
accelerator tool 239

access 1278, 132, 165

achievement 38, 100, 134, 169, 178

active contributors 117

active users, estimation of 51

activities, types of 1589

Adobe Analytics 50

advertising costs 12, 21

advocacy 20

Airline Pilots Central 9

Al Jazeera 80

altruism 169

anonymous domain registrars 218

AOL 202

Apple xiv, 9, 28, 176

arbiter of truth 215

The Art of Gathering (Parker) 71, 268

asking questions

art of 143

rules for 1437

starting discussions and 143, 146

Atkin, Douglas 269


analysis 23940

data 50

engaging 2

existing/external 104

power of 967

target 2931, 243

two-factor 218

Autodesk Advocates 9

automation emails 151

Aweber 47

Backpacking Light 9

BackYard Chickens 9

Bacon, Jono 122, 268

bad actors

preventing 81

tackling 823

types 81

bad publicity 21011, 227


creating 100, 194

types of 1934

as visual images 168, 1925

banners 656

behavioural questions 33

belonging communities 78

benchmarks 219

Best Buy xvi, 116

Bevy 47, 55

‘big bang’ launch 95

‘big win’ content 155

Block, Peter 269

blogs/articles 151

brand, value statement for 2456

breakdowns/analysis, of situations 153

broader changes, in sector 240

budgeting, resources and 2535

Build Your Community xvii

Building Brand Communities (Vogl and Jones) 268

Building Successful Online Communities (Kraut and Resnick) 269

business, roadmap for 1819

Buzzing Communities 152, 269

ByteDance 209

Cage, Nicolas 81

calls to action 65

case studies 1523

challenges/mission 131, 132, 168, 184


forms 1745

preventing 1767

children, protecting in online environments 209

Cision City 9

Citrix 55

click-through data 50

closed/specific questions 145

CMX 213, 268

Codeacademy 166

CoinTalk 9

collective action problems 6

collusion 175

preventing 1767

Communications Decency Act 214


analysis 2367

approach, making unique 23

awkward truth about 116

belonging 78

benefiting organisations 1112

building xiii–xv

changes within/outside 224

concept, creating 2427

costs 255

creating 125

designing 647

engagement skills 142

engaging 237

experience, creating/designing 4163, 61

exploration 5

fantastic response 14950

finding 2678

functions and features of 67

goals 10, 123

guiding principles 2435

identifying goals for 1116

influence 56

joining 2201

launch 1013, 1078

leaders 85, 1402, 148

managing 118, 200

mega- 88

mid-sized 88

missing category 89

mutual support 45

online 3, 24, 112, 116, 144, 215, 258

options 242

platforms 428, 557

prioritising goals 1617

promoting 222, 251

reasons for participating in 112

relevance 2837

roadmap 1719

size of 116

skilled builders, needs xv–xvi

small 878

structure 62

successful 89

team structure 256

thrive 11820

turning goals into behaviours 1924

types of 48

value statement for brand/members 2457

visible impact of 1216

vision 243

visiting 221, 237

website 42see also specific entries

community strategy

appendices 262

building 23363

creating community concept 2427

defining problem/opportunity 23642

executive summary 236

intermediate plan
(918 months) 257

long-term plan (1836 months) 257

measurement 25860

mitigating risk factors 2602

near-term plan (39 months) 2557

one-page overview of 247

short-term plan (0–3 months) 24755

structure 23562

technology requirements 258

Community: The Structure of Belonging (Block) 269

competitions 169, 208, 226

conferences 159

confidential information, leaks of 213, 227

conflicts, between members 213, 227

connection 1301, 132, 149

Constant Contact 47


‘big win’ 155

copyright 206, 226

creation 142, 1505

event 103

illegal/illicit 2067, 226

measuring 156

restricting 1556

soliciting and curating 1556

tools for creating 151

traditional/community 1534

types of 1523

contest 208

contracts, negotiating and signing 579, 203

contribution, first 10910

‘conversation starter’ badge 192, 193

conversion ratios 220

COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) 209

copyright content 206, 226

Crazy Egg 50, 221

critical mass 934

The Culting of Brands (Atkin) 269


attracting new 11

complaints 21112, 227

loyalty 11

needs, learning about 11

customer(s) (continued)

