

  1. Action
    1. avoiding excuses
    2. being proactive
    3. first steps of “doing”
    4. opportunity and
    5. overcoming fear of change
    6. patience and
    7. for results
    8. risk taking for
    9. Seven Life Tools to Get You Through Difficult Times for (See also Seven Life Tools to Get You Through Difficult Times)
  2. Adjust Your Perception (Tool 1)
  3. Altruism
  4. American Review of Public Administration
  5. Angelou, Maya
  6. Anger, detaching from
  7. Apple
  8. Assessment
    1. of current career
    2. for determining career interest
    3. standing out and
    4. of strengths


  1. Barriers
    1. external
    2. internal
    3. overcoming
    4. overview
  2. Behavior, motivation and
  3. Best Job Ever
    1. defining
    2. expectations for
    3. secret of
    4. See also Action; Boredom; Career change; Career Plan; Compensation; Current Job; Fear of change; “Rich”; Seven Tools to Get You Through Difficult Times; Try-before-you-buy scenario
  4. Big “Why?,” The (Career Plan Step 5)
  5. Boredom
    1. causes of
    2. changing careers/jobs and
    3. finding meaning outside work environment
    4. making change and
    5. new experiences for overcoming
    6. promotion or department change in response to
    7. realistic expectations and
    8. symptoms of
  6. Bosses, dissatisfaction with
  7. Bray, CK
  8. British Psychology Society
  9. Budgeting, for career change


  1. Career, boredom with. See Boredom
  2. Career change
    1. for Best Job Ever
    2. identifying reasons for
    3. initiating
    4. job search research for
    5. making choice and taking action for
    6. overcoming boredom
    7. overcoming confusion about
    8. personal assessment for
    9. power of change
    10. progressing toward
    11. within same company
    12. seeking information about
    13. See also Action; Boredom; Career Plan; Compensation; Current job; Fear of change; “Rich”; Seven Life Tools to Get You Through Difficult Times; Try-before-you-buy scenario
  3. Career Development Program (Prudential)
  4. Career fear. See Fear of change
  5. Career Plan
    1. The Big “Why?” (step 5)
    2. Discover Your Strengths (step 2)
    3. goal setting for
    4. Identify Both Personal and Professional Barriers to Your Success (step 7)
    5. One-, Three-, and Five-Year Plan (step 4)
    6. The Power of Work (step 8)
    7. Return on Investment (step 9)
    8. What Is Your Job? (step 1)
    9. What Makes You Awesome at Work? (step 3)
    10. Your Community (step 6)
  6. Challenge, seeking
  7. Choice, for career change
  8. Choose to Act and Not Be Acted Upon (Tool 6)
  9. Chronicle of Philanthropy
  10. Comfort zone, as barrier
  11. Company employment, planning for
  12. Comparison, avoiding
  13. Compensation
    1. accountability and planning
    2. changing careers for
    3. feeling rich and
    4. financial escape plan and
    5. overview
    6. planning and
    7. savings and career change
  14. Consulting
  15. Contacts, making. See Networking
  16. Contingency plans
    1. adjusting perception
    2. avoiding comparison
    3. avoiding self-pity
    4. being proactive
    5. controlling emotion
    6. focusing on controllable issues
    7. handling pressure with grace
    8. preparing for difficulty
  17. Control Your Emotions (Tool 2)
  18. Costco
  19. Co-workers, frustration with
  20. Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
  21. Current job
    1. advantages of working while seeking employment
    2. best aspects of
    3. changing aspects of
    4. job responsibilities of
    5. negotiable aspects of
    6. try-before-you-buy scenario
    7. worst aspects of


  1. Department change, boredom and
  2. “Despite”
  3. DiSC (personality test)
  4. Discover Your Strengths (Career Plan Step 2)
  5. Dissatisfaction, with job. See Job satisfaction
  6. Don't Allow Self-Pity (Tool 5)
  7. Don't Compare (Tool 4)
  8. Doubt, as barrier
  10. Dream job
    1. defining
    2. expectations for
    3. secret of


  1. Emotion
    1. controlling
    2. detaching from
    3. feelings about being rich
  2. Excellence
    1. feedback about
    2. importance of
    3. mastering skills for
    4. overview
    5. promoting
  3. Excuses
    1. reasons for
    2. results and problems of
    3. types of
  4. Expectations
    1. as barrier
    2. career boredom and
  5. External barriers
    1. identifying and listing
    2. overcoming
    3. types of
    4. See also Barriers
  6. External influence, career change due to


  1. Failure, trying and
  2. Fear of change
    1. identifying fear
    2. making excuses and
    3. overcoming fear
    4. overview
    5. reaction to
    6. symptoms of
    7. taking action in spite of fear
    8. understanding fear
  3. Feedback
    1. to assess strengths
    2. excellence and
  4. Fight-or-flight response
  5. Financial issues. See Compensation
  6. Flexibility, changing careers and
  8. “Fly-by”
  9. Focus
    1. Focus on What You Can Control (Tool 3)
    2. lack of
    3. need for


  1. Gallup
  2. Goal setting
    1. assessing current career for
    2. career strategy and
    3. defining Best Ever career for
    4. one-, three-, and five-year plans
    5. overview
  3. Goodson, Woody
  4. Grace, under pressure


