WELL, HERE IT IS — another book! I thought things would be easier the second time around, but it was not to be. Although writer's block wasn't the same issue it was the first time around, my life itself has been a whole lot more complicated. The biggest thing, of course, was getting married. I met my lovely new wife, Brenda, after I had started working on the book. She has been absolutely marvelous in her support and encouragement, even though this project took away time that could (should?) have been for us. My deepest thanks must belong to her.

Of course, I can't forget to thank everyone else who made this possible: Asif Rehmani and Bryan Phillips, my cohorts from the first book, reprised their roles, now joined by first-timer Marcy Kellar; Our Wrox editorial team — Paul Reese, Christopher Rivera, and Jim Minatel — along with our technical editors, and everyone at Wrox and Wiley who make the production of a book like this flow smoothly.

Finally, I thank you, our readers. Without your interest in the subject, there wouldn't be a reason for the patience, encouragement, and hard work.

Woody Windischman

FIRST, I THANK GOD for the opportunity to contribute to this book and all the other opportunities that have come my way. Writing a book is never an easy feat. It requires hard work and support from friends and family. I want to thank my very awesome wife, Anisa, for supporting me throughout this process and letting me skip out on things as needed so I could hit my deadlines. I'm also very thankful to my boys, Armaan and Ayaan, for the comic relief they provide every time I start stressing out about little things.

There is a lot of material in this book, and I'm thankful to my co-authors (Woody, Bryan, and Marcy) for joining forces to provide a thorough breakdown of all the awesome bells and whistles that ship with SharePoint Designer 2010. Also, thanks to Paul Reese and Jim Minatel at Wiley Publishing for giving us all the opportunity to write this book.

Asif Rehmani

THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED to the memory of Larry Page, who lived every day as if it were his last and showed everyone that you are never too old to learn something new.

Bryan Phillips

I WOULD LIKE TO THANK co-authors, Bryan Phillips and Woody Windischman, for pitching in and giving up so much of their time to help make sense of my writing. Woody, you are a saint. Bryan, you have a true gift for teaching. I was blessed to have you both on the team in the 11th hour. Thank you to Christopher Rivera, Project Editor, for always being positive and responsive. Your email replies and candid advice helped more than you know. Thanks to Lisa Atarian, talented SharePoint architect and friend. You dove right in without complaint to research SharePoint 2010 with me. Your subsequent empathy will not be forgotten. Thanks to Jeremy Thake and Mark Miller for working with me as my time on your project shrank so I could focus on the book. Thank you to David Shadle, my UX mentor at Microsoft. Your stories and advice inspired and influenced me right out of the nest. Thank you to the team at PointBridge for making it so easy to transition into the next chapter of my life. Finally, thank you to T. William. I can't overlook how often you were there for me with your technical genius and fascinating recollection of how to diagram a sentence. You are a brilliant man.

Marcy Kellar

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