satisfaction 11, 20

support 11, 20, 103, 118, 148, 248

Cvent 9

daily vs. long-term relevance 312


privacy 2046, 226

surveys and 153

types of 50

Debenhams 52, 116

demographics questions 33

Difficult Conversations (Patton, Stone, and Heen) 268

digests 151, 1578

disappointed members 21213

Discourse 46, 55


starting 142, 143, 146

using multiple types of 1445

documentation 3, 5, 62, 134, 151

donations 21

Donut 47

‘downvote’ option 175

doxing 214

Drupal 55

dumb robot, programming 53

Duolingo 166

EA Games 117

effort badges 193


emails, automation 151

employees, and superusers 2024, 229


declining 2235

metrics 260

skills 142

enterprise platforms 457, 55

escalation, scale of 856

Eventbrite 47, 55


and activities 1589

content, sharing 103

hosting and facilitating 142

exclusivity 2930

execution failure

and benchmarks 21826

to gaining traction 2203, 228

losing internal support 2256, 228

to sustain engagement 2235, 228

executive summary 236

exploration communities 5, 7

exponential problem 182

Facebook xiv, 9, 28, 42, 434, 47, 48, 55, 80, 168, 207, 217, 218, 219

failure 201

execution 21826

to gaining traction 2203, 228

losing internal support 2256, 228

to sustain engagement 2235, 228

technology 228

Fair Labor Standards Act 203

false information, spreading
21415, 227

‘fast launch’ approach 956, 101

The Fenty Beauty community 28

Ferriss, Tim 21617

FeverBee 14, 140, 141, 197, 219, 221, 232, 269

FINOs (founders in name only) 99

Fitbit 9, 42, 62, 166

formalising processes, for joining community 133

founding members 98101

v4chan 75

free speech 77

friendliness 149

FTC (Federal Trade
Commission) 209

full-time community leader 140

fundraising 21

game dynamics 167

selecting 178

types of 16870

game mechanics 167

selecting 178

tools for 1678

gamification 45

cheating and 1747

community and video games 184

holy grail of 1856

meaning of 167

practice of 1667

problems with 1727

system development 17796

target audience for 177

undermining motivation 1734

GDPR laws, on data privacy and security 2046

Geotab 1034, 128, 144

gifting 168

Github 9


of community 10

identifying, for community 1116

prioritising 1617

turning into behaviours 1924

Godin, Seth xiv

Google xiv

Analytics 50

Authenticator 218

Forms 33

GoToWebinar 47, 55

guiding principles 601, 2435

Harley-Davidson 6

harm 188, 199, 22930

harassment 213, 227, 228

hate speech 77

Heen, Sheila 268

hidden badges 194

Higher Logic 46, 55

Hivebrite 44, 55

homepage 645

hosting 44

HP 42

Huffington Post 202

hypothetical questions 145

ideation 45, 103, 206, 226 268

illegal activity, sharing of 77

illegal/illicit content, sharing 2067, 226

implementation partners

finding 59

roles of 5961

The Indispensable Community 260, 268

influence 56, 8, 12930, 132, 165

inSided 46, 55

Instagram 218

intermediate strategic plan (918 months) 257

intermediates 36, 239

internal analysis 2389

internal support, losing 2256, 228


conducting, to identify use cases 378

with VIP 153

Jones, Carrie Melissa 268

Joomla 55

judgement calls 74, 7883

Kaggle 9

Khan Academy 166