  1. “Hackathons”
  2. Have Grace Under Pressure (Tool 7)
  3. Helplessness, feelings of
  4. “High-spider-fearfuls”
  5. Hobby, career versus
  6. Holmes, Thomas


  1. Identify Both Personal and Professional Barriers to Your Success (Career Plan Step 7)
  2. “I don't know what to do” problem, of career development. See Career change
  3. Information gathering, for career change
  4. Internal barriers
    1. identifying and listing
    2. overcoming
    3. overview
    4. types of
    5. See also Barriers
  5. Internal politics
  6. Introductions. See also Networking
  7. iTunes (Apple)


  1. Job responsibilities
    1. of current job
    2. planning for
  2. Jobs, Steve
  3. Job satisfaction
    1. advantages of working while seeking employment
    2. assessing current job and
    3. boss (managers) and
    4. co-workers and
    5. creating success by working
    6. enjoying work versus job
    7. feeling overworked or undervalued
    8. internal politics and
    9. overview
    10. prioritizing Career Plan for
    11. salary and
  4. Job skills. See Skills
  5. Joyce, Amy


  1. Langley, Samuel Pierpont
  2. Lottery, fantasies about


  1. Management jobs, planning for
  2. Managers, dissatisfaction with
  3. Market segment, perfect job for
  4. Mastery-induced passion
  5. MBTI (personality test)
  6. Meaning, finding
  7. Moonlighting
  8. Motivation
    1. self-handicapping and making excuses
    2. understanding


  1. Networking
    1. benefits of
    2. discussing career options with friends and contacts
    3. expanding network
    4. fear of
    5. to learn about new career
    6. to overcome career boredom
    7. overview
    8. tips for


  1. O'Brien, William F.
  2. Odeo
  3. Olympic Games (1996, Atlanta)
  4. One-, Three-, and Five-Year Plan (Career Plan Step 4)
  5. Opiyo, Benard Didacus
  6. Organizational culture, career boredom and
  7. Overworked, feeling


  1. Part-time work
  2. Passion
    1. changing aspects of current job
    2. enticement of follow-your-passion jobs
    3. identifying best aspects of current job
    4. identifying negotiable aspects of current job
    5. identifying worst aspects of current job
    6. obstacles to follow-your-passion jobs
    7. overview
  3. Pay scale, dissatisfaction with
  4. Perception
  5. Performance reviews, analyzing
  6. Personality testing
  7. Philanthropy
  8. Pie-in-the-sky thinking, about goals
  9. Planning
    1. compensation and
    2. determining role and
    3. for difficulty (See Seven Life Tools to Get You Through Difficult Times)
    4. managing employees versus working individually
    5. overview
    6. for self-employment versus company employment
    7. for training and education
  10. Politics, in workplace
  11. Power of Work, The (Career Plan Step 8)
  12. Preparation, for advancing career
  13. Prioritization, being rich and. See also “Rich”
  14. Promotion, seeking
  15. Prudential


  1. Rahe, Richard
  2. Rath, Tom
  3. Rescue fantasy
  4. Return on Investment (Career Plan Step 9)
  5. “Rich”
    1. defining
    2. feelings about
    3. money and (See also Compensation)
    4. overview
    5. time and
    6. values and
  6. “Right” time, waiting for
  7. Risk, taking
  8. Ross, Laurian
  9. Ross, Percy


  1. Salary, dissatisfaction with
  2. Sam's Club
  3. Self-employment, planning for
  4. Self-handicapping, with excuses
  5. Self-marketing
  6. Self-pity, avoiding
  7. Seven Life Tools to Get You Through Difficult Times
    1. Adjust Your Perception
    2. Choose to Act and Not Be Acted Upon
    3. Control Your Emotions
    4. Don't Allow Self-Pity
    5. Don't Compare
    6. Focus on What You Can Control
    7. Have Grace Under Pressure
    8. overview
    9. taking action with
  8. Shyness, overcoming
  9. Skills
    1. assessment of
    2. mastering
    3. planning for
    4. transferability of
  11. Social media, for networking
  12. State of the Global Workplace (Gallup)
  13. Stimulation, seeking
  14. Strength Finders 2.0
  15. Strengths
    1. building
    2. comparing job responsibilities and
    3. defined
    4. identifying
    5. overview
  16. Strengths Test 2.0
  17. Strug, Kerri
  18. Stuck, feeling
  19. Success, sharing
  20. Supervising roles, planning for


  1. “Thanks a Million” (Ross)
  2. Time, being rich and
  3. “Toxic” work environment
  4. Training
    1. planning for
    2. taking classes in new career area
  5. Try-before-you-buy scenario
    1. changing careers for wrong reasons
    2. defined
    3. overview
    4. prospective careers and jobs
    5. seeking information about new career
  6. Twitter


  1. Undervalued, feeling
  2. University of West Florida
  3. Uradi (Kenya) Girls High School


  1. Values. See also “Rich”
  2. Vocation vacation
  3. Vodanovich, Stephen


  1. Washington Post
  2. Wealth. See “Rich”
  3. “What Do I Value and What Matters the Most to Me? (list). See also “Rich”
  4. What Is Your Job? (Career Plan Step 1)
  5. What Makes You Awesome at Work? (Career Plan Step 3)
  6. Work, job versus. See also Job satisfaction
  7. Wright, Orville
  8. Wright, Wilbur


  1. Your Community (Career Plan Step 6)
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