
2K scanning, 253

“5.1” sound format, 60

“30 percent factor,” 146, 165, 215, 261

35mm film, 78, 50, 328


Abbey Road Studios, 225, 298

Absence of Malice, 21

Acmade numbering machine, 71

Ada Monroe. See also Kidman, Nicole

and Captain Teague, 213214, 215216

and Cold Mountain story structure, 44, 210

and Inman death scene, 316, 318

Inman’s efforts to return to, 267268

letters to Inman, 210211, 213, 296

maturing of, 262

and piano scene, 226228

and rabbit scene, 215216, 296

reunion with Inman, 268

and rooster scene, 260

adaptable release prints, 331

Adobe Systems, 54

ADR, 194, 236, 238, 241243, 286

ADR supervisors, 241, 242

Akai dubbers, 133, 148

All the King’s Men, 271

American Graffiti, 26, 33, 34

American Zoetrope, xii, 29, 61, 63, 83

AMPS, 279

“anamorphic” squeezing, 253

Anders, Alison, 329

Andrews, Steve, 181

Anglund, Carrie, 26, 28

Anglund, Connie, 26, 28

answer prints, 302, 303, 320

Antonioni, Michelangelo, 329

Apocalypse Now, 31, 34, 60, 146, 261

Apocalypse Now Redux, 54


acquisition of Key Grip, 5455

concerns about use of FCP for Cold Mountain, 150151, 155

Murch’s first meeting with, 103107, 109

Murch’s proposed barter arrangement with, 132133

Murch’s working relationship with, 95

release of Final Cut Pro, 55

rumors about financial role in Cold Mountain, 129130

support for Cold Mountain project, 333334

and XML plug-in, 224225, 233, 235, 244245

Apple Store, 273274

Arriflex Loc-Pro projector, 148

Association of Motion Picture Sound, 279

Atkins, Eileen, 241, 260

atmospheres, 194

audiences. See theater audiences

audio conversion problems. See sound conversion problems

audio filtering, 193, 196

audio transitions, 239

Aurora, 106, 184, 228

automatic dialogue replacement. See ADR

Avid editing system

backup support for, 61

buggy versions of, 275276

cost considerations, 54, 109

and EDLs, 70

impact on editing assistants, 171

limitations of, 54

and long sequences, 160

Murch’s initial experience with, 54

Avid Express DV, 280

Avid Free DV, 280

AVTransfer, 133134, 159


Bailey, John, 328

Ballard, Carroll, 26

Barwood, Hal, 26, 328

Battle of Petersburg, 44, 124, 210, 211, 296

Battle of the Crater, 165, 218, 297

battle scenes

cutting, 206

length of, and FCP, 160

Minghella on filming of, 148

Minghella on Murch’s editing of, 163

music for, 300, 312313

Berger, Albert, 21, 22, 167, 228

Bernstein, Cal, 49

Bigelow, Kathryn, 29, 324

“Black Box” filmmaking, 332, 333

Black Cove Farm, 120, 124, 211, 217, 220, 254

Black Stallion, The, 26, 34

Blackberry Farm, 26, 29, 88

“blink” theory, 207208

Blow Out, 238

Bode’s Law, 135

Bona Fide Productions, 21, 167168

Borgenson, Linda, 114115

Bos, Fernand, 310311, 312, 313

Bouton, Charles, 291

Brando, Marlon, 261

Brenneis, Lisa, x, 134

Bricknell, Tim, 295296, 303304

“bride bed full of blood” episode, 125126

British Film Institute, 189, 295

Broadcast Wave files, 128, 134

Bucharest, 8. See also Romania

Bug’s Life, A, 86

Bullock, Torbin, 8891

Burnett, T-Bone, 21, 22, 228, 298, 311

Burns, Ken, 213


camera rolls, 150

Cannes Film Festival, 27, 329

Cantwell, Martin, 238, 291

Canvas screen, FCP, 157

Carpathian Mountains, 118

Carroll, Tim, 6

Caul, Harry, 33. See also Conversation, The

celluloid, vi, 328

CFC, 237, 254, 272, 302, 315

chain gang scene, 267

Chambre 666, 329

change lists, 7273, 90, 159, 179, 236237

Charleston, 16, 17

Chew, Richard, 34, 37

Christmas party scene, 304

Christopher, Tom, 9899

Christy halogen projectors, 9

Cinecittà Studios, 32

Cinema Tools

Apple’s purchase of, 68

and change lists, 179, 197

and conform process, 236

developer of, 100

and film assembly list, 220

importance to digital editing, 76

original name of, 68

and timecode conversion, 100101

versions, and Cold Mountain schedule, 132, 151

CinemaSports’ Film-in-a-Day event, 332333

cinematic black box, Mephistopheles’, 332

cinematic experience, Murch’s thoughts on, 329

cinematic relativity, Minghella’s theory of, 262

Citizen Kane, 31

Civil War

and Ada-Inman relationship, 210

Ken Burns PBS series on, 213

munitions, 238

music, 298

photography, 134135

sound effects, 291

claymation, 250

Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 26, 31

CMX system, 53

Coen brothers, 299

Cold Mountain (book)