Khoros 42, 46, 55, 168

Kim, Amy Jo 166

knowledge 45, 149, 151

Kraut, Rob 269

Launch Forth 9

launch phase 1013, 108

leaderboards 102, 168

leader’s toolkit 142

leads, generating and identifying 20

legal risks 2012, 226

Lego Ideas 9

levels 1814

mistakes to avoid 182

as rankings 167

Lin, Jeffrey 901

LinkedIn 43, 55, 77, 217, 218

live webinars 159

The Logic of Collective Action (Olson) 6

long-term strategic plan (1836 months) 257

lottery 208

loyalty schemes 50

Lucidchart 256 104

Mailchimp 47, 55

mailing lists 50

Matomo 50

Mayo Clinic 140, 141, 147

measurement framework 25860

Medium 47

Meetup 47, 55

mega-communities 88


conflicts between 213

connection between 130

creating private group 252

disappointed 21213

engaging with 142

first contribution 10910

founding 98101

keeping engaged 13961

listing the value to 243

making feel great 1478

reaching critical mass 94104

rewarding 16397

risk to 201, 21315, 227

value statement for 2467

membership fees 12

membership projection, making 49, 502, 258

mental health, decline in 216, 228

mentoring groups 159

Microsoft 55, 202, 209

Microsoft Teams 9, 55

mid-sized communities 88

Mighty Networks 44, 55

minors, taking steps to protecting 209, 226

missions 168, 184

mitigation plans,
developing 22930

Mixpanel 50


cost 879

elements to 734

types of 89

moderators 80, 84

mood-related problems 823

motivation, undermining 1734

Mouseflow 50

mutual support communities 45

navigation 62

NDAs 203

near-term strategic plan (39 months) 2557

newcomers 35, 181, 239

badges and 194

creating journey for 251

helping 11011

problem with inviting 111

role 187, 190

newsletters 667, 151, 157

Ning 55

non-profit roadmap 1718

non-technical rewards 189

offline gatherings 159

Olson, Geoffrey Mancur, Jr. 6

online communities 3, 24, 112, 116, 144, 215, 258

open questions 145

open source platforms 445, 55


audience analysis 23940

community analysis 2367

defining 23642

internal analysis 2389

summary SWOT analysis 2402


benefited from communities 1112

community building for xvi–xvii

example of value statement 246

listing the value to 243

The Overflow newsletter 157

overposting 1745

page and newsletter templates 667

paid social ads 1045

Parker, Priya 71, 268

partner programme 59

Patton, Bruce 268

People Powered (Bacon) 122, 268

permissions 167, 18692

causing harm 1889

technical 189


abuse, preventing 217

attacks 78

reputation 172

roadmap 1718

personalisation 149

personality problems 82

PEST analysis 240

platforms 42

building 423

enterprise 457, 55

open source 445, 55

shortlist 557

using free tools 478

white-label 434, 55

podcasts 151


earning for specific behaviours 167

system 17980

post-launch phase 1034, 108

power ups 1845

pre-launch phase 97101, 107

privacy/data 2046, 21718, 226

private group, creating 252

proactive enforcement and shaping behaviour 8991

proactivity 5


collective action 6

defining 23642

with gamification 1727

mood-related 823

overcoming 199231

personality 82

with removing false information 215

resolving 84

problem(s) (continued)

