat('Any text to be used must be in quotes')
Any text to be used must be in quotes

If you want to create new lines, you add to your command like so:

> cat('This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3')
This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3

You can have several parts to your cat() command, separated by commas. For example:

> cat('Am I done?
', msg, '
Am I done?
 My work is far from done. 

In the following simple script you create a data frame using some simple numeric data:

## Test script
       dat1 = c(1,2,4,6,7,8)
         dat2 = c(4,5,8,7,6,5)
           dat3 = data.frame(dat1, dat2)

rm(dat1, dat2)

msg = 'My work is done.'
Our result data is dat3:

', msg, '
## END

The preceding script works in the following manner:

1. Two numeric vectors are created and then joined to make a separate data frame.
2. The two individual vectors are removed to leave the data frame, called dat3, intact.
3. A simple character vector is created called msg.
4. Now some output is presented using the first cat() command, which consists of a single text string that starts with a new line and ends with two new lines.
5. A print() command is used to display the data frame object you created.
6. Finally, the msg character vector is used as part of another cat() command. The text was saved to a plain text file, and to run the lines of command you use the source() command. The result is as follows:
> source('test script.R')
Our result data is: dat3 
  dat1 dat2
1    1    4
2    2    5
3    4    8
4    6    7
5    7    6
6    8    5
 My work is done. 
Spaces are ignored in R commands; additional blank lines are ignored as well. Therefore you can use extra spaces and blank lines to make your scripts more readable.

Now take a look at the following script; in it you create a customized function; this creates cumulative results for a numeric vector. Previously you used a similar script to create a running or cumulative median; here you can specify any mathematical function, although you set the default to the median in this instance:

## Cumulative functions
## Mark Gardener 2011 = function(x, fun = median, ...) {
  tmp = seq_along(x)
    for(i in 1:length(tmp)) tmp[i] = fun(x[1:i], ...)

', deparse(substitute(fun)),'of', deparse(substitute(x)),'

## END

In this preceding example you require two arguments, x and fun; x is the vector of numeric values and fun is the mathematical function you want to apply. You also include an ellipsis (...), which is a way of saying “allow other instructions that might be relevant.” You might, for example, want to add na.rm = TRUE as an instruction to take care of any NA items.

When you get the result it would be helpful to have a reminder of which function you requested when you typed the command. It would also be helpful to take the name of an object and display it as text so you can have a reminder of the data name that was used. This can be tricky though; you cannot include the data or function name here as x or fun because R will try to coerce the contents of these items as objects rather than as text (R assumes that you want to display the object itself and gives you the contents rather than the name). Additionally, you cannot put the names in quotes because they will become “fixed” and you simply get what was in the quotes. What you actually do, as you can see, is use deparse(substitute()). This looks at what you typed in the command as arguments and converts these arguments to text objects.

The result of the deparse(substitute()) command in the preceding script is as follows:

>$BOD, mean)

 mean of mf$BOD 
 [1] 200.0000 190.0000 171.6667 158.7500 149.0000 144.1667 137.1429 141.0000
 [9] 145.3333 150.3000 151.0000 150.5000 149.6923 149.3571 150.4000 152.6875
[17] 154.8824 155.0000 151.5789 155.7500 157.8571 153.1818 150.3043 148.0833
[25] 145.9600

Display a Message and Wait for User Intervention

There are times when you will want to pause the running of a script: this may be to give the user time to see an intermediate result (for example, a graphic) before moving on, or to provide options for the user to select: Pressing one key performs one operation and another key does something else.

You can use the readline() command to accept a key press from the user; the script will wait until a key is pressed. As part of the command, you can include a message to be displayed on the screen. For example:

> readline(prompt = 'Press <enter> to continue:')

The text that follows the prompt = instruction is displayed and the script pauses until a key is pressed. Although the text in this case implies that the Enter key should be pressed, any key will do.

You can give the user options by setting an object using the readline() command. The following example could be included in a larger script:

yorn <- readline(prompt = "Do you want to carry on? (Y or N) :")
   if (yorn == 'Y' || yorn =='y'){
   cat('Thank goodness')

If the user presses the Y key (uppercase or lowercase), the message is displayed. If the user presses anything else, nothing happens.