auction for film rights, 168

best-seller status of, 167

multiple point-of-view construction in, 44

relationship with film/screenplay, 267

storytelling challenge posed by, 210

Cold Mountain (film)

admixture of love and death in, 124

attempts to cut costs for, 132133, 134

color correction for, 254, 272, 302, 321

completing first assembly of, 192

concerns about going overtime on, 180181

conforming process for, 236237, 320

cutting scenes from, 169, 198, 214217, 261

and digital intermediates, 253, 302

editing methodology for, 56

filming battle scenes in, 148. See also battle scenes

final picture cutting for, 277281

final picture editing for, 316326

financing of, 167, 168

first day of principal photography on, 136137

first theatrical showings of, 223

Goldberg cans for, 45

“grading” print for, 302

locking of, 281

major alterations prior to last preview, 267268

marketing campaign for, 309310

matching digital/film versions of, 7, 236237

Minghella/Murch editing routine for, 197

and Miramax Films, 9, 167, 168

Murch’s decision to use FCP for, 56, 7980, 9495, 109

Murch’s first notes to director of, 4546

Murch’s role in, 55, 139140

music for, 225226, 228, 298, 310311

origins of project, 167171

preview screenings. See preview screenings

producers of, xi, 21, 22, 222223

relationship with book/screenplay, 267

release date for, 30, 190

resolving problems with beginning of, 218220, 296298

scouting locations for, 118

screening first assembly of, 194195, 196

script timing for, 44, 164

sound mixing for, 237244, 287296

story structure for, 4445, 210

structural issues during editing of, 204206

subtitles for, 316

and “tang” effect, 124128, 174, 215, 263, 266

testing of equipment for, 129131

time/space transitions in, 211213

titles/credits for, 246, 295, 316

total film footage for, 145

violence in, 262263

visual effects for, 230231, 254

working environment created by Minghella for, 158

color correction, 254, 272, 321

color-timing, 302

computer-controlled editing, 5356, 143

Computer Film Company. See CFC

computer-generated images, 250

computer-generated special effects, 230231

conforming process, 236237, 320

Conversation, The, 3343

awards/nominations, 3738

challenges of editing, 3637, 51

Coppola’s role in, 3334

how toilet scene was conceived for, 42

and Murch’s on-the-fly technique, 207

Murch’s role in, 3334, 41, 43

plot summary, 38

Conversations: Walter Murch and the Art of Editing Film, The, 30

Coppola, Francis Ford

and “5.1” sound format, 60

and computer-controlled editing, 53

and The Conversation, 3334

early approach to filmmaking, 26

Murch on working with, 324

and Steenbeck editing machine, 51

and Zoetrope Studios, 26

corporate media, 331

Costello, Elvis, 296, 320

crabs scene, 262

Creative Artists Agency, 48

credits/titles, Cold Mountain, 246, 295

Cruise, Tom, 64, 78

crush ratio, 195, 197

cueing tones, 241242

Cukor, George, 48

Cullen, Sean

and Avid editing systems, 61, 276

and Cold Mountain dailies, 148, 162

and Cold Mountain workflow, 100, 104, 128, 163

and DigitalFilm Tree, 6869, 73, 74, 100

and Final Cut Pro, 63, 106

and Mac systems issues, 106

and planning for Cold Mountain, 64

and Walter Murch, 56, 60

and XML plug-in, 224

cut lists, 70

cutouts, paper, 155156


D-Vision, 53

Daguerre, Jacques Mandé, 291


and Broadcast Wave format, 128

copying to DVDs, 159

purpose of, 8, 30

recording notes from, 175177

selects vs. non-selects, 150

transferring to DV format, 67

vs. rushes, 30

Dalva, Robert, 26, 328

DAW, 238

De Lane Lea studios, 237, 241, 290, 310

De Niro, Robert, 247

De Palma, Brian, 238

deadlines, 272

“Dense Clarity—Clear Density,” Murch article on, 288

desanguination, 262

Deschanel, Caleb, 328

destructive editing, 52, 72, 143

DFT. See DigitalFilm Tree

DI process, 253, 272, 302


adjusting volume for, 239

blending with music/effects, 238

lip-syncing, 241

premixing, 241, 286

replacing “production,” 238. See also ADR

dialogue editors, 194, 241

Dickson, W. K. L., 279

digital audio workstations, 238

digital color correction, 254, 272