situation-related 83

writing statement 237

product ideas 20

productivity 21 75

promotional opportunities 50

promotional plan, creating 1056

psychographic questions 34

public goods 6

Qualtrics 33

questions, types of 334, 145 see also asking questions

Quick Base 14

quiz 159

realism 216

recognition/status 128, 132

recruitment 12, 21, 133, 257

windows 126

Reddit 43, 47, 55, 168, 210

Reddit Science 90

registration form errors 109

reputation 165, 201

risk 21013, 227

types of 172

request for proposal (RFP), developing 567

Resnick, Paul 269

resolution 14950


and budgeting 2535

check 2389

to enforcing rules 79

identifying 2503

on superuser programme 131

and templates 153

return on investment (ROI) 10, 12

reviews 151


and cheating 176

deciding 1956

earning 170

full set of 189, 192

as incentive 164, 169

minimising effort to get 60

receiving 203

and reputation 172

superusers 12631

types of 1656


analysis, developing 22631

assigning person for mitigating risks 2301

estimating the danger 2289

execution failure 21826

factors 199

failure 201, 228

identifying 2268

legal 2012, 226

to members 201, 21315, 227

mitigating 2602

mitigation plans, developing 22930

reputation 201, 21013, 227

to staff 201, 21518, 228

types of 2001, 2268

roles/permissions 18692


bad actors 813

enforcing 734, 801

establishing 73

exceptions 834

judgement calls 74, 7883

setting 7192

types of 74

unique social norms 746

universal 74, 768

Salesforce 9, 46, 51, 55, 168, 179



identifying 346

listing 356

selecting first 36

self-care 216

self-expression 129, 169

self-hosting 445

self-promoters 81

self-promotion 77

self-promotional spam 5

Sephora xvi, 9, 42, 58, 723, 113, 128, 185, 242

Sharepoint 55

short-term strategic plan
(0–3 months) 24755

budgeting 2535

resources 2505

strategic plan 2478

tactics, selecting 24950

situation-related problems 83


developing 268

engagement 142

Slack 4, 42, 47, 51, 55, 94, 97, 101,
192, 219

small communities 878 221


ads 1045

density 61

norms 746

social media

location information 218

and other communities 98

privacy setting 218

rise in video and 240

tools 44, 47, 52, 55

two-factor authentication 218

Sonos 9

spammers 81

speed 149

Spotify 9, 42

sprint/hackathon 158

SSO (single sign-on) 109

Stack Exchange 47, 55

Stack Overflow 43, 72, 157

staff, risk to 201, 21518, 228

stakeholders 1215, 17, 68,
2256, 238

Star Trek fan sites 9

Starbucks 166

static copy 151

status 169

badges 193

and recognition 128, 132

Stone, Douglas 268

strategic plan

0–3 months (short-term) 24755

39 months (near-term) 2557

918 months (intermediate) 257

1836 months (long-term) 257

see also community strategy

strategic principles, examples of 244

subreddit 74

superuser programmes 1201

breakdown of different phases of 1356

criteria for 125

definition 120

formalising processes 133

formation stage 1323

fully developed programme 1345

growing 1325

requiring resources 131

stages 1325

starting 12131


access 1278

behaviours 123

challenge 131

connection 1301

and employees 2024, 229

group of 4, 177

influence 12930

need of 1234

nurturing, in community 11537

recruiting 126

rewarding 12631

and risk 226

status and recognition 128

support communities 45, 7

Supreme Community 6, 9

SurveyGizmo 33

SurveyMonkey 33, 35


and data 153

setting up and running 334

SWAT team 214

swatting 21314

sweepstake 208

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis 2402

tactics, selecting 24950

tangible goods 165

target audience 2931, 38, 177, 178, 195, 243, 250

taxonomy, creating 623


reputation 172

structure 256

technical permissions 189


failures 228

requirements 258

Telegram 55

Telligent 46, 55

Temenos Kony Community 66


page and newsletter 667

and resources 153

10x content see ‘big win’ content

terms and conditions, copying 209

Tettra 47

traditional/community content

training, receiving 203

Tribe 44, 55

The Tribunal 90

trolling 82

trophies 168

Truth Initiative 205

Twitch 55

Twitter 47, 218

two-factor authentication 218

Typeform 33

Tyson, Mike 200

unique social norms 74

creating 746

universal points 185

universal rules 74

establishing 768

use cases

conducting interviews to identify 379

turning into technology requirements 525

value statement

for brand 2456

for members 2467

Vanilla 46, 55

veterans 36, 181, 239

video/photo galleries 151

virtual goods 168

Vogl, Charles 268

volunteers, firing 203

web traffic 50, 51

website 42

welcome threads 111

WeWork 210

WhatsApp 4, 9, 42, 47, 55, 94, 97, 101, 192, 219

white-label platforms 434, 55

Wikipedia 6, 215

Wu, Michael 170

Yammer 55

YourMembership 55

YouTube 209

Zapier 47

Zoom 47, 55

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