You can also create user prompts that provide multiple options. Each option must have its own code within a pair of curly brackets as in the following example:

# Explicit options

mopts = function(){
 yorn <- readline(prompt = "Do you want to carry on? (Y or N) : ")

  if(yorn == 'Y' || yorn == 'y') {
    cat('Thank goodness')

  if(yorn == 'N' || yorn =='n') {
    cat('Oh dear')
## END

This preceding code creates a new function called mopts. When this function is run the user is presented with the text prompt. If she types one of the specified options then the appropriate message is displayed. In this case you can see that there are two options and if the user types something other than these two options then nothing will happen. You can create a catch all option by using the else command as the following example shows:

# Single positive option

sopt = function(){
 yorn <- readline(prompt = "Do you want to carry on? (Y or N) : ")

  if(yorn == 'Y' || yorn == 'y') cat('Thank goodness') else cat('Oh dear')
## END

The preceding code created a new function called sopt. When this function is run the user will see the same prompt as in the mopts code. If the user presses the Y key then the “Thank goodness” message is displayed. If any other key is pressed then the alternative “Oh dear” message is shown.

In the following activity you create a new customized function, which you then save to disk for future use. The script creates a bar chart of mean values and adds standard error bars. The data need to be in column format with one column for the numerical data (the response data) and one column for the grouping (predictor) variable.

Try It Out: Create a Complex Script and Save It for Future Use
In this activity you will create a complicated script that creates a function that will draw a bar plot and add error bars.
1. Start by opening a text editor or use the built-in editor from the File menu. The option you choose depends on your OS:
  • Windows: New Script
  • Macintosh: New Document
  • Linux: N/A; you must use an external editor
2. Type a couple of comment lines. These are useful to remind you of when you wrote the script and what it does.
## Bar Plot with Error Bars
## Mark Gardener 2011
3. Now start the main function command by giving a name and outlining the required arguments/instructions:
barplot.eb = function(y, x, data, ...)
4. Type a curly bracket and start to enter the steps of the function. Begin by adding comment lines to remind you of what is required.
{   # start function code
    # Parameters (data frame must be stacked)
    # y      = y variable
    # x      = x variable
    # data   =
5. Now enter some command lines that will read the data, and create some new variables to be used in the plot:
attach(data) # start by attaching data to read variables

    mean = tapply(y, x, mean)      	# get mean values
    sdev = tapply(y, x, sd)        # get std. dev.
    len = tapply(y, x, length)     # get no. observations
    se = sdev/sqrt(len)            # determine std. err.

detach(data) # detach data file for tidiness
6. Enter a command to make a matrix object to hold the results and determine the limits of the y-axis:
mat = rbind(mean, se, len) # make matrix of values
upper = round(max(mat[1,]+mat[2,]+0.5),0) # the upper limit to fit e-bars on y-axis
7. Now enter the commands that will draw the plot and add the error bars:
bp = barplot(mean, ylim = c(0, upper), beside = T, ...)
		# make barplot, fix y-limit to fit largest error bar

segments(bp, mean+se, bp, mean-se) # error bars up/down
	segments(bp-0.1, mean+se, bp+0.1, mean+se) # top hats
	segments(bp-0.1, mean-se, bp+0.1, mean-se) # bottom hats
8. Enter the commands that will produce some screen text as information for the user:
Summary stats for ', deparse(substitute(data)), '
') # summary message
  print(mat) # show the data summary
') # newline for tidiness
9. Now type the final closing curly bracket to signal the end of the function and any final comments:
} # end function code

## END
10. Save the script file to disk. Make sure you give it an .R extension.
11. Now load the code from disk and make it ready for use:
> source(file.choose())
How It Works
The main function() command requires you to state the inputs needed; if you want any to have defaults, include them after an equals sign. The main commands that “drive” the function are placed between curly brackets. Use comments immediately after the first curly bracket as a reminder of the inputs required.
The first part of the script creates summary statistics from the data. The data object is first attached and then detached once the summary statistics are created. The next part makes a matrix object to hold the results; this is used to draw the bar chart, as well as to display a summary for the user.
Finally, the script produces the graph and writes a summary to the screen. The final lines close the curly brackets, ending the actual function, and show a comment (this simply helps you to spot the end of blocks of code; here it is not really necessary).
The final completed script appears like so:
## Bar Plot with Error Bars
## Mark Gardener 2011

barplot.eb = function(y, x, data, ...)