digital editing, 7, 8, 76, 143, 325

digital intermediates, 253, 272, 302

DigitalFilm Tree. See also Katrib, Ramy

company history, 6466

and Final Cut Pro, 6667, 76, 95

how Murch team found, 63

Murch’s impact on, 75

testing of Murch’s equipment by, 129131

and XML plug-in, 224225, 235, 244245

Director, Macromedia, 54

director of photography (DP), 302

directors. See film directors

distribution, film, 310, 330, 331

documentaries, 325, 328, 331

Dolby sound system, 4, 9, 31, 287

Doran, Lindsay, 167

Double Negative, 250

Douglas Fairbanks Studios, 50

Dove Films, 49

DP (director of photography), 302

Dragonslayer, 26

Dreamworks SKG, 21

Droid Olympics, 88

Dumbarton Bridge, ix

Duncan, Stuart, 298

dupe negatives, 253

Duvall, Robert, 38

DVD feature, Final Cut Pro, 159


E-Pix, 53

Eastman, George, 6

Eastwood, Clint, 143

edge numbers, 71

Edgewater Multiplex Cinemas, 6, 11

Edison, Thomas, 279

Edit Decision Lists. See EDLs

edit-on-the-fly technique, 157, 159, 206207, 324

EditDroid, 53, 98

editing stations

Avid vs. FCP, 108110

Minghella’s, 189190

Murch’s, 129131, 153

testing of, 129131

editors. See film editors; sound editors

EDLs, 70, 72, 90, 253, 302

effects editors, 291

Eisner, Michael, 248249

Election, 21

EMC, 53

Emeryville, 87

Encyclopedia Britannica Educational Films, 49

English Patient, The

editing system used for, 54

financing of, 168

how Minghella adapted book for, 124

Murch’s assistant on, 12

opening shots in, 314

shooting script for, 140

EQ (equalization), 239, 285

Evans, Robert, 272273

explosion scene

and alternative story structures, 220

filming of, 134, 148

and Murch’s “rule of two-and-a-half,” 295

sound mix for, 300, 301, 314

visual effects for, 252

“eye on the pole” story, 174

Eyemo cameras, 148

Eyes Wide Shut, 21


Fairbanks Studios, 50

Fantasy Records, 95

Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, 329

FCP. See Final Cut Pro

feature filmmaking, x, 330, 334. See also filmmaking

Figgis, Mike, 329

FileMaker, 77, 105

FileMaker Pro, 144

film-based editing, 52, 143

film business, 33, 327

Film Composer, Avid, 54, 70, 275

film dailies. See dailies

film directors. See also specific directors

Murch anecdotes on specific, 324

Murch’s method of working with, 45, 120

role of, in sound mixing, 285287, 292293

film editing

analog vs. digital, 7, 8

combining sound mixing and, 240, 287, 292293

computer-controlled, 5356

destructive vs. non-destructive, 52

estimating time required for, 146

with flatbed editing system, 5152

incorporating randomness into, 141

learning, 33

maintaining objectivity during, 1213

Minghella/Murch routine for, 197

with Moviolas, 4951, 171

Murch on art/technique of, 254

Murch on structural issues in, 204206

Murch’s book on, ix, 53, 74, 207, 208209

reducing first assembly, 196

and “rule of six,” 208209

taking break between shooting and, 192

film editors. See also specific editors

assistants to, 170171, 182183

craft boundaries for, 33

and film distribution/marketing, 310

and producers, 222223

role of, 34, 3031, 139140

skills required of, 34

and sound mixers, 240, 287, 292293, 297298

subliminal source for creative thought in, 198

tools used by, 140143, 155156, 165, 171

Film-in-a-Day event, CinemaSports’, 332333

film industry, marketing of Final Cut Pro to, 104

film production, stages of, 133

film scanners, 253

Film School, Los Angeles, 323

film school, USC graduate, 26, 48, 327328

FilmLogic, 67


Antonioni on future of, 329330

“Black Box” vs. “Snowflake,” 332333

as collaborative effort, 330

comparison with fresco painting, 330

and digital technologies, 31, 328333, 335

Minghella on revolution in, vi

Minghella’s general approach to, 55, 124

Murch on future of, 328333

and studio system, 328

this book’s point of view about, x

films. See also motion pictures

analog vs. digital editing of, 7, 8

beginnings of, 296, 297

choosing music for, 226

color-timing, 302

completing first assembly of, 192

conforming process for, 236237, 320

correcting out-of-rack, 10

dealing with problem of scale in, 155156

discovering hidden secrets of, 314315

