
The Joy is in the Journey, Not the Destination

Writing this book was one of the most difficult yet most exciting things I have done in my professional life. Sharing the stories of my clients' careers–and of their incredible courage–has taken me down a very happy memory lane. I cannot thank enough, the individuals and companies I have worked with over the years. This book is a celebration of your collective career and life successes.

I owe an extraordinary debt to those who helped bring this book to life. I could not have done it alone and we all know it!

Thanks to my wife, Gale. I could not have done this without your support, your love, your “you can do this,” and your courage. You are able to see me, my abilities, and my potential far beyond reality. Please don't ever see me as I really am! Thanks for giving me the quiet time to work, for reading chapters over and over again in the middle of the night so I could meet deadlines, and for never wavering when I needed a strong foundation to keep me standing.

Thank you to my children: Chloe (20), Olivia (18), Elle (14), Ava (11), Eve (6), and Crew (2). Chloe, your example of doing hard things and your weekly letters inspired me to write a book to inspire others. Olivia, the incredible music you played in the evenings sparked my creative mind. Thank you also for all your editing, suggestions, and help in creating each chapter. Elle, you always knew when I needed a good hug and a smiling face. Ava, your laughter helped when I felt like doing anything but laughing. Eve, thanks for your shining smile and going to bed on time so I could work. And last but not least, thanks to my only other man in the house–Crew. At two years old you caused mayhem and tried to distract me daily, but your infectious personality, smile, and laugh sure made it fun.

I have an incredible team. Thank you, Emily Socha, for keeping my business going even when I have run out of steam. You are invaluable to me and I am grateful for you everyday. And thank you, Jenn Stott, for being a miraculous graphic designer and making me famous for my slide decks, booklets, and everything else I need turned into “something cool.” (Those are always my two-word instructions to Jenn.)

I have to thank my good friends who cheered me along the way. Brian and Julie Morgan, in the beginning, were more excited and took more interest in the book than even me. They also supplied me with an endless amount of soda to “keep me going.” Thank you also to the following: Dave Wilkinson, who I have known since I was 13 and who still continues to talk to me at least three times a week; Justin Fuller, who is one of the smartest men around and the best “life and career” coach I know; Matt Christensen, a family-favorite dinner guest and the type of guy everyone should have as a friend who, when he decides to write his own book, will find it far more successful than mine; and David Burkus., who has already walked this path and provides invaluable insight and help as I begin this journey. You have all been so kind to help.

Thanks to my literary agent, Giles Anderson, who stayed so calm during the selling process when I was anything but! You helped get this book off the ground and I am very grateful.

I'm also grateful for my great team at Wiley. Richard Narramore, thanks for taking a chance on an unknown author. You have been fantastic to work with. Peter Knox and Tiffany Colon, thank you for bringing this book to life.

And thanks to YOU! Thank you for trusting me with your career I hope this book makes all the difference in your career and in your life.

Dr. C.K. Bray

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