    # Parameters
    # y     = y variable
    # x     = x variable
    # data  =

{   # start function code

    attach(data)	# start by attaching data to read variables

    mean = tapply(y, x, mean)   # get mean values
    sdev = tapply(y, x, sd)     # get std. dev.
    len = tapply(y, x, length)  # get no. observations
    se = sdev/sqrt(len)         # determine std. err.

detach(data) # detach data file for tidiness

mat = rbind(mean, se, len) # make matrix of values
upper = round(max(mat[1,]+mat[2,]+0.5),0) # the upper limit to fit error bars on y-axis

bp = barplot(mean, ylim = c(0, upper), beside = T, ...) # make barplot, fix y-limit to fit largest error bar

segments(bp, mean+se, bp, mean-se) # error bars up/down
    segments(bp-0.1, mean+se, bp+0.1, mean+se) # top hats
    segments(bp-0.1, mean-se, bp+0.1, mean-se) # bottom hats

Summary stats for ', deparse(substitute(data)), '
') # summary message
    print(mat) # show the data summary
') # newline for tidiness

} # end function code

## END
The resulting output produces a bar chart with error bars as well as the following text output:
> barplot.eb(count, site, data = bfs)

Summary stats for  bfs 
        Arable     Grass    Heath
mean 10.000000  6.833333 9.000000
se    1.424001  1.481366 0.755929
len   9.000000 12.000000 8.000000
When you read a script from disk you do not need to give it a name; simply use the source() command and select the file from disk.

There is, of course, a lot more to programming in R and many additional commands that you could employ. However, what you have seen here will take you a long way. By understanding more about how R works you will be able to see more and more how to customize it to carry out those tasks that are important to you.


  • You can make simple scripts in a text editor and use them by simply copying and pasting.
  • You can annotate scripts using the # character.
  • The function() command is the key to creating customized commands.
  • You can set default values in custom functions by giving the default value in the command.
  • Use curly brackets to define blocks of commands; you can also use them as a way to enter multiple lines of code from the keyboard.
  • You can create scripts using a text editor. You can load scripts saved as text using the source() command.
  • The dump() command saves a text representation of a custom function to disk, which can be loaded later using the source() command.
  • The save() command writes a binary file to disk, which can be loaded later using the load() command.
  • Named objects created by custom functions are temporary.
  • The results of custom functions can be displayed using the print() command as part of the script.
  • The cat() command can be used to display a message on screen as part of a script.
  • The readline() command can pause and display a message, prompting user input, for example.


You can find answers to these exercises in Appendix A.

1. Make a simple function that raises a number to any power (that is, xy). Call your function pwr (there is already a command called power). Make the default raise the input number(s) to the power of 2.
2. How can you save your new pwr function/command to disk for later recall?
3. Retype your custom pwr function/command but this time incorporate some annotations.
4. Alter your pwr function/command so that the user must type the required power from the keyboard separately.
5. How can you modify the pwr function/command that you made to present the user with a summary of what was done?

What You Learned In This Chapter

Topic Key Points
Copy and Paste You can copy and paste text from another application into R. This enables you to create help files and snippets of code for future use.
Customized functions:
function(args) expr
Create customized functions using the function() command; args = arguments to pass to expr (the actual function). Args may provide default values.
Multiple lines of text{ various commands }function(args) {various commands } Curly brackets can be used to separate subroutines. This allows multiple lines to be entered into console.
Annotations:# comment Anything following the # is ignored and so it can be used for comments.
Function arguments/instructions:
The args() command returns the arguments/instructions required by the named function.
Looking at function code:
Supplying the function name without () and instructions displays the text of the script.
Read text files as scripts:
Reads a text file and executes the lines of text as R commands.
Saving to disk:
save(object, filename)
Saves a binary version of an object (including a function) to disk.
Loading from disk:
Loads a binary object from disk.
Save objects as text:
dump(names_list, file = filename)
Attempts to write a text version of an object to disk.
Text messages on screen:
cat(text1, text2)cat(chr_object)n’”
Produces a message in the console; requires plain text strings, explicitly or from character objects. Items may be separated by commas. A newline is produced using . A quote character (single or double) is produced by preceding it with a backslash ().
Displaying results:
Prints the named object to the console (that is, the screen).
Wait for user input:
readline(prompt = “text”)
Pauses and waits for input from the user. A message can be displayed using the prompt = instruction.
Convert user input to text:
Takes a named object and converts its name to text, which can then be displayed via cat().
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