distributing, 310, 330, 331

editing. See film editing

“grading” print for, 302

keeping track of bits of, 143144

marketing campaigns for, 309310

Minghella/Murch on finishing, 320, 321, 322

post-production activities, 250, 286

processing, 30

shooting, 140

shooting ratio for typical, 71

splicing, 89, 10

“spotting,” 238

tailoring to specific audiences, 331332

testing, 1516. See also preview screenings

trial-and-error nature of printing, 303

trimming, 146

Final Cut Express, 334

Final Cut Pro

and ADR sessions, 242243

advantages of, 73, 74, 91, 93, 109, 325

and Apple. See Apple

and assistant editors, 170171, 182183

and audio filtering, 193, 196

and “Black Box” filmmaking, 333

and change lists, 90, 159, 179, 236237

and CinemaSports’ Film-in-a-Day event, 332

cost considerations, 73, 109, 110, 331

cutting sound in, 92

deleting empty audio tracks in, 160161

and DigitalFilm Tree. See DigitalFilm Tree

DVD feature, 159

early versions of, 6163

and EDLs, 70, 90, 253

equipment required for editing with, 109, 114

first attempts at editing film with, 6768, 74, 98

and frame-accurate stopping, 157

getting sound from, 102103, 159, 221, 234

graphics/titling functions, 316

logging footage in, 100101

and long sequences, 160, 193, 195

and Mac operating systems, 105106, 184185

marketing of, to film industry, 104

and media handling, 90, 160161, 164

Murch’s decision to edit Cold Mountain with, 56, 7980, 9495, 109

Murch’s first demonstration of, 9192

Murch’s first use of, 99100

Murch’s meetings at Pixar regarding, 8694

and networking, 90, 106

and OMF export, 102103

as “pro-sumer” application, 59

problems/concerns with, 76, 86, 90, 100103, 150151, 157

purpose of, 55

and rendering time, 86, 90

and reverse telecine process, 69

and sound conversion, 128, 133134, 159, 184, 221

and sound mixing, 287

and stuttering images, 157

and system crashes, 73, 228

testing of Murch’s equipment for, 129131

user group, 323

Final Draft, vi

Finding Nemo, 86

Flack, Sarah, 84

flashbacks, 211, 216, 231, 262, 301

flatbed film-editing system, 5152

Fly Away Home, 26

focus groups, 20, 259, 268272

Foley, 194

Ford, Harrison, 29, 41

Foreman, Jim, 116

Forrest, Frederic, 38

Fort, Dan, 100, 102

frame counter, 206

frames, 100101, 157

Frazier, Charles, 44, 168, 182, 248, 249


Gallery (London firm), 184

gang synchronizer, 9

Garfield, Allen, 41

Gilbert, Mark, 184185, 185

Glasman, Adam, 302, 303, 304

Godard, Jean-Luc, 329

Godfather, The, 26, 33, 34, 3638, 272

Goldberg Brothers, 5

Goldberg cans, 45

Goldman, William, 15

Goldwyn, Samuel, 327

Gough, Matthew, 239, 314, 320

Grace, 318, 319

“grading” prints, 302

graduate film school, USC, 26, 48, 327328

Grahamjones, Robert, 12, 9194, 157, 240

graphics functions, Final Cut Pro, 316

Group Seven gang, v

Growing Up in Hollywood, 271

guillotine splicer, 10

Gulf+Western, 327


Hackman, Gene, 33, 35, 36, 39, 207208

hairdo scene, 216217

hard drives, 8, 9

hard effects, 194

harmonic superimposure, 289

Harris, Brooks, 103

Heaven, 21

Herzog, Werner, 329

high-definition video cassettes, 329

hog-butchering scene, 126, 264

Hollywood, London as alternative to, 187, 295

Hollywood Reporter, The, 177, 179

Horberg, Bill, 21, 22, 114115

Horton, Mike, 323

Hudson, Bill, 8485, 104, 108, 274

Huston, John, 207, 324


I Love Trouble, 54

In the Blink of an Eye, ix, 53, 74, 207, 208209

Industrial Light & Magic, 26

Inman. See also Law, Jude

Ada’s letters to, 210211, 213, 296

and chain gang scene, 267

and Cold Mountain story structure, 44, 210

concerns about hat worn by, 161

and crabs scene, 262

and death scene, 316, 318

getting audience to engage with, 261

and hog-butchering scene, 126, 264

relationship with Ada, 210

reunion with Ada, 268

and Sara, 126, 263264, 266, 304

and story momentum, 267268

International Creative Management, 48

Internet, distributing films via, 330


Jenkins, Allan, 256, 310311, 312, 313

Jobs, Steve, vi, 8384, 86, 87, 132133

jog wheel, Final Cut Pro, 160

Joseph, Eddy, 194, 238

journal, Walter Murch’s, xi, 4

Julia, 32

Jumanjii, 26

