
We now have a solution to allow party members to earn experience, gain levels with enough experience gained, and earn abilities through hitting specific levels. We have also fixed the combat system to allow party members and enemies to do damage based on their stats, as well as allow party members to use abilities in battle. Additionally, you now have the ability to save and load player progress throughout the game. Using the framework covered in this chapter, every party member can level up, and you can easily add more abilities to various party members, use them in battle, and players can save their game at any time and then come back to continue from where they left off.

At this juncture, you have successfully completed a working framework for a turn-based RPG. You have core gameplay working with the ability to allow a party of characters to explore a world in isometric 3D. You can battle enemies with new-found abilities and equipment and interact with NPCs by conversing with them and buying items and equipment with gold you earned from defeating enemies. And just like most other RPGs, you can level up through gaining experience, as well as save game status so players can come back to continue their games at a later date.

Your quest is not over yet though! Now that you know the basics, venture off to add more content to your game, like additional enemies, party members, NPCs and equipment. Through this process, create levels of your own using the framework and content you have created for yourself through following this book.

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