Junior Redux scene, 169

Jurassic Park III, 26


K-19: The Widowmaker, 29, 32, 54, 324

Kary, Loran, 67, 68

Katrib, Ramy, 6369, 76, 95. See also DigitalFilm Tree

Kazan, Elia, 34

KEM editing machines, 34, 5152, 171

key codes, 7071, 72

Key Grip, 54

Kidman, Nicole. See also Ada Monroe

ADR sessions, 241, 243

and Cold Mountain screenings, 20, 323

concerns about accent of, 161

role in Cold Mountain, 44, 78

and voiceovers of letters to Inman, 292, 296, 298

King of the Hill, 21

Kingston hard drives, 8, 9

Kinney National, 327

Kleiser, Randal, 328

Kodak, 6

Kodak Cinelabs, 8, 117118

Koppelman-Brown, Walker, 333

Krauss, Alison, 298, 311, 313, 314

Kubrick, Stanley, 143



Lang, Fritz, 31

laptops, running Final Cut Pro on, 179

Law, Jude. See also Inman

and ADR sessions, 241

and Cold Mountain story structure, 44

concerns about hat worn by, 161

and death scene, 316

and preview screenings, 20, 323

as replacement for Tom Cruise, 78

“Law of Two-and-a-Half,” Murch’s, 288289, 295

Lee, Spike, 329

Leone, Sergio, 34

Levinson, Mark, 241243

lighting techniques, 13

Linklater, Richard, 329

lip-syncing, 241

Littenberg, Susan, 84, 86

“little people” tool, 155156


as alternative to Hollywood, 187, 295

CinemaSports’ Film-in-a-Day event, 332333

Diorama in, 291

Murch’s home in, 190

National Film Theatre, 223, 236, 245

sound mixing facilities in, 237

London Symphony Orchestra, 225, 311

loop groups, 238, 242

looping, 206, 241242

Los Angeles

Film School, 323

Final Cut Pro User Group, 323

preview screening of Cold Mountain, 322

Lowe, Dennis, 231

Lucas, George

and computer-controlled editing, 53

early approach to filmmaking, 26

multiple filmmaking roles performed by, 331

Murch on working with, 324

Murch’s early work with, 26, 33, 48

and USC graduate film school, 26, 48, 328

and Zoetrope Studios, 26

Lucasfilm, 26, 53, 86


Mac OS X. See OS X

Macintosh, 54, 61

MacRae, Elizabeth, 41

Macromedia, 54

mail rooms, studio, 48

Malkin, Barry, 51

Mancini, Henry, 272

Maya, 250

Mayer, Louis, 310

McGrane, Claire, 303

Meaney, Brian, 8485, 105106, 196, 274

media management, 90, 160161, 164

Mehrabyan, Edvin, 66, 100

Mephistopheles’ cinematic black back, 332

MetaFlow, 184, 185, 234

MGM, 167, 168

Milius, John, 328

Minghella, Anthony

and ADR supervisors, 242

on British cinema, 295

and British Film Institute, 189

editing routine for Cold Mountain, 197

FCP workstation of, 189190

on filming Cold Mountain battle scenes, 148

and “final cut” prerogative, 301

and Final Cut Pro, 78, 95

on finishing a film, 320, 322

general approach to filmmaking, 55, 124

and Mirage Enterprises, 189

Murch’s ritual gift to, 135136

Murch’s script notes to, 4546, 114

and music for Cold Mountain, 225, 298

physical appearance of, 21

and preview screenings, 7, 16, 21, 216

relationship with Murch, 118119

on revolution in cinema, vi

screening first assembly of Cold Mountain by, 192193, 196

and soccer, 315, 318

and sound mixing, 292

and stress of completing Cold Mountain, 303

and “tang” effect, 124128

theory of cinematic relativity, 262

and U.K. moviemaking community, 187

working environment created by, 158

on working with Murch, 199200

Mirage Enterprises, 21, 167168, 189

Miramax Films. See also Weinstein, Harvey

and Apple, 117, 132

and Cold Mountain budget, 132133

and Cold Mountain marketing campaign, 309310

and Cold Mountain preview screenings, 9, 236

New York City home of, 247

notes on Cold Mountain prior to final mix, 270272

mixers. See sound mixers

mixing boards, 238239

mixing sound. See sound mixing

Monroe, Ada. See Ada Monroe

Monsters, Inc., 86

Month of August, 74

.moov, 161

Motion Picture Sound, Association of, 279

motion pictures. See also films

complexity of soundtracks for, 238

effective sound design for, 288289

going overtime on, 180

impact of TV on, 327

marketing of, 309310

running-time considerations, 214215

sound effects for, 226, 238, 239

trial prints of, 303

visual effects for, 230231

Moviolas, 4952, 171

Murch, Aggie, 26, 28, 88

Murch, Beatrice, 26, 28, 231

Murch, Walter (film editor)

and “5.1” sound format, 60

and “30 percent factor,” 146, 165, 215, 261

and actors on set, 32

on aiming for “B,” 204

on Apple’s role in Cold Mountain, 333334

on art/technique of film editing, 254

and Avid editing system, 54, 61, 275276

and “blink” theory, 207208

book on film editing, ix, 53, 74, 207, 208209

on cinematic experience, 329

and Cold Mountain. See Cold Mountain

and computer-controlled editing, 5356

and The Conversation, 3443, 51

on cutting for words/thoughts, 279

on deadlines, 272

“Dense Clarity—Clear Density” article, 288

and documentaries, 325

early career of, 26, 33, 4849, 60

edit-on-the-fly technique, 157, 159, 206207, 324

on editing endurance, 275

editing routine for Cold Mountain, 197

editing tools used by, 140143, 155156, 165

education of, 26

on effective sound design, 288289

email correspondence of, xi

exercise routine of, 33, 173

family of, 26, 28, 232

fascination with new technology, 134135

FCP workstation of, 153

and film directors, 45, 120, 324

on filmmaking in digital era, 31, 335

and Final Cut Pro. See Final Cut Pro

on finishing a film, 320, 321

first film edited by, 33

on focus groups, 269

on future of digital editing, 325

on future of filmmaking, 328333

and George Cukor, 48

and grouping of editing activities/scenes, 174175

home, boyhood, 5, 1011

home, current, 2526, 29, 190

journal kept by, xi, 4

and KEM flatbed editing machine, 5152

and LAFCPUG, 323

on lighting techniques, 13

and Macintosh, 55, 61

on maintaining objectivity during film editing, 1213, 32

Minghella on working with, 199200

and Moviolas, 49, 50, 52

and music for Cold Mountain, 226, 298

and N-VIS-O splicing system, 89, 10

note-taking system used by, 175178

and “parade syndrome,” 30, 279, 322, 328

physical appearance of, 4

on preview screenings, 16, 1820

on producers, 223

relationship with Minghella, 118119

on removing/transposing scenes, 13

ritual gift to Minghella, 135136

and Robert Grahamjones, 91

and “rule of six,” 208209

and Sean Cullen, 56, 60. See also Cullen, Sean

and sound mixing, 240, 287289, 292293, 297298

on taking break between filming and editing, 192

on taking editing notes, 168169

and “The Memo,” 45

on theater audiences, 1820, 322

and USC graduate film school, 26, 48, 327328

and use of hard drives in preview screenings, 8

on using FCP for next project, 334

“vacuum tube theory” of power/coherence, 1820

on ways to keep film on schedule, 194195

work schedule of, 173

Murch, Walter (film editor’s father), 5, 6

Murch, Walter Slater (film editor’s son), 4, 26, 28, 61, 332333

Murch Bin, 143


adjusting volume for, 239

blending with effects/dialogue, 238

for Cold Mountain, 225226, 228, 298, 310311

as “embodied” sound, 288

and film deadlines, 272

music editors, 310311

“My Ain True Love,” 311, 313, 320

My Time with Antonioni, 329


N-VIS-O splicing system, 89, 10, 11, 256

National Film Theatre, 223, 236, 245

Neeson, Liam, 29

negative cutting, 65, 66, 70, 253

negative key codes, 7071

Never Cry Wolf, 26

New Jersey screening, Cold Mountain, 256, 259260, 277

non-destructive editing, 52, 143

non-linear editing, 52, 72, 98, 143, 325


O Brother, Where Art Thou?, 21, 299

Old Chapel Studio, 189, 203

OMF export, 102103, 185, 196

OMF Tool Kit, 103

Ondaatje, Michael, 30

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 2629

OS X, 105, 106, 184185

Out of Africa, 21

Oxygen Media, 77


Paper, Shawn, 74

paper cutouts, 155156

parade syndrome, 30, 279, 322, 328

Paramount, 34, 327

Parrish, Robert, 271

Peachpit Press, x

personal computers, 53

Petersburg, Battle of, 44, 124, 210, 211, 296

Peterson, Gene, 327328

photo boards, 140143

photography, director of, 302

piano scene, 226228

picture boards, 140143

Pixar, 26, 8687

Player, The, 21

Pollack, Sydney, 21, 22, 167, 189, 222

porch scene, 279

Portman, Natalie, 241, 263. See also Sara

Powell, Dirk, 298

Premiere, Adobe, 54

premixes, 239, 241, 290

Prescription Bottle, Murch’s, 135136

press screenings, 7

Prestwood-Smith, Michael, 239

“Pretty Bird,” 296

preview screenings

dealing with notes from, 249

film editor’s nervousness during, 16

fixing problems during, 10

preparing for, 89

projectionists for, 910

protocol regarding, 249

purpose of, 7, 12, 1516

security during, 23

simulating film experience for, 7

soundtrack for, 8

survey questionnaires for, 20

use of hard drives for, 8

preview screenings (Cold Mountain)

London/National Film Theatre, 236, 245

Los Angeles, 322

New Jersey, 610, 2023, 236

New York/Miramax, 247249, 256

San Francisco Bay Area, 322323

Primrose Hill, 190

print codes, 71

print masters, 306, 307, 320

Pro Tools

and FCP workflow, 159, 221, 224, 233

and OMF export, 102103, 184, 196

and portable systems, 243

and sound mix, 238, 241, 313

vs. Avid, 92, 110

producers, xi, 21, 22, 222223

projectionists, 9, 10

Pumpkin, 21


QuickTime files, 162163, 164, 250

Quiet American, The, 21


rabbit scene, 215216, 296, 300

RAID drives, 88, 129

Rain People, The, 26, 33

re-recording mixers, 33

Redstone, Sumner, 6

release dates, 30

release prints, 9, 253, 331

rendering time, 86, 90

RenderMan software, 86, 250

Return to Oz, 16, 32, 250

reverberation, 239, 285

River Gorge Cafe, 11, 12

Robbins, Matthew, 26, 48, 328

Rodriguez, Robert, 331

Romania, 21, 116, 117, 131

Rome, 32

Ronstadt, Linda, 54

rooster scene, 260

Rorke, 184

Ross, Debbie, 246, 295

Rota, Nino, 272, 273


arrival at Black Cove Farm, 209, 210, 220, 223

audience reactions to, 210, 270

and Christmas party scene, 304

and hairdo scene, 217

Renée Zellweger’s performance as, 169

and rooster scene, 260

“rule of six,” 208209

rushes, 30


Sacred Harp Singers, 298

Saeed, Zed, 77, 7879, 245

SAN, 106, 114, 150, 184, 250

San Francisco Bay Area, 2529

Santos, Henry, 66, 67, 100

Sara, 126, 263267, 304

Saul Zaentz Film Center, 78, 91, 9598, 104, 241

Sausalito, 26, 88

Saxton, Michael, 303

scale, film vs. TV, 155156

“Scarlet Tide,” 296, 320

Scary Movie, 259

scene cards, 140143, 175


cutting, 13, 169, 182, 198, 214217, 261

flipping polarity of, 268

grouping, 174175

soundscapes for, 288

transitions between, 239, 286

transposing, 13

Schalit, Larry, 103, 108

Schoonmaker, Thelma, 51

score. See music

screenings. See preview screenings


changing relationship with book/film, 267

diminishing value of, 140

Minghella’s approach to, 124

time/space shifts in, 213

script notes, 4546, 114, 141

script timing, 44, 140, 164

scrubbing, 208

Seale, John, 148, 158, 199, 272, 302303

selects roll, 150

Serda, Tim, 67, 100

Serrurier, Iwan, 50

Shake, 250

shared area network. See SAN

Sheen, Martin, 261

Shires, Walt, 100

shooting ratio, 71, 143

Simeone, Frank, x

Skywalker Sound, 26

Sliding Doors, 21

“Snowflake” filmmaking, 332333

Soderbergh, Steve, 84, 329

soft effects, 194

sound conversion problems, 128, 133134, 159, 184, 221

sound design, 288289

sound editors, 33, 194, 226, 234

sound effects, 226, 238, 239, 289

sound mixers, 285286, 289

sound mixing, 237244

for Cold Mountain, 237244, 287296

combining with film editing, 240, 287, 292293

complementing story with, 238

components of, 238239

cost considerations, 286

London facilities for, 237

Murch’s awards for, 240

planning for, 240

role of film director in, 285287, 292293

timing of, 286287

sound system, 4


defining character of, 238

improvements in, 31

mixing sounds for, 238. See also sound mixing

and Murch’s “Law of Two-and-a Half,” 288289, 295

for preview screenings, 8

and release prints, 9

SR encoded, 9

storage of, 8

synchronizing with picture, 8, 13, 159, 285

speakers, 4

special effects, 230231. See also visual effects

speech, as “encoded” sound, 288

Spielberg, Steven, vi, 140, 329

splicing film, 89, 10, 11, 256

split tracks, 239

Stanley, Ralph, 296, 298, 299

Star Trek, 101

Star Wars, 26, 31

Steenbeck, Wilhelm, 51

Steenbeck editing machines, 51, 171

Stein, Will, 150153, 155, 274

Sting, 311, 314, 320

storytelling, 330

streamer tracks, 241242

studio system paradigm, 328

stuttering images, 157, 256

subframes, 92

subtitles, 316

surround sound, 61, 239, 286

synchronizing picture/sound, 8, 13, 159, 234, 285

System 10. See OS X


talent agencies, 48

Talented Mr. Ripley, The, 21, 32, 54, 275

“tang” effect, 124128, 174, 215, 263, 266

“Tarry With Me,” 296

Taylor, John, 100

Teague, Captain, 213214, 215216, 268

television networks, 327

test screenings. See preview screenings

theater audiences

directing attention of, 295

drawing into film, 262

how Murch views, 1820

maintaining respect for, 262

Murch on reaching, 322

soliciting comments from, 268270

tailoring films to specific, 331332

Three Days of the Condor, 21

THX-1138, 26, 33, 289

time/space transitions, 211213

timecode, 100101, 294

tintype photographs, 134135

Titan, 234

titles/credits, Cold Mountain, 246, 295, 316

titling functions, Final Cut Pro, 316

toilet scene (in The Conversation), 42

Tootsie, 21

Touch of Evil, ix, 31, 54, 297

Toy Story, 86

transitions, 211213, 239, 286

trial prints, 303

Tribeca Film Center, 247

trim bin, 144

trims, 50, 143144

“Two-and-a-Half,” Murch’s Law of, 288289, 295


Unbearable Lightness of Being, 12, 314

United Artists, 21, 167168

United Kingdom, moviemaking community in, 187

USC graduate film school, 26, 48, 327328


“vacuum tube theory” of power/coherence, 1820, 279

Vaines, Colin, 270, 280, 312, 320

Veasey, Reverend, 210, 213, 267

Viacom, 6

Vietnam War, 328

violence, 262263

Virtual PC, 134

visual effects, 230231, 250, 254

von Trier, Lars, 329


Wang, Wayne, 329

Warner, Jack, 327

Warner Brothers, 34, 327

Way We Were, The, 21

Weinstein, Bob, 263, 270, 309

Weinstein, Harvey. See also Miramax Films

and Cold Mountain “final cut,” 301

and Cold Mountain final sound mix, 291292, 312

and Cold Mountain marketing campaign, 309310

and Cold Mountain preview screenings, 260, 277

and last-minute cuts to films, 215

and Miramax Films, 23

and origins of Cold Mountain project, 168

other Minghella/Murch projects with, 222

Welles, Orson, ix, 31, 54

Wenders, Wim, 329

Wexler, Haskell, 49

white noise, 288

William Morris, 48

Williams, Cindy, 38

Winstone, Ray, 213

Woodstock, 51

workprints, 78


XML plug-in, 224225, 229230, 233, 235, 244245


Yared, Gabriel, 225, 298, 311

Yeager, Chuck, 8

Yerxa, Ron, 21, 22, 167, 228


Zaentz, Saul, 2627, 9597, 168. See also Saul Zaentz Film Center

Zellweger, Renée

arrival at Black Cove Farm, 209, 210, 220, 223

audience reactions to, 210, 270

and Christmas party scene, 304

and hairdo scene, 217

Renée Zellweger’s performance as, 169

and rooster scene, 260

Zinneman, Fred, 32, 34

zoetrope, 29

Zoetrope Studios, 26, 34

Zukor, Adolf